* -Zj. VOL. X H alsey enterprise H A L S E Y , L IN N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y , FEB. 9, 1<>22 NO. 23 TRAPPERS FIND GOLD elation to whom the trappers are known and who are fam ilia r w ith the ancient tragedy. Jots and Tittles I thing but has been High School Notes tested for five vears at O. A. C., T. , . . , was among the apparatus shown Ihe ball games of at work the *,“'*8on were played here last Reticent About Discoveries Made ul . . . . Saturday night, Feb 4, with the Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally p K. x- in Kootenay District. N . Blackburn is erecting a Scio high school teams and is re- wirelees elation to communicate ported elsewhere, and in Halsey Particularly with stations in nearby towns. | The junior and senior debating Woman Claims William of Wied Bring in Fine Specimens «f Ore Show­ Mrs. Charles W hitlatch and lit. teams^gave their respective del ates ing Visible Coarse Gold Obtained The proposition ‘‘Resolved, That the W . A. Gilkey farm there was Owes Her 5,000,000 Francs. te b 7. at the ciiy hall. The tie »on ol Portland are visiting a demonstration of preparation ot From Carbonate Float— May the Plumb pian for owning and <>p- proposition in the first debate was: Mra. W hi latch's lather tirant Be Lost Vein. e >tiug the railroail system of the slock for exhibition by the clui ‘‘The exposition to he held in Mrs. Roberta Menges Corwin H ill United States should be enacted boys and girls that was a revela­ Ta v lor. Portland in 1925 should he financed Tesrle, Formerly of Brooklyn, A ke D E Nebergall led the Portland Nelson. Can.— T w o trappers nrrtv- tion to the visitors. into law " was debated at Browns­ I ng from a district adjacent to Koo­ market Monday morning by pay­ by taxation,’’ Sanior (affiirinative) the State Department to Help ville Friday night by a Browns­ The Halsey Athletic club beat ing the highest puce ol the season team, Grate Kirk and A lta Have . tenay lake— they w ill not he more H e r Collect— H a t No I. O. U. ville high school team in the atfirm. Coinpany C team of Eug ne Junior (negative) team, Louise specific— have brought in a fine sample ative and a team from the Leba­ Wednesday night at the Krum (or a choice lot of beef cattle from Robnett and W illis Kirk of ore showing visible coarse gold ob­ New York. — Lending money Io •'astern Oregon. The meat is be- non high in the negative. Leba­ warehouse, 33 to 13. 1 he negative won hy unanimous tained .from a carbonate float. They kings— e “privilege” which doesn't full i g sold at the First-street market, non won. Prof. English, princi­ state the snow fell too early fo r them vote of the judges, R-v C S. Cook, to the lot of everyone— is an expert — Yesterday’s Albany Democrat. Thomas Logan, aged 15, was ac­ pal of the Halsey high, and Rev. to locate the vein from which the flout Mrs. D. 8. McWilliams and C. P ence which Mrs. Roberta Menges Cor­ cidentally knocked down in a bas­ 0. J , Cook of the Halsey M«th- Tired of waiting for a commu­ Stafford. came, but consider it could easily be win H ill Tearle, form erly o f B ro o ily r ulist church were the judges. A ketball game at Shedd Wednesd n nity building, Brownsville athlete» traced, as there is very little overbur­ but lately of Parts, declares Is excltln* Second debate, ‘ ‘Oregon’s pres, den In the locality. T h e advent of eturn debate will be at Lebanon and in falling broke a leg. but not altogether profitable. are preparing to install a gymna­ eiit system of licensing motor ve­ these trappers w ith a bully specimen She arrived recently from Paris bent between betreen a Lebanon team Brownsville’s fair last year wsi- sium and shower baths over the hicles is desirable.” Junior ( if- beyond suspicion of any '‘doctoring," upon visiting the State department t< «i the affirmative and a Browne­ such a success that she will prob­ South Brownsville garage. firmative) team, Kenneth Cross has fired old-timers w ith enthusiasm. see w hat the Washington official) ll le team in the negative. The ably try it again. Senior, Karl Stanard has written an ar­ and Wayne Robertson. Some o f them predict a minor stam­ could do to aid her In collecting 5,000. judges went over in Frank K irk ’s Douald and Linden Bramwel ticle on ‘ ‘Cougars’’ which will ap (negative) team, Glenn Frutu and pede when the snow melts. 000 francs which she claims to hnv< axt operated by Clareuce McKern, are the proud possessors of a new pear, with illustrations, in St- Alberta Koontz. As in the olden times, the clew to advanced Prince W illiam of Wled, wh< I r . K irk not having recovered Overland [wagon ] Negative won by a vote of 2 to 1. Nicholas. the find Is carefully guarded, but It occupied the throne o f Albania fot m m his cold sufficiently to be wil­ According to the point system the is known to be w ith in fifty miles of seven months before the outbreak o’ J. C. Harrison has been ap­ Mr. and Mrs, W F. Price and junior debating team proved to be ing to risk the trip. Nelson, and near the lake— which n ar­ the w ar forced him to flee. pointed administrator of the es­ •on Beryl went to Jefferson Satur­ rows the field of speculation, guessers Mrs, Menges, who was known to the better of the two faking the The Linn county court limit' tate of his deceased wife. day for a week-end visit. are busy. “the Pearl of Sheepshead Kay” befoi-i decisions of the judges on both de- true« loads on county roads t • O ld-tim e prospectors believe It must The co'd weather has played she eloped In 1902 w ith Young Hals« Mrs. Ica Crawford of Browns- bates, four votes were cast for the 1500 pounds be the vein discovered by two pros­ Corwin, a Brooklyn millionaire, smash with the broccoli crop on ville spent the week end in Port juniors and two for the seniors. Last Thursday the representa­ the Santiam bottom lands aboui I « nd. pectors many years ago round Kus- accompanied by her slater. Miss Ruth The juniors and seuiors are res of oleven northwestern states Leba non. kanook way, whose very names other Menges, and her cousin, Cnpt. J. B T< much elated over their rings and Mra. Fred Applegate of Yon- than sobriquets are forgotten hut it Jackson, upon whom she relies to sub who are touring Oregon were show i pins, which they recived recently. is recalled that they took $12,1)00 out al la and Mrs C. H, Koppe of stantlute her claim agHlnst Princt There were a hundred farmers it the S. B Holt dairy farm, tie r A meeting of the cooking club W illiam . of th e ir claim In two months, and “dhl icio, a herd not one of which fell at Riverside Fridy to witness the Kugeu«i arrived Saturday to v is it was held a t the home ol Mrs. It In” riotously. One o f them was Captain Jackson explained that M rs >e|0w 300 pounds of butter-fat p o- and-dearing de-nonstra tion on at Dr. Marks’ horns and at Mrs J W. Moore fuesdav afternoon. killed in a gamblers’ quarrel at Kus- Menges was introduced to the king of The Zys Halsey Christian Church a son to her (vv. 18, 17), Through there, amt a ir that sort of thing,* and two years. The report, however, la State Boy Scout Executive M«- Miss Mary McNeil of Lake Inquiry of Gehazl It was discovered >A aio »1» in Halaey yesterday in he thought J had millions to hum . unimpeachable, and is Indorsed by Creek gave a birthday parly last that this woman was childless. So church Announcements “H e [iromlsed to pay It all In prominent members o f the British Co­ the interest of the organisation Saturday when tbe guests had a the prophet made known to her that lumbia Prospectors’ Protective asso- year,” Captain Jackson added. “He Methodist: In about a year from that tim e she Mrs Ida May Cumming«, who splendid time. nlso promised to make Mrs. Menges Sunday School, 10. should experience the Joy o f a mother conducts a real estate business in the unofficial ambassador o f Albania Preaching, 11. A daughter of Mr. and Mr«. I I I . The Coming of Sorrow to the Albany but who was a Halsey at Paris, and said he would help her Junior League, 3, Chris Egle has been on the sick Shunamm ite’a Home (vv. 18-21). enlist the aid o f continental police in girl, thus replies to the i snal list the past week. Interm ediate League, 6:30 The child which brought Joy to finding Jewels she lost In America.'' ” I've Epworth League, 6:30. her home was suddenly taken away. query: "How’s business:” W e H ave Ralph McNeil and W ill M ’ Laren “H a v e you a receipt from Prince made two »ale» thia week. M ra . Preaching, 7:30. H ow many homes are like tills I Scares- W illiam ?” 'Mrs. Menges was asked. E V E R Y T H IN G A Greenwood sold her home on epent Sunday afternoon with Fred ly do we begin to enjoy life until Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. “You can’t ask a king fo r an L O. Heinrich. O ptical death enters and snatches away some Pine -treet to Mr». L. Marlih and U .; you know that," she replied. Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor, Stringtown turned Out well at loved one. The cause of his death was Mr- Kiggins »old hi« house anil E Y E S T R A IN probably sunstroke, for the heat ot four I >ts on the Santiam road to the slump demonstration near A l­ Christian: Is the Cause of M any the sun at harvest tim e lu tills country O. Newman. Elephant’s Reflective Powers. bany Saturday. Mr. Nichol, Ed H U M A N IL L S 10. Blhle school, Is very intense. When the boy com­ John Burroughs says that while an Chandler, John M«’N mi I, Charlie I f your eyes g ive you trouble or Mr» J. W. Ham lin of Medford Gibson, Floyd Nichols and Mr. 11, SHrmon, "C h rist’s Picture of plained of his head, the fath er sent elephant may not think, he nt least ____your glasses are annoying him home to his mother. By noon went home Saturday after a coup’e reflects. He cites to prove this the His Church.” AHeu attended. S E E US. We can Relieve You the child «lied und the mother laid of week« visiting at the home of fact that the elephant covers himself Christian Endeavor, 6:30. M r M a rtiu o , Eugene was a him upon the bed o f the man of with mud to keep Insects from biting, Bancroft Optical Co. her »on, Ray W right, at Browns­ Preaching, 7:30 J l3 1st St. W. Albany. Phone und uses branches like a fan to brush S trin g to w n v is ito r S a tu rd a y . The hook ‘ ‘Training for Personal God. F aith prompted her to do thia. ville. fllea away from him. She did not make preparation for Evangelism” is l>eing studied in burial, but for restoration to life Mr«, J. W . Danley, who has >oth the Bible school and Chris, (H eh. 11:35). Dies at a Ripe Age boeu taking electric treatment for ian Endeavor. As many as png- IV . The Mother Goee te E lltha neuritis from Dr. McAllister at Mrs Virginia A. Crawford waa ible are urged to take this work (vv. 22-28). Eugene, is pronounced cured, born Mar ‘21, 1845, in Vairgfnia When one Is in trouble or sorrow and died in Halsey yesterday, the best place to go is to the man ot A woman intereafed in the »«'• She was united in m iriiage io A Pine Grove Church: God who Is able to give counsel and of toilet preparaliona visited H al. S unday School, 10. Seven comfort. Happy is the one who In tlie «py the other day and gave the J Livick, Dec. 23, 1869 Preaching. 11, by Bro, E g g ly - children weie born, 3 biys and 1 days of prosperity and sunshine hag schoolgirls an invitation to visit girl dying early in life. Prayer-m eet I tig, 7. Mr. L i­ so related him self to God and His her at her room and witness a vick died f)ec. 26, 188«. In No­ Bible Study, Wednesday, 7 prophets that he can have help and demonstration of the use of her vember, 1891, she married Janies sympathy in time of trouble. a lot of girls, mos'ly Crawford at Deweese, Neh. 1. She took hold of Elisha's feet wares. Sunday School Lesson She (v . 27). This was the eastern way o f quite young, visited her and went has resided in Halsey eleven years. By R E V . p. B F IT Z W A T E R , D. P .. enforcing a petition. She passed by •o their lioniea painted and be­ T each er o f E n g lish B ible In th e Moody She leaves three daughters to Gehazi. She would not be content with dizened till they resembled the B ible In stitu te o f C hicano.) mourn her departure, Miss Fleets the servant when the master could Ite outcast women of the disreputable C opyrigh t, 1122. W estern N ew sp a p er U b 1'» b . Liv.ck of Halsey, Mr" H R. Sea- readied. quarters ol a large city. It is not brooke of Erie, Pa., and Mrs 2. She chided the prophet (v. 28). ' LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 12 “Did 1 desire a son?" This Implies likely that the agent’s experiment Myrta Moore of Astoria. was a financial success and it Since 1860, when she whs 15. that it would have been better uot to -urely was not a success of a ny E L IS H A A N D T H E S H U N A M M IT : have had a child than to have lost Mrs. C rawfnrd had been a f«i«hfui other kind. WOMAN him so soon. Don’t yon think member of the M. E church. V. The Child Restored (vv. 29-37). The funeral was today at 2 at the Byron Taylor waa here fr« m ’ L E SSO N T E X T —I l K in g s 4:8-Z7. it would be best 1. Gehuzis fruitless errand (vv. 29- Albany Saturday. G O L D E N T E X T - V e r ily , v e rily , I u ) M E. church, Rev. C. T. Cook unto you, th e hour Is com in g, and now la, 3 1 ). He hurried away and placed the to try to find all ■ fficiating. Interm ent at Pine when th e deyd sh a ll h ear th e voice of the prophet's slaff upon Die child’s face, Mrs. E. C. M iller visited A l­ Grove. Sun o f Und. and th ey th a t hear •h a ll these things, hut It did not revive. Perhaps the bany Saturday. t h e .- J o h n 6 26. ASKS EX-KING TO PAY t ¡®1 How do You Select a Corset? it style, appearance, comfort or long wear that influences your choice ? an ‘' more- *n SS one corset ? | | Bon Ton Corsets §¿5 embody every S r feature mentioned,with L J the further S r advantage of suprem e style and m oderate price. fiS Special Hill Ked Can Coffee, pound cans, 10c a pound i M. V. Koontz Co. REFERENCE M A T E K I A L -J o h n U: I-4S PR IM A R Y T O P I C — E llah a B ring« a to y lo I.lfe. J U N IO R TOPIC—H ow E llah a B rou ght a B oy to L lfo IN i R E M E D IA T E A N D 8 E N IO R TOPIC —E llaha H e ,p in g In a H om e. Y O UNG P E O P L E A N D A D U L T TOPIC —Our M in istry of C om fort an d Help. 1. The Jhunammite'« H ospitality to Elisha (vv. 8-11). 1. It» occasion (v. 8 ). A wealthy woman o l Hhunein, observing that Elisha passed contlnnully hy her house In his Journeys, was moved with com­ passion toward him. She determined according to her ab ility to supply fils need». 2. It» nature (vv. 8-11). "8he constrained him to eat bread” (vv. 8,- 9 ). A» a result o f her earnest en­ treaty. as often as he passed by her house he turned In to eat bread. She received a prophet I d the name o f a prophet. IL E h ih a Endeavors to Repay Her fau lt lay Io Gehazi— his lack of faith. The woman seemed to perceive Ills la c k ; she would not trust him. She would not go until Elisha was w ill­ ing to go along. T ills fruitless errand of Gehazi shows the worthlessness of the forms of religion when used by those who have no faith In them. 2. Elisha's efficient service (vv. 82- 3 7 ). H e went to the house where the dead child was. (1 ) lie prayed (v. 33) H e knew that no one but God could help, so he closed the door, shutting ail others out. O ur service to men should be preceded by prayer. (2 ) H e stretched himself upon the child (v. 34). H e brought bis warm body Into touch w ith the cold body o f the child. God blesses and saves through the warm touch of those who are In touch w ith H im . A fte r we pray we should get into actual touch with those dead In trespasses and sin. God’s method of saving the world is through the m inistry of saved men sod women. The estate of J. J, Gross, who died recently of heart disease in Brownsville, is valued at 1122,500. Harold B ¡neon of Dever, brother of the farmer who is serving time for robbing the Jefferson hank, old hi» prwMBiona the other day fid disappeared, leaving his wife 150 and a i.ota saying he had gone 'o Canada, The Rector Find« an Aid The rector was on tils way to «-Imrch when tie niel the gamekeeper “A lt,* •aid the re n o r. “how Is It. my friem i. that I never gee you at rburvliP* 'W e ll,” said the gamekeeper, "you ee. sir I don't wan’ to make your congregation «mailer." “ W hat do you mean?’' the rector »aid sharply. “ W ell, «mi see. air,” the keeper «aid, " If I non- to church some of the other« would go poaehtug I”— Ixindon Moro-