PAG E 6 H A USE V E X T EK P R 1SK « KAZAN FEB.?, 1922 games of the seasoo. The Enter, prte« has a good reporter engag. d to take them in. 99 W. H. Robertson has a large fam ily, and bis father with a broken hip lives with him, and his house near the Baptist church is small. Mre. M A. Kum p’e bouse oo railroad street is large and her family includes ooly herself and her daughter. The two families have decided to even thing» up by swapping homes and both will This includes the new February records move some time this month, they expect. You w ill want some of these : The catalog of Murpby’a »eed now on sale. store of Albaoy, advertised in last week’s Enterprise, was printed by 1S841 < Mississippi Cradle___________ .....................................................Frown , , d shl „ M .M.aaipp. Cradle e Meet Meet Again ......... an Albany printing house and is a 75c 1 When When Shall Shall W We Again t ?__ . . . __ . . . . . . ....... ................ *• • handsome job. A Portland seed 18837 j Georgia Rote________________ __________ .............. Sterling Trio house, which advises Oregonian»: 75c (T o m o rro w Land________________________ - . - .-V .. ’* “ to buy seeds from an Oregon house, j 18845 I Stealing (F o r T r o t ) _____________________ sends out a catalog bearing the im- j ------- Joseph C. Smith print of a Chicago prinlery. If 75c I I Want M y M a iu m y _____ . ____________ you »end money to Murphy ’s »lore for seeds, plant», bulbs or trees, it ie likely to flow out into the home " S ’ ( 8 « ? f f i S . ' a 2 ? ; “ ~ r ::::::::::::::::: " i - country again. Buy at home from those who buy at home. reduced to T h e d r a m a o f a b ig d o g ’s p a r t in a lo v e ta le o f th e w ild . The Greatest James Oliver Curwood story ever told F e a t u r in g J a n e N o v a k, K a z a n , t h e w o r ld ’s w o n ­ d e r d o g — w it h a ll th e w ild b e a s ts o f t h e b a c k w o o d s in it, to o . RIALTO FRIDAY subscription, the paper to be sent Mrs. G. W. Laubner went to A I. to Detroit. baoy Tuesday. Dave Wolga molt passed thru C. H. Koontz and daughter Halaay Monday, going to Albany Alberts were Salem visitor« Ja«i Mr» Hazel Moyer ol Browns­ week. ville called on M r* Wheeler Mon Frank Kirk was confined to hi, day. bed several days last week with a severe cold. R. A. Joeling and wife from Mr. and Mr». J. 8 . McMahan Shedd were reported in Portland by Monday’» Oregonian, on their went to Corvallis Monday, return, in g T u e sd a y , honeymoon. Wendell Wolgamot and wife Mi»» Hazel Gulliford, having graduated from the Halsey high have moved back to Brownsville «-hoot, leave*' today for the home from Ihe Dalles. of her parent« in Chehalis Mis, Anna Drinkard of Harris­ burg w„H u,e gue8t of her aleier The fun-ral of Mr«. Pan»y Mor- ri», who«» death ia reported io the Mrs D. Taylor, last week. Mr». Philo Starr was an Albany visitor Saturday. Mayberry & McKinney returned Saturday from Douglas county, where they had been on a stock buying trip. Woodworth DrugCo. abSOT six I n d i a from the ground. The perfectly ellm, straight skirt la being rapidly replaced by the one of circular cut. In most Instances the ripples appear at the aides only, the hack and fro n t hanging In straight lines. Hem lines are Irregular. The effect >f an uneven hem Is not obtained through panels aa frequently as It was last season. The wide floating panel Is passing. It has served Its purpose— that of producing an uneven appearance at the bottom o t the skirt. own -ra are likely to contribute to Miss Sophia Heinrich left Mrs Albert Jone«, formerly Lila the fund to he used in paying for Wolgamot, went home to Cott,ge Wednesday for Albany, where she •heep killed by oa nines. I Glove Monday evening, after a has employment. Mr. and Mr». Clevenger and The Methodists will begin re. visit in Brownsville. Rov. M 8 vival meetings Feb 19. The serv­ Woodworth brought her to Halgey daughter and Mr. and Mrs. John- ton of Albany spent Sunday with ices of Rev E. B Parrott ami wife io take the train. of St, Paul. Minn., have been oh. Mrs D. F Dean left today for Mr. and Mrs. Albertson. tained. These good people have Bindon for a few weeks visit with Lawrence Eagv and wife spent been in evangelistic work lor some her son, Ray Dean, and family. Sunday with the Eagygof Oakville. time and ci me highly recoin Grand Prairie grange has start­ Fred Schick spent Sunday with mended. Mre. Parrot has charge of the snug service. Let the whole ed the ball rolling in Linn county Albert Heinrich. communit ■ take an interest and all for the recill of the state public Mrs. Chandler and «on and join In one big effort to win pejple service commission. daughter motored to Albany on to Christ Cor Little Billy, grandson of Mra f business Saturday. J Corcoran, »offered «aveielv all list week with croup, and M -. Lorcorsn began this week with -uch a o, Id she Oould not speak aliovy a whisper Ray Gansell, Albert Heinrich and K red Schick arn£C A II tnu w rw w fpr «porr, H m li 5 ,W Barnum ’ dentist, at FridayI i * MT eTer* Tue8dtt* and model» designed for travel southward Georgette la »till shown and has many Shackleton, the explorer, died of effective treatments. The waning 5 » “ 6 d M e # ,e *" th e , , l t a r c t »c status of thia silk may be gauged to some extent, by the declaration of some blouse authorities that It la Britain announce» an intention "dead.” This la an exaggeration, how­ ever. aa It la well thought of and well lm Makl Egyp‘ “ ful,y '»depend­ used by many manufacturers. ent, »„bject to Great Britain be- NEWLACESHAWLS in d PMfamouut foreign power and the safeguarding of British cana?UnIC,tl° ° " throug,‘ the Suez 8now orushed In the roof of ihe Knickerbocker theater at Wash- Silk for Summer. ington Saturday evening, killing over a hundred people and in j . ’ ea*. ?1 h#n\ lli?UKh thfl h0U9e Foundation Ie Brueeele-Net and Some ■■« than half full became deep times a Net W ith Fine Thread «now had »topped street car eerv- Models From Paris to Replace but Cearas Mesh. That lace shawls In exquisite color- Ih ? f .‘ .*P€.c'“G8t in determining Ing are likely to replace the now popu he fe.aibihtj, and probab|fl lar silk ones for summer wear seems Kab è h ^ g hWet ' and8 Geor«e W - evident from models brought over Kable he» beeu transferred from from Pari». The foundation for these ahawls la Brussels net. and sometimes ignoultural »gent of Benton cou». a net with a fine thread but coarse V on recommendation of the 0 A H e W ll‘ e n - mesh that reminds one of veiling« I d a . t n lre '.‘ ’ ,On ’ ® T Ce Thia iy black w ith color Introduced s . t X • ” «• h8,p in the through embroidery. « “ •factory form to farmer» , n b tnging their over-watered land» One model la a large square, em brolderad with « wide border of p«ig into profitable production. ley design and coloring. The o ft 1« • 'lack, while the warm blues, yellows, The Chriatian Eudeavorer« of md especially rose of the silks, are 2 K r ” " h i n g g re a t p la ° H ,o r repeated In the allk fringe about tlx ,» fo |32 1 3 p E R IOO PfT Iroe». • z l . l . . a^_ . • . _ Glenn E Walker, son of Ihe Lawrence Eagy and family spent nr»t white man born west of the the fust of the week with Eat a I Rocky mount».ns. died at Alham Bass and wifs. ol heart disease Monday, aged 31 Frock of Blaek Canton Crepe W ith Low W aletllne and Full Sleeves I he g-nersl store and dwelling Caught at the Cuffs. of J«me, Rowland at Crabtree were burned Sunday morning The unevenness atm | , there |g The Boy»’ Boo«t»r data of the Loss between $10,000 and 4l5.0tX) obtained by the cut o f the bottom of M E. Sunday school entertained Long Bodices Slightly Blousing; the skirt. M r*. English substituted a» thsir teacher, B. M. Bond, and h,« Narrow bands o f silk or cloth have Pagoda Sleeves. wife, Rev. C. f. Cook and wife T e a c h e r la s t week for MteaBray replaced panels, and usually hang longer than the skirt, it |a qu:te and M'». Monihinweg’a class wl"> was »t home in Albany i|l the thing to have-these bands of a Tue»,|»» evening at the home of MisaBrav is on the job «gain this Silhouette Remain« Practically Un- contrasting m a te rlil and color from D S. McWiliisms A very hippy week. changed in M id.W inter Shewlnge which the drew« Is.made. tune was manifest. Contesting Del.w Wesley, f.tber of Artbo. by French Dreeemakere. games were the entertainment LIKE WHITE CREPE DE CHINE Mre McWilliams and Mrs. C. II W -« l» y r e tu rn ed from Californis The silhouette remain» practically la»' w eek and is at his son's home Ko mtz served refreshment* Ad- unchanged in the m id-winter showings Fabric Chele. for W inter Oresse. Coo- dltkmsl guests were C, H K o o n tz siifferi..g from a »ever» c o ld and of clothes by the French d ressm .ke^ threatened with pneumonia. tmues Around Thle Color— D. B. McWilliams end Claude write» a Parle fashion correspondent O eorgetle s till Shown. Look. I The regular meeting of the mis. The waistline la very low— long bodices ».misty .,H-ie,v of the M K. church •I» »lightly blousing. Skirts flare to >srd the bottom and aleevea are long w ill be held next Friday at 2 p m ’ hs abort Sleeve being the exception at the homeof Mrs. J C. Stsndi.b “ chine, with ....................- 4e white the — favorite ~ col ' • >r r 8 leaves are of the pagoda type or I he lesaoo will b s i n c h a r g e of employed. There la a little flesh to of two-toned narrow ribbon. A sparkling Rt.mulani, F ull of W it and Mrs. H. D Mitanerand Mra. 8 J they may he caught in at the w ris t b* teen, hut In small percentage Humor Free copy w ill he sent up >n Smith. All ladies are cordially in- m ere are a few tight Auing aleevea. Rlsqne h a. . little better showing but recslpl of your name w ilh a