Halsey Meets Defeat F D R U G S __ That satisfied feeling that comes of getting what one wanted is always yours when you pat­ ronize this drugstore. Orders taken for the new Zane Gray book, “ To the Last Man.” Ringo’s Drug Store nnuM •FARiViEKS^;jr„X BANDIT TRAIL E L I ' . 2 1V22 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E , i i ' * " f 'he total fund which, PAGE 5 in this case, amounts to feiOC.G.'S Til's IlW t lla « University of Illinois Students to Run stipulation will Increase the amount received by four of the smaller states, Arrangement at Electrical En­ I. «s., Delaware, New Hampshire, Rhode articles no loiigergneeUed, or succeeded gineering Show. Island and Vermont. j by better ones, which somebody would (Continued from page I) ' like to obtain. An advertisement th? Change In Use of State Allotments Urbana, III.— A wireless typewriter, sire ot this, eosuui 25c, might find a A. H Patrick went to Albany There la considerable change, how­ designed and rigged up by students In buyer and covert what is i 1 fc Saturday. electrical engineering at the Univer­ ever. in the mauner in which a state Cart. Frank Canton Once More may use its allotment. Each state now only trash into good V 2 > . d l . sity of Illinois, will be one of the fea­ S. S. Sticha has been appointed Active in Tracing Cattle tures of the university's electrical en­ must select a connected road system postmaster at Scio, not exceeding 7 per cent of Its road gineering show to be held following Thieves in Southwest. mileage for improvement with federal the spring vacation. A second attempt is being made Electrical engineers w ill pound the aid. This system w ill he divided into to organize the Ku Klux at Albauy. keys of a special typewriter and the two classes, one of which will be known White Leghorns Delbert Ray, a wai veteran from results will appear In the electrical en­ as interstate highways and the other Tancred and Hollywood strains, Crabtree, committed suicide iu as Intercounty highways. The inter­ gineering laboratory, half a tulle dis­ $12.50 per 100. Hatching eggs, $6.00 state highways must not exceed three tant. per 100. W illiams White Leghorn harm. Portland last week. Halsey, Ore. The scheme Includes a regular wire­ sevenths of the system selected ; on Law Enforcer of E a rlie r Day Built Phone, 3»3 Broccoli growers of Linn county Reputation Which Strikes Fear in less equipment set which operates a se them not more tliuu (SO per cent of the will meet at Lebanon Saturday to state's allotment can be spent w ith­ H e a rt of Bad Men of the ries of relays which automatically FOR SALE promote the industry. out the joint approval of the secretary Range. make the contact for the maguel» of agriculture and the state highway J. W . Rector's daughter, M rs. which drive the keys. The magnets, department. The Intercounty high­ Hurley Wallace of Portland, ar­ Oklahoma City, Okla.—Capt. Frank by means of the relays, are arranged ways, which consist of the remainder Canton, terror of huudits, outlaws and rived Saturday for a visit. so that only the desired key functions of the system selected, will receive thieves has "hit the trull’’ ugaln after at the time set for functioning. the remainder of the state's allotment. a few years of virtual retirement here. The Brownsville council has re- Except in states where more than 5 He is after cattle thieves exclusively adopted the tire district ordinance, CARL SEEFELD CHECK DOGS; IGNORE BABES per cent of the area Is unappropriated uow and Is making It wurm for meu presumably to eliminate Raws. public land, the amount of federal aid engaged in that business. The Osage Miss Helen Armstrong came Barlin Theaters Provide Accommoda­ received on any project must not ex­ hills called him a few weeks ago and ceed 50 per cent of the estimated coat he's now out among the rich ludlans tions for Patrons’ Pets But Not borne from school at Eugene Fri- In states where more than 5 per cent getting evidence to convict inen of for Children. lay to stay over the week end. of the area is unappropriated public stealing cows. LAWYER AND NOTARY Mrs. Alice Jones of Salem went Berlin.—Pet dogs have become so land the 50 per cent allotment Is In­ “This work Isn’t like that of the old lome Friday, after a visit at the popular among the feminine popula­ creased by an amount equal to on«»- ■ days,” Captain Canton says, ”1 don B row nsvili . k , O kkoon mine of her father, Henry Seefeld. tion of Berlin that theater managers half the percentage of unappropriated go to the hills and the sticks, the cave have been compelled to Install rooms public land in the state. Before any and the canyons and underbrush like Sweet Home corresprndents re- where the dogs may be checked. Some funds can be paid to a state, the state did as a young man. My duties are to Practical Shoe >ort the A. K. F. minstrel show patrons complain that none of the the- must appropriate money, under the assist the county attorney In prosecu Repairing. from Brownsville” « great success.’’ ters has made similar provision for direct control of the state highway de- 1 tlous after our field men and sheriffs checking babies, and think thia is an paiement, to match the federal allot- ! have rounded up the men charged with Fine The Albany W . C. T . U. has de­ mint, and for the maintenance of ; cattle stealing.” unwarranted discrimination. cided to “ hire a h a ll,” having During the Intermissions the women federal-aid highways. grown too large for meeting iu W a s H e a d o f N a tio n a l G u a rd . All highways in the Interstate system repair to the "dog room” and feed the residences. Captain Canton Is Oklahoma agent animals with bits of sandwiches which must have a surfaced width of at least 1 of the Texas-Southwestern Cattle 501 Lyon s t, Alliany, Oregon. W. C. Elmore has traded his It has become the custom for theater­ 18 feet, unless a narrower width is deemed permissible by the secretary of Raisers' association, an orgatdzatlon goers to eat between the acta. Oak street property in Brownsville agriculture. In case a federal-aid that he represented for several yea I'or Charles Nelson s ten-acre fruit before Governor Haskell appointed highway is not properly maintained by | farm north of town. him adjutant general of the Oklahoma Capes of Full Length. a state, the state will he given 90 days' s National Guard. Any number of black, full length, notice by the department; at the end! The movement to consolidate Two doors north of the hotel Very seldom are cattle stolen In fur-collared capes are being worm of that time If the highway Is not in \sh Swale and several other dis­ These are generally of one of tie good condition of maintenance the sec- | Oklahoma that belong to members of Lui prepared to do all kinds o tricts with the Brownsville high pile fabrics like duvetyn, and black retory of agriculture will maintain It the cattle raisers' association, Captain -hoe repairing. Satisfaction guar school district gains momentum. caracul is the favored pelt for the out of the state’s allotment and refuse Canton says. The association main Howe Bros, propose this season intend. tains Inspectors at the principal ship­ choker collar, though some mole has to rebuild the garage which was been used for this purpose. No one to approve any new projects until ping and selling points and cattle be­ destroyed in the big Brownsville length Is favored for these sport reimbursement Is made by the state. longing to members hear the ussochi What the new appropriation will tlon brand. An Inspector Is under no fire. It will be of concrete blocks, capes. Another was full length, slio v- mean to the country can be judged by obligation. Indeed has no authority, to Ing only about an Inch of the plaid Louis Jones of the Woodworth the use to which the >275,009,000 pre­ apprehend cattle that do not bear that skirt chosen to accompany the plain Irug store, Albany, came near viously appropriated has been put, ac­ brand or ninke inquiry of the supposed colored cape. cording to otficinls of the United States owner as to how he came in posses­ losing his life after an operation for W IL D E Y LODGE NO. 05, Department of Agriculture. I'ractlcally sion of the cattle. ippendicitis, but is improving at >200,000,000 of that money has been put Regular meeting next Saturda last. Presence Having Wholesome Effect. to work In projects which are either The presence of Frank Canton In night. David Leeper from Idaho was in entirely completed or now under con­ the cattle country, old aud stooped as Halsey last week and visited his st ruction. The exact amount was $199,- 823,427 on October 31. To match this lamesake but they could trace no amount the states have appropriated kinship. He went to Eugeue Sat­ $2(55,529.090, making a total of $405,- urday. Office 1st door south of school house 352,517. The Crowfoot Poultry club, Mileage Sufficient to Encircle Earth. Halsey, Oregon. Shedd Shorthorn club, arid the The roads to be paid for by thl- money. If placed end to end, would en­ Harris school calf club will receive Handles Town and Country Property circle the earth and extend from New certificates issued in recognition of Give him a call and see if he can h York to San Francisco on the second the 100 per ceut work done by them. you up. lap, the total mileage of the roads Mrs. W illiam Robinsou of Leb- tinder construction and completed l>e- inoii and Mrs. H . M. Robinson of Ing reported by the bureau of public ropds as 27.000 miles on October 31. ’asco came on Saturday's train Of this mill age, 9,555 miles Is in proj­ for a visit at the home of their soil ects which are entirely completed and md son-in-law, F. W , Robinson. the contractors discharged. The bal­ First-class work guarnteed The Brownsville minstrels give ance of 17,445 miles Is in projects mother performance in the Cala- KARL BRAMWELL. which are still under construction, but nooia city this evening. Popular which were (59 |>er cent complete on is the troupe was before, it has October 31. In these projects there Is therefore the equivalent of 12,000 idded attractions now. nillee of completed road, so that the Private telephone lines are in­ completed roud to date totals over 21,- Electric Haircutting, Massuging creasing the effort to cut loose 000 miles. and Shampooing. from the Bell company at Albany The average cost per mile of the f the latter does not give or the roads built with federal aid has he«-n Cleaning and Pressin Being Built Are Being Aided by the between $17,000 and >18,000. More inhlic service commission compel than half the money has been spent Financially. etter terms, for roads with the highest types of P e n n a . . 8,398.953.97 t it u l a n * . . 1,958,856 i l Otis Taylor and others connected surface, such as concrete, brick, and 385.6a '« Io w a . . . . 2.102,812.74 R . I. . . . with the Corvallis cannery have K a n s a a . . . 2,102.281.51 6. C . . . . 1,081.237.34 bituminous concrete, but a very large Ry............ 1,417,178.88 8 D . . . . 1.204.080 31 mileage of roads of the cheaper type, een looking lip the prospects for 996.980.8« T e n n . . . 1.847.802 24 L o u l. le n e such us gravel and sand-clay, has been one at Brownsvill». There ismtich M a in e ........ *96.180.26 T e n n e „ 4,426,17: (1 built where such types would withstand 849.417.21 640,629.01 U t a h . . . M d .............. Expert workmanship. Watches and fruit grown about Brownsville that 385 62...00 i the wear of the traffic. 1,096.178.0« bbm M M ass. ... mglit to he canned. clocks a specialty. 1,456.87- 47 V i r g in ia M ic h . . . . Prior to five years ago the federal 2,123.597 07 W a s h . . 1,103,700 71 j M in n ... The play, "Th e Woman God HALSBY OREGON T e r r o r o f B a n d its . 802.36: .77 I government took no active part In the 1,294.909.22 W Va. . M is e ........... Saved,” at the Rialto Friday drew 2,448.128 82 wie......... 1,894.816 88 | road construction of the country. To­ M le a o u ri he is. Is said to have a wholesome ef­ 934.817.83 day about one-half of all the roads that 1.548,886.82 Wyo. ... M o n ta n a a fair attendance and some adverse fect. He was as courageous a man are being built are being aided by criticism from people who tliot O f the appropriation of >15.000.(810 the government financially, and the thirty years ago us ever rode the 5.000,000 is made avallHlde for construction is subject to the Inspec­ and judgment »ere not excelled by tion and approval of federal engineers. now was flying. * the fiscal year ending Tune 30. 1922, any other law enforcer of the West. Work for Quarter Million Men. and >10,000,000 for the following fiscal Wyoming, where lie was sheriff, felt E. B. Marsters went to Harris- It is estimated by engineers of the All work done pr«wnptly and y e a r. his uncanny power. Montana outlaws ’’urgSaturdav. Mr. Marsters says Phone No. 269, The federal highway art In a general United States Department of Agricul­ eseapaded far away from his bailiwick. reasonably. f auto travelers continue to get way resembles the fedeml-nld art of ture that the fpderal-ald roads under To Tt-xus rangers he taught the arts mt of gasoline near his home on 1916. but contains several new features. construction on October 31 were giv­ of man-catching In the Panhandle of the Brownsville road and call fora Administration of the art by the secre­ ing employment to about 250,000 men, Texas, In New Mexico, In Colorado tary of agriculture, and under him the either directly on the actual road con­ and In northwestern Oklahoma his supply as often as thev have been ATTO RNEY AT LA W bureau of public roads, remains un­ struction or Indirectly In the produc­ name gave law violators chills. loing he may he driven to go into tion and transportation of the ma­ changed. lompetilion with the garages and terials which enter Into the construc­ 201 New First N at’l Rank Bld’g Apportionment of the fund to the out in a filling station. He adds Roland Marks wat home from O. A. states Is almost the same as in the pre­ tion. A lbany, Oregon. hat If he does he will make an C. over the week end. vious act, the fund being divided Into extra charge for night calls. three parts, one part apportioned ac­ cording to population, one according to The Santiam Fish and Game as­ area, and one part according to inllemie LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS sociation asks the state commission of rural and star mail routes. A o increase the planting nt try in HARRISBURG LEBANON new feature Is the stipulation that no Linn county streams and to set Phone .15 Phone 15 state shall receive less than one-hrlf apart refuges for fish where fishing Branches at will be prohibited. It also wants Brownsville, Phone .47C15. Halsey Phone 166, Frank Kirk, Mgr t forest reserve of about 490 sqnare Last Friday the basketball team left at 4 o’clock for Juu.tiuu C ..? where they played the J. C. H . S. team. I t was a fast and fair game, altho both Halsey teams met de­ feat. The boys played ao on usual Iv good game the first half, Kenueth Cross doing stellar work for the winning aggregation. In the las' half J. C. H 8. was the aggreseoi and obtained many long shots, thus putting tbeir score far in ad­ vance of Halsey’s. The Halsey team did not play their usual game. The final score was 88 to 20 The J. C. H 8. girls’ team and H . H. 8. girls’ team were evenh matched This also was a fas' and consistent game. The J . C, team showed much improvement over their efficiency at the last game at Halsey. At the end of ihe second half the score was 9 to 9. Five minutes were allowed to play the tie off Junction obtained a foul Final score 10 to 9 Junction City high school gave the home teams a very delightful reception which was enjoyed by all. In fact it was noticeable that some of the boys were reluctant to leave. BIG WIRELESS TYPEWRIIEH Jots and Tittles I BAB Y^C h TF TERROR OF OUTLAWS Shepherd Collie Pups Amor A. Tussi ng A. Peterson Dress Shoes a Specialty Shoe Repair Shop JEWETT the COBBLER I. 0 . 0 . F. FEDERAL HIGHWAY ACT PROVIDES WORK FOR QUARTER MILLION MEN W. J. Ribelin Dealer s in Real Estate ANITARY Barber Shop and Baths BARBER SHOP About One-Half of All Roads That Are Government ( P r .p .r W by th e U n ited S teten D ep artm en t o f A g r ic u ltu r e .) Seventy-five million dollars becomes available as federal aid for road con- structlon in the various states, the money to be spent under the super­ vision of the bureau of public roads. Department of Agriculture, under the federal highway acb signed November 9, by the President. - In addition, >15,- 000,000 is appropriated for national forest roads. The >75,000,000 repre­ sents the federal government's appro­ priation to the work of building high­ ways In the various states and must be matched, dollar for dollar, by funds from the state treasuries, except in states where more than 5 per cent of the area la unappropriated public land. Part of Money Now Available. Ttie >75,000,000 appropriated is for the fiscal year ending June 90, 1922. Here is how the money will be ap­ portioned among the 48 states: A l a ............... .31.S3.41D.87 A r t s .............. . 1.663.281 44 A r k ............... . 1.254.142 C a li f .............. 2.462,098 S3 C o lo ............. . 1,341.175.69 4&> W 78 D e l................. » 6 2 6 00 F l o r id a . . . 8H6 «i2f>.« G e o r g ia . .. 1.997.967 68 Id a h o ......... 838.888 68 J l ll p o l f . . . . 2.246.281 «1 N e b . .. . 41.681,185 H N e v . . . .. 953,436 78 366. 62¿ 00 N . H ... .. N J .. .. >42.87«. 95 . . 1.189.823.34 N. M. N T 3 694 447 97 N C . . .. 1 > » . 333 98 N D . . .. O h io . . . .. O k ie . .« . . y r .e o n .. 1,184.71« 42 2.828.00406 1.762.339 44 L 182.8*3 89 E. C . M IL L E R F. M. GRAY, Drayman. C. C . B R Y A N T W R IG H T & P O O IJ Basket Ball “A Treasure Chest” HALSEY That is whst a woman said recent'y upon opening a box of our assorted can­ at Halsey, Saturday, Feb. 4 dies. What woman doesn't regard candy as a treasure .’ I t is really more than that, too; it is an absolute necessity, supplying a food want in a manner no other article of diet can. Ours it the D o u b le H ead er best to be had. We have ice cream bricks. Polar Cake, a new confection. HIGH VS. SCIO Admission 25 and 35 cents T ry the Probably the last game of the season Stewart & Price Confectionery a NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that the under signed by an ord-i of the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, hav« been ap jminted Executor and Executri l respect ively of thr leet W ill and Testament ol Emms C. Allen, deceased. A ll person» having claims against said estate are re quirrd to present them within tis months from the date af this notice, with the proper vouchers, to the ntider signed at their place of residence in Hal sey. in Linn County, Oregon. Dated and first published this 5th day >f January, 1922 W . A. Allen, Executor I-ena Beene, Executrix. Amor A. T uning, Atty, for Exr. & Exrx. piles between the south Rantiam nd the McKenzie whete deer and elk will be exempt from slaughter. These are cr mmon-aeiiae game pro- ection proposals. Mr, and Mrs. L. Boyd have gone to Detroit, Or,, where M r Boyd will he Soutnern Pacifin agent, aa he was here. A partially disabled ight arm from telegraph operator’* paralysis made it difficult to per­ form the service re«jnlred at the busy Halsev station, hence the re- ent substitution of Mr. Cornelius here. Mr. Boyd tickled the printer man with coin for a year’s advance