HALSEV ENTERPRISE FAGB 4 FEB. 2. 1922 Britain ta lk s ol freeing Egypt by tha forest aervlre thia yeaf. bla an­ nua! report states, showed the extent of the depletion ot the nation's tor- i cats, and have served to focus atten- I -loo on the fact that the country le 1 short of growing forests and that something must be done at once. The acute shortage and skyrocketing ~ Tn knars« whispers. M rs M lilo llan d chided her husband for an exclama­ tion be had ottered "John! On Sun­ day! Ton ought to be ashamed." “I couldn’t help It," he exclaimed “Who on earth Is his clinging vine? Why, she's got lavender tops on her shoes and— ” "Don't look round !'* she warned him sharply, "Don't— " “W ell, what's he doing at a Baptist By BERNARD M. BARUCH church? W h at’s he fidgeting at hie handkerchief about? Why can't h< walk like people? Does he think It's obligatory to walk home from churcl (Reprinted from Atlantic Monthly) anchored arm-in-arm like Swedes ot a Sunday Out? Who la this cow-eyed fat girl that's got him, anyhow?" ' ey. We Americans are prone, ns Pro­ fessor David Friday well saye In hla *< " H u s h D o n ' t look round again, To taka a tolerant and sympathetic adm irable book. "Profits. Wages and John.'* view of the farm ers' strivings for bet­ Prices,” to sack a "crim inal Intent be­ "Never fe a r!" said her husband hnv •ng disobeyed. "They've turned off. ter things Is not tn give a blanket hind every difficult and undesirable eco­ they’re crossing over to Bullard street. endorsement to any specific plan, and nomic situation.” I can positively as­ still lees to appMud the vagaries of sert from my contact with men of Who Is i t r some of their leaders sod groups large affairs. Including bankers, that, " I think her name's Rust,” Mrs Mil holland Informed him. “ I don’t know N either should we, on the other hand, as a whole, they are endeavoring to fu lfill as they see them the obllgutions what her father docs She's one of allow the froth o f M tte r agitation, the girls In his class at school. It false economics, sad mistaken radical­ that go with their power. Preoccupied would be pleasanter If he'd taken a ism to conceal the facta of the farm ­ w ith the grave problems and heavy tasks of their own Immediate affairs, fancy to someone „hose fam ily be­ ers’ disadvantages, and the practlcahlh Ity of elim inating them by well-con­ I they have not turned their thoughtful longs to our own circle.” sidered measures. It may be that the personal attention or their construc­ "Taken a fancy!" he echoed, hooting farmers w ill not show the business tive abilities to the deficiencies of agri­ "W hy, he'a te rrib le ! He looked like sagacity sad develop the wise leader­ cultural bnslneas organisation. Agrt- a red gllled goldfish that's flopped It­ ship to carry through sound p la n t: hut chltdre, It msy be said, suffers from self out of the bowl. Why, he— ’’ that possibility does not Jastlfy the their preoccupation and neglect rather " I say I wish If he felt that he had i A Good Stand of Young Short-Leaf obstruction of th eir upward efforts. than from any purposeful exploitation to take girls anywhere," said Mrs. M il Pine Which Ranges From New Jer­ We, at city people, gee In high and ! by them. They ought now to hegln to holland, with the primmest a ir of sey te Texas, speculatively manipulated prices, ' respond to the farmers' difficulties speaking to the point— " If this sort of spoilage, waste searcHy, the results which they must realise are th eir own orices o f lumber and newsprint early thing must hegln, I wish he might have On the other hand my contacts wit of defective distribution of farm p - d- n the year also contributed to the selected some nice girl among the the farm ers have filled me with reaper □cts. Shouid it not occur to us that rowth of the movement. daughters of our own friends, like wc have a common Interest with the for fhem— for their sanity, their pr The forest service Is advocating a Dora Yocum, for Instance.” W ithin the last farm er In hl» attempts to attain a de­ tlence, their balance program based on the conviction that Upon the spot she began to undergo gree of efflclencj In distribution <■ r- year and p articu larly ar a meeting the problem Is national and not local, the mortifications of a mother who respondlng to hl# efficiency In produe- called by the Kansas State Board of lia s expected her son. Just out of In | Hon? Do not the recent fluctuations tg rlcu ltu re and at another called by and must be bandied as such. Natlon- „ Ide protection from forest fire for fancy, to look shout him with lit» eve in the May wheat opth n, apparently • he Committee e f Seventeen, I b a i t all (la s s e s o f forest laud. Colonel of s critical matron of forte fit? mar many of the leaders of the ne • unrelated te B .rn n l Intsi action if Greeley states. Is the first and most M oreoier, she « a * Indlsoeet enough supply and demand, offer a timely farm movement, and 1, testify Ifl all essential step. It Is h l* belief that to express her views to Ramsey, a proof of the need of some such stabil­ sincerity that they are endeavoring to the police powers of the states offer week later, producing thus a scene of ising agency as the grain growers have deal with their problems, not a t pro­ the best means of enforcing reason­ useless great fury and no little sound moters of s narrow class Interest, not In contemplation? able requirements against forest de­ " I do think It's In very poor taste It la contended that, I f their pro- as exploiters of tha hapless consumer. struction. to see to much of any one girl, Ram p- sed organizations bd perfected and ' °®‘ ” merel,* M » « ‘'•P » "« » . but as Legislation Needed. sey,” she said, and, not heeding hl» ; honest'meat bent on tha Improvement operated, the farmers w ill have In The expense of fire protection, the protest that he only walked home from of tha common weal. forester says, should be borne Jointly school with M llla. ‘about every other their hands an Instrument that w ill he W e ran and must meet such me i capable of dangerous abuse. We are and such a cause h alf way by the landowner and the public. He day," and that It didn’t seem any Their told that It w ill he possible to pervert buetneas la our buslnqgs— the nation's holds that federal legislation Is need crime to him Jusl to go to church with ed to provide for a comprehensive her a couple o' times, Mrs. Mllholland It to arb itra ry and oppressive price­ business plan of co-operation with the states went o n : ." R u t If you think you really fixing from Ila legitim ate use of order­ In fire prevention and the development must be dangling around somebody ing and stabilizing the (low <»f farm of forestry practice, and the extension quite this much— though whal In tin- products to the m arket, to the mutual of the national forests through pur­ world you find to m lk a h o n i w ith ib is of producer a n d c o n s u m e r I chases. through the inclusion of other funny little M llla Rust your poor fa have no apprehensions on thia point. ther says he really cannot s e e -a n d timber lands now in federal owner­ In the first place, a loose organisa­ of course it seems very queer to us ship and through exchange. tion, such as any union of fanners now when your mind ought tn he en­ Advice Is Particularly Applicable There are still large quantities of must be at heat, cannot ba' eo arbi­ tirely on your studies, and especially timber In the United States, the re­ tra rily and promptly controlled as a to Sheepskins. w ith such an absurd looking little port states, but they are not In the great corporation The one la a lum­ thing— right place. More than 80 per cent of bering democracy and the other an airlla "No, you must listen, Hamse.v, snri autocracy what Is left lies west o f the Great In the aecond place, with let me speak now. W hat I meant was all poaalble power of org ntaatlon, the Sell Direct to Tanners, Thus Elim inat­ Plains, fa r from the bulk of the coun­ ing Middleman or Agents— Re­ that we shouldn't be quite so much farmers cannot succeed to any great try's population, agriculture and peated Handling Tands tn distressed by your being seen with a extent, or for any considerable length manufacture. The country is taking girl who dressed In better taste and of time, in fixing prices. The great about 28.000.000,000 feet of wood from Reduce Quality. seemed to have some notion of refine forests each year and Is growing only law of supply and demand works In ment, though of course It’s only nat­ various and surprising ways, to the A fte r country hides and skins have 8,000,000,000. ural »lie wouldn't, with a father who undoing of the best laid plana that heea properly and securely bundled Idle Forest Land. la Juat a sort of ward politician. I un­ attempt to foil It In the third place, and tagged ship them to market with "W e have used up our forests with derstand, and a mother we don't know, their power w ill avail the farmers out delay, advisee the United States out growing new ones," says the re­ and of enurse shouldn't care to. But, nothing If It be abused In our time Department of Agriculture. Do not port. "A t the bottom of the whole oh, Ramsey ! I f you had to make your­ and country power la of value to Its let the bundle remain In the sun. problem is Idle forest land. The self »o conspicuous why couldn't you possessor only so long as It Is not drafts or water, or against rusty or United States contains 326,000,000 he a little hit more fastidious? Your abused II Is fa ir to say that I have corroding metals. Promptness Io ship- acres of cut-over or denuded forest father wouldn't have minded nearly so seen no signs In reapons hie quarters I ping and delivery Is always advisable containing no new tim ber; 81,000,000 much If It had been a self respecting, of a disposition to dictate pricee. hut applies particularly to sheepsk'ns. acres of this amount have been com Intellectual girl We both say that If There seems, on the contrary, to he a They heat rapidly a fte r being bundled, pletejy devastated by forest fires and you must be so ridiculous at your age commonly beneficial purpose to realise and In hot weather especially must methods of cutting which destroy or as to persist In seehig more of one girl /T or^ r1’’ ! reach their destination quickly prevent new tim ber growth. than another, why, oh, why, don't you abundant flow of farm products Hides and skins should be skipped “T he area of Idle or largely Idle go and see some really nice girl like to the consumer and ensure reasonable | as directly as Is practicable and eco­ land Is being increased by from 3,000,- Dora Yocum?" and dependable returns to the pro­ nomical to reliable dealers who sell 000 to 4,000,000 acres annually as the ducer. Ramsey was already dangerously direct to tanner*, thus eliminating un­ cutting and burning of forests con­ distended, ns an effect of the earlier In view of the supreme Importance necessary middlemen or agent* Re tinues.” These facts, together with part of her discourse, sud the word to the national well-being of a pros­ pealed handling fends to reduce the the steadily Increasing distance be­ “fastidious" almost exploded h im ; hut perous and contented agricultural pop­ quality of hides and akin* For moat tween the average sawmill and the upon this climax, “Dora Yocum," he ulation, we should be prepared to go farmers, ranchers and small butchers home builder, "have had a vital hear­ blew up w ith a shuttering report and a long way In assisting the farm ers to It would be desirable If they could ing on the high cost of lumber, which leaving fragments of Incoherence rlco- get an equitable '»hare of the wealth dispose of their hides and skins Im­ during the year reached a prohibitive ehettlng behind him, fled shuddering they produce, through the Inaugura­ mediately a fte r removal, without salt figure for many uses and checked the from the hous*. tion of reforms that w ill procure a Ing and curing them, hut thia Is gen building of home* which It so urgent­ For the rest of the school term hr continuous and increasing stream of eraity Im praetlctble. since only a few ly needed.” walked home with M llla every after farm product*. They are fa r from get­ are near enough to tanneries or d al noon and on Bunday« appeared to have ting a fa ir share now. Considering er* equipped to handle their products become a resolute Baptist. It was hla capital and the long hour« of labor NATIONALIZE M IS T R A L S HOME Whenever thus favorably situated, supposed (by the Interested ‘tneinhere put In by the average farm er and hl* producers find It both profitable and of the h!«h-echool class) that Ramsey fam ily, he la remunerated leas than practicable to sell the hides and skins Suggestion T hat Post Ba Henorto' as and M llla were “engaged." Ramsey any other occupational class, w ith the W a * Fahre, tha Great Ento- In the green, unsalted condition. In moiogiat. sometimes rather supposed they were possible exception of teachers, reli­ no case, however, should this method himself, and the dim Idea gave him a gious and lay. Though we know that bo considered unless the producer Is aensatlon p artly pieasant, hut mostly the present general distress of the Paris — I t would seem that all the certain that the green hides and skins farm ers Is exctptional and Is linked apprehensive; he was afraid. ruin and devastation of the great war w ill he delivered promptly. Aa a rule with the Inevitable economic readjust­ He was afraid that the day was com had filled the soul of France with an 24 hours a fte r skinning la the maxi ment following the w ar. It must be Ing when he ought to kiss her. Insatiable desire to conserve the hab­ mum tim e advisable. remembered that, although represent­ itations and relies of her sons, he their ing one third of the Industrial product claim io Im m ortality ever so humble (To be continued) and half the total population of the The chamber decided that the h am as nation, the rural communities ordi­ nr cottage, at Serignan In Provence, Men Student* to Raise Child. Orono, Me - - The home economics narily enjoy hut s fifth to s quarter of where the great entomologist Henri the net annual national gain N o tw ith ­ Fahre lived and died should become department of the University of Maine standing the taste of prosperity that national property. has temporarily adopted Frances Uadi the farmers had during the wgr, there But the Proveneaux was not yet con Ine. four months old. The 18 young Is today a lower standard of living men students of North hall In caiing tent. They now demand a like honor among the cotton farm ers of tha South for their great M istral, whose ntas for the Infant w ill use the latest sclen than In any other pursuit In the country Policy Favored Which Will Insure Is at M atllane M istral's widow »tin tide methods. L ittle Frances It tn In conclusion, It seems to me that the resides there, a* does the poet's pet perfect health and sleeps and ti kes I farm ers are chiefly striving for a gen­ Adequate Supply of Various nourishment on a well defined * bed spaniel, which wears a collar w ith the erally tveneflctal lnfegrartoh of their Forest Products. proud Inscription. I am Jougenr, the gio business of the same kind and charac­ dog of the poet M istral." ter that other business enjoy« I f it Some Aspects of the Farmers’ Problems BENDS IN SEPARATOR BRUSH Straight Handle la Ineonvsnlsnt and Raquirea Much Tw isting ef tha W rlet. The w ire bristle brush which Is used to clean certain parts of the average cream separator Is straight and to do a thorough Job requires lots of bending of the wrist. By making two V f -------------- O ffV JH . Parts A farm er In Nov on who wished In destroy Ids old dog gave It some crow |*o|son The farm er wglted sadly for the death of Ida old companion, hnl to his surprise the dog Jumped about anil harked furiously. The poison for soma extraordlnnrv reason, had < ompletely rejnven alert the aulnial, and It la new full of fnn and vigor f" » -W » I Nation Wide Fretectien From Fire I t Fire« and Meat Ktoontlal Step. Ac- aerdlng to Chief Forester W. B. Greeley. daily requirements of cow Food Used far M ilk Production Mu at Ba In Addition to T h a t Nacaa- aory fa r Body. A cow weighing 1.000 pound« needs every day. fo r the maintenance of her (Preaered to l’»it» W S i ¡Jfurja lajhjrvd QulroiJ to ¡saipttlB toe cow s b-dy. r* N a m o l C O * e t r is t . ^L»ANY O-*i Harold Albro. Manufacturing Optician. right-angled benda near one end, thus forming a sort of crank. It w ill be found that the brush can be used to greater advantage than before. Cut off the loop In the end and operate the brush by turning the handle as a crank. ‘—Farm and Home. We m ake a S p e c ia lty o f F r ie n d s h ip , E ngagem ent and W e d d in g R in g s Lib rary ef the Lords. The library of the house of lords contains about 80.000 volumes, and they are set ont In a luxurious suit* of rooms. The llhrsry Is particular­ ly rich In historical w ork* and me- moil's, and Include» nne o f the fl»»-«t collection» of law honk» In London -A p t o m ‘ Bends in Brush Make It Quite Easy te Clean Parts ef Cream Separator. ; ’ M . f r e n c h & S o n s A LBANY OREO. W sAAAAAASAAAf ev/^J A«fr»» w»1 «"»-»» »»-o e. P u lv e riz e rs iP a n n in g M ills T r a c to r s P lo w s W agons Cream D isc H a rro w s ! S e p a r a to r s Springtooth Harrows, [O rd e rs ta k e n for H a r n e s s M a n u re S p r e a d e r s C, S p e c ia l p r ic e s fo r B in d e r s if ta k e n s o o n Ä JE >^ÌÌorn/iìnu>ey | ü ü Automobile Insurance ü P ire , th e f t c o llis ic n , p r o p e r ty d a m a g e a n d • j p e r s o n a l lia b ility . P r o te c t y o u r s e lf a g a i n s t ; : lo ss. . '' C. P. STAFFORD, H ard w are O il S tn Y O B K ifr h n n D -1 O l l t l l M h / i I h iv It t Z U r t *• cheaper than wood and an oil heater g ives ccra fort in a bedroom on a cold morning. I t m n r n f i . The housewife is as much entitled to modern n an geb equipment « the grain grower I n n in u Ijd llip » A good ligh t w ill niake your eye* last longer and give better service. (s l'a n ite a n d A lm illlim \ \ a r e are kitchen pleasures. Cross & W h ite W -m . m. -m . m. -m . ■« J. W MOORE (¿ s ta te a n d reinsurance THE URGE ACTION TO PROTECTTIMBER LUMBER SHORTAGE IS ACUTE o fht FACILITATE US« e- j r p a i « h T PROMPTNESS ADVISED IN SHIPPING HIDES Crow Poison Rejuvenates Old Dog; Puppy Again people. T H U K R Y P T O K invisible bifocal is tbe perfected product of tb i* invention. Be th rift wise— save your eyes” aud wear K rytok*. •— oao « * a y ««ffAse S epar a ro w I should he found on exam ination that the attainm ent of thia end requires methods different from those which other activities have followed for the asm* purpose should we not sympa­ thetically consider the plea for the right to cooperste. If only from our own enlightened self Internet, In ct> talnlng aa abundant and steady Bow of farm products’ In examining tha agricultural alius tton w ith a view to Its Improvement, wa shall he most helpful If wa main­ tain a detached aad Judicial view pot at. remembering that existing wrongs may ha chiefly an accident of uneytametri cal economic growth tnatead < f a cree l k B oj nnnvo^ent i_njj F R A N K L IN invented bifocal lenses for his own nse aad for posterity— a lens that woald be a boon to weak-eyed older o HALSEY STATE BANK HALSEY , O REG O N Capital and Surplus $35,000 I n t e r e s t p a id o n tim e c e r tif ic a te s o f d e p o s it W e in v ite y o u r b a n k in g b u s in e s s H. K O O N T Z , P r e s . D. T A Y L O R , V ic e - P re s . B. M. BOND. C a s h ie r s* e* etoato*»« eNtotoffwato r « * « N tN e a re e m e a e a e a e « «.«*. #-«<« ♦ The First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon ; i { “ WHERE SAVINGS ARE n i v u SAFE’ £ tv tu I 1 ' | <1 vSONS W H Y you should save regularly a part of your income i Y o u r Home Y ear Bisiness Education Old Age In v c tr ie n ts Automobile Character M ake yoor dreams come true. Sickness Insurance T ra v e l Start now. 4 per cent interest and no worry