FCB. 2 l ’<22 H A LSEY E N T E R P R IS E I A lili figure in a fountain. _____ _______ ___________________ Upon the hank above them. Willis »'artier v.as j t . i n p i i r : up and down, *'*r «hd Mill« was nothing loth, gesticulating and shouting fiercely. ! Me seldom looked ut her directly. or "Now I guess you’re satisfied our i ° r longer than an Instant, and wore tishln’ Is spoilt! Why’n't you listen rarely still did he speak to her except What few remarks he me? I told you It wasn’t niore'n three as a reply. foot deep! I and Helnte waded all ventured upon his owa Initiative near­ over this creek gettin' our bait. You're ly all concerned the landscape, which >a pretty sight!" he commended repeatedly in a’ weak I Of M illa he spoke unwittingly the I voice, aa “kind of pretty," though once ’ literal truth. Even with her hair thus he said he guessed there might be bugs wild and sodden, Milla rose from Im­ In the bark of a log on which they sat; I mersion blushing and prettier than and he became so Immoderately per­ 'ever; and she was prettiest of all sonal as to declare that If the bugs when she stretched out her hand help­ had to get on anybody he'd rather lessly to Ramsey and he led her up they got on him than on Milla. She , out of the waters. They had plenty of said that was “Just perfectly lovely" I assistance to scramble to' the top of •>f him. asked where he got his sweet ' 'he bank, and there Milla was sur­ nature, and In other ways encouraged rounded and borne away with a great i him to continue (he revelation, but j clacketing and tumult. Ramsey sat Ramsey was unable to get forwurd upon the grass in the sun, rubbed his with It, though he opened and closed .Copyright,by DoubkSiy. Page 4 Compari my. bead, and experimented with his neck bis mouth a great many times In the to see If it would “work." The sun­ effort to do so. SYNOPSIS ited the spot some days before, he lia o shine was strong and hot; In half tin At five o’clock everybody was sura- hired for his exclusive use throughout hour he and his clothes were dry—or i moned again to the rendezvous for a C H A P T E R I . —"With his g ra n d fa th e r, s m a ll Rum sey M ilh o lla n d is w a tc h in g the the duration of the picnic an old row­ at least "dry enough," as he said, and ceremony preliminary to departure; 'D e c o ratio n D ay P a ra d e ’ In ih e nowe boat belonging to a shanty squatter; except for some soreness of heud and jj w n . T n e old gen tlem a n , a v eteran of the class found Itself In a large circle, it was the only rowboat within a mile the C iv il w a r, endeavors to im press the neck, and the general crumpledness of j standing, and sang “The Star Spangled yo u n g s ter w ith the signihcance o f the or two and Albert bad his own uses his apparel, he seemed to he In all Banner.” Ordinarily, on such an open g re a t conflict, and m an y years a fte r w a r d for It. Albert was the class lover and, ways much as usual, when shouts and air and out-of-school occasion. Ramsey the boy was to rem em ber his words w ith s ta r tlin g vividness. after first taking the three chaperon whistlings summoned all the party to would have Joined the chorus uproar- teachers “out for a row," an excursion luncheon at the rendezvous. The j lously with the utmost blataney of C H A P T E R I I . —-In th e schoolroom , a concluded in about ten minutes, he dis- fe w > ears a fte r w a r d , R am sey was not change that made him different was , which his vocal apparatus was capa U ls tin g u ls n td fo r re m a rk a b le a b ility , “And When You Do, You Let My Invisible, .' b le; and most of the other boys ex Razors Alone, Young Feller!” ln ,° ,he b<**' • P - 1“ * < ****"• '» O"e Yet something must have been seen, pressed their humor by drowning out conn as t to K am ney's bacMwardn^i»» u rand, a tennis racket In the other; ami for everyone appeared to take It fi»r the serious efforts of the girls; but "Money?" th e preco city o f little D o ra lo c u m , a the two spent the rest of the day, ex­ granted that he was to sit next to he sang feebly, not much more than young tady whom In hla bitterness he de­ “No, elr. You gay' me some F r i ­ cept for the luncheon Interval, solemn­ s h o e ! b o o k !’* no m inates T e a c h e r's P e t.” Milla at the pastoral meal. She her­ day.” ly drifting along the banks or ground- ! Ramsey saw nothing but the thick self understood It, evidently, for she humming through his teeth. Standing Mr. Milholland turned from his mir­ C H A P T E R I I I , —In high school, w here ed on a shoal. Now and then Albert round curl on Milin's shoulder. That drew In her puckered skirts and with­ beside Milla. he »us Incapable of his ror and looked over the edge of a he and D o ra a re classm ates, Itam sey : former Inelegancles and his voice was continues to feel th a t the g irl delights to I would row a few strokes, and at al­ curl was shot with dazzling fibers of out any words made a place for him towel at his son. In the boy's eyes m a n ife s t h e r e u p e rm rity , an d the vlndlc- most any time when the populated sunshine. He seemed to be tremhllng. beside her as he drlftingly approached In a semi-paralyzed condition, like the there was such a dumb agony of Inter­ tlvencsa lie generates becomes a la rm in g , 1 rest of him. shore glanced toward them, Sadie c u lm in a tin g in the resolution th a t some “I don’t see It," he murmured husk­ her, affecting to whistle and keeping Opposite him, across the circle, Dora rogation that the father was a little day he would "s h o w " her. would be seen photographing Albert ily. afraid that she might remove her his eyes on the foliage overhead. He Yocum stood a little In advance of startled. or Albert would be seen photograph- I hand. “I can’t see any fish, Milla.” CHAPTER IV. still looked upward, even In the act of "Why, what Is It, Ramsey? Have those near her, for of course she led ing Sadie, but the tennis racket re- : She leaned farther out over the sitting down. you— " He paused, frowning and won­ the singing. Her clear and earnest hunk. “Why, there, goosle!” she whis­ "Squirrel or something," he said voice was distinguishable from all dering. “You haven't been getting In­ W ith Wesley Bender, Ramsey was j malned an enigma. They were six teen, and had been “engaged” more pered. “Right there." feebly, as If In explanation. again Upon fair terms before the win­ others, and though she did not glance to some mess you waut to tell me than two years. “I can’t see It.” “Where?" M illa asked. ter bad run Its course; the two were toward Ramsey he hsd a queer feeling about, have you?" On the borders of the little meadow She leaned still further, bending "Up there on a branch." He ae- neighbors and, moreover, were drawn "No, sir." __ _ , , , • . , , . . thut she was assuming more superior cepted a plate from her she»had pro- ; , , hBn and w„ together by a community of interests of baskets there had been deposited down to point. "Why, right th—” His tone was meek, but a mute dis­ h|m The (),d tress lurked within It, bringing to the At this moment she removed her tided herself with an extra one), but | . P<(rllful which made their reconciliation a ne­ two black shapes, which remained un­ cessity. Ramsey played the guitar and disturbed throughout the day, a closed hand from his shoulder, though unwill­ he did not look at It or at her. He resentment rose— he’d “show” that girl father's mind disturbing suspicions, guitar case and a closed mandolin ingly. She clutched at him, in fact, continued to keep his eyes aloft, be­ Wesley played the mandolin. and foreshadowing« of indignation and yet. some day I case, no doubt containing each Its but without avail. She had been too cause he Imagined that all of the clans All 111 feeling between them died When the song waa • over, cheers of pity. "See here, Ramsey," he said, proper Instrument. So far as any use amiable. were looking at him and Milla, and with the first duet of spring, yet the were given for the class, “the good ole "if there’s anything you want to ask of these went they seemed to be of the A loud Shriek was uttered by throats he felt unable to meet such publicity. class of Nineteen Fourteen," the me, or to tell me, you’d better out with tinkling they mude had no charm to same leisure class to which Sadie’s abler to vocalize, just then, than Mllla's, It was to him as If the whole United It and get It over. Now, wliat is It?” soothe the savage breast of Ramsey tennis racket belonged, for when one for In her great surprise she said noth­ States had been scandalized to atten­ school, the teachers, and for the pic­ "W ell—It Isn't anything." whenever the Teacher's Pet came Into nic, thut officially concluded; and then of the teachers suggested music, the ing whatever—the shriek came from tion by this qgt of his In going to sit "Are you sure?" hla thoughts. He day-dreamed a thou­ the picnickers, carrying their baskets musicians proved shy. Wesley Ben­ the other girls as Nil I la left the crest of beside Milla ; he gazed upward so long Ramsey's eyes fell before the severe sand ways of putting her In her place, mid faded wild flowers and other sou der said they hadn't learned to play the overhanging hank and almost hor­ that his eve-halls became sensitive un­ and piercing gaze of his father. "Yes, but was unable to carry out any of venire and burdens, moved toward the der the strain. He began to blink. "I anything much and, besides, he had a izontally disappeared Into the brown them, and had but a cobwebby satis­ big “express wagons" which were to sir.” couple o’ broken strings he didn’t know water. There was a tumultuous splash, can’t mnke but whether It's a squirrel tuke them back Into'the town. Ruiu Mr. Milholland shook his head doubt­ faction In imagining discomfitures for as be could fix u p ; and Ramsey said and then of Milla Rust and her well- or Just some leaves that kind o' got fu lly; then, as his son walked slowly her which remained imaginary. “Just sey got hla guitar case, and turned to he guessed It seemed kind o' too hot to known heautlfulness there was noth­ fixed like one," be said. “I can’t make out of the room, he turned to complete once!” he said to Fred Mitchell. “That’s Milla. play much. Joining friends, they or­ ing visible In the superficial world, nor out yet which It Is, but I guess when lilt toilet In a somewhnt uneasy frame ail I ask, Just once. Just gimme one "W ell—gby.” there's a breeze. If It's a squirrel he'll ganized a contest In marksmanship, upon the surface of that creek. The of mind. ltnmsey had undoubtedly chance to show that girl what she "Why, no,” said Milla. “Anyway, prob’ly hop around some then, If lie's the target being a floating can which vanishment was total, wanted to sa.v something to him mid really is. I guess If I ever get the not yet. You can go hack In the same alive or anything." they assailed with pebbles; and after "Save her!” chance she’ll find out what’s the mat­ wagon with me. It'a going to stop at the hoy’s expression had shown (lint It had begun to seem that his eyes that they "skipped" flat stones upon Several girls nfterwnrd admitted ter with her. for once In her life, any the school and let us all out there, the matter in question was serious, the surface of the wnter, then went tc having used this expression, and Utile must remain fixed In that upward and then you could walk home with distressing, and, It might be, critical. way." Thus It came to be talked about J®" ■ liroup gathered about Willis Mins Floy WUliams. the youngest and stare forever; he wanted to bring them me If you felt like It." In fact It was— to Ramsey. Having and understood and egpected In Ram , smallest member of the class, was down, but could not face the glare of begun within only the last few hours sey's circle, all male, that Dora Yo­ Parker and Helnte Krusetneyer. "W ell— well, I'd be perfectly will No fish had been caught, a lack of unable to deny that she had said, “Oh, the world. But finally the brightness lug," Ramsey said. “Only I heard we to regard haberdashery as of vital Im­ cum's day was coming. "You’ll see!" Ood!" Nothing could have been mere of the sky between the leaves settled all had to go back in whatever wagon portance, and believing his father to said Ramsey. “The time'll come when luck crossly attributed by the fisher matters for him ; he sneezed, wept, and natural, and the matter need not have that ole girl’ll wish she'd moved out o’ men to the noise mnde by constant nd we caiue out In, and I didn't come In be possessed of the experience ami au­ for a little moment again faced Ills thority lacking In himself, ltnmsey had this town before she ever got appointed vice on the part cf their attendant been brought before tier with such In­ the same one with you, so—" fellowmen. No one was looking at monitor of our class! Just you w ait!” gallery. Messrs. Milholland. Bender, sistence and frequency, during the two Milla laughed and leaned toward him come to get hlin to settle a question and the other rock throwers came up remaining years of her undergraduate him; everybody except Milla had other a little. “I already 'tended to that," which hHd been upsetting him badly, They waited, but conditions appeared things to do. shouting, and were III received. career. she said confidentially. “I asked in his own room, since breakfast. Wliat to remain unfavorable Indefinitely. Having sneezed Involuntarily, ha “For heaven's sakes,” Helnle Kruse­ Ramsey was one of those who heard Johnnie Flake, that come out In my he wanted to know was: Whether It Perhaps the great opportunity might tneyer demanded, “can’t you shut up? this exclnmntlun, later so famous, and added a spell of coughing for which wagon, (o go hack In yours, so that was right to wear an extra handker­ have arrived If Itamney had been able there was no necessity. "I guess I chief showing out of the coat breast­ makes room for you." to achieve a startling Importance in Here we Just first got the girls to keep perhaps It was what roused him to must been wrong," he muttered thickly. their mouths shut a minute and I til heroism. He dived from the bank, any of • the “various divergent yet “W ell—then I guess I could do It." pocket or not. and, If It was right— "What about, Rainaey T’ paralfel lines of school endeavor"—one most had a big pickerel or something headlong, and the strange thought In He moved toward the wagon with her. ought the handkerchief to have a col­ “Aliout It's bein' a squirrel.” With on my hook, and here you got to up his mind was "I guess this’ll show of the phrases by means of which "I expect It don't make much differ­ ored border or to be plain while? But he had never before brought any such teachers and principal clogged the and yell so he chases himself away! Dora Yocum I" He should have been Infinite timidity he turned his head ence one way or the other.” and encountered a gaze so soft, so hal­ minds of their unarmed auditors. But thinking of Milla. of course, at such “And you can carry my basket It perplexities to his father, and found though he was far from being the a time, particularly after the little lowed. that It disconcerted him, and you want tc." she said, adding solicit­ himself too diffident to set them forth. he dropped a "drumstick" of fried However, when he left the house dumb driven beast of misfortune that cncbatitnieiit Just laid upon him by chicken, well dotted with ants, from ously, “unless It’s loo heavy when you a few minutes later, he boldly showed he seemed In the schoolroom, and, in MUIa's touch and Mllla's curls; and already got your guitar case to carry, an Inch of purple border above the fact, llvene Of the teachers—which was her thought of. He replaced the “drum­ too," he faltered. " It— It don't weigh stick” upon Ills plate and allowed It Having gone a block farther, he pulled and anything but dumb— he was never­ idea of what to do at a picnic! , anything much." It up agnlu ; and go continued to oper- theless without endowment or attain Ramsey struck the water hard, and io remain there untouched. In spite