IIAKhKY KN IK K PRI bK HALSEY ENTERPRISE r in ,< , n u WHERE YOUR TAXES GO nates as prim ary roads the 11 <6 miles th a t com pete with railroads and open up no new country, like the Pacific highw ay, and as sec­ Prom pt’d’ etticient ondary roads 1640 miles that lead i auto repairing farther away from the railroads. Fisk and Goodyear Tires and Tubes The other roads, which “ ought to Before buying tires be sure aud be but a in ’t,” if built would a t. investigate our prices , tract settlers to land th it lie« idle Ford parts & accessories always on hand because its products, if it were cul­ tivated, could not be m arket d lor want of roads. alsey garage H A nd if the work of the confer­ ence conies form ally before the senate; then look oat for fireworks No Washington correspondent Is bet­ An independent—N O T neutral— uetas- ter known or more highly esteemed paper. published every Thursday, than Edward G. Lowry. T hat In It ­ by W m I I . A A. A. W H E E L E R . self means that he has broad and deep Wni. H . W h k k i . k x Editor. knowledge of national and world a f­ Was. A A. W h h h l b « Business Manager TAIL MAY WAG THE DOG fa irs ; that he Is skillfu l Iu getting the and Local News Editor. news and tactful In w ritin g It, and Mr. H ard in g , opening his farm that he has the confidence of the pub­ lic men w ith whom he comes In con­ Subscriptions, <1.50 a year in advance Conference, stated farm ers’ need tact. But M r. Low ry has more than Transient advertising, 2Se an inch; per very nicely and the farm ers ap­ that. He has the really patriotic feel­ manent, 20c. No discount lor time or space proved of his statem ent. ing that the intim ate knowledge of the In '"Paid-for Paragraph«," S caline. nation's affairs, which he acquires But they back the farm block, No advertising disguised as news. through his work Iu Washington, w h i h he denounces, and they should be Imparted to the people of Phone 205 R epresentatives of the district want the St. Lawrence ship pas the country who have not his privileges, attorneys of the state and the state H A L S E V , Linn Co., tire Pel». 2, 192- sage to the lakes, which would gel In such a way that they w ill he led to take that personal Interest In the doings m-dical association are drafting a To See How Linn Does It western wheat to m arket more of the government, which alone will law to provide “ an im partial com­ After a P o itlan d meeting the G O V E R N E D TOO MUCH cheaply th a n via New York, and result In good government. He wants mittee of e x p e rts” to decide the western slates extension service H a rd in g ’s heaviest support comes the people to realize that It la their government, answerable to them only, insanity question when it is raised conference is expected to visit 8. The governor called wise head« from New York and New E ngland and that they only are responsible in the defense of a person on trial If. H o lt's farm, near Scio, tom or­ together to consider the •eri-m where most of the funds to pull for Its good qualities and Its bad qual­ f - r crime. W onder if those experts row sud he entertained by a series problem of state finances and th»\ the p a r ty ’s <400,000 o a t of the ities. It Is this feeling that bag In of conferences and dem onstrations spired much o f M r. Lowry's best work. wi|i be satisfied with the <100 a there and at other points in Linn devoted tb e 'r atten tio n not to find hole are looked for, to sav nothing Born In A tlanta in 1876, M r. Lowry day now charged for expert opin­ county. ing ways of reducing expenses hut • < of financing fu tdrecam paigns, and was educated In private schools, the ions in such cases? Saturday m orning, at the W ill seeking means of prying additional New York and New E ngland want Georgia M ilita ry Institute and by priv­ iam G ilkey farm . L inn county ate tutors, and began his Journalistic revenue out of somebody’s pocket no St. Lawrence sh ip channel. Opposition of dem ocrats to the club members will dem onstrate career at the age of twenty-four. In W hat this state needs is anothei H a rd in g ’s friends eay he will 1904 he was gent to Washington and four-power treaty for revenge would feeding and fitting stock for exhi­ C harles G. Dawes to apply th- play a tru m p card against the bloc has been there almost continuously not be patriotic, but it would visit b itio n . ever since. H e has been the political D inner will be at the Riverside scalpel to expensive excrescences. by cam paigning against its friends correspondent of Harper's W eekly, has poetic justice on the other party. If something less than forty stab in their d istricts in the fall elec w ritten many articles for the periodi­ A p re tty strong lantern would Iu com m unity ball, then a lecture on clearing land. com m issions, with their salaried lio n s , hut the law m akers are not cal press and since 1913 has been the revuired to reveal much p a trio t­ A lsn S a urday on Jam es Cald­ Washington correspondent of the New deputies and assistants ami secte sure th a t he can give them as hard York Evening Post, and for a consid­ ism in either party except during well’s farm near Riverside, three taries and stenographers and type a wollop in those elections as the erable time the managing editor of a cam paign. T h a l’a governm ent miles from A lbany, under auspices that paper. When Germany started ,‘ot the O. A. C.. there will be a w riters, were excised from the body farmers can; their dilem a is dire. 1 by party. the World w ar the government natur­ . field dem onstration of burning, politic a reduction of the ta x b u r ­ The farm ers have alw ays been a ally found Im portant work for M r. If <295,000 may necssarily be b lasting and ¡(lulling stum ps, al den m ight result. sort of tail to the political dog. and Lowry. F o r two years he was a t­ sizes and shapes. The most mod If the mem bership of th e law- have been wagged by it a t will tached to the American embassy In spent in a cam paign for a senato­ ern m ethods will be employed, London, and then he returned to be­ rial nom ination, as Newberry says m aking body were reduced orie- but it looks as if the tail is growing which we suppose iucludes Mr come a captain In the aviation section it was, what use is there in run­ Zysset’s burner. h a d or one-fourth better laws big enough to wag the dog. of the signal corns Then he was as- Halsey Garage Foote Bros., Props. ning a candidate who cannot pay so much and has no friends who will? m ight be enacted at less expense. We are taxed to death liecm -e we are governed to death. W H A T A VICTORY I M r. H arding got considerable com m endation for self-effacement when he let Secretary H ugliesstate A m erica’s sta illiu g proposal tor four nations to scrap the war ships they were building and some more and build no more for ten years, if Mr. H arding sidestepped a few days or weeks of applause in th at course, he also sidestepped m onih« of steadily-increasing agnny amt d isap p lin tn in n t that have spread a sitk ly pallor over Mr, Hughes* countenani e, d¡mined the spatkle of bia eye, dulled the vigor of Ills nt Meles slid aged him, in ap p e a r­ ance, 'en years iu half as m any moons. The other nations accepted “ in p rin cip le” the proposals of Mr. Hughes, which he aium unced as A m erica’s irreducible m inim nin. and applause reverbrated from all over the world. And then Ilia conference got down to work and gradually the bottom of our “ irreducible m ini­ mum’* d e s 'ended until now it c a n 't be discovered with a telescope One of our dem ands was an open eh iwing of the 21 dem ands to TO GALVANIZE A CORPSE Jim m y Cox and a southerner with the historic appellation of H arrison are trying to get together the scraps th a t rem ained when the dem ocratic party exploded with its own gas at San Francisco. The p arty still owes $200,000 of ihe debt it incurred in the last cam paign, but when H ard in g opens up on th e (arm bloc and Cox on the league of nations issue, which will not down, there m ay be enough enthusiasm to get both parlies out of debt and raise new purses for the fight. Especially so if m any of the candidates have such friends as innoceiTt Mr. New­ berry had, to buy offi.es for them whether they want them or not. As paved roads increase, so do f u t'l autom obile accidents. In 1016 there were 66 such in Ore­ gon, 79 in 1919 and 89 iu 1920. The coroner ol Crook county, where t h e e w ert no autom obile accidents, says: ” Cro>k county people drive carefully. Our roads don’t stand speeding. Too rough.” If the fatal speeders killed on.y them selves we m ight regard the situation com placently, for they can he spared, hut unfortunately they sometimes ca rry passengers which Japan, w ith a club, had in- who have common sense and these •bleed C hina to assent. China seff.T too. wanted them made public, bul Ja p a n dem urred, and Jap an w ss| Everybody approves the par- the winner. sage of a soldiers' tio tu s bill by congress, but nobody w ants the money la'serl >n a way th at ill increase his taxes. The general cry is “ w ait until the tax b u rd e n o f the country is leas.” There is economy in th a t proposition Judg ing by th e recent past, when the tnx burden is lesa the bonus will cost lesa also, for there will not be m any soldiers left to pay i t to. A nother was the retu rn ol the S h an tu n g concessions t?> China. A ller m uch palaver Japan lias prom ised, what she did at Paris, to w ithdraw when silo considers the I me opportune, which m eans tl.ai J ipan has wou th a t point. Then we wanted Japan to get out ol bilieria. O ur " m a s te rly ” diplom acy has consented th a t h er troops shall slay there u n til »he gets ready for them to leave. Poland has banned lieer with We wanted the uncom pleted Jap­ more th a n 2 | per cent alonhn', anese vessel, (he M utsu, scrapped, 1 t >n d rbiking places to one for but politely co n sen t.d th a t an each 2500 and to restauranta and older and less form idable war m *- abolishing saloons. Mexico p re. chili« should be scrapped ¡natsml poepa to prohibit the cultivation of Th .•re have tieen a number of the maguey p la n t, from which the victories won in (he ootif. renes, ¡ national drink ia made. And in but it is dilficult to discover any 1 the U nited stale« prohibition pro­ nation except Ja p a n tlrat has! hibits liquor selling as effectively scored any of them . as it does larceny. 1 be result of th e conference, I when it gets before congress for sp-1 I’»v o'ogiets of (aduinhia Uní- proval by one house and financial ! varsitv h e v e decided nn an investí, M pport from Imin, if it ever do... I g a lló n n i p o k e r to iearn whv the will look about as much like g a m e has auch an aitraclio n for A m erica's original and universally 1 il» devoteea. These investigators applauded plan as t i e leigoe of mav «haré ihe usual (ate of the nations pact looked like its original rnstic viaitor who aterís in lo in ­ sell when Lodge s “ reservations” vestígale Ihe social evil and ac. had been tacked to it for sen ate quirea em pty pocket» and au un- rial CODsIderatlou, lutiuuaie Uabit. S AV E MONEY Edward G. Lowry. alatant m ilita ry attache at London and on the British front In Flanders, and was with the American Army of Oc­ cupation In Germany. For his valu able work he was awarded the Brit tali M ilita ry Cross. Recently he wrote Washington Cloae-Upa," a series of character sketches of eminent figures In the national capital, which the country Is reading with vast enjoyment. F o r two years M r. Lowry has been making a close study of the business of the government. He Is given credit In congress fo r his aid In passing the budget bill and In bringing abont the naming of the Joint committee of the house and senate to Investigate and report upon the adm inistration and or ganlzatlon of the government executive departments. He now wants the peo­ ple of the United States to know the details of the United Slates govern mnnt, which Is their business. He be­ lieves the knowledge o f these deta la w ill make of them better Americans and give them a better government No man not Imbued with M r. Low ry ’a high Ideal could have carried out thia study o f the government business so exhaustively and painstakingly as baa he. Probably he now knows mere about it than any other man In the world. W ith extraordinary persever­ ance aud dogged persistence he went a fte r hidden facts and m ultifarious de • alls— and got them. Nothing was too big for hla comprehension or too small for hla attention. At one tim e he went to a member of the cabinet with the statement that the government had on Its payrolls, exclusive of the officers and men o f the army and navy, one employee fo r each «8 people of the United States ten years of age and over engaged In gainful occupations It took that cabinet officer, with the assistants he had at his command, a considerable time, and considerable ef­ fo rt to vertfy M r. Lowry's statement, but he found It to he true. > As the result of Ms careful studies j M r. Low ry has w ritten s series of ar tid e s on the business o f government Income and expens«'; where the money comes from, and how and for what It Is spent; whether the organisation of the business side of government Is effi clent or Inefficient; whether the gov eminent W M ta l the money ue idve It. T h e s e rie s Is aet Iu ally sens,- p o l l t l ' «I Loss of $203,000,000 Annua'ly in United States. To Effect Complete Exterm ination of Rodent Pests United Efforts of Every Home O w ner and Tenant Are Needed. (P rep a red by th e U nited 8 (ste> D ep a rtm en t o f A crlcu lt u re.) M en‘s full cut blue ebambray li i- i raking expedition II Work Men’s good weight outing flannel Night Shirts, all sizes $1 Boys’ splendid qual­ outing flannel 90C Night Shirts Men’s leather faced T o Illustrate the enormous damages which rats annually accomplish In grain and com fields, the experience o f the state penitentiary farm , cover- canvas Gloves, the ch eap est Work Glove you can buy 25c a pair M e n ’« Jersey knit Gloves, splendid for work or driving, 2 pairs.... .......... 25c Mail us your order. BLAIN Rats Menses Food Supplies W ith Dis­ ease and Cause Much Loss and Waste. CLOTH ingcò ] The store with a squaie deal for every customer. „ muck | r e lie s • «needed, acknowledged facta Damage totaling 1200,000,000 in stored foodstuffs, grain, field crops, and • i d l e r liijurahle materials Is done by rats iu the United States annually. Oniy the united efforts o f every home owner and tenant can effect the aboil- lion o f these rodent pests. The Bio­ logical Survey, United States Depart­ ment of Agriculture, ia starting a big campaign against rodents throughout the eastern United States. Much a l­ ready has been accomplished In the m at­ ter of control In the Western aud Mid •lie Western stales, where effective co- operation was secured. On the other hand, residents of the Eastern aud i Southern states, as a rule, have been exposed to widespread ravages and attacks from rodeuts for auch long periods that they have become so accustomed to the nuisances as to ac­ cept them as a m atter of course. Uncle Sum Is doing his utmost to awaken these sections to the need for eradicat­ ing rats. S h irts............. 75c ity facts I T b e s e tj ENORMOUS DAMAGE BY RATS TO FOODSTUFFS ALBANY, OREGON _______ _ «■» • Mg X • - i ,n Ph 7 P r ”- facts come from the men In t h e g o v ,’ ” ctfon »re offered in 146 in e liln - em inent— from the government Itself I t,o n s o f l««rnmg T h e re a re w. II —and they are all facts that every *'|»ipp*«l theaters in 17 college- American cltlsen Is entitled to know * 7 schools have o u td o o r theater- and should know. The n u in tier of these in s titu tio n s i T .hX . r ’rle* " f articles on this suhjco w in c h ” gi m ” nr chapel may I. c lm L h, ? ‘,hY0UL T" * ’ ** ' , *n«lorm «l i, to a tempora b Z ^ d h, ¿ 7 * «"""L’ Tb7 * h”" ld Pl«» house probably includes ol the schools • «rested In the w elfare of the nation ,,r „ I _ in the country , .» V otn j of these classroom plays have be put on Ihe professional stag» am Î0» bigi}*«) CVBHURNUVD have » u p success, | ! ing 2,500 acres, at Baton Rouge. La., is of Interest. Last year a 200-acre field of com was planted on this farm. The rats worked their way through the field, stealing all the seed before the kernels ronld germinate. The field »as planted a » w in d time, and again the rats overran the prospective corn­ field, leaving In their w ake paths of destruction. Undeterred, the farm manager planted the field to m m a third time, and ultim ately secured a poor stand, which resulted In the pro- ductlon o f about one-third o f a nor­ mal com crop. Changed A ir Helpe Plants, Recent experiment» have shown that crops a m be Increased from one and s h alf to four times by an alteration In the s ir which the plants breath«. T h e method Is s simple one. and eoo- slsts of Increasing the proportion of varbvuK acid U> tbs a il. Caiapooia grange No. 414 met io regular session S aturday. Ja n . 28, for iasta lla tio a of officers, W orthy M aster H. 8. A ckerm an in th e chair. The installing officers and oth er visitors were A. Miller, Miss* E a st­ m an, Mrs. W. O hling, M rs L. Weetcot, Mrs. M Shoal from near Albany and Mr. and Mrs. W. Phillips, Mr. aud Mrs. Bradford and Mr- W adell of Brownsville. The usual good din n er was en ­ joyed at noon. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam W heeler’s kind letter to the grange was read, in which they sent th eir best wishes and thanks for the rem em brance sent them from the grange. Mrs. O hling explained the re­ port which is to be sent her from the home economic com m ittee. Bro. M iller urged all who can to attend Pomona grange the fifth S aturday in April at M orning S tar grange, 6 miles north of A lbany on the Jefferson road. Discussion of state tax funds and public service telepone rates was had. Our officers were duly installed on the new plan used a t the n ation­ al grange and the work was well put on. Please remember our next a ll. lay m eeting, S atu rd ay , Feb. 25. >ome out and help our new m aster. Granite Reporter. Shedd Shots H arry Poland is building a large -hicken house and expects to go nto the chicken business. Mrs. D. F W est spent a few lays at the Poland home lately. Leo Jenne is visiting w ith his uncle and a u n t, Mr. a ^ d Mrs. George D annen. A. D. E lder and wife are con- em plating a visit w ith relatives in California. Mrs. W. Y. Shearer was au lvan caller S atu rd ay . Al­ Mr. Coates is still on the sick list. He is suffering from partial paralysis and is not able to be »bout b u t has a good appetite. Mrs. Gregory went to A lbany Saturday. Mrs E sther Groves, whose home is in N orth D akota, has ju st a r. rived for a few weeks’ visit wi h her pareuts, R. C. Farw ell a i d wife. Mrs. T. J. D annen is suffering from sore th ro at. M aster George A. D annen has inflam m atory rheum atism . At last accounts he was able to be up and around. Mrs. Castlem an, m other of Mrs. F. H. Brock, was so seriously ill a t the Brock borne Monday th a t her children in C alifornia and else, where were sum m oned. Beaver State Bea vera Busy Oregon protects the beaver, from which th e state takes its nickname,* hut the anim al m ust keep bis ac­ tivities w ithin bounds or take th e consequences. Ju st now he is in the lim elight because of bis m is. chievous activities. Amos Ramsey of Halsey is one of the sta te ’s trappers and when beavers become a nuisance slate trap p ers are sent to reduce th e ir efficiency. Mr. Ramsay has ju st come from a trip to Clear creek, Lane county, where by dam m ing the creek the anim als had been flooding fields and pastures. He caught seven there, five of which were as large as eighty pounds apiece. Tuesday Mr. R a m a 'y started for Scio, where ihe big rod«nta wen dam aging orchards. He expects about a m o u th ’s work there. The trappers get tw o-thirds of the proceeds from the anim als caught and the state o n e.third . When in luck the trap p er makes as high as <75 a week. A n o th er tra p p e r is on th e job in eastern Oregon and T rapper Ames hoe left hie qnest in th e m ountains for wolf and cougar and gone to Riddle to cope with a beaver men- ace there. A tabulation a« of Septem ber last, statin g price per thousand board feet on actual sales of lum ber a t the mills on five standard varie­ ties ol southern pine, shows an av­ erage reduction from <61.50 to <20 71 since M arch, 1920; and for Douglas fir from the northw est, an average reduction from <44 15 to $11.94—a deflection in price ex­ ceeding th a t of any other building m aterial or com m odity. If other prices hod kept pace there would he little call for com plaint by builder».—JJsnuf»ctur#i,