.1 VO L. X / halsey enterpris HA LSEY, L IN N CO UNTY, OREGON, TH U R SD A Y, FEB X 1»22 NO. 22 High School Notes President Clarence Brown of Shedd. rnary 18 for I he $125,000 of ceunty Be*. M r. Hoddnett' of Peoria, road bonds remaining unsold. Brownsville Briefs The trying time is over— let the County Agent Heyman, M r Al­ It is now believed lhat little (Regular correspondence) ba«d play oul The casualty list len, club work leader from 0 A. damage has been done to winter is not as long as was expected, only C .; Mr. Williamson, club leader Petitions have been circulated Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally grains by the freezing weather. a few passing—out. for Lion county aud Mr. Carlson and largely aigned for an elecliou and in Halsey Particularly Basel Gulliford, a member of and Mr. H ill of Shedd. The Halsey boy scouts went to about the middle of February on Albany a couple of w eks agn-and the consolidation ol the Ash Swale our senior class, has fulfilled the The instructions for trapping go. Mrs. G. W. Mornhinweg was at graduation requirements and will phers and m oles were very helpful. Miss Doana Robertson came beat thoir Albany brvthern nt and Powell school districts with Monday Brownsville district No. 52-74. soon leave her toiling classmates The school furnished songs ami the F. M. Tiudle home, Browns­ 1 home from the U. of O. for the basket ball, 22 to 4. ville, Thursday. behind to seek book knowledge I yells. night they went again and in turn , There seeme to be quite a little week end. took a drubbing, 27 to 8. while she is enjoying herself in movement iu real estate hereabouts. Farm Bursau officers elected A representative of Fleishner, 1 Miss Pearl Danielson left for other ways. We will all miss her Jan. 27 were: President, R. C. Meyer A C». was here talaing 1 Portiaud Monday, after a visit Auto licenses for 1922 are in ev­ R H. Robinson is just getting from our social functions ns Evans; vice-president, Tom Ardry; idence exactly in proportion to the out after threatened pneumonia. , with Miss Nina Kump. well as classes, iu which she has secretary-treasurer, Mrs. M artin uiea’s wear to local merchants financial condition of the various He was under the doctor’s care for Friday. taken an active part. I E C. Clement of Portland, postal communities. We know of only Several days. Cummings; social leaders, M r . Basketball: George Drinkard and wife and inspector, was giving our postoffice one outlaw iu this section. T h a t’s Clarence W illiam s and Mrs. Frank “ the once over” Saturday. Cecil Harrison, living north of ’»».— Harrisburg Bulletin. Next Saturday “ the game” will I.ogan; rodent control, Martin Doris were visiting at the J. 8. Mc­ towu, has been considerably un­ Mahan home from Brownsville the be played at Fruna’s warehouse G um m ing:; Jersey calf club, Hen­ Miss Gladys Wolgainott of (Continued on page 5) der the weather the past week. with Scio high. This game prom ry Brock and C. W Gibson; cron latter part of the week. Brownsville is attending the state Miss M yrtle Myers came in from ises to be the most lively skirmish improvement, T. J. Jackson; poul­ Miss Cleona Smith came home normal school at Monmouth. Jefferson the last of ¿tho week to had iu Halsey this aeiaon. Scio try, C. W illiam s; eountv fair ex­ from school at Eugene for the The ferry boat has put over a look after the household effects of has lost no games this season and hibit, Mrs. J. W. Evans, Mrs. Tom week end. new one. It is a nuisance And her aunt, the late Mrs. Laura is trying for the championship of Ardry, T J. Jackson, Mrs. M. O The net profit of the poultry in­ knows it. I t ’s determned to al- Ambrose. the valley. They have the advan­ Faulk, Mrs, H. Reuninger, Mrs. tage over the home quint, as they A. Knighton, Mrs. C- R. Evans dustry is reported to be $600,000 w»ys be a tormenting, unruly, pes- Charles Elswick was buried from in Linu county. lercating, back-numbered, accident- have a number of “ old veterans’ ’ and Frank Gibson. bis late home Friday, Rev. W . P. on thefr team. Come out and root The game warden’s office re­ provoking and death-threatening Elmore and the I O. O. F. lodge This time i t ’s lifting Forsake Home Comforts Seeking for Halsey. ceived about $275,000 and its re­ n usan e. officiating Mr. Elswick was three DUELIST’S CHIVALRY BARED port would indicate that the bulk the anchor which holds the east The gins’ teams will also play Specimens and Data World score and ten years of age and had i ------------- end of the cable. That auchor is Altho the Scio girls do not follow Argentine Politician Refuses to Fire of the expenditures were for prop­ lieen a resident of Hrowusville for Over for Scientists. agating fish. Something like 17,- so ne anchor, too. I t is made of nearly fifty years. the lead taken by the boys, they on Adversary— Reconciliation 000,000 eggs were saved. This is ¡ .concrete and measures four or five Is Then Effected. deserve credit .for being good The DeMoss entertainers m - about 18 cents per dozen for trout i feet square, and goes dowu into players. the ground at least five feet. It peared at the Methodist cl uroh Buenos Aires.—The popular fancy eggs. Make the license fee $ i2 Class events: 'or the the third time. Their en­ has been captivated by the details of I hat should bring the price of j was put in last fall uuder the di- tertainment deserved a better ut- The senior class received their a duel which has been fought here by •rout eggs about the equal of hen rection of the Lane county court eadance. Dr. Rodolfo Moreno and Senator Fer­ pins end the juniors their rings «ggs. Common folks may be able when the cable pole was cbaugi d, Stefanaaon Expedition I t Mapping L it — Harrisburg Bulletin. tie-Known Boundaries of W ran­ So far they have proved satisfactory. | nando Saguler. W ill Uber has bought the Jewell Doctor Moreno is an eminent con­ to wear them as ring sets.— H arris­ got’« Island, North of Slborla— Both the junior and senior class­ servative politician, while Senator Sa­ burg Bulletin. second-hand store building and Bids will be received until Feb- Sock "R iver of Doubt.” es are planning on giving plays. guler la a no lesa prominent radical stock front John Weber ol Port­ 1 ■ I t is likely that the juniors will politician. The dispute arose over the land and is getting everything in Chriat (Matt. 12:39-11. The words o New York.—Comforts of home readineg- to do a good business in give theirs first, as they will begin phraseology of a radical election post­ Jesus Christ are fin a l weigh little when cast 111 the balance practicing immediately after the er. They met with pistols. Both that line. He will handle both 1. Jonah's Second Commission with the Interests of science, It Is de­ fired nt the signal, but neither was play is decided npon. new and second-band goods and ( w . 1, 2). clared by museum experts and learned wounded. Doctor Moreno’s seconds Debates: When called the first time to go to socletlea. Expeditions have gone •xpects to keep an up-to-date store. noted that Senator Saguler had fired Nineveh, he found the task too great forth from the United State« and for Mr. Uber was in this line of busi­ The junior-senior debating teams at the ground, and they then Insisted for him. For big unfaithfulness, ha elgn countries Into the frozen arctic, ness in Brownsville several years are planning on holding a public thut Doctor Moreno should stand up was chastised. He repented and God the blistering areas of Africa and to ago and knows the needs of the debate at the Rialto hall -next unarmed to receive another shot, but restored big commission. The Lord the varying cUines of Asia. »null trade. The upper part of the Senator Saguler refused to fire upggs. that I bid thee" (v. 2). God knows animal and vegetable specimens and keeping purposes and the garage onciliation. how he wants His work done. Happy data to add to the knowledge of man room for storing automobiles We 1» the missionary, minister, Sunday- Some of the explorations have no are glad to see Mr. Uber again in A Live Farm Bureau Four Generation« at Wedding. school teacher, who preaches God’s stopped with the earth. Conan Do.vli Halsey Christian Church Bucyrus, O.— III the presence of her business in Brownsville, The Lake Creek Farm Bureau Word Just as He gave It. recently claimed to have talked wltl brothers and sisters, children, grand-1 held a big meeting Jan. 20 About II. Jonah’s Pleaching (vv. 3, 4). his dead relatives, and not a few wire There is a feeling that poasib y children and great-grardchlldren. Mrs. Church Announcements 100 persons enjoyed the affair, Mary J. Lutz of Bucyrus was married 1. His field fv. 3). "Nineveh was an leas »peratura assert that kindred soul» the burning of the old city j.ui exceeding great city." Not ouly wua on Mars were trying to wireless folks might have been for (he purpose of which included a basket dinn r. to Alfred J. Hltchlns, cement contract­ Methodist: the city large, but its Inhabitants were here. Among those who helped make the or of Dundee, Mich. The bride and giving the fire company an oppor­ Sunday School, 10. noted for their cruelty. Hunt*"Missing Link.” program interesting were Couniy bridegroom were both sixty-seven, and tunity to try the new fire appara­ Preaching, 11. Among the expeditions now at work 2. His message (v. 4). “Yet forty the bridegroom, a grandfather, was at­ tus. I t certaiuly was oot a great Junior League, 8, are: days and Nineveh shall be overthrown." tended by Ills son. loss, Intermediate League. 0:30. The third Asiatic expedition of the This means that forty days were given Epworth League, 6:80. American Museum of Natural His by God for repentance ere the Judg Joe Weber, living between H a l­ The Apostles W ork Wonders. Preaching, 7:30. ment would fall. God Is long suffer­ lory, which Is to remain five years in sey and Brownsville, returned home And by the bands of the apostles W e H ave Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. ing, not willing that any should perish, (lie Orient hopeful of finding th. Saturday after spending a couple were many signs and wonders wrought EVERY THING "missing link," and of gathering a of months visiting relatives but that all should repent ( I I Pet. 3:9). among the people. And belfevi ra Rev, C. T , Cook, Pastor, ,d Though He Is merciful, yet there Is wealth of scientific data. were the more added to the Lord, O ptical friends in Illinois, He reports a The Stefanssnn expedition which Is a limitation to It. He says, “Yet fo i t i ­ multitudes both of men and women. fine time. Christian: 4 E Y E S T R A IN de .vs." mapping the little known boundaries Jots andJTittles Whatnots: YANKS EXPLORE ARCTICJROPICS SEARCH FOR “MISSINO LINK” —Acts 5:12-14. Is the Cause of Many H U M A N IL L S I f your eyes give yon trouble or yoqr glasses are annoying SEE -U S. We can Relieve You . Bancroft Optical Co. 313 1st St. W. Albany. Phone t » - Next Sunday in connection with III. Th« Repantanc« of Ninavsh (vv. of ’Vrangel’» Island, north of Siberia where polar hears are most numerous the morning service the sacram ml 6-10). •f the Lord’s supper will be ob 1. They believed God (v. 5). They This party of Americans and Esqul believed that Gcd wag speaking io mnux expects to remain away two or jeryed in the Presbyterian church them through the prophet about their three years, and Donald B. MacMillan At the same time the public recep­ and his comrades are exploring Baf­ sins and impending judgment. tion and baptism of a number o f fin's land. 2. They proclaimed a fast (vv. 5-3). new memljers will take place. A l ' An expedition to hunt gorillas Is The king and people Joined sincerely trekking In Africa under the direction nembers are urged to he present In this movement. The call was for of Carl E. Akeley of the American »iid the public ia cordially invited. them to turn away from their sins. Museum of Natural History. Hecently Their penitence was genuine, for they Everett Hunter was over from he reported having bagged a family not merely put on sackcloth, the vis­ of five. Corvallis Bunday to spend the day ible sign of mourning, but they cried vilh his parents, M r. and Mrs Seek “ River of Doubt.” to God (v. 8). The Mulford biological expedition 3. C. Hunter 8. They reasoned that God would now in South America, la exploring ti e Last week Rev. A. M. McClain repent (v. 9). Though they had no Pine Grove Church: headwaters of the Amazon, seeking preached four nights in the Pres- assurance that God would have mercy, Sunday School, 10. Colonel Roosevelt's River of Doubt yterian church in Crawfor Isvib» yet they reasoned that the sending of snd gathering rare plants and herbs Preaching. 11, by Bro. Eggly. a prophet and the giving of a time desired by chemists and the medical tnd the people were so pleased that Prayer-meeting, 7. before the fall of doom Implied thut profession. hey urged him to return for fur­ Bible Study, Wednesday, 7. Ood would be merciful If (hey reiieni ther services and he has been t here The British expedition which cllmbe. ed. They were wise in so doing. We to within 9,000 feet of the world's •aeh night this week. There ia today know that Ood will have mercy highest summit, Mount Everest, In nove on foot to secure him for a If we repent (Acts 3:19). What ut­ 1921, expects to finish the Job this year. 'B y R k l I ’ B. F 1 T Z W A T E H . U. D . nid-week service each week. ter folly to go on In sin In the face T e a c h e r o f E n g lis h B ib le In the Moody Minor expedition* are working In Peru. of the assurance that God will Judge I B ible In s titu te o f C hicago ! George Fallow, who Ina bee i Ecuador, Bolivia and elsewhere, most 6. God’s mercy shown (v. 10). of them being American. Copyright, IS , ,, W .a t.r n N e w .p .p e r Union Working at Hiiinti'jt, |‘Jt M old 71 !' :---- “God saw their works that they turned H om Id Amundsen, who Is quite uae.l noraing for C orvallis, » l i n e n from their evil way.” God’s eye Is to cold weather, having spent many- well assist in building a sawmill LESSON FOR MARCH 5 omniscient. Wherever there Is a soul previous years In the Arctic, will set who Is turning from sin In penitence E. D Myer», adniiuisi r a to i o f forth In the aprlug on a trip to the J E H O V A H 'S m ercy to a h e a t h . He sees. No one has ever wept over north pole. the Laura Ambrose eat ate, w i- <■ ,• EN C IT Y , sin unnoticed by God. Ood rejoices front Sci” Mondav and T ■ when a sinner repents (Luke 15:10) L E S S O N T E X T —J o n a h »1-4:11. -telling off the household I'f HENS SURPASS MINE OF GOLD In the Book of Jonah we have por­ G O L D E N T E X T —L e t the w icked fo r ­ Nearly everythin» w»< -old sake his w ay. and th e un righteou s m an trayed the typical history of Israel: South Dakota Birds Produca 830,000,- bis thoughts: and 1st him re tu rn unto tbs ”1. Jonah was called to a world After a verv painful u ln -> . . <>v I-orS, and hs w ill h ave m erc y upon h im . 000 Yearly— Homeataks and to o u r God, fo r hs w ill a b u n d a n tly ’ mission, and so was Israel. (2) Jonah irlng many weary month» Mr» 84,000,000. l a r d o n .- Is a , M:7. at first refused Compliance with the >«Usy Morris p »«»«t| » v tv T i •» tU .F K K S .N C B M A T E R IA L -IS O . « K- divine purpose aud plan, and so did Sioux Falls, 8. D.—Although Soutl day morning at the home f h 26. Ut&-7, Jon ah 1:1-2 1«. M ai 11«, 11, Israel. (3) Jonah was punished li> Joh n 1.14. Dakota la classed as one of the gold parent», Mr and M '». F r i I’m being cast Into the sea, and so whs producing slates of the Union—owing I K I M A R T T O P IC —God Benda Jonah on lie, in Sou'h Brown-ville. Eve v Israel by being dispersed among the to the fact that the famous Home an E rra n d . King that medical skill could do nations. (4) Jonah was not lost, but stake mine In the Black hills hi ore J U N IO H T O P IC —H o w Ood Spared a W ick e d C ity . rather especially preserved during this of the great gold producer* of th< >r loving hearts suggest, w.ia don I N T E R M E D I A T E A N D S E N IO R T O P IC part of his experience, and Israel Is world— It will lie ■ surprise to man.i ’o alleviate her suffering, hut the —Jonah'« M is s io n a ry A d v en tu re not being assimilated by the nutlona. to know that the lien* of South Da lisease could not he arrested and T lt U N lJ P fc o P L K A N D A D U L T T O P IC hot being kept for God. (5) Jonah, kota rich year produce many time* th« ieath only brol fie-dom from pain, —T h e M ission ary T e a c h in g o f the B o o k repentant and cast out by the fish, la value of the Black bills gold product. ’fra. Morris grew up in th a com • f Jonah. restored to life and action again, aud The production of the Home-take uunity and had a wide circle of That the book of Jonah la histori­ Israel, repentant and cast out by the mine la estimated at 89.nm.ono a friends who mourn her passing. cal we believe for the following rea­ nations, shall he restored to her fortner year. The hen* on the farm« of Sooth She had long been a member of sons : Flrat, its record and use In national position. (9) Jonah, obedient, Dakota. Bgures »how, produce 830,001).. ’ he Methodist church. The hu«- the Scriptures. That the wrltera of goes upon his mission to Nineveh, and 000 a year. For every dollar of South >and, father, mother, brother and Israel obedient, shall ultimately en­ the Bible Intended the Impression of Dakota gold the Nouth Dakota ben* i-ter have the sympathy of 'he II» historicity Is without the shadow gage In her original mission to the lay down 85. The record made by om inanity. of a doubt. The auggeatlon that It la world. (7) Jonah Is successful In that the hen« of the «tats Is believed to a paruble ia absolutely gratuitous. his message Is acted upon to the make a record for state* with no The Brown-ville city jail was Second, the unbroken testimony of salvation of Nineveh, to Israel shall greater population than Houth Dakota. •urned Saturday night. The fire tradition among the Jews la that It la be Mossed In that she shall he used South Dakota has no great poultry hl»lorlct Third, the tgalltyony of Jesus to the conversion of the whole world " farms. There are now about 9,000,000 department quenched the fire unco —Dr. Gray’s Commentary. chickens in South Vykott, Death In Life. For we which live are always de­ livered unto death for Jesus’ sa>e. that the life also of Jesus might made manifest In our mortal tlesli. s then death worketh In us, but life In you.— I l Corinthians 4:11-12. How do You Select a Corset? Is it style, appearance, comfort or long wear that influences your choice ? Bible school, 10, W. F. White acting superintendent. Preaching, 11, theme, “ The Bible. ’* Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Prewching, 7:30. On Saturday evening Mr. Udas. co, a native of the Philippines and a graduate of the Eugene Bible university, will give an illustrated lecture on the Philippine islands. No admission charged, but a free­ will offering will he lagen. Sunday School L?sson Don’t you think it would be best to try to find all these things, and more, in one corset ? Bon Ton Corsets embody every feature mentioned, with the further advantage of supreme style and moderate price. $ 3 .5 0 and $ 5 .5 0 Special Hill Bed Can Coffee, 1-, 2p and 5- £ pound cans, tOc a pound M. V. Koontz Co. I ;ô but it broke out s^aiu.