PAGE 6 HALSEY ENTERPRISE P. Stafford war« Albany viaito*» Saturday. jn n . Brownsville. "J, m i 1 It is needed. The Brownsville high school dre- Mr. and Mra. O W Krum and italic club cleared 161 for the fool- daughter Vivian were Albany ball team at its entertainment. shoppers Friday. 1 be Rebekahs will practice Fri Blanche Forster and W. A. Sweet day evening at 7:30 at the hall f r of Eugene were guesta at the P. J. initiation. A ll members requeete* to come. Forster home on Sunday. \ffimwuuvick P H O N O C R A P H S AND R E C O R D S RECORDS u n n r a i» m White Leghorn Baby Chicks N orth from heavy laying stock, O. A. C. No. 18, 12:04 p. m. 24, 4.34 p. m. Booking orders ______ taken —. now I strain. ______ . _____ _ — for 14. 5:27 p. m. I spring 1822. Safe arrival live, vigorous chicks guaranteed. Price $12 50 per 100 MRS. A. J. JOHNSON. Halsey, Ore., R.-I, box 46. Phone 3F2J. South No, 23, 11:31 a. m. 15, 12:24 p. in. 17, 5.49 p. in. S U N D A Y M A IL H O URS The delivery window of the Tancred and C. B." Halsey poatoffice is open Sundays grom 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20 Armstrong strains. $12 PER 1OO. to 12:35 and 5:15 to 6.30 p. m. Baby Chicks C. E Smith returned Saturday Tbe A. E. F. minstrels did not ■ evening from hie visit with bis Io as well at Sweet Home as ii, B A R R E D ROCKS, O. A. C. and M c­ cousin, N. C. Smith, at Aurora. it bur towns, hut Sweet Home is Donald, San Jose. Cal , $1 3 P E R IOO PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS A. M Henderson went home tc mt a very large place. Mrs. A. C. Armstrong, Portland Saturday after a vim Farmers of Shelburn and vicin. with the Talent family at Browns­ ty arc hollering for the good road I Halsey, Oregon Admittance Here 5 Cents ville. to Munkers that they have assessed a Line Her for a w hite F. W Robinson returned Hat> r ibetnselvee for in tbe past years. dinner plate w iih blue Did She Do Bight? border which was left with some of tbe day from Salem, where he hail b ei Miss Edith Forrest, county; Red I good things to eat which many sympa­ to see his wife and Croon nurse, found so much to do Did Anna Janssen, a dancing thetic friends have recently left w ith the All 85c Records are now 75c M . Carey. n securing soldiers at Brownsville girl, who shot and killed her com­ invalid at the W heeler borne, All $1 .35 Recofds are now $1.25 heir rights that she arranged to mon law husband, in "The Woman Hugh Cumming* of the Neber God Changed.*’ a Paramount- gall Packing company was reci» make a second vi> it. This includes the new February Brunswick Cosmopolitan picture which comes ing bogs and sheep from O. W J. M. Hawkins, bead of tbe Al­ Records which go on sale today. to the Rialto thea er next Friday, I t is th e p sych ology Frum the first of the week bany chamber of commerce last because he cast her off for another, No 2071 I Saxophone P a r t a n t ..................................................... Rudy Wiedoft o f you th turning Mr. and Mrs H. W Cbai ce year and prominent worker in pub do the right thing? See the 75c (V e lin a (Saxophoue S o l o , . . . ...................................... Rinly W iedoft lie enterprises, died of heart trouble | weie in Brownsville Friday vi.-i in to m an h ood picture before you condemn this » 1 his home in Albany Mouday No. 2166 ] B ell, of S handon..............................................................M ale Quartet ing tbe former’s brother-in-law, charming woman played by Seena Homing, • 1 75c ( Sally in O nr A lle y ............................................................. Male Quartet Mr Elswick, who is seriously ill Owen, ‘ ‘ the Woman God Changed" 0 W. Frum will be the leader! No. 216S I M andy ’n ’ M e --------------- . ---------------- Tenor and Male Trio Over FO farmers have applie is a remarkable photoplay, and 75c l Dapper D a n -------------------------------------------------- Ten or aud Baritone n Halsey in rodent control work, to County Agent Hey man f< said to be one of the best ever I. A Stevenson in the war on Can- No. 2169 l A pril S how er.------------------------------------------ Rodeiuick’. Orchestra poisoned squirrel bait, Appllc booked by Manager Kessell for ida thistle and George Maxwell in 75c I Snowflakes (Fo» T r o t ) ---------- ------------ - Rodeiuick*» Orchestra tio is should all be in by J a il. lil his popular theater. he war on bovin# tuberculocis. No. 2172 f I Want M v M am m y........................................................... Ernest Hare H C. Davis cam e home for tl ‘■Booth T arkington 75c , Georgia Rose ................................................................. James Craven Rodent control meetings called For Sale—Yearling Jersey calf. week end but went hack to Pot ■Ut 228 people at Brownsville, 128 E. Rnss, Hal« y. O ne’s first impression is land on federal grind jury dut i H a ls e y , 3 9 at Charity, 78 at He is home now, to irt having a o f a very strange, intensely Chicken dinner every Sunday at Lake Creek and many at other jouroed. Hotel Brownsville. 50 cents. reserved, alm ost stupid laces in the county. There will F, M. Maxwell and sou Job nobably be many good, dead ro- boy. Reading on we see stopped in Halsey Sunday on t hi- i lents as a result. For rent or for sale—Houses and the author’s purpose. W e return from Eugene to their h< m The Rebekahs met ia regular farms in vicinity of Halsey. in Tangent. They were guests i.1 witness the actual unfold­ •ssion Wednesday evening. At W J. Ribelin. the J. M Porter home. the close of th - meeting a eoni st ing o f a chara&er and the Keith Crews ot Sunnysid was enjoyed Elfa Moore w. n development o f that slow Leave your orders for land- Wash , left for his home Tbur- first prize; George Taylor aec«n , plaster at the lumber yard. day after a short visit with h but clear thinking which Tbe com mil tee pissed tbe treat , mother, Mrs Crews, and grnii i makes for irrefutable logic We have had lone oaks and loue mother, Mrs C liiiginan, west Dr. E. W . Barnum, dentist, at pines and twin oaks emphasized and unalterable decisions. town, and cousin, Mrs. Edith Koi I sits to negotiate w ith other statistical Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and in names of places, but an adver­ nett. bureaus of the federal government There is a girl, brilliant in Friday. tise - this week is at "Thousand looking to a consolidation of effort In A. M fja lij mple, who for a lot the extreme, who by the ) a k Farm," with several chicks, thia direction. Here is a bargain for some Ford time wnti in the liitornal revunu w suppose, for every oak. malicious jests o f fete, is Receive Many Complaints. truck owner: Two 82x4j fabric service in thiw statu, and who ju» “Many complaints have been re­ made constantly to hamper casings at $25 each. • Halsey Gar- J. L. Weaver, eon of Mrs. E'la now ia devoting bin attention t ceived from manufacturers and oth­ ‘ge , Foote Bros. and outshine the boy. Finally vVmdoui of Brownsville by her HMaisling people to make out the ers concerning the numerous requests iret husband, has been for a long we see her chandler yielding Considerable Dissatisfaction Ex­ i come tux report», «topped off made h.v the federal bureaus for sta- time a desk clerk at the Hot"! I tlstlcal nnd other Inform ation,” Mr. ilulaey Tue»day. to, reshaped and eventually th e ’good offices of the pope. pressed Over Count Made Portland. The Oregonian report , Hoover says. “I feel confident that remade, by the sterner qual­ So fa r as she knows no direct word hat he has been taken to a Port­ Under the farm bureau W . N ( In many Instances the periodic Inves- Year Ago. has been received tn Mexico from ities o f the boy. Damon lead» I he fight again- land hospital for a complication | tlgntlnns of the hnrenu of censns Charlotte In more than fifteen years, are all that Is necessary to make, and tuberculosis of cattle at Bruwnsvill» of diseases. Told with all o f Tarkington’s and that only an Incoherent note to that the investigation of the othpr bu­ A J. Henderson, whose farm h the w ife o f a form er high Mexican C. H Elswick of Brown» vi I e insight into the mind and reaus could, with advantage, he dis been ‘•elected for poultry deni official. vh-iee affliction with a stroke oi continued.” heart o f youth and with all stations, will lead jn that II "The empress left hurriedly on her iralysis is chranicled on-page 6, Calling attention to the fact that his genius for depidion, nar­ European trip ,” said Señora Degollado, ami Harry Park lead» the fight » lied ye-terday. The deCeased|was Census Taking In January Is Disap­ some census records were destroyed In who, despite her 80-odd years, retains the Canada thistle, rative and humor. One o f proved on Ground That Weather , brother-in-law of H W Chance a recent fire In the department of com­ a rem arkably clear memory, “and was his best stories. In That Month Is Serious merce building, Str. Hoover declares >f Halsey, Mrs. Fuchs, slsi Mrs Pansy Morris, nee Tindle accompanied only by her personal Handicap. th a t » hall of records In which these i sister of Mr. C-, h tsa rriv en from who ha» been considered at death' maids. For many days prior to her A NEW SERIAL FOR documents can he stored and conven­ •ortlandjto at end t 1 e funenl, departure, there were evidences o f her floor ut her father’» home, ne. THESE COLUMNS Washington.— Bees use o t “consid­ iently examined Is urgently needed. vhicli takes place tomorrow. falling reason, and we were not sur­ Brownsville, i» reeling heller an erable dlasatlsfactiou" w ith the reeult prised to hear of her acute affliction suffering much less pain and hop I lie E iterprise in inag»ment is of the count In the censua taken Inst Keeps Cats From Bakeries. several months later. I am positive for h?r recovery have revived highly gralilied at the way on’,, January, the hnuae census committee Boston.— The cat In the bakery that there Is absolutely no tru th in Tuesday Mr Tilidle loot M u e ro ere have been coining in with Is considering legislation providing for must go. This Is one of the orders the reports that she was poisoned be­ B io w ii of Salem and Mrs Ho nil eir cash during this month when another enumeration o f the population Just promulgated by the city health fore she le ft Mexico. And the em­ son of Sutherlin to lake trains I Iv iris in g income is a lw its the of the United States In 1025. or gome department, under authority of an peror! H e was possessed o f very kind those places, after visiting I element of nature. H e was too good. "sliest, following the holiday other year prior to tlte next decennial act passed hy the last legislature. “ Some bakers thought that cats Tindle home. He listened to treacherous advice and «tie rash, and when illness has cenaua. Secretary Hoover In that portion of his annual report dealing was shot. T hat day was an evil one 'created the ex|>entci of the fam with the activities o f the census bu­ were necessary In order to keep ra t* and mice away," said Dr. P. H. Mul- Capt J. C. M'lmntw and w'h i ' v of (he publishers Thank you reau. American Widow of a Diplomat for Mexico.” lowney, deputy health commissione1-. of Hubbard, after visiting relative Fled to Guatemala. Mav more follow your suit I “This proposed legislation has my In charge of the food Inspection di­ Talks of Days of Maximilian Señora Degollado wag In Mexico ami friends at Brownsville an Plainview and Shedd farm hit approval." M r. Hoover says, adding vision "The same object can be oh City when M axim ilian was shot In Tangent Thursday afternoon, ma and Charlotte. H comiuunitiee report their pmj that “It has frequently been contend­ tnlned, however, by proper physical Queretaro, and, although she had an op­ the Dean» and Mm Stafford a sti" portunity to view the body before It •cts for last year fairly well com ed that the distribution of the popu­ construction of the baking plant, so call. These are foiiner Cons coo was shipped to Vienna, the declined, (deled aud have reorganized for lation as shown by the reports of the we have abolished cats and all other tv t>e iple, the c.ip'ain f >r m i perferring to remember him as she .is year with C Cornutt chair- fourteenth census la abnormal.” and antraala.” years being connected with a ste n that prior to that enumeration there st line on ibe Coquille rive was a great movement from rural to the emperor’s death, she and her hus­ t'own at Shedd. John aud H»r The,' now own a good farm oes urban districts which, since the enu­ IF YOU CARE FOR C A LVES Former Lady in W aiting Describes band fled to Guatemala, where they v Pugh are leaders at Shedd in meration. hat been neutralized In large Hubbard on which there is a ni lived for several years until Porflrio Emperor as “ Beautiful Character, raiusge, C. C. Dicasou in bovine measure by a reverse movement. Dies became president of Mexico. little sawmill, with which Mr Mie Don't slaughter or sell a Sympathetic and Capable, but iherciilotis, J W Spreuger in Affects Congress R«presentation. Bom In N orfolk, Va., Miss M arie Jor­ maw purs in most of his time an heifer calf from a profitable cow Too Amiable." uiltry culling, Ernest Pugh in “Further. It, la said, that this shift­ dan went to Washington w ith her Raise It. give« hie mechanical proclivities »•operative dairying. John Pugh ing of the population affected the to­ fath er during the early days of the Don't keep your cows In a chance. Mexico C it y — A shriveled, gray- Civil war, and there met M ariana D e­ in rodent control and three. Cloud tals for certain states, thus Influenc dark. damp, dirty pen. hulred little woman, almost Wind and gollado. who was attached to th * M ex­ The Mountain Stales Power com lavidson, J. H Cornett and Ernest Ing the apportionment of representa­ Don't overfeed them. j living wholly alone, sits all day In her tives in congress." p a lly , which supplie* Halsey wit* ican embassy. They were m arried In Don’t feed m ilk at 100 degree* 'ugh in the Canada thistle war. chair before the window of her tiny Washington and later came to Mexico, Census taking In January la disap­ electricity, has made a conlrsc tem perature one time and 80 de­ The D e M o s a entertainment filled proved on the ground that the weath­ apartment In Mexico City and dreams where her hnaband's father, Oen. gree« the next time. with the Oregou-Colit'ornia Pnwei J of the days of the Mexican empire 'he body of tbe M thodl-t church er In that mnnth ts a serious handicap Santoa Degollado, was one o f the Don't feed sweet milk one company for the interchange o when the Austrian Archduke Maximl with a well-pleaded audience. to the enumerator, delaying the work moat prominent men of the day. A tim e and sour m ilk tbe next power It will take shout a yea Han ruled the destinies o f the nation street and plaza tn Mexico C ity still time. to construct a power line (ion Thorough advertising would proh- and making It necessary "to take un­ j from 1S64 to 1867. She Is Señora M arie hear his name. usual precautions to Insure a com­ ihly have doubled even that a t. Don't feed from dirty buckets Klamath Falls to Eugene, connec | Othelia Jordan de Liegollado, scion of Señora Degollado believes that aha and never from a trough. endance had there been available plete canvass." ing the two companies. Then th an old Virginia fam ily and w ife of the la the last survivor of the court fav o r­ The report says that the time for l>olng any of the Inst five hall that wauid eccoramadate ao burning of coal to furnish powe I 'ate Gen M ariana Degollado, member ites of the Emperor M axim ilian. things 1« apt to cause "scours" many, for this is a popular troupe taking the next census should be In of n fam ily famous In Mexican history. mav be dispensed with and, i April, as was the case before the last and "stunted calves." During the three tragic year« nf emergence, Halsey may he lighte W ith the Enterprise news-gat h- census. T he change for the last cen Don't feed the grain In the GOOD BULLS RAISE AVERAGE M axim ilian's reign she was a lady by .Mrs aus was made, It says, at the request i witti jn ce generated by waiei eung crippled m ilk ; feed It dry. Chewing It In waiting to Empresa charlotte, the aids digestion. M ixing it |n milk Wheeler's diaahility the co-opera­ of various Interests making use of ag power in 8*n Diego county. Improvement From Use of Meritorious ; '«ad princess of Europe,” and to the rlcultnral statistics, the Idea being ' mean« more scours. A b u ild in g Loom is forecast • I tion of Haleeyitee in procuring that more accurate statlatlca could he Sires Forcibly Suggested by •orrespondent she recently recalled Don't feed the foam that news for publication become» some Interesting memories of court Tabulations. obtained concerning the activities of forms on m ilk as It comes from doubly essential in getting out a laya during the Mexican empire. the farms t f the canvass was made the separator, nor that on whole food paper. Such a paper in a shortly a fte r the end of the year to Praise for M axim ilian. According to tabulations made by fresh milk. Foam Is bubbles— »mall town in any situation can which It related. M axim ilian, the Ill-fated Austrian the dairy division, the use of 11 pure­ bubbles are full of gas and gas he produced only by co-operation prince, who was set up as head of the bred bulla on purebred cows resulted M r Hoover also says that the new causes colic and sometimes ■tbplre by Napoleon l i t In 1864, and >( editor aud public and our thanks In an average improvement In the an­ scours. T h a t s a t i s f i e d | ore due to the many woo give help director of the census, W illia m M three years la te r was shot as an usur nual production of the daughters ae Steuart. la of the opinion t h a t tn or­ Don't expose young stock to per hy order of the Mexican president ilo n g this line. der to advance the work of subsequent compared with their dama of 50 cold, bleak weather, nor allow REDUCED to 75c Wanted Ramsey Milholland Prompt Mailing Service 7200 Records in stock to select from Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Ore. MAY TAKE NEW CENSUSJN1925 REPRESENTATION IS AFFECTED RECALLS DAYS OF MEXICANEMPIRE IS MORE THAN 80 TEARS OLD L s-f D R U G S ! feeling that conies < f getting what on© wanted is always your« when you pat­ ron i/.«» this drug store. ( IrtltM » titk o n f o r tin * no w Z a iu> G r a y b o n k . T o th«* L a s t M a i l . " Ringo's Drug Store The pope died laet Sunday, censuses. It w ill be necessary that changes he made In methods of pro • edure. If not In the »cope, o f some of the Inquiries. “Tt would hasten the publication of the figures for the total population." the report say*, “t f the supervisors tn the various districts made the prelim ­ inary count and announced the popu laflon. subject to correction, for the political subdivisions of their dis When France made ibe treaty running Angora to Turkey 2110,- •00 Chr isolane left their hom»e md tied the country, knowing the I’urk policy to be one of cold­ blooded butchery of all non. noal«ms. Meta." Roots as Largs as Trees. As a general rale rants extend on arti «Irte « f a tree in a distance equal o the height of the tree itselX. » J" - T « avoid duplication o f effort and eliminate annoyance to manufactur­ ers and other», the commerce score ’ •r y hay askjsJ thg of_j^s cen them to drink very cold w ater In »Inter. Art««. Japan. Noted for Porcelain The porcelain produced at Arila Japan la much noted for Its artistic finish and durability and I» made of I he white clay known as kaolin ex tensive déports of which are found In the vicinity Pottery works In Arttn have been tn existence since the Six leenth century A rils ts to the west »ra pan of the Island of Klnshlu. «bmit M miles north of Nagasaki, with which II has railw ay coonecUoa, Juarez, was described by Señora De­ gollado a t "a beautiful character, sym pathetic and capable, but too amiable to govern a nation of malcontents." Kmpress Charlotte, daughter of Leo­ pold I.. King o f the Belgtana, who Is »till living In Brussels, according to Seaora Degollado, was “an ambitious genius, who was always striving to ad­ vance her husband, and whose mind became unbalanced when she found the path Mocked." Señora Degollado has never seen the empress since she departed from Mexico C ity tn July, 186« to plead the cause of the empire before the French monarch and later to go to Rome to attem pt to M e a n » pounds of b utterfat each. Thia forcibly suggests the Improvement that la likely to come In an ordinary herd *---- the use of meritorious b ulla Wheneeneee of the Br Ish Guinea. The mystery of that dreadful un- eolned unit of barter Io England known as the "gulnes." which Is sh- «traded from tbe pocket In place of the pound very much to the damage of the m etric and all other aystema, seems to have been solved at last. Now the pound Is 20 shillings and the guinea la 21 shillings, ao that It la cherished by hotels and lodging hou> • brooM It la divioiue by m v « b , n ’ i. r3 • • ’ r