Garden and Farm SEEDS TO A C ÌIV E TECTII ' '' C * ----------___ , to a " • FARMERS -71 have an ( SW ^W *it| I 1 , . X f articles no longer'ueeded, or succeeded hy better ones, which auiuebody would (Continued from page I) like to obtain. An advertisement Ibe »lie of this, coaling 25c. might bad a O akville has voted fur a $7000 buyer and covert what u P l Q i l school b u ild in g . now onlv trash into good V <£> , B A B Y C HIX White Leghorns Jots and Tittles Mrs. Andrew Fox took F riday's tra in for A lb a n y . F. H. Porter visited A lbany F r i­ day, returning next day. Mrs. 8. T. H illm a n arrived home <,7?»cre<1 ,nd Hollywood strains, 51* -0 per ItM). Hatching eggs, $6.00 Friday from her visit at Silverton. * r 100. W illiam s White Leghorn Farm, Shedd lias a growing d a iry record r hone, 3x3 Halsey, Ore. club of which W. H . M om hinw eg is leader. Our Seeds Are Good Seeds A N ? < r y ° U Ca2 t 1 aff° rd t0 Use any other k ,n d - FOR SALE The 2 difference between a good crop or a poor one L . . £ 7 ’ ’ I" 5i? CY °n a*idL pr?fit ° r d i“ « « fa c tio n and loM u largely determined by the seed you use. Labor and other expenses are the same in both cases r ^ UfW CJ S Seed? select thcm w ith greatest care. We have choice stocks o f known p u rity — the varieties best suited to our climate and m a rk e ts -a n d tested for germination so we know they w ill grow. A complete assort- S e ry ." 83 and fie*d - And ready for Accrediting a Herd as Free From Tuberculosis Increases Its Value to the Owner and the Community. (P r ep a red by t h . U n ited S t a t u D ep a rtm en t of A g ricu ltu re. ) a short time. Other Counties Become Interested. Some of the most progressive live- lock count . - i v a rio u s p u rrs o f the country e re • to I Inc ,v th is pnnh- lem of getting rid h ' solu'ely of tuber­ culosis. They have decided that It Is the most feasible and practical way of carrying on the work. What was ac­ complished In Hillsdale county Is be­ ing carried on at the present time In more than 20 other counties of the same state. Similar work Is being done In New York, where 10 counties are engaged In area eradication. Detailed information regarding plans for tuberculosis eradication may he obtained free from the department of agriculture, Washington, D. C. E lm er Propst and wife and J W. Chambers and wifu of K u x Bute have baby boys. Shepherd Collie Pups C H- Ells wick of •ufferad a stroke of p. week Wednesday nigh For ninny years a fter the agitation C \R L S L L H 'L D A . C, S ch m itt, wel’ regarding bovine tuberculosis began there were verv .'«■ v people who enter the past as an A lbany rained the bon,, tliui it would ultimate­ become assistant prole A m o r A. T u ssin g ly be erad cat.d. Now, after many lies« a ilu iin is ira tio u at years of effort, first unsuccessful, but L A W Y E R AN D NOTARY now giving great protnige of success, W. C. DePew, edit O u r n ew c a ta lo g is re a d y . If y o u h a v e n o t there are many who firmly believe that te rio u, is the new ¡ the time is coming when this scourge B row s s v iu .i , O regon re c e iv e d j o u r c o p y p le a s e d r o p u s a c a rd . Lebanon and the Ex of live stock will be conquered. that I iím two prodecesi \ \ e h a v e n o t in te n tio n a lly o v e rlo o k e d y o u . Tuberculosis May Be Banished. bocal editors. This change of attitude has been Repairing. In line w ith L in n county's pre­ brought ubout largely through the ef­ eminence in boys’ and g irls ’ a gri­ forts of the bureau of animal industry Fine of the United States Department of c u ltu ra l and in d u s tria l club w oik, Agriculture, co-operating with the vari­ Albany is org an izin g « ju i D ress Shoes a Specialty ous state officials, which have been so chamber o f commerce. successful that within a period of four Mrs. P ittm an is about the house years, during which the work has been 5#1 Lyon st, Albany, Oregon, after her recent illness H er sis- directed toward ultimate elimination, several thousand herds have been ac­ ter. Miss L. Barber of Eugene, credited as being free from the disease who had been ca iin g for her, re­ and a number of sizable areas In d if­ Crop Regarded as Successful and lum ed to the la tte r city F riday for ferent states contain practically no ALBANY Profitable by Many Farmers in j Two door« north of the hotel a stay o f a few days. tuberculous cattle. These results have Canadian Provinces. J. J. Gross of B row nsville, whose demonstrated conclusively that. If suf­ Am prepared to do a ll kinds of ficient funds are made available, this tenth from heart disease was an­ Many Canadian farmers are grow- -hoe repairing. Satisfaction guar- nounced in last week’s Enterpiise, tney should be watered two or three menace to human health and to the Ing sunflowers for ensilage and the times a day unless arrangements have success of live-stock farming may be nleed. was buried at W all« W alla, hi« crop Is said to he very successful and been made to keep water before them done away with in a practical manner. profitable. This movement was start­ loruier home, after se rv io s at itie at all times, says the United States Tuberculosis of cattle is one of the ed experimentally a few years ago Brownsville B a ptist church. Department of Agriculture, In Farm­ few farm problems that appeals with mid proved such a great success that ers' Bulletin 743, “The Feeding of almost equal force to city people, for A fte r a three-year tig ht in the many hundreds of acres were planted Many Outbreaks of Infectious Dairy Cows.” The »rater should If the healthfulness of milk'and meat Is last New Jersey courts Thomas B. Slate, spring and the acreage will be possible be 15 or 20 degrees above of vital Importance to them. This fact much greater next year Silos are he- form erly of Tangent, has been eou- Diseases Preventable. freezing, and should be supplied at ought to muke it easier to get the sup­ Ing erected In large numbers all over liruied in his patent on an inven­ W IL D E Y LO D G E NO. 05. practically the same temperature ev­ port necessary for putting through Canada for storing the material tion to regulate propellers on fly . Hog Cholera la Most Dreaded Scourge ery day. When water well above freez­ such a country wide program against Regular meeting next Haturdat fug machines. Th« w a r depart- ing temperature Is stored In tanks the disease. The cattle resources of and Jeopardizes Porker Popula­ ni gut. has adopted it. and piped directly to the cow, there Hie country are of the utmost Import­ tio n -O ld Metal Wheel Use­ The entertainm ent at Halsey by Is probably little occasion to warm It. ance, and measures to reduce the risk ful as Pyrt. When It stands In a tank on which Ice of loss represent nothing more than the Brow nsville minstrel« was pro­ ( P r . p .r .d br t h . U n ited S t .t M D .p .r t m a a t often forms, it usually pays to warm common Reuse. nounced the best the troupe has o f A grlcu ltu r* ) It slightly. This can be done by a Insurance Feature Appeals. given, but owing to c o n flictin g All farm animals that die from un­ Office 1st door south of school house tank heater, by live steam of l.v hot There are more than 60,000,000 head dates only $45 was realized. Mrs. known causes should preferably be Halsey, Oregon. I water from a boiler. I f a boiler Is of cuttle In the country worth nearly Leon Morse of Brownsville added buried deep In quicklime. Many out­ i used for running a separator or for Rl.OOO.OOO.OtXl. Aside from the health breaks of lufectlous diseases owe their tw o vocal solos to the previous lis t heating water to wash and sterilize aspect of the problem, the Insuring of origin to carcasses which were aJlowed Handle® Town and Country Property. o f attractions. M arion Do i an, k utensils, steam from It can readily and this vast amount of wealth Hgnln-d to decompose in the open pastures or I<»ive him a call and tee if he can fix a C raw fordsville soloist, was also ‘ cheaply be used to warm the drinking loss ought to appeal to all classes of barn lots to which other animals had water. you up. an addition to the troupe. people as a necessnry measure for the access. The United States Department coqil of the nation. H . C. Thompson, vice-president of Agriculture advises every farmer <7- the present time various «tate who suffers mortality among his live of the bank o f B iow nsville, about a and federal agencies are testing about stock from unknown causes to have a year ago bought the c o n tro llin g LiO.oOO cattle a mouth and eliminating competent veterinarian make a post­ Good Plan Not to Use Muslin Cur- interest from W. P. Elm ore, the those that are found to be tuberculous, mortem examination and cremate the tains at Any Time Except to long-tim e president. Week before but It Is expected that In the near fu remains or bury them deep In quick­ Keep Out Rain and Snow. First-class work guarnteed last, at the annual election, M r. ture probably 1,000,000 head will be lime. Thompson was elected president K A R L BR AM W ELL. le s le i monthly by the combined forces. Hogs, next to poultry, are usually Roup Is largely a question of Ten and E. D. Starr vice-president, the most numerous live stock on the tllatlon. and properly ventilated chlck- On lifct basis it is easy to see that great progress will he made toward M r. Elmore ta k in g a well-earned average farm, and as hog cholera Is enhouses seldom contain chickens thal retirem ent from active business. the most dreaded scourge which Jeop­ have roup. In tlie openings in the getting rid of the plague, for the evi­ dence obtained shows that the methods AT ardizes the porker population, it ts ! front It Is a good Idea to have chicken Mr«. Lida E. Gumm is sueing now in use are practical. When the I Electric H a irc u ttin g , Massaging obligatory that the carcasses of hogs wire, and not use the muslin curtains Charles Gumm in the L in n county campaign began most of the stress was dying from unknown causes should ba at any time of the year except to keep • nd Shampooing. c irc u it court for a divorce and she laid " * cleaning up Individual herds, burned or hurled deep In quicklime. out snow and rain.—G. S. Vlckera Cleaning and Pressing, th in k s she ought to have it, by and tigs was the only practical thing An old metsl wheel serves as an ex­ Ohio State UnlversKv. To do as not enough sentiment had G um m . I f she doe» th a t w ill be cellent base for the funeral pyre, The been arqused to make It possible to one case where Gumm did not wheel should be raised live or six get gqn. fnl support for a campaign In «tick w ell. I t would seem th a t Inches above the ground on three or SUPPLY BASE FOR BIRDS any locality. But the advantage gained W e h a v e g iv e n a s p e c ia l four stones, so that a fire can be these people have “ chewed the A R C H IE C O R N E L IU S by cattle breeders who were able to kindled underneath It. The carcass of The air foreea can be concen­ rag,’ ’ whether they chewed Gumm th e r e g u la r advertise tuberculosis free herds was d is c o u n t the dead hog should be placed on this trated against the enemies of or not. A n y wav, the lady seems «° great that skeptics were convinced, wheel. In order that the carcasd will orchard and garden by setting m a r k e t p r ic e — f o r th is Expert workmanship. Watches and to th in k she has bitten off more and now many localities have taken up burn readily and thoroughly, it should up a base of supplies for winter G um m than she can chew, 'he problem and are rapidly cleaning s a le o n ly . clocks a specialty. be slashed deeply with a knife ao that birds. Thia is the suggestion of R e m e m b e r, if up «II herds within their boundaries. A. C. Burrlll of the Missouri the flames may penetrate to the fat OREGON M rs. T. Warden of Rowland died In fact, at the present time thia meth­ y o u b u y n o w y o u sa v e HA LSEY and all the carcass bum rapidly. College of Agriculture, who fu r­ .a n . 14, aged 83, at the resilience od of cleaning up circumscribed areas Where horses or cattle die, so much ther states that suet trimmings, of her son, Tilden, who conducts • Is the predominant one. m oney. labor is Involved In digging trenches warmed and mixed with bread general a t th a t place. She had Nine counties In the United Sts'es of sufficient slxe and depth to accom crumbs, make an excellent food been a widow for 31 years. P rio r have now completed one or more offi­ modate them that it Is preferable to to attract birds and help them cial tuberculosis tests of the caille M e n ’s D a y to n to going to Rowland in 1911 she dig deep a smaller grave and to dis survive the worst storms of win­ within those areas, and about 50 coun­ ter. had resided fo r a tim e in Leha- member the carcasses so they will fli ger, ID -in ch ......... JpO.oO ties are now either engaged in this In the small space. These graves Suet molded Into a hall and en­ non. A lb e rt W arden of Browna- A ll work done p ro m p tly and w-ork or are getting ready to take It M en ’s B e rg m a n n , closed In a loosely woven mesh should be not leas than live feet deep v ille is her son and Mrs. John up. In some of the counties the super­ reasonably. Phons No. 209. of twine can be hung In a tree so and the carcasses should he covered p la in too, h e a v y . Chastain of H olley her daughter. visors appropriate funds to employ In­ thickly with quicklime, which will soon that the English sparrows will Rev. W. P. E 'inore of B ro w n sville M e n 's B e rg m a n n , spectors who help the state and fed­ consume the fleshy portions. not touch It. These suspicious preached her funeral sermon and eral officials. In others the farm bu- birds fear to alight on a pend­ c a p , h e a v y ........... •he was buried in the A ifo rd cem­ reatis have taken the Job In hand. ant object, but the native winter M en ’s b lack h e av y etery. Hilltdala County a Modal. WATER FOR COWS IN WINTER ATTORNEY A T LA W birds will eat readily from such Od« of the best examples of what a c h ro m e , tw o fu ll a supply. They will supplement There was an a|l-day club meet, 201 New F irs t N a t’l Rank Bid'g. county can do In getting rid of this If Possible It Should Bo 15 or 20 De­ thia food^vlth numberless hiber­ s o l e s ................ ing and dinner a t the Lake Creek destructive disease Is found In Hills­ grees Above Freezing—steam nating Insects. A lbany, Oregon church F riday, C. R. Evan« de­ dale county, Mich. On October 24 a Boiler la Handy. livered an address, C. H. Brown, campaign was launched with the Idea A b o v e a r e o n ly a few o f W R I G H T & P O O L E county farm bureau president, ex­ of cleaning out all the diseased cattle. During the winter, when cowa are The little «on born to M r and A force of 30 county, state, and fed­ plained the need and the work of «tabled the greater part of the tJiae. Mrs. W. E Dawson F rid a y passed eral Inspectors was organized. They th e S lic e s y o u c a n save LIC EN SED F U N ER A L DIRECTO RS the bureau and M r Speer gave a HA RRISBURG LEBANON divided up the territory, giving a part away M onday m orning. rodent destruction dem onstration. m o n e y o n . 10-, 12- a n d Phone M Phone 15 of a township to ea< h man. The coun­ 0 G. Coldiron in his remarks said Branches at ty farm bureau furnished automobile* 16-inch v eal S h o e s o f th e lie bad h-arned m ofe about live . that were driven by the fanners who Brownsville, Phone .1705 ' t ck in his year ns cjtih I, ador were leaders In the communities and b e s t q u a lity a t p r ic e s th a t Halsey Phone IM . Frank Kirk, Mgr than in a ll his previous life. had influence with the live-stock own­ ers. By November 5 every herd I d the a r e r e a lly v e ry low. The next county fa ir w ill cover N O T IC E O F A P P O IN T M E N T That is what a woman said recent’y county had been tested. fo ur days in October. 0 . A. C- Notice is hereby given that the under There were 2,33« herd«, containing upon opening a box of our assorted can­ signed by sn ordei of the County Court w ill be barred from competing w ith 15,773 cattle, and 375 reactors wer* dies. What woman doesn't regard candy found. This means that shout 2.4 per of Linn County, Oregon, hsvr been sp in d iv id u a l stockbreeders for prizes pointed Executor and Executn t respect and there w ill be no prizes for in d i­ • • a treasure ’ I t is really more than cent of the cattle In the county had *be last W ill and Testament of vidual farm exhibit«. that, too; it ta an absolute necessity, the disease— a rather low percentage. Emm« C. Allen, deceased A ll persons In sections where the disease Is no having claims against »aid estate are re­ supplying a food want in a manner no more extensive than this, the cost of P. J. Ashton and fa m ily o f T'-n- quired to present them within six other article of diet can. Ours it the clean up Is almost negligible when com­ months from the date of this notice, irent were guests of M r- Ashton's with the proper vouchers, to the nuder nother, Mrs W. W. Biss, the firs t pared with the good that must ulti­ beat to be had. signed at their place of residence iu Hal­ o f the week. mately come from It. In this county sey. m Linn County. Oregon. the farmers and breeders, and In fact Charles Straley and W illia m Dated and first published this 5th day T h e s to r e w ith a s q u a r e all the people of the county, were en­ of January, 1922 Price drove to A lbany Saturday iu thusiastic, which helped a great deal d e a l f o r e v e r y c u s to m e r . W. A. Allen. Executor, the S traly machín«. toward getting the work done In such ten« Beene, Executrix. ALBANY, OREGON Amor A. Tatung, Atty, for Exr. & Kxrx Mra. L. E. Walton and Mn*. C. vl\irph\i SEED STORE SUNFLOWER GOOD AS SILAGE A. Peterson f * 1***sho< Shoe Repair Shop OREGON BURY DEAD ANIMALS DEEP IN QUICKLIME JEWETT the COBBLER. I. 0. 0. F. W . J . R ib e lin AVOID ROUP BY VENTILATION WORK | Dealer in Real Estate. ANITARY S Barber Shop and Baths BARBER SHOP SALE PRICES E. C . M IL L E R IIT W XTCHMXKER& Jeweler off F. M. G R A ~ Log- e c Qr Drayman. 8 .3 5 1 7 .8 5 4.00 “A Treasure Chest’’ BLAIN CL0THINGÇO] Stewart & Price Confectionery C C. B R Y A N T