This wag at the bottom of the fight built up by long experience, before they have a tried and proved substi­ efficiency la d u e 'In large measure to tute or supplementary mechanism. big buslneas, to united business, to in- They must be careful not to become I tegrated business. The farmers now enmeshed In their own reforms snd geek the benefits of such largeness, un­ lose the perspective of their place In ion snd Integration. I The American farm er la a modern of the national system They must guard against fanatical devotion to new doc­ the moderns In the use of labor saving trines. and should seek articulation machinery, and he has made vast with the general economic system strides In recent years In scientific I tillage snd efficient farm management, rather than Its reckless destruction as hut as a business In contact with other It relates to them. businesses aglrculture la a "oDe horse HUttUtS AVtNGt BtNtr-ACIUK shay” In competition with high power automobiles. The American farm er Is D ow n-and O uters D rag In M an fo r the greatest and moat intractable of S tealing S tickpin From Individualists. W hile Industrial pro- Social W o rker. ductlon and all phases of the huge com­ mercial mechanism and Its myriad ac­ New York.— The down and-outers of cessories have articulated and co-ordi­ nated themselves all the way from nat­ the Rowery scoured lodging houses and poolrooms and then dragged be­ ____ ____ ural raw materials to retail sales, _ the business of agriculture has gone on In fore the police a man whom they ac­ much the one man fashion of the back- cused of having snatched a $128 stick woods of the first part of the nlne- pin from Herm an Muller, a soda) reenrh century, when the farm er was worker. In an east-side restaurant eg/ly sufficient and did not depend upon, today. i of very much, what the great M uller was following hla weekly cue world _ world was was do doing. The _ ________ result 13 that tom of distributing free “feeds” to the the agricultural group Is almost as economically unlucky, with the an- much at a disadvantage In dealing v _ with fortu rate ones telling him their troubles other economic groups as the Jay form ­ during the meal, when two of bis guests e r of the funny pages In the bands of set upon him and escaped with the pin. sleek urban confidence men, who sell A detective to whom M uller reported him acreage In Central Park or the Chicago city hall The leaders of the his loss climbed on a table and told the farmers thoroughly understand thia, doun-and-outers that It was a shame and they are Intelligently striving to for their benefactor to be treated so Integrate their industry go that It will shabbily and that If they did not get the culprits they would have him be on an equal footing with other busl to reckon with. nesses. betwoon Ramsey Mllholland and Wea- l**y Render, and the diplomatic ex­ changes Immediate!) preceding bostill- tlea were charmingly frank and un- hypocritical, although quite as mixed op and off the-lssue as I f they hud been prepared by p,ofessl»nal foreign office men. Ramsey and Fred Mitchell and four other boyg waylaid young Render on the atreet a fter school, In By BERNARD M. BARUCH tending jocosities rather than violence, hot the victim proved sensitive “Too take yonr ole hand* off o’ me I" he «aid ffercely, aa they began to push Since so many young people wear (R e p rin ted fro m A tla n tic M o n th ly ) him about among them. glasses, the old idea tqat they make a “Ole dirty W eal" they hoaraely bel I person look old is seldom mentioned. The truth is that pntting off wearing lowed and squawked, In their chang ' glasses when they are needed is what — 'gswvwr. . »«"I gooff than In the case of other Ing vob ea “Washes Ida ears I” . . makes many people's faces look older — — Industries. The spirit of American “Waghea hla neck !" . . . Dora Yocum than they are. ’ III democracy is nnnlterahly opposed. told hlg mama to turn the hone on I Now that the farm ers are Stirring. al,lte ,o snar?ed special privilege and him I” Wegley broke from them and hacked thinking, and uniting as never before ,o the • pae' al Privilege of unequal op- away, twinging hla «trapped hooka In Io eradicate these Inequalities, they Po r,u n lty e< >>... ... seem reasonable find that the courts hsve nullified It , ■ cried the chivalrous Wesley. “Yon by Judicial Interpretation. Why should to find a way for the farm ers to meet ought Io know heller, on the public J them under the same conditions. The As an example o f Integration, take not the farmers he perm itted to sc- atreet, you— pupa!" Fumes From Still K ill Girl. the steel Industry, In which the model , compllsh by co-operative methods what law should operate equally In fact Re D etroit, Mich.— Fumes from a whisky n P WBa * aerlona affront,, at lenst other businesses are already doing by pairing the economic structure on one Is the United States Steel Corporation, H A IT H P V Xf I, 11 at I > <1' vj a u i. . .. . ‘ ’ aide Is no Injustice to the other side to Ramsey Mllholland's way of think with Its Iron mines, Its coal mines, Its still killed Grace Bartoleta, three years operation In the form of Incorpora Ing; for Ramsey, also now proved lake and rail transportation. Its ocenn old. L ittle hope is held for the re­ Hon? If It be proper for men to form, which is In good repair. We have traveled a long way from sensitive. He quieted his friends— I hy fusion of existing cnrpoyatlons or vessels, its by-product coke ovens, Its covery of her two sisters and mother, the old conception o f government as blast furnaces, Its open hearth and who were also overcome. “Shut u p !”— and advanced toward Otherwise, H corporation that controls merely a defensive and policing agency ; Wesley. “You look here! Who you Bessemer furnaces, Its rolling mills, its the entire production of a commodity. M ore Teachers Than Soldiers. callin’ ‘pups'?" ! or a large part of It, why la It not and regulative, corrective, or equalis­ tube mills and other manufacturing M. F r e n c h & S ons Costa Rica Is unique among modern “Everybody!" Wesley hotly re ALBANY OREG. proper for a group of farmers to unite ing legislation, which apparently Is of processes that are carried to the high­ nations, Inasmuch ns It has more turned. "Everybody ihat goes arnnnd for the m arketing of their common a special nature. Is often of the most i est degree o f finished production com mentioning ladles' names on the pub porlhle with the large trade It has teachers than II das soldiers. products, either In one or In several general beneficial consequences. Even the First Congress passed a tn rlff act lie streets are pups!” selling agencies? Why should It he »ho» built up. A ll this la g generally conced- ... - ......... — w-s.s en era lly co * «vowed ly for tile protection ’ ed to be to the advantage of the They are are they?" Ramsey as ; right for n hundred thousand corporate Ls m anufacturers; hut Hvo «umm» j __ . n u factu rers; but a protective shareholders to direct 25 or 80 or 40 hotlv demanded “ Well, you Just look sumer Nor does the steel corporation here a minute; my own father men ! per cent of an Industry, and wrong for tariff always has been defended ns a Inconsiderately dump Its products on means of promoting the general good the market. On the contrary, It so a hundred thousand co-operative tlona my mother's name on the public farmers to control a no larger propor­ through a p articu lar approach; and acts that It Is frequently a stabilizing s tr e e ts w h en ever he wants to. and you the statute bonks are filled with acta tion of the wheat crop, or cotton, or Influence, as Is often the case with oth­ Just try callin' my father a pup, and for the benefit of shipping, commerce, er large organizations. It Is master of you won’t know what happened to any other product? and labor. Its distribution as well as of Its pro­ y o u !” The Departm ent of Agriculture Is duction. I f prices are not satisfactory often spoken of as a special concession "W h at'll you do about It?" the products are held hack or produc­ IV to the farmers, but in tts commercial “I'll put n new head on you,” said tion Is reduced or suspended. It is not Now, what Is the farm er asking? Ramsey. “That's what I'll do, bet 'HUse results. It Is of as much benefit to the anybody that calls my father or moth ''».vers mid consumers of agricultural W ithout trying to catalogue the re­ compelled to send a year’s work to the er a pup— “ j products as to the producers, or even medial measures that have lieen sug­ market at one tim e and take whatever It can get under such circumstances. "Oh, shut up! I wasn't talkin ’ shout more 1 <’ n not ""PPn|w that anyone gested In hla behalf, the principal pro It has one selling policy and Its own ® separately or col while Wesley defended her as a of earning» hy the government, with , **rta and conditi- ns The looser co , !*oHvely, a t the Individual farm er ms- knightly youth should. thé result t - him of an 'nereased toll operative form seems more generali» rt* c t I f ’* th,a atpP - f h e plan of th U _ . he — sell* -.11. and W all .. that he I aitlla h l. L.__ . . * I pAmmlttwa -.B a Seventeen— - The hoys, unmindful of proper gu| Committee of which ha« on all all • that ” ,1*abl* Therefore, he wishes to” he lanlry, supported Ramsey on aecoua created so much opposition and Is buys He hears of many manifesta frec ,f hp » desirable and feas of the way he had i>erslnte<1 In It kit Hons of governmental concern for par­ Ihle, to resort to co-operation with his thought by some to he in conflict with the stuffin’ out of Wesley Bender aft Ihe anil trust laws Though there Is fellows and neighbors, w ith nt run ticular Industries and Interests. Res receiving that prelim inary wallop t> i now before eongreaa a measnre do nlng the railw ays from insolvency Is nln* a ,oul of the law. To urge that undoubtedly for the benefit of the I ,ha formers should have the ______ same _ lib Wesley's hlackjuck bundle of bocks ” «ned to clear up donht on this point The girls putted and championed Wes country aa a whols, hut what ran he erty to consolidate snd co-ordinate lhe ’ raln Producers are not relying on ley; they talked outrageously of his their peculiar economic of more general benefit than eneour any immunity from anti-trust legists functions agemenl of ample production of the » hl<‘I> "«I>sr Industries In their fields conqueror: flereelv declaring th it h. ' “ d th ,y a r* « • tilled, to co-ordinate th eir efforts Just principal necessaries of life and their | pnJnT- '» however, to concede that ought to he arrested; and for week» a t effectively at the large business even flow from contented producer« te any business Intègre »Ion should hate they maintained a new maimer toward sallefled consumers? ' legislative — — terests o f the country have dene |n sanction to exercise ■ mop him. They kepi their facial expre« W hile It may be conceded that ollstlc power The American people connection with the .ellln g organ!». ** p l sa Impediments to the adv site* o Hons the United States Grain Grower- special governmental aid may be nec are as firmly opposed to industrial at team ing she did not even look d.-muri - N |R ..- i S O N s W H Y you should Incorporated I . drafting . scheme of eaaary tu the general Interest, we mu»’ to political autocracy, whether at you should save rtg u ls rly a part of your .neome all agree that It Is difficult to see whv tempted by rural or hy urban Industry financing Instrum entalities and auxlll V o n t Home Old Afje (To he continued! Sickness agriculture and the production and dl* For lack o f nnlted effort the fa rm e d * ry aF*nrlp" »hlch are Indispensable Yeu r Bu«ineM lo ve* tr lent« Insurance trlhutlon of farm products are not ac ts a whole are »Mil m arketing their ,0 ,h * « ’ <'<*»♦»> utilization o f modem A4..CS ?h«t Count*. Educatiou Automobile corded (he same opportunities that are crops by antiquated methods or hy no l”,slnMa ™»»hods Travel A d -'c is like snow; the softer It Cb a rae ter ” ** p” ’ n’ la l that t h . farmers provided tor other businesses; eape methods at all hut they are surrounded falls the longer It dwells upon and M ake your dreams come true. Start bow , d a lly as the enjoyment hy the farm er hy a business world that has been ’d*"'’ ''1 Fr''r rod gradually with these »he deeper I» sinks Into the mind — of such opportunities would appear to modernlxed to the last minute aud Is p ,,n *' ,n d alm 10 aT<*d the error of potei Idfk» 4 per cent interest and no worry more cootrthutorjr to the gee ' ha « « I M marketing m . Some Aspects of the Farmers’ Problems Keep Your Eyes Young (Optometrist. We make a Specialty of Friendship, Engagement and Wedding Rings Pulverizers & Fanning Mills * s ? J ^ * * Plo'vs (T Tractors Wagons X Cream I . Disc Harrows a Separators Spnngtooth 11 arrow s/O rders taken for Harness Manure Spreaders osit H e invite your banking busin««« H. KOONTZ. Pres? Br°M. BOND.rCaTsh.>,L()H’ ' ,ce‘Pres* *»«****W**We^W, 1 1 The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oreg ÎXÏS£RE SAVINGS ARE SAFE” ’K fvsp ''¿SiCSiU i Th!s ■» bye * * * * * - * * * ♦ * * ■ -lYiflkfUlk l i f S j |