Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, January 26, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    JA N
X*. p-21
»he perforins' ee of the
I capable Dora.
------ this Winter
Instructed to watch every figure
chalked up by the mathematical woo-
' der, his eyes, grown sodden, were un­
able to remove theuuvJ'cs from the
part In her hair at the back of her
bead, where two little braids began
their separate careers to eud In a cou
pie of blue-and-red-checked bits of rib­
bon. oue upou each of her thin shoul­
der blades. His seuaatlons clogged his
intellect; he suffered from unsought
notoriety, and haled Dora Yocum;
most of all he hated her busy little
shoulder blades.
He had to he "kept In" after school,
and when he was allowed to go home
he averted his eyes as he went by the
house where Dora lived. She was out
In the yard, eating a doughnut, and
he knew I t ; hut he hud passed the age
when It Is Just as permissible to throw
a rock at a girl us at u boy; aud
i stifling his normal Inclinations, he
walked sturdily on, though he Indulged
hluiself so far as to engage In a mur­
mured conversation with one of the
fam iliar spirits dwellllng somewhere
w ithin him. " P fa !” said Rumsey to
himself—or himself to Ramsey, since
it is difficult to say which was which.
"P fa! 'Thinks she’s smart, dou't she?"
. . . Well, 1 guess she does, but she
ain't I" . . .
“I hate her, don't you?”
. . . “You bet your life I hate her !" , . .
"Teacher's Pet, that's what I cull h erl”
. . . "Well, that's what I call her,
too, don’t 1?" “Well, I do; that's all
she Is. anyway— dirty ola Teacher's
Pet I"
PAG li
«••‘ lion of declalmers. and performed
i-c--. ,i ghastly con’ ras*. lie gave a
"selection from Shakespeare," assigned
by the teacher; and he began this con­
tinuous misfortune by stumbling vio­
lently as he ascended the platform,
which stimulated a general giggle al­
ready In being at the mere calling of
his name. All of the class were bright
with happy anticipation, for the mis­
erable Ramsey seldom failed their
hopes, particularly In “Declamation."
He faced them, hla complexion wan,
his expression both baleful and horri­
fied; and he began in a loud, hurried
volqe, from which every hint of Intel­
ligence was excluded;
" 'Most potteat, grave and rev— ’ "
The teacher tapped sharply on her
.Copyright,by D o u b lX y . Page ¿Company *
desk, and stopped him "You’ve for-
gotten to bow,” she said. "And don't
Grandpa 1”
say ‘pottent.’ The word la 'potent'."
“Oh, we knew they couldn't.”
When Johnnie come« m archine home
Jla iu sey flopped his head st the rear
I guess so.'' The little boy Inughe,
•gain .
wall of the room, and began again;
Hurrah! Hurrah!
disdainfully, thinking his question sal-
We II giv e him a hearty welcome then
"Most pottent potent grave and rev-
isfactorlly answered. “1 guess those
Hurrah! Hurrah!
enerd signers my very nobe and ap­
The men with cheers, the boys with
ole Johnnies couldn’t whipped a Ilea
proved good masters thut I have tan
The ladles they will all turn out,
They didn’t know how to fight any ai
away this sole man’s dutter It Is raose
And we 11 all feel p y , when Johnnie all, did they. Grandpa?”
com es m arching home again 1
true true I have marry dur the very
“Oh, yes, they did!”
frttn tuv my fending hath thia
The old man and the little boy, bis i
“What?” The boy was astounded
Tickets good till A pril 30—Stopovers allowed
extent no more rude am I In speech—
grandson, sat together In the shade of “Weren't they all Just re g la r ole cow
In speech—rude am I In speech— In
the big walnut tree in the frout yard, ards. Grandpa T'
No W ar Tax on Railroad Tickets
speech—In speech—In speech—”
w’atchlng the “Decoration Day Pa­
“No,” said the grandfather. “They
lie had stalled. Perhaps the fatal
rade," as it passed up the long street; were pretty fine soldiers.”
truth of that phrase, and some sense
and when the last of the veterans w »,
“They were? Well, they rnn awa?
of Its applicability to the occasion had
Since l»7o the Southern Pacific has been clotely
out of sight the grandfather mur­ whenever you began shootln’ at en
identified w iih the developm ent of W estern Oregon
Interfered with the mechanism which
mured the words of the tune that came didn’t they?”
he hud set in operation to get rid of
drifting back from the now distant
Sometimes they did, but most time
the “recitation" for him. At all event«,
hand at the head of the procession.
they dldn t. Sometimes they fough
the machine had to rnn off Its Job all
“Did you, Grandpa T” the boy asked. like wildcats— and sometimes we were
at once, or It wouldn’t run nt all. He
“Did I what 7”
the ones that ran away."
gulped audibly. "Rude rude rude am
"Did you all feel gay when the army
“But the Johnnies were bad men
I— rude am I In speech—In speech—In
got home?"
He had not forgiven her four yenrs
weren’t they, Grandpa T’
speech. Rude am I In speech— ”
General Passenger Agent
"It didn't get home all at once, pre­
later when he entered high school In
"Yes,” the Irritated teacher said, as
cisely," the grandfather explained.
her company, for somehow Rainsey
The hoy’s forehead, customarily va­
Ramsey's failing voice continued husk­
“When the war was over I suppose we cant. showed some little vertical
i inuuuged to shovel his wsy through
ily to Insist upon this point. " I think
felt relieved, more than anything else." shadows, produced by a struggle to
| examinations and stayed with the
“You didn't feel so gay when the think. "Well, but— " he began slowly. grandfather without preface or apolo­ crotchety detail, with "When to employ j class. He was unable to-deny that you are I" And her nerves were a lit­
tle ^soothed by the shout of laughter
war was, though, I guess I” the boy
"Listen, Grandpa, listen here! You gy, sped across the lawn and out of Which" ns u nausea to prepare for the J she had become leas awful lookin' from the school—It was never difficult
said you said you never got scared the gatp. charging headlong upon the final convulsion when one didn’t use than she used to he. At least, he was for teachers to he witty. "Oo alt down,
“I guess we didn't.”
commander of the company.
Which, because It was an “Exception" honest enough to make a partial re­ Itamsey, and do It after school."
the ole Johnnies were goln' to win.”
“Were you scared, Grandpa? Were
"You get off that 'loclpede, Wesley —there was a fashion of making easy traction when hia friend and clnss
"They did win pretty often,” said
Ills cars roaring, the unfortunate
you ever scared the Johnnies would the grandfather. "They won a good Bender!' he bellowed. “You gimme matters hard that was merely hellish. I mate. Fred Mitchell, Instated thut an
went to his seat und, among all the hi­
The teacher was strict but enthu­
many battles.”
that sword! What rights you got to go
larious faces, one stood out— Dora Yo­
“No. We weren't ever afraid of
“1 mean, you said you never got bein' captain o' my army, I'd like to siastic; she told the children, over and could be actually proven,
cum's. Her laughter was precocious;
th a t”
“Well, I'll take It back. I don't
scared they’d win the war.”
know! Who got up this army. In the over, that the Germau was a beautiful
It was that of a continued superior. In­
“Well, weren’t you ever scared your­
language, and her face always had u claim she's every last bit as awful sufferably adult— alie was laughing at
"No, we were never afraid of that.” flrat place, I ’d like to know! I did
self, Grandpa? I mean when you were
“Well, but if they were good men myself, yeaterd’y afternoon, and you
him as a grown person laughs at a
In a battle.”
times the children looked patient; they Rainsey, toward the conclusion of the
and fought like wildcats, Grandpa,
get hack in line or I won't let you ! supposed it must he go, because she argument "I'll say this for her. she's child. Conspicuously und uumlstaku-
“Oh. yea; I was.” The old man
and kep' winning battles and every
bly, there was something indulgent In
b'long to It at a l l !”
laughed. "Scared aplenty 1"
was an adult and their teacher; and awful lookin', but she may not he us her amusement.
thing, how could that he? How could
He choked
The pretender succumbed; he in­ they believed her with the same man
“I don't see why,” the boy said
awful lookin' as she was. She don’t
you help bein’ scared they'd win the
promptly, “I wouldn't be scared in a war?"
stantly dismounted, being out-shouted ner of believing which those of them come to school with the edge of some didn't care for George Washington, or
and overawed. On foot he took Ids I who went to Sunday school used there of her underclo'es showln' below her Paul Revere, or the teacher, or the
The grandfather’s feeble eyes twin
place in the ranks, while Itamsey be­ when the Sunday school teachers were dress any more, about every other day, President of the United States, or
“Wouldn't you?"
kled brightly. “Why, we knew they
came sternly vociferous. “Intention, pushed Into explanation of various and her eyewlukers have got to slick­ Shakespeare, or any of 'em. They
"'Course not! Grandpa, why don’t couldn't, Ramsey."
company! Farwud march! Col-lumo
you march In the Decoration Day pa
in' out some, and she may not be so could all go to the dlckeua with Dora
Yocum. They were all a lot of smart-
At thlk, the little vertical shadows tig h t! Right-showdler harms ! H a lt ! matters set forth In the Old Testa
rade? Wouldn’t they let you?"
ment, or gave reckless descriptions of abhnsalootly skinny, but she’ll haf Io les anyway and be hated the whole
on Ramsey's forehead became more Far wud march. Carry harms— "
wait a mighty long while before I
“I'm not able to march any more
The army went trudging away tin­ did not challenge or deny; already want to look at her without gettln' stew of 'em I
Too short of breath and too shaky In pronounced, for he had succeeded In
thinking. "Well, they didn't know the.'
There was one. however, whom he
the legs and too blind.”
der the continuous hut unheeded fire they had been driven Into habits of sick I"
couldn't, did they?" he argued. “They
of orders, and presently disappeared resignation and were passing out of
The Implication that Mias Yocum somehow couldn't maiiuge to hate,
“I wouldn’t care," said the boy. "I'd
thought they were goln' to win, didn't round a corner, leaving the veteran
even though this one officially seemed
be In the parade anyway. If I was you
the age when childhood Is able to re­ cared to have Ramsey look at her. to he as Intimately associated with
chuckling feebly under his walnut tree ject adult nonsense.
either with or without gettln' sick, was
Yes; I gttess they did. But you and alone with the empty street. All
Dora Yocum and superiority as the
Ramsey Mllholland did not know mere rhetoric, and recognised as such
see they were wrong."
trace of what he had :«ld seemed to whether the English language was by the producer of It; she had never others were. Ramsey couldn’t hate
"W ell, hut— " Ramsey struggled
Abraham Lincoln, even when Dora
given the slightest evidence of any
have been wiped front the grandson's
‘Listen ! Listen here. Grandpa I Well, mind; but memory has curious ways-. beautiful or not; he never thought desire that his gaze be bent upon her. was chosen to deliver the "Gettysburg
Address," on the twelfth of February.
anyway, If they never got scared we'd Ramsey had understood not a fifth nor about It. Moreover, though his deeper What truth lay underneath his flour
Inwards hated "German," he liked his
win, and nobody got scared they'd wit
a tenth of his gram I father's talk, an«! German Aancher, and It was pleasant Ish rested upon the fact that he could Lincoln had suld “Government of tha
—well, I don't see— "
people, by the people, for the people,”
already he had “forgotten" all of It— to look at her when that glow came
You don't see what?”
and that didn’t mean government hy
toms of the sort he had tersely
yet not only were there many, many upon her face.
But Ramsey found himself unahli
sketched to his frien d ; and yet, so the teacher and the Teacher's Pet and
times In the boy's later life whea,
Sometimes, too, there were moments
to continue his concentration. “Oh
without ascertainable cause, he would of relaxation In her claaa, when the pungent Is the fascination of self-in- Paul Ilevere and Shakespeare and
suchlike; It meant governiiieiit by
nothin' much," he murmured.
dieted misery, he did look at her. dur
remember words nhd sentences spokei
would stop the lesson and tell the
“I see." And his grandfather laughed by the grandfather, though the Ils
Ing iierlods of study, often for three or everybody, and therefore Ramsey hnd
as much to do with It as anybody else
again. “You mean; I f the Johnnie« tener, half-drowslly. hud heard but the children about Germany: What a beau
four minutes at a stretch. Ills ex
tlful, good country I f was, so trim and
had. Beyond a doubt, Dora and the
felt Just as sure of winning the war
pression at such times Indeed reseen
sound of an old. earnest voice— and orderly, with such pleasant customs
teacher thought Lincoln belonged to
as we did and kept winning battles
even the veteran’s meaning finally and all the people sensible, energetli hied that of one who has dined un
them and their crowd of exclusive!;
why shouldn’t we ever have had am
took on n grenter definiteness till It and healthy. There was “Music" again wisely; hut Dora Yocum was always
doubts we were going to win? That's became, In the grandson's though'*
too eagerly busy to notice If. He was they seemed to think they owned the
in the German class, which was an
•t. Isn't It?”
slmost never In het eye, hot she was whole United States; but Ramsey was
something clear and bright and heautl
other allevtntlon; though It was the
sure they were mistaken about Abra­
I guess so. Grandpa.'
fill that he knew without being Just same old "Star Spangled Banner" over continually In hla; moreover, ss the
ham Lincoln.
'Well. I think It was mostly because
sure where or how he had learned It. again. Rainsey was tired of the soup banner pupil she was with hourly fn
we were certain that we were right."
He felt that It waa Just like thia lit­
qtiency an exhibit before the whole
and tired of "M.v Country 'TIs of class.
“I see," said Ramsey. “The Johnnies
tle Yocum snippet to assume such a
Thee"; they were bores, hut It war
knew they were on the side of th<
Ramsey found her worst of all when thing, and It made him sicker than
amusing to sing them In German. Ir
ever to look at her.
But at this, the grandfather's
Ramsey Mllholland sal miserably In German they sounded "sort o’ funny," her turn catne In “Declamation,” on
laugh was louder than It had been he
Then, one day, he noticed that her
school, his conscious being consisting so he didn’t mind this bit of the day's Friday afternoons. When she ascetld
fore, and Ramsey looked hurt. "Well
oye-wlnkprs were stlcklu' out farther
ed the platform, bobbed a little pre
principally of s dull hate.
Torpor work.
you can laugh if you want to !” he was a little disperser! during a fifteen
paratnry bow and began. “Listen, my and farther.
H alf an boor later there arrived his
objected In an aggrieved voice. "Any
His discovery Irritated him the
children, and you shall hear.” Rain
minute Interval of "Music." when I e
way. the Sunday school sup'lntendem and all the other pupils In the large supreme trial of this particular morn
sej Included Punl Revere and the Old more. Next thing, thia ole Teacher's
told ns when people knew they were room o f the "Five R. Grade" sang te- Ing. Arithmetic then being the order North church and the whole Revolu
Pet would do she'd get to thlnkln* she
of business before the house, he was
oo the devil’s side they always__"
tlonary war In his antipathy, since was pretty! I f that happened, well,
l**t<stly fractions of what they enun
sent alone to the blackboard, supposed
“I dare say, I dare gay,” the old man
they somehow appeared to he the nobody could stand her! The long
“ I Wouldn’t Cara," Said tha Boy. “ I'd Interrupted, a little Impatiently. "Bui dated as "The Star Span guh-hulle
ly to make lurid the proper reply to
property of the Teacher's Pet. For lashes made her pyes shadowy, and It
Banner"; but aftprwnrd he relapse»
Bo In the Parada Anyway, If I Was In this world mighty few people think
a fatal conundrum In decimals, and
Dots held this post In "PeelsmstIon“ was • fact that her shoulder blades
under the glare and focus of the
they're on the devil's side, Ramsev
as well as In everything else; here, as ceased to Insist upon notoriety; you
ural to anybody during enforced cou
whole room he breathed heavily and
The South thought the devil was on flnement under Instruction. No allevla
elsewhere, the hateful child’s prowess couldn't tell where they were at all,
I f I'd been In your place. Grandpa, and
Itched everywhere; his brain at once
our side, you see.”
surpassed that of all others; and the any more
tlon was accomplished hy an Invaderii
they'd let me be In that parade. I'd
Well, that kind o' mixes It all up temporary usurpation of the teacher’s became sheer hash. He consumed a* teacher always entrusted her with the
A contemptible thing happened.
!>een right up by the band. Look.
much time as possible In getting the
nore'n ever."
rendition of the "patriotic selections,' Wesley Bender was well known to he
platform, a brisk and unsympathetical­
Grandpa.' Watch mo. Grandpa ! This
Suppose you look at It this wsy: ly cheerful young woman mounting
Riimse.y himself was In the_ same the moat untltdy hoy In the class, and
Is the way I'd be, Grandpa."
then, affecting to be critical of his own
had never shown any remorse for Ills
He rose from the garden bench The South was fighting for what II thereon to “teach German."
handiwork, erased what he had done
reputation or made the allghteat effort
For a long time mathematics anil
where they sat, and gave a complex believed to be Its right to be a coun
and carefully wrote It again. Aftai
either to Improve or to dlapttte It. He
Imitation of what had moot appealed try by Itself; but we were fighting foi German had been Rhout equally re­
was content; It fulled to lower hla
'Liberty and Union, now and forever
pulsive to Rainsey, who found himself that he erased half of It. slowly re­
to him as the grandeurs of the pro
standing with his fellows or to Im­
>ne and Inseparable.' There's the res
dally In the compulsory presence of traced figures, and stepped hack as If
cession, his pranelng legs simulating
press them unfavorably. In fact, he
son we had tbe certain knowledge that both; hut he was gradually coming Io to see whether perspective Improved
those of the horse of the grand mar
waa treated aa one who has attained
regard German with the greater hor­ their appearance. Again ba lifted tbe
shal, while his upper parts renderea we were going to win the war. Hov
a alight distinction. Il helped him to
lain and simple It la!"
ror. because. after months of pstlent eraser.
the drums and bugles of the band, as
become better known, and hoys liked
"Rainsey Mllholland I”
Ramsey didn't think so. He had he
mental resistance, he at last began to
well as the officers and privates of the
to be seen with him. But one day,
“Mn am?"
.on to feel bored by the conversation
comprehend that the German Innguare
militia company which had been a fea
there was a rearrangement of the
"Put down that eraser!"
ind to undergo the oppression he us has sixteen s|>eclal and particular ways
ture of the parade. The only thlnr
seating In the schoolroom; Wesley
“Yes'm. I Just thought—"
tally suffered In school. The earnest of using the German article corre­
he left out was the detachment of
Bender was given a desk next In front
Slisrply hidden to get forward with
old voice of the veteran was only a sponding to that flexible hit of a word
of Dora Yocum's; and within a week
his task, he explained In a feeble voice
ound In the boy's ears.
so easily managed In English— the
"Putty-boom! Putty-boom I Putty
the whole room knew that Wesley had
‘Boom—” The veterans had begin, What In the world was the use of that he hud first to tie a shoestring
boom boom boom !” he vociferated, a
begun voluntarily to wash his neck—
to fire their cannon on the crest of the having sixteen ways v t doing a thing and stooped to do so, but was not per
the drums— and then as the bngles
the back of It, anyhow.
ow hill, out at the cemetery; and from that could Just hr well be done In one? uiltted. Miss Ridgely tried to stlmu
“Ta. ta, ra. ta ra !" Ho addressed hl
lute him with hints and su'gpstloti;
alona hostile, nut pernaps fills was
4 little way down the street catne the I f the Germans had contented them
restive legs:
"Whoa, there, jo-
more for one another's benefit than
at-a-tat of a toy drum and sounds of selves with insisting npon sixteen use­ found him, so far as decimals went,
W hitey! Gee! H a w i Qlt up!" Thei
less variations for Infrequent words, mere protoplasm, and, wondering how
i fife played execrably. A file of chll
for Ramsey's; and several of them
waving an Imaginary sword: “Col
such as hlppopotam as. for Instance. so helpless a thing could live, sum­
Iren In cocked hats made of newspn
wen! so far out of their way to find
lumn right! Farwud march! Halt
even private opportunities for reprov­
■era came marching Importantly up Ramsey might hav® thought the affair moned tv the board lltUe Dora Yocum,
Carry harms!” He "carried arms
unreasonable hut not necessarily vi­ the star of the class, whereupon Ram­
'he sidewalk under the maple shad-
ing him that an alert observer might
"Show dler harms!" He “shouldere,
cious—It would he ea»«y enough to sey moved toward his seat.
have suspected them to have been less
reee; and In advance, upon a velocl
arms," and returned to his seat.
“Htund still, Rumsey I
You stay
avoid talking slwuit a hippopotamna
rede, rode a tln-swordcd personage
Indignant than they seemed—but not
“That'd be me. Grandpa That's th
Ramsey. He thought they all hated
shrieking Incessant commands but not If he ever had to go to Germany Bat ilglit where you are and try to learn
wsy I'd do.” And as the grandfathei
the fact that the Germans picked out something from the way Dora does
him. and said he was glad of IL
nodded, seeming to agree, a though' concerning himself with whether or
a and the and many other little words IL”
Dora was a non partisan. The little
recently dismissed returned to the not any military obedience was there
The class giggled, and Ramsey stood,
In use all the time, end gave every one
prig was so diligent at her books she
mind cf the composite procession and by obtained. Here was a revivifying
effect upon young Rsm-ey; his slug of them «Ixtpen forma, and expected but learned nothing. Ills conspicuous-
gave never the atlghtest sign of com­
he asked:
Ramsey Mllholland to learn thia dlxzy-
wus unendurable, because all of
prehending that there had been a fight
"Well, why weren't you ever afraid <ard eyelid« opened electrically; h<
ahont her. Having no real cognisance
Johnnies would whip the Unions. leaped to his feet end, abandooUf hl
entprURument Jo watching hltu Lhun
of M'sera. Bender aud Mllholland a^>
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