RECREATION FOR YOUTH Wanned Over HALSEY ENTERPRISE A Halseyite who has never The following paragraphs are An independent— N O T neutral— uewa fertilizer at low prices, as the rail- printed with the dates and every. roamed abroad would find it diffi­ paper, published every Thursday, road commission forbade him to I thing as they would have been by W m H . A A. A. W H E E L E R . reduce freight rates oo the rail, cult to account for the vehemence worded if the printers could have »'in, H. W h k k i . e r Editor. of the opponents of dancing in road he owns put them in type last week: M bs A A. W h r r l r b Business M a n ag er and Local News E d ito r. Io these contests. and in the Portland who are causing such a Miss Hazel M’H*rgue of Browns, effort to make federal reserve funds commotion among parent-teacher ville took Friday’s train for Har­ Hubacrlptions, »1.50 a year in advance available to finance farmers not members and school officials. risburg. Transient advertising, 25c an inch, per- o u lv w h ile .1, ; , Halsey, tbo on the main lines of Mrs, H. Lasley of Brownsville manent, 20c. No discount lo r tim e 1 , . . . . their products or space but until they can market them travel by rail and auto and Iho got home Friday from her visit at Te ‘ ’ Paid-for Paragraphs," 5c aline. Olympia. without lining the pockets of spec­ up to date in many particulars, Noadvertising disguised as news. has many of the characteristics of ulators, the farm bloc is aligned Miss Cleona Smith was home Phone 205 Modern, from Eugene oyer the week eud. in congress against “ the interests" s quiet country village H A L S E Y , Linn Co., Ore. ¡Jan. 26, 1922 and the administration and its day dissipation and lawlessness W. W. Chaplin, representing A ro m a n c e o f B r o a d ­ Many of our w ith the Mergantbaler linotype, was in <21)0,000 protege and the trusts are unknown here. w a y a n d th e s o u th e r n Halsey Friday. He ¿.as’ been a are afraid the farmers will get the townspeople are retired farmers PROHIBITION PROHIBITS printer and he took off his coat whip hand and millious of profits'“Dds of years of ardu. V* pl® a 8 u r© » tille d ill Before prohibition a majority of which they bave glimpsed will and 4 prise office. the saloonkeepers and many of the glimmering ■ g ous labor in the ill-rewarded f i e l d - , Peace Of a lonely Mrs. Andrew Rrown was a of agriculture. is le . brewers and distillers were contin­ Mr. Harding's addieee at the Shedd visitor between trains Sat­ II ually violating the law. Had it The younger generation is grow­ urday. opening of the national egricultural uot been for these lawhrealer, conference shows that he senses ing up among ideal surroundings, F. H. Porter was a guest of his prohibition would never have cur­ the causes underlying the founda­ with clean and wholsorne means of two-reel Comedy •ider, Mrs. Brassfield, at Suedd ried, but they made regulation ol Sunday. tion of the farm bloc. Those caus­ gratifying the needs of youth fori the traffiic so difficult that the na­ exercise and recreation, and as they Mrs. Dwight Smith and child­ es have long been inexistence, but tion became weary of the effort and uot until the friends of the farm, develop into maturity there is a ren left for their home at Klamath adopted prohibition. Falla Tuesday, after spending sev­ era made their power known to maximum resulting product of those who pay, control. Only a high eral months with Mrs. Smith’s National organizations of m mu- such an extent as to alarm the worth-while manhood and woman­ type of citizenship subscribes to an parents, Mr. and Mr'. E S M »rs- f icturers and wholesalers saw the only eminent leader the republican hood and a minimum of that class institution of this kind and thus pub­ ters, at their home east of town danger and urged compliance wi h party has today was any note­ which inclines to lawlessness and lic spirit at Its best Is In control. Word has been received from the laws, but in vain licentiousness. Community Buildings. worthy effort made to meet them. Portland that Mrs, G. G Steven­ In recent years there has been a Changing the law does not That leader is Wsrren G. Harding • Few have any ------- knowledge ,«. j of these . growing movement In the erection of son and baby daughter and her ch urge a criminal. He is a crimi­ and that effort was the calling o il. , p‘ h ° ' dePravity t0 " b' an Albany vis­ prohibits larceny. ,,,d as the g- n- fails to aid the farmer it will pr- need the constant supervision of Community Buildings. This Is the tides of Incorporation, constitution' itor Monday. •ratio , of I »w breaking barten.lerdcipilate a disaeter that will eff- third of a series o f bulletins on rural me police, and often it is found and by-laws now In use by a nu/11 -ml brewers and distillers dies out every industry and Commercial Assessed valuations of cities in necessary to close the doors by law. community buildings, based on an In­ her of well-established organization ornate study made by specialists of are Included In the bulletin. Stab his county are Albany, <3,725,889; t e numlier of violations of the law livity, W . Harding recommends It is well that the boys and girts the department of more than 21*1 such Ians relating to municipalities an ,£ ba"on- «1.044,085; Harrisburg, will still further decrease. of this community as they grow buildings In all parts of the country. ■Oimtles erecting buildings are als m the conference >850,562; Brownsville, $304 402- The first. Department Bulletin 825, But we hive with us a firs given. Copies of the bulletin ran b- Up should associate together on Jslsey, $206,614; Scio, <161,680; Rural Community Buildings in the I. Extension of fanners’ Co obtained free on application to th, cousu. of the criminal bartend erms of mutual friendship. The H,,me- *43,958; Sodaville, United States, gives a history of the operative and marketing orga.., United States Department o f Agricn' hi H i is s e llin g t »l.acoo and c ig a r > IV, 620. zaiions, wiiti legislation to exeinp should he taught to reap ct and u movement, treats of some of the g.-n- ture, Washington, D. C. •ts to onr hoys, and now, aoui them from the anti-trust laws and considerate to one ........ he polite Little Mildred Schenk of Sweet say, girls th o t h is is p ro b a b ly no Provision for greater woi k- | »»other. Home while at play fell off a I mg c ipital for the farmers, y e t tru e o f H ils e y . The day bridge into water that came nearly Never tease a boy about a girl big increase from sheep c > mug when ihese tobacco selling „ u L , ^,'1'™ ®’*'"l,al a"d •«¿•«»»Ulc to her shculders. Her cries were friend nor a girl about a boy friend 1 >11 . * I to iw provided hr th»> I heard, but she waded out before Yields of lambs and wool de orl uii.als will bring such odiu n government for the farmers It is silly to do so, and it is a p h help came. pend largely upon the breed of on the tobacco trade th it the o r 1. Measures Ut prevent price, ve -------- o ------- u i« ,i sheep selected. W ith ewes of any wrong to the ......... child. Children Mrs. J. VV. Drinkard was an Al­ rag >d public will take drastic ac doetión °"* due to baPh,ïard P'" properly b™t up i.. this respect one of the medium-sized mutton bany visitor Friday. I duetion. Breeds, the Vntted States Depart tion, as they have done against in ment of Agriculture points out 5. transportation policies in ire never sstf-oonscioua and dilh A bronze tablet on the court­ toxicants. that 115 per cent of lambs can eluding improvement of waterways dent. Rsrasy Milhollaud, in Booth house lawn at Albany will be one Every time a boy under 21 puff a "hip channel to the great lakes’ »tltiugton’s story which begins hi he raised, and 150 per cent is of tbe markers which the D A. R. not infrequently reached. The a cigarett 011 an Oregon street 1 | and electrification of railways are placing to mark pioneer trails thia week’s Enterprise had many wool clip varies from seven to 10 Oregon. Isw is violated and a nail driv-n eleven pounds per ewe. The No. 3 iacertainly needed. Mu -h hours of humiliation and chagrin in the coffin of th" tobacco trade I <>' th e ’ information” on farming for which his parents were to blame. larger mutton breeds yield more Mrs. G. W. Mornhinweg was in as do also the fine wools, but the Albany Friday. Teach the girls to have sclf-r». u w sent out by the government value per pound of the latter hae BLOC VS BLOC Please do not write news paper | involves useless w .«te of ink and ■‘pect and to endeavor to be respect In normal times been less on a t copy on both sides of the sheet. count of the greater proportion ful to others, tor in this lies hap­ mail-carry ing labor. President Harding opened fire on of grease In comparison with Often, in a rush, - wo printers want As to No. 4, not all of us have piness. cattle and swine, sheep can be the farm bloc in congress, inti­ to cut tbe sheet so both can work Teach the boys t0 respect and made to yield practically the on it at once. On request this of­ mating that it was inimical tog<>v. forgotten how the organized farm- same net returns on the value of fice will furnish all the paper you eminent by party. I’he bloc as [ers were lambasted a score or more revere womanhood and to always Public Reading Room, Holden (M ate.) the land. If well cared for, and If need to writa copy on. try to be helpful Such teachings j y-ttrs ago for sending out a “ hold Community House— Thie Is but O is kept on lands reasonably well tight and Harding tried under of Many Attractively Furnish id most ------- powerful antidote for adapted for sheep raising. mining it with an agricultural cop your «heal warning, and ws know are the ------« Prizes for High School Pupils Rooms -in This Building. 'hat last year and the year beforeP**' *00'a1, commercial or politi lerence, just as he is Irving to tin U - .L. . . . . - P fll t h a t liw a » ¡ t k l - . All high school students are eli- eral principles Involved, and tells the dermine the league of nations will. th« banks prevented the holding of cal, that lice within our reach, and story in detail of the erection, financ­ buy farm that is e w ip p e d |2 ( this antidote does lie within the when by farmers by shotting off hn iul (*v n 1 (it in n | con f«*rt*ncca. ing, management and use of a few reach of every parent. representative typos; the club of Gooding college. Toe latter has agri ed the farmers' ere lit and loaning Give. Newcomer Chines te W ork Out Farmers’ Bulletin 1178. H « ns of It is well that basketball, fo, t money to speculators to buy a id Prizes wij| be given for tbe best to do everything except to agree Changes and Asaurss Self-Sua- Rural Community Buildings, gives the me-act plays written by high school taining Businsaa. The farm conference, schedule* ho'd the wheat the farmers were ball and other athletic sports afford «- or plans of 21 buildings of the bet­ a wholesome outlet for the vim ter class. Illustrating various types. udents. There are no limitations to meet in Washington last Mo. . forced to sell. Often It „ a dlMlnct • pon the plays as to type or length, It has taken a Jong time to unite and vigor of the boys aud girls of Methods of Financing. da ., will be unique, for amoug thus »hen buying a farm to purchase th. provided they are suitable for one. It ts pointed out In this third bul­ equipment, live stock and materials invited are ¡¿ti women, many ol farmers' representatives so that Halsey, and if a commodious com .ct production. letin that though community hulidin js on the place. In this way th, whom own and operate farms rang, politicians are compelled to sit up inunity building could be prov d <1 are finnncod |D K number of ways is already The first prize will be $25; the rm te d States Department of Agrlcul The promise of for such uses as constantly arisi- Individual donations. lt would be a good investment. I well-established social or fraternal almost from the outset, which usually fourth $5. o r g a n s ,.,,.« , by , Br the greatest makes possible the operation o f the lent to disinlegi ate the bloc before would conduce to good health ami number Further instructions mav be ob- Muscle Hhoala dam, whic are erected through the united farm without a loss, and thus givi good citizenship. >iC direCtOf- l . dab° organizations of the community. When It over to Henry Ford undvr hit ulfill»d. --- ^ O IIII the latter plan Is employed the neces­ Chinese Villages ef 100.000 time have a self-sustaining farm bus) contract of lease. If tide ie done The dlstrlhntlon of the pnpulaiinn sary money Is obtained either by v o l- Bids for tbe construction of 3300 ness. From tlm« to time documents Ford will sell electric power at low; untary contributions or bv the sn'e •I < Bins Is a curlons thin« 1«. ron-ein I f only the bare farm Is purchased refrigerator cars for the Pacific mried by Dr. Cook on Ids north l'1" ) * of stock Subscriptions are paid in A hundred thousand people it usually usually takPs takes some drop time to to m-nnlv . run prices within a long radius from Express company, for 1912 ii i c’xPrt«« the form of money, labor or mate­ Be gathered together within whs» -ole trip are brought to light, one «11 the equipment and live stne/and deI v'’r*' bave been requested. The Kentucky ami will furnish til' o- rials '«hr rightly he regarded as etry •f them being found in tbe posses- put th? place on a paying basts In new c» r", i t is anticipated will be gen, the moat costly eleineul in " " H k hoi on the rasp their city Financing a building hv general vn|- 111 the meantime overhead costs and oth c°to| leted in time for the'-m -m er • lon of an Eskimo last week There -e indicated as ■ mere village that la the fertiliser the farmer b u y , at untary contributions is suggested ,-te er expenses amount to a large Item P«rishftble business. Thecouinanv is quite as much evidence that Dr. worth considering. Moreover perhaps the simplest, quickest a -d Hence the advantage thst so often k with the new equipment now L m w unheardof low prices. Off rK,W. bP,D8 _’ook was the first visitor at the pole 'hey «-to not hsve estahllshe-l a single most elastc way. while Incorp.rated gained In buying a farm that 1. . l „ r fl« r .A - i - l l u.i j ' P^ " L irvw Toe fertilizer trust and south­ ordered, will have 22,000 refriger- '•"Jure of city organization Villages stock associations furnish more of the going concern. a> there ie in favor of Peary's claim, >f I (»nor- Inhaliltanrs are rather dim elements of financial permanence. »tor cam. ern electric power trusts are up it, though the latter, bei-.g a mem. J ■•jilt to visualize hut .hey ezlst In The community method of financing B ew are Snap Jug money liberally in lohbyin- — ■ - AsgSstt Pavements, he rich , ho „ mof(i; American Fruit and Vegetable tion. promotes union, and decreas e f all up..,, ,,„r equals, where tt |. Growers' association T aml propaganda to prevent ti. ^ r e te r r of Agriculture W .ll^ e s i . i T , ^ 7 2 ^ antagonisms through the necessity of very dlfflcnlt and for whom, perhaps to 27 w i l l U ,’°,n . Ja"',a,7 ¿8 - ,h* ,ea” ot •" -^ ch ange er/Pacific^om na , v * ' 3OUtb' different organizations ,n d factions breaking of theatrangb lu.l.l wh tl «V« the b ig money lenders h a ve " m*«’ "ne The eephah its e lf ,erv. wiwklng together In • financial cam­ these ami the general hanking it. •een farming tbe farmers. The * »old f he nth*, ps g n , (8) as the money Is voluntarily B.rda That stay at Hom«. tereata have on the farmers of tb vey fede .1 reserve and otler funds f*’vw^’tt X'”” '1 given from private funds, the people Most Mrd fam ilies do not keep to­ Probably Sticks, at T h s t country, for there is no central • ave beet, handled makes hie ae .' •«I’hsirte tlmevtone. „ -roefc Tmhstt'» rtf ate enabled to make experiments in gether hut scatter upon leaving the T " t h o r o u g h cleaning s wie- the building which thev would he«l- acsL Bui she htuejay. bluebird the t>o*»r to forbid Ford from »eilinj wrtiou plausible. I nstureii. tsts to m ik e with public funds or ' nghlrd and a few others lees gener dow has been patented that slide, np •¿ * 1 »Hk sanften 49 ladlvJduej oj j all> known live together the greater Seena Owen E. K. Lawrence “ Seven Bald Pates ” A RIALTO FRIDAY RURAL BUILDING AIDS COMMUNITY STUDV MADE B Ï SPECIALISTS v w iiv c u h u ii 7 T a -W w . ( Ü» m t . - n ,4 . ■ X -. J