1ALSEY ENTERPRISE HALSEY. LINN COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. JAN. 26, 1*22 VOL. X High School Notes Ex img : FEED NECESSARY FOR HENS DURING WINTER Jots and Tittles 1 1 ' * NO. 21 Mrs. D. Taylor visited Albany Saturday. B r o w n sv ille B r ie fs (Regular correspondence) A notice on the front door of the residence of the late Mrs. Laura Ambrose announces that certain described personal property will be offered by the administrator at private sale at the bank in Soio January 30 and thereafter till s )ld. Among other things listed are about $6000 worth of bouds of va nous descriptions and certain household Dr. and Nrs. Waltz of Browne- This week was joyously(?) spent v ile got borne from Portland in taking exams. Many of the S h o r t S to r ie s o f H a p p e n in g s in L inn C ou n ty G en erally Tuesday. etudenis expressed the desire for next week to make its appearance Insects and Green Stuff Are an d in H a lse y P a r tic u la r ly lhe regular monthly meeting of immediately. the Brownsville grange will be Plentiful in Summer. Debates: In Albany they are selling . vater, lias been rebuilt and is n >w Saturday night. Individual winner debate: Tenth W A. Carey loaded a car with one-pound loaf of Albany-bakei epen to traffic.— Albany Democrat debate: Affirmative, Clarence Provision Must Be Made In Severs bread for 5 cents. hay from his farm this week. It Drs. Marks and Garnjobst lanced was destined for Falls City. Weather for Animal Food and McKern; negative, Grace Robin­ Tiie Dawson infant, whose death • n abscese on Mrs. Crawford’s Succulence— Essential for son. Affirmative won. Mrs. Ridenour of ErownsviPe, is inentioued on page 5, was bur- limb Tuesday, to provide drainage Production of Eggs. Eleventh debate: Affiirmative, who has been visiting Mrs. S aia-h i Ti.W I). • Tver« wa" va ,0B#1 8t ried at Coivallis Tuesday. for secretious. Mrs. Crawford’s Anna Heinrich; negative, Wavne took the A lbany iruiu Tuesday, ’ ot Scio, ( P r - p a - d by th a U n i t e d S ta te « D e p a r t m e n t condition was considered serious. Robertson. Negative won. administrator of the estate, is ex­ a f A g r i c u lt u r e ) Mrs. Dwight Smith aud childreu, Twelfth debate: A ffirm ative,, Daring the summer months the ftt rul­ who have been visiting here, ar­ In November, 1920, V ina M at- pected in Browneville the first of Mrs. A. J. Ackerman came o/er Geraldine Cook; negative, Pearl er's flock balances its ration of grain rived safely at her home at K lam ­ from Brownsville Monday with lock and George Jones were mar. the week to make disposition of and seeds with bugs, worms, and green Now Vina is sue- some of the personal property Pehrsson. Negative won. various kinds of good things for ried at Holley. ath Falls Tuesday. Thirteenth debate: Affirmative, stuff, and the farmer need not worry the invalid at the Wheeler home ing for a divorce, alleging tliat her __ Mrs Ida Hanson, who with Mr«, Mrs. Jess Safley, who had two and for a visit with her mother, husband’s parents, with whom ti.e Wayue Robertson; negative, Grace about egg production If his fowls have kilcheu of Albany ia s|>ei)ding been well culled. But winter feeding re­ goiters removed by Dr. Wallace at Robinson. Negative won. Mrs. West, at the Hugh Leeper couple reside, ridiculed her and some weeks in California for the quires that provision be made to supply overworked her and that her latter's health. Fourteenth debate: Affirmative. the deficiency of animal feed and succu­ A lbany a week ago today, is re-I home. writ«« that the Grace Robinson; negative, Gl^nn lence. The absence of these essential* to covering nicely from the opetation The Albany community house husband objected to her associating weather is cold, wet and generally with her relatives and refuses! to Frum. Grace Robinson proved good egg production Is responsible in That little Petrick boy is doing has become during the last year take her to publisc meetings or to disagreeable. herse'f to be the best debater of large degree for the falling off In yield one of the greatest centers of com­ well and Mrs. J. C. Bramwell, The farmer« around here are church. during cold weather. the class. who was nurse, has come home munity activities in this part of much concerned lest the recent Animal food, or other feeds rich In Tnird Losers’ debate: Affirm a­ A four-horse team belonging to The youngster has already gained Oregon, with practically every day cold spell should have seriously in . tive, Bessie Dykstra; negative, Del- protein, may be easily supplied on of the week marked by meetings Bryan Ferry ran away on Monday, moat farms, particularly where skim half a pound in weight. jured tlte winter grain. The ma Wahl. Negative won. of some character.— Democrat. going north on F irst street. Near farmer’« path is not strewn with Fourth: Affirmative, Hazel milk or buttermilk Is available. The The well-known DeMoes troupe, the Standish residence they tui ad liking of hens for these dairy by-prod- rosea these day«. Did you „ read the advice of the Quimby; negative, Clarence Gour­ ncts Is a good Indication of the need always popular, ie pronounced bet- east, crossing the railroad tra k ter than ever by those who at- M ’Uiitatu States Power company ley. Negative won. Charley Jackson and W ill and turned south, but did not get for what they contain. Meat scrap or 8irl 8 F ifth : Affirmative, Delos Clark; another excellent protein feed that tended the program at the M elb - 860111 8,V,,,K vour far till they were halted. One of Sobrunk came together ou a real negative, John Standish, Nega­ has become standard In poultry rations odiBt church Tuesday night. :8t8rt ln a,ld 8n ln8,8ht “ lld estate deal a few days ago where, J interest in business in last week’s the wheel horses fell and was by M r. Jackson oomes into possea- tive won. Clover and alfalfa leaves provide The bridge near Mr. Gaughner’s Enterprise? Write to the company- scratched up somewhat by being »ipn of the 15-acre tract adjoining Third team debate: Affirmative, combination of protein feed and gret dragged, but that was about all Mearle Straley and Alba Hayes; stuff. Often enough of them may he place, East Knox Butte, which | at Junction City and learu about hi« home place on the west that the damage. negative, Geraldine Cook and swept up from the barn floor where wag destroyed during the high | its plan. Mr. Schrunk bought of P. B. the hay Is handled. A good way to Mr. and Mrs. August Bjerrmark Beatty about a year ago. This Clarice Gourley. Affirmative won prepare them for the flock is to pour Fourth: Kenneth Cross and about 25 ing the enemy's movements, was able of Fairbanks, Alaska, are visiting makes Mr. Jackson boiling water over them, cover the Delos Clark; uegative,|Willis K irk container and let them steam for to tell the king about them. Elisha's at the home of Dr, J. W . Cook of scree. The place lies just beyond Mrs. Cook and Mr», the eastern limits of Browusville and Wayne Robertson. Affirm «, time, when they w ill be ready to feed advice was more thau a match for Brownsville. the wily plans of the shrewd Ben- Bjerrmark, who are sisters, made a on the Crawfordsville road. tive won. atone or in a mash. hadad. Israel's safety lay more ln pleasant call on Mrs. Wheeler Fifth: Affiirmative, John Stan­ Sprouted oats has become one of the Prof Baker and three of the the man of God than tn their warriors, Tuesday afternoon. The B jerr. dish and Preston Newton; nega- best-known providers of succulence In children autoed to Eugene Satur- 3. The king of Israel heeded Elisha's marks have lived in Alaska more winter. Plans for making sprouters may tive, Glenn Frum and Clarence word (v. 10). This was true wisdom. than a quarter of a century. he obtained from the United States De­ The day. M cKern. Negative won. By obeying the prophet's words he partment of Agriculture. Mangels und gentleman is in the government We are pleased to be able to re­ saved himself and army many times. cabbage, as well as many other vegeta- A Lectnre and a Social service. Mrs. Bjerrmark visited port that “ B illy ” Templeton, who Those who are truly wise heed the di­ Remember two important dates bles, are appreciated by the hens. her sister eight years ago, but (h i­ haa been eo seriously ill for sev­ vine warnings. In general, winter feeding Is much the in the future. Feb. 4 M r. Udasco weeks, is improving and 4. The Syrian king's perplexity ts her husband’s first visit outside eral same as summer feeding. On the gov of the Philippines will give an since he went north. The Co'da triends ate encouraged to hope he (vv. 11, 12). In his perplexity he as­ ernraent poultry farms the same rations Halsey Christian Church illustrated lecture. Feb. 10 the are used In summer and winter. Of Mrs. may again get around. sembled his servants and demanded are planning « return visit. get-together social of the church. that the traitor be made known. He B. says she is | ettlng tired i f course, tn summer It Is unnecessary to Percy Talent, who lives with hit believed that some were playing Into Alaska. ^ L ester Jones, feed succulent feed when the birds uncle, 0*car T alen t, ou the Tem­ the hands of the enemy; therefore Church Announcements tMin¡gter Christian Cbnrch. have range and are able to get plenty pleton ranch east of town, wsi (Continued on page 5) lie would put an end to the treachery. of grass, alfalfa, or similar feed. The called to Portland recently by the Methodist: Tills mis denied, and one of hie ser­ “Cincinnati Oysters." fanner's flock, however, is an exc p- death of a married sister who vants declared that the king's move­ Sunday School, 10. “Cincinnati oyat ere” Is an expre». tlon to this rule, as In many ca*ea. ments were reported by Elisha the SURFLOWER SEED IS COSTLY passed away after an illness cov­ slon sometimes uSed la the United Preaching, 11. there Is enough waste grain, sec is. prophet, even telling to the king of States to denote pigs' feet. eting many months. etc.. In summer to supply much of die Junior League, 8, Israel what Ben-hndad spake ln his Ordinarily It Does Net Pay te Use feed required. Intermediate League, 6:30. A brother of Oscar Talent came Preduet fer Feed Exeept In Case bedchamber. Ben-liadad was worried Epworth League, 6:80. over from Salem Sunday for a brief not because of hts sins, but because of Chickens. Qlv« Thanks to God. Preaching, 7:30. visit. his plans miscarried. Sleep should be light, so that we P rater meeting, Thursday, 8. I t ordinarily costs conslderabl) II. The Syrian King Tries to Trap may easily awake; for we ought to Oren Stratton has sold 60 acres W e H ave more to produce 100 pound* of sun Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor, Elisha (vv. 13-18). rise frequently in the night. In order off the west side of his farm about EVERY THING 1. He sent an army to capture hlin flower seed than 100 pounds of com or three miles east of Brownsville. to give thanks to God. . . . We O ptical (vv. 13, 14). Upon learning that onts, and for that reason sunflower who have the word, the wntchmin Ou this part of the farm are the seed Is ordlnhrlly so high In price that Elisha was making known hla ac dwelling In us, must not sleep through fine improvements that make this E Y E S T R A IN It does not pay to use It as a feed, ex tlons, he determined to put an end to Christian: the night.— St. Clement of Alexandria. one the must desirable farms in Is the Cause of Many Several men were at work on the the matter by trapping him and making rept perhaps In the case of chickens. The apple orchard Sunflower seed contains In every 100 thia vicinity. H U M A N IL L S Bodily Exercise and Godliness. heating equipment Monday, so i ou him a prisoner. How foolish to put human cunning against divine wis­ pounds 11 or 12 pounds of digestible goes with the piece sold, but M r, If your eyes give you trouble or Bodily exercise proflteth little : hilt will be assured of a warm, c m your glasses are annoying godliness Is profitable unto all things, fortable room at the Bible scqool dom. Horses and chariots are useless protein and 92 units of energy, where­ Stratton still has sixty or more SEE US. We can Relieve Yon when God Is against us. God's pur­ as com contains In each 100 pounds acres of berries. The fam ily ex­ having promise of the life that now Is, at 10. poses cannot he thwarted. If God he about all or seven pounds of digestible pect to make their home in Salem B a n c r o ft O p tica l C o. and of that which is to coiue.— I The sermon at 11 will be on protein and 80 units of energy. Theo­ for us, who can be against us? it J 1st St. W. Albany. Phone Timothy, 4 :8. when possession is given here. ‘The Three-fold Mission of the 2. Elisha's servant frightened (v, retically, 100 pounds of sunflower semi 4 R. P. Dougherty is racing the 18). When he awoke one morning should be worth around It .00 a hnn Church of Christ.” In tiie evening Christian En- he saw that an armed host was en­ dred when com Is worth 70 cent« a old house on his five-acre tract on the Brownsville-Halsey road that leaver at 6:30. Arthur Rohnett is camping about the city. Viewed from bushel. Nelson Cochran built and lived in leader and the topic is ‘‘W hat the the human standpoint, we do not for a number of years. M r. D. World Owes to Foreign M issions ” wonder that he was affrighted. PREVENT INJURY IN ORCHARD 8. Elisha's encouragement (v. HI). thinks the lumber more valuable At 7:80 the sermon will be on He assured his servant that, though ‘‘The Essential, Important and they were surrounded by the Syrian Clear Away All L ltU r, Such as Weede than the house. and Grata From the Bate af rndifferent Elements of Christi tn- army, there was a mightier host The two-weeks’ series of evan­ Fruit Trees. ty.” Lester Jones, Minister. gelistic meetings held in the Pres­ of heavenly defenders round about then). Elisha did not shut hts eyes byterian church cams to a close Guard agalnat mice and rahhlta by to the real danger, hut looked to the Sanday evening with a largely first clearing away all litter, auch aa helpers of God watching about them. union service of all inulrh weeds and grasa from the base attended 4. Elisha's prayer (v. 17). He asked Pine Grove Church: The pastor, Rev, of fruit trees. They form Ideal places the churches. that the Lord would open the eyes of S u n d ay School, 10. for mice to spend the winter. L ittle A. M McClain, preached a very his servant so as to gee spiritual Preaching, 11, bv Bro Egglv. damage occurs ln the cultivated or­ strong sertnou on the second com­ things. Wheu the Lord opened the chard except from the rahhlta. Soli ing of Christ. As a Bible expsstor Praver-tneeting, 7. eyes of the young man he saw that Bible S tudy, W ednesday, 7. the mountain was full of horses snd can be mounded about the base of the Mr. McClain is certainly an export trees before the soil freezes. I f this and all who attended the special chariots of Are round about Elisha.” Is done and the grass and weeds re­ services were thoroughly instructed Round about us all the while are moved, little damage ran be expected in the teachings of the old book, angels guarding us from danger. S u n d a y S c h o o l L esso n 5. The Syrians smitten with blind­ from mice. Such mounding la not a the l»est seller in the market, protection agalnat rahhlta, bowpver. ness (v. IS). The same God who There are many methods of tree Sunday morning the pastor held a opened the eyes of the young man, E L IS H A ’« H EA VEN LY DEFENDERS short decision srvice in the Sunday blinded the eyes of the Syrians. God protection that give good results. school when several of the younger I.E88O N T E X T —II Kins« »»-23 deals with men according to their GOLDEN T E X T -T h e angel of th« Lord members came forward to indicate moral attitude. When men will not RACE ON ISLAND FAST DYING encam peth round about them that fear their purpose to live a Christian » _____ have the light, God sends darkness. Him, and dellvereth them .—Pa. 34:7. l i f e . _______________ R EF E R E N C E M ATERIAL—Dan. 4:1-33; III. The Syrian Army Trapped L Learn’ Helpful Facts About Home Sewing A representative from Bulterick, style leaders of the world, will be at our store for a few days. You are invited to visit our fashion department and learn from her about the wonderful D elto r an invention that saves you from 50c to $10 onever y frock you make. It w ill solve your dresstu.tking problems once for all. It will show yon h' w to make your own cl< the« quickly and easily, and to give them the chic and charm of a Parisian creation. Do not fail to take advantage of Miss Zeilley’s services while she is with us. M. V. Koontz Co. Heb. 1:14; 11:27. PRIMARY TOPIC—God Takes Cara of Elisha. JUNIO R TOPIC— E lisha and tha Armies of Jehovah. INTERM EDIATE A N D SENIO R TOPIC —Our Unseen Defenders. YOUNG PEO PI.E A N D ADULT TOPIC —What Faith In the Unseen Can Do for Ua 1. The S y ria n K ing 8orely Troubled w . 8-12), 1. The Klug’s plan. (v. 8). His niethixl was a kind of guerrilla warfare —armed lunels made Incursions Into the enemy's territory. He determined as to where camps should be located so as to Intercept Israel's army. His plan was clever, but his grea> mis­ take wns that he left God out of hie calculations. There Is one place where ell plans and movements are known (Heb. 4 :18). 2. The enemy's movements dis­ closed (v. 9). The man of God, know­ (w . 19-23). The would-be trappers are now trapped. 1. Army led by the man sought bj them (vv. 19, 20). KHsha led them to Samaria and asked the Ixird to open their eyes. When their eyes twin open they mw the man whom they sought, but not at the place where they sought hltn. Instead of seeing him at Dothan as they expected, they saw him ln Samaria. 2. The generous treatment of the Syrians (vv. 21-28). The king of Israel wanted to smite the captives, but Elisha forbade hlin and ordered Instead that they should he fed and sent hack to their master. 8. Peace between the nations (v. 28). The mercy shown to the Syrians had such a profound effect upon them that they came no more to make war upon Israel, What a line thing If we could have such humanity shown today! Olaeaaa Reduces Pepulatlen of M ar­ quesas From 100,000 to 1.S0O In M Years. The Study Club The Women's Study club spent Honolulu, T. I I . —Tremendous de­ a very pleasant and profitable af­ ' creases In the native population of the ternoon lost Thursday with Mr«. , Marquesas Islands, 2,000 miles south Huston and Mrs. Templeton. The by east of the Hawallnn archipelago, lesson on Oregon history was given have resulted from the ravages of by Mrs. W alton, and an interest­ dtseaae and the adoption of many mod­ ing reading was given by Mrs, em custom! recently, according to Dr. Moore. Mrs. Templeton sang a G. 8. Handy, ethnologist of the Bishop museum here, who a|>ent nine months solo, which was followed by a duet on the Islands gathering data on tha by Mrs. Templeton and Mrs. Dan- Mrs. English played the ac­ origin of the Polynesian race, habits ley, Both number« and custom a of the natives, and thetr companiments. ethnology and anthropology. were greatly enjoyed. “Fifty years ago the Marquesas le- A new shipment of books was landera probably numbered between reported which were placed on the 50.000 and 100.000." Dector Handy ' aald. "Today there are only about »helves Saturday. The next meeting of the club 1,800 natives. Smallpox and pokoko. a particularly swift and virulent form will be at the borne of Mrs. D. of tuberculosis, played havoc among Taylor, at which time Mrs Huston 18 them.'' i - T ill have charge of the lessou.