PAGE * JAN. HALSEY ENTERPRISE Rialto Friday charges in cottage«, under real bom * condition« and w ith plenty of room for outdoor play and work The change in postmaster* at H altev may not come w ith the date o f expiration of iMr. M cW ill­ iam s’ commission. A t Scio the postmaster was given an extension of six months to enable the de- partm ent to decide upon a succes- sor. I t ia reported that the four whc took the exam ination for th - Halsey office ran neck and neck and no decision has yet been re- 19, 1922 ■... ■■ - IN I j I The City of Silent Men” All prison Scenes were | t a k e n ill S i n g l i n g p r is o n Some Aspects of the Fanners’ Problems By BERNARD M. BARUCH (Reprinted from Atlantic Monthly) HALSEY RAILROAD TJMfi take further reductions In net returns, In order to meet the charges for the service of storing, transporting, financ­ ing. and ultimate marketing—which chargee they claim, are often exces­ sive, bear heavily on both consumer end producer, and are under the con­ trol of those performing the services It Is true that they are relieved of the risks of a changing market by veiling at once ; but they are quite will North Sooth NO. 18, 12:04 p. m. 24, 4.34 p. m. 14. 5:27 p. m. No, 23. 1L31 a. m. 15, 12:24 p. m. 17, 5.49 p m. S U N D A Y M A IL H O URS The delivery window of the Halsey postoffice ia open Sundays ing to take the unfavorable chance, g rOm 9:15 to 9:45 a. m . and 12:20 if the favorable one also Is theirs and they can retain for themselves a part o f the service charges that are uni­ form, In good years and bad, with high prices and low. While, In the main, the farmer must sell, regardless of market conditions, at the time of the maturity of crops, he cannot suspend production in toto. He must go on producing If he Is to go on living, and If the world is to exist, The most he can do Is to curt»« pro­ duction a little or alter Its form, and that—because he Is In the dark as to the probable demand for his goodi may be only to Jump from the frying pan Into the fire, taking the consumer with him. Even the dairy farmers, whbse out­ put Is not seasonal, complain that they find themselves at a disadvantage In the marketing of their productions, especially raw milk, because of the high costs of distribution, which they must ultimately bear. to 12:35 and 5:15 to 6.30 p. no. , f PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS I ly Into the land We all flourish dr The whole rural world Is In s fer­ decline with the farmer So. when we ment of unrest, snd there is an un­ of the cities read of the present uni­ A few more experieni <* like th it I paralleled volume and intensity of de­ versal distress of the farmers, of a of last week m ight close the R ialto | j Chicken dinner every Sunday at termined, if not angry, protest, and an slump of six billion dollar« In the farm for good, and there are a great I value of their crape In e single year, ALSO ominous swarming of occupational con­ Hotel Brownsville. 50 cents. m any people who would miss it ' of their inability to meet mortgages or 99 ferences, Interest groupings, political to pay current bills, and how. seeking The clean, entertaining plays given , *4 ’p movements and propaganda. Such a there have given many an evening lU lllI j III l l l g l l relief from their Ills, they are plan For rent or for sale— House* and turmoil cannot but arrest our atten­ ning to form pools, inaugurate farm­ of pleasurable enjoym ent to H *l- farms in v ic in ity of Halsey. tion. Indeed, It demands our careful ers' strikes, and demand legislation seyites. A hall game was put on W J. R ibe lin . study and examination. It Is not like ibolishlng grain exchanges, private last week on the theater night and ly that six million aloof and ruggedh attle markets, and the like, we ought M r Kessel lost money. F ix upon lot hastily to brand them as economic Independent men have come togethei Leave your orders fo r land- some other n ig h t than Friday for j und banded themselves into active ueretlcs and highwaymen, and hurl at plaster at the ltfm ber yard. your games, boys Live and let them the charge of being seekers of Squirrels, beware I The rodent unions, societies, farm bureaus, and so M r Kessel one week went special privilege. Rather, we should to the expense of running his tiln control meeting at the achooihouse forth, for no sufficient cause nsk If their trouble Is not ours, and Investigation of the subject conclu­ Dr. E. W- Barnum , d e n tist, at twice, but you caunot expect him te-derday was well attended by see what can be done to Improve the sively proves that, while there Is much situation. Purely from self-interest. Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and fanners. O f course, the pupils to do that often. F rid ay, were there also, and many squirrel overstatement of grievances and mis­ If for no higher motive, we should Mrs. Ara M ille r, who has been and mole bides are in danger ol conception of remedies, the farmers help them. All of us want to get back Here is a bargain for some Ford visiting at E. C M ille r’s sine ‘-oiiiing loose form the bodies soon. are right In complaining of wrongs permanently to “n o r m a lc y b u t Is It truck owner: Two 8 2 x4 j fabric Christmas, le ft for her home ai Rodents destroy enough property long endured, and right I d holding that reiivnnable to hope for that condition casings at $25 each. Halsey G a r­ Yakim a Tuesday, intending to every year to pay the national debt It is feasible to relieve their Ills with unless our greatest snd most haste In age, Foote Bros. stop over at Oregon C ity. benefit to the rest of the community. dustry can be put on a sound and solid ” L , ~ 1 permanent foundation? The farmers Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Barnum of ” 1 his being the case of an Industry ■ L in n county promising 1100,001 H * riaburg, accompanied by M r are not ent t ed to specla prlvlieges that contributes, in the raw material for the macadamized Albany-Gas and Mrs. C. P. Stafford of this c ity, but are they not right In demanding form alone, about one-third of the na­ oadia road and the permanent up­ attended the Schum ann-Heink tional annual wealth production and that they be placed on an equal foot­ ing with the buyers of their products keep, the state commissioner! concert in C orvallis F rid ay n ig h t p ro m i“ « $100,000. The form i They were guests at theO . B. Stal- ia the means of livelihood of about 49 and with other Industries? per cent of the population. It is ob­ I.os Angeles, Cal.—One million dol service load fund w ill contribut» naker home while iu th a t c ity . vious that the subject la one of grave lars In gold and 364 barrels of sixty n $38,000. vmcern. Not only do the farmers A monument to L in n county Let us, then, consider some of the year-old whisky hove been located by uake up one-balf of the nation, but Perhaps the most popular w rilei pioneer«, to he erected at Browns farmer's grievances, and see how far a 'Citizen of this city and he Is Dow . . .. fitting out an expedition tb recover of Action in America is Boot I ville , is to cost $16,000 to $18,000, he well-being of the other half de­ they are real. . . In . do ng so, we should . . . _. K , pends upon them. . .. “ ® . I the treasure. The fortunate man Is T a rkin g lo n . Tbiougb the Westeri it is planned, if the coin can be So long as we have nations, a wise remember that, while there have been, E. B. Mansfield, a real estate dealer Prisoners in Sing Sing prison Newspaper Union the Enterprise raised. The idea now is to hav< olltrial economy will aim at a large aud still are, Instances of purposeful ia able to give its readers, as a se­ it 21 feet high, pyram idal, o f stone, legree of national self sufficiency and abuse, the subject should not be ap­ who learned of the wealth awaiting who saw certain scenes of Thomas him while on a vacutlou tour In north ria l, commencing with the next is­ w ith the names o f pioneers oi. elf-contalnment. Rome fell when the proached with any general imputation ent California. ifeighan’s latestParamount picture, sue, Tarkington's story of school- bronze tablets and a statue of a nod supply was too far removed from to existing distributive agencies of de- | The gold and whisky formed the The C ity of S ilent M en,” film ed, he belly. Like her, we shall destroy llherately intentional oppression, but cargo of the ship Brother Jonathan, ■ d(nit th a t M r. M eighan’s ‘ ‘escape” tim e and youth, ‘ 'K unsey M illio l- frontiersm an w ith a rifie, nir own agriculture and extend our la n d .” Every boy and g irl, every from the prison was novel and en- J. J- Gross of Brow nsville sources o f food distantly and precarl- rather with the conception that the which sank off Crescent City on. July young man and woman, and all 30, 1865. Official data obtained In ertaining. . “ The C ity of S ilen t marketing of farm products has not He •usly, if we do not see to It that our the rest of us ought to read it and dropped dead Mud ay night. Men” w ill be showu at the R ia lto armers are well and fairly puld for been modernized. had been suffering w ith heart d i- find pleasure in it. heater next F rid ay. An ancient evil, and a persistent their services. The farm gives the h rtt). >ne. Is the undergrading of farm prod- istlon men as well as food. Cities The Brownsville legion made a A lOJ-pound son was born to lerlve their vitality and are forever icts, with the result that what the mistake in not advertising last Sat­ enewed from the country, but an Ira- farmers sell as of one quality Is re­ M r. ami Mrs E. H . Patrick M'»n- urday evening’ s m instrell show in Hiverlshed countryside exports Intelll- sold as of a higher. That this sort of ' Halsey a week earlier The Odd­ iay at th e ir home southeast of •ence and retains unintelligence, White Leghorns chicanery should persist on any Im- ! fellows would have postponed their lia is e jf. inly the lower grades of mentality portant scale In these days of bust- j Tancred and Hollywood strains, in itia tio n meeting and supper, they »12 50 per 100. Hatching eggs, $6.00 Everett Standish is expected md character will remain on, or seek, ocss Integrity would seem almost In he farm, unless agriculture Is capable aay, if they had not hail arrange­ .nine from Portland this week. ►er 100. W illiams White Leghorn Farm. -f being pursued with contentment snd ■ redlble, but there Is much evidence Phone, 3x3 Halsey, Ore. ments too far advanced when they ihat It does so persist. Even as I | 'deqiiate compensation. Hence. Io em- W e are not going to give H arry lea rued o f th« date for the nnu- write, the newspapers announce the dtter and Impoverish the farmer la to rtrels, and the receipts at the Hi. Ires.-ler »way this week, but look try up and contaminate the vital suspension of several firms from the ul for n c h a riv a ii. alto m ig ht have been doubled. tourves of the nation. New York Produce Exchange for ex­ The war showed convincingly how porting to Germany as No. 2 wheat a Mrs VV. L W ' ll* got home lependent the nation Is on the full vhole shipload of grossly Inferior whea’ Card of Thanks Monday Irotn a v is it of about ter 10-20 Titan I H C Tractor, run twenty productivity of the farms. Despite W e w ish to th a nk the frie n d s wh< days at Eugene. Hb* lelurnen lay», in good condition, with three-bot­ herculean efforts, agricultural produe mixed with oats, chaff and the like. Another evil Is that of Inaccurate tom 14-in, P. & O. plow. Plows run one vere k in d d u rin g the illn e » and death lion kept only a few weeks or months next day to stay u n til Imr (laugh veek. Bargain if taken at once at $900. f o u r fa th e r, T F. S m ith. ter. Mrs Helseth. who is not im ihead of consumption, and that only weighing of farm products, which, It Schultz Bros., Fayetteville, P. O Shedd >y Increasing the acreage of certain is charged. Is sometimes a matter of A lv d X . S m ith and brothers and sisters proving in health very fast. could Jr.. R. 1, staple crops at the coat of reducing dishonest Intention and sometimes of Com« home n i'h her. They and For Sale—3%-in Weber Mountain that of others. We ought not to for protective policy on the part of the and the twins arrived here yoete- Vagon, complete with double tight gram The Affix Wick. get that lesson when we ponder on local buyer, who fears that he may x>x, fiifth wheel, 3-ieaf seat. Bargain at day. I he nffix wick, also written wlch, 1» the farmer’s problems They are truly "weigh out" more than he "weighs In." 5160. Schultz Bros., Faretteville, Ore., form of the Anglo-Saxon word, wlc The Women's Belief corps a f f i l i ­ ommon problems, and there should P. O. Shedd, Ore., R 1 A greater grievance Is that at pres­ v icb means the ««me at the l-»e, cornet duels and lin Prudent and orderly adjustment ol are In a continuous process of finish precious metals. This instrument, he B hih I s chim es im ita tio n on the g m la i production and distribution In accord declares, accurately locales sunken Ing goods for the markets; they dis and b anjo, at the M e th o d ist ch u rch , ince with consumption la recognized tribute as they produce, and they car cold snd he la. certain the salvage ef as wise management In every business George M a x w e ll was a pisseogei forts will be richly rewnrded. curtail production without too cswot but that of farming Yet, I venture Injury to themselves or the enmmu to A lb a n y Thursdav noon to h- to aay, there la no other Industry In present when his daughter, M 's n lty : but If the farmer restricts hh Hugh Cummings of A lb a n y » as which It la so Important to the pub output. It Is with disastrous conse Jose S iffe y , was operated on t©> H e -to the city dweller— that produe quences. both to himself and to th. in H i sey today receiving bog- A IA K A. g o ite r at the h o spital in th a t eita linn should he sure, steady, and In community. from tL« local buyers, M avberrj creasing, and that distribution shouli' snd M cKinney, H arold A lb ro . The average farmer la busy wlti be In proportion to the need The un production for the major part of thi M anufacturing o p tic ia n . D. S. Davis of A lbany was in organiied farmers naturally art blind year, and has nothing to sell The ly and Impulsively and. In coase Hasey Wedi e -i'ay, v isitin g h s bulk of his output comes on the mar quenre, surfeit snd dearth, accomps ket at once Because of lack of «tor «»n, H. E. Davis, snd daughter NOTICE OP APPOINTM INT nted by disconcerting price-variation*, Mrs. L. V. C iisnce. sge facilities and of financial support harass the consumer. One year pota Notice it hereby given that the under­ the fanner cannot_ carry his g.«id toes rot In the Helds because of excess Mrs. S. T. H illm a n l i f t Saturday signed by an ordei of the County Court through the year and dispose of then production, and there Is a scarcity hf for S ilverton to see her son D in xf Linn County, Oregon, have been ap as they are currently needed In th pointed Executor and Executrix respect­ if ll is a hox of our delicious randy. It the things that have been displaced tnd family. great majority of cases, farmers hav, ively of the Isst W ill snd Testament of to make way for the expsnsln of the iv ss wholesome ss it is delirionv, snd to entrust storage—In warehouses sn t Miss Adel Edwgrds left for Port- Emma C Allen, deceased A ll person« potato acreage; next year the punish having claims against said estate are re­ sftrr testing it vou'll want more Ev­ ed farmers mass their fields on some elevator« and the financial carrying md at nn today to be the guest quired to present them within six T their product« to other«. other crop, and potatoes enter the er vone dote« upon our choice coulee f her grsudm other for several months from the date si this notice, Farm products sre generally mar with the proper vouchers, to the nuder- veeks. lions, they arc to pure, fresh sod delt- class of Inxurlee; and so on keted at a time when there Is a con Agriculture la the greatest snd fun signed at theic place of residence iu Hal­ teatlon of both transportation and The «late dog license 'aw has sey. ia Linn County. Oregon. dsaaentally the most Important of our finance- -when cars snd money arc Dated and first published this 5th day American industries. The cities are b««n declared c in s titu tio n a l by scarce The ontcome. in many in hut the branches of the tree of ns he supreme court end i t w ill *«»«• of Jsnua-y, 1922. stance«, la that the farmers not only W. A. Allen. Executor. poqsl life, the root» of wjlch jo deep i sell under pressure, and therefore at $10 to be caught owuiog a dog Lens Beene. Executrix. w ithout one. Amor A. Tnssmg, Atty. Iqx Exr. it Ears. j Aft js LL p0,ud' I • uriw« ( ’a s t i n c l u d e s LOIS W llSO fl u v • Illy ls 30 minutes of laughter Jive. Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line SEEKS TREASURE ON OCEAN BOTTOM California Man Fits Out Expedi­ SING SING CONVICTS tion to Recover Cargo of WATCH MEIGHAN Gold and Whisky. “ESCAPE” Star of “The City of Silent Men” is Screened in Dra­ matic Incident BABY C H IX FOR SALE Shepherd Collie Pups Rubber Goods i lot W a te r B ottles F o u n tain S yringes Bottles A* S yringse Bulb S\ ringes Bubbor T ubing In fan t S yringes Hard Ibib b o rS y rin g es E ar iV F le e r Springes ,\ i | »pit's Bubbor Bubbor I* Ils Bubbor Balls Ringo’s Drug Store She’ll Accept Your G ift Gladly Stepart & Price Confectioneiy Keep Your Eyes Young S ^H leaik O p t o m e t r is t . L N OHC