Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, January 19, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Larg« Circulation of Counterfoil Flva-
Cant Issue Olaeovsrsd in
T h a t Country.
Buenos Aires.— A swindle of large
proportions has been perpetrated on
the Argentine post office department
by the printing and sale of false 6-cent
stamps. The sale of these stamps has
been going on possibly fo r years, but
It was only recently discovered. The
department has ordered the w ith ­
draw al o f the Issue.
The poet office department adm itted
that the fraudulent stamps were prac­
tically Identical w ith the authorized
ones and that It was not possible to
trace the source of the questionable
tV * A . Fisk, drove a ll uight f u ­
ton. In the Cripple Creek district, to
get the lad to a hospital hero.
Wrong Man In Prison.
Tenn.— A fte r
eight years In prison here for the mur­
der of George W’ehman, recluse of
Union City. F rank IHetzel was par­
Governor T ay lo r said he had
received convincing evidence that Dlet-
ael was not guilty.
His Oft Day.
“W a itin ’ for a train
asked the talkative native “Certainly
not,” replied the cruse,
“W hat do you think I'd lie hanging
around a railroad station for. with a
couple of suitcases? I'm going to ride
a camel from here to San Francisco."
G ra n d ; E s 'lie r M. b o n d
G r a n d ; A g u es
C r n I-
C ha rity < lark, secretary;
M oie, treasuier; Adda Rrogo,
warden; N ellie F ru m , conductor;
, Louisa 'l'a y lo r, inside guardian;
M attie Kutnp, outside g uardiau;
E d ith
R. 8. N. G . ;
George T a y lo r, L. S. N. G .; .Mary
G ra t, R. S. V, G .; L a u ia Bram ­
well, L S. V . G ; l a llie K ru m ,
E lfa Moore is m usician and
Ba If Bond captain o f degree staff
By a narrow m a jo rity the senate
bas declared I hat Senator New­
berry was la w fu lly elected, but has
M other Saves Son’s Eyes.
severely condemned the expendi­
Canon C ity Colo.— Mother's love
The New Rebekah Officers
tures on bis election as excessive,
and pluck In sticking at an automo­
bile steering wheel fo r 12 hours over
1 he fo llo w in g are the officers of harm ful to the senate and "d a n ­
gerous to the p erpe tu ity of a free
mountain roods through a snowstorm
Purit)« Rebekah lodge installed b i
saved eight-year-old Leo F isk’s eye i
governm ent.”
M r. Newberry say»
sight. T lie boy’s eye wag Injured s’ 1 D istrict Deputy E d ith R o b ne tt:
tb u t be Is vindicated. I f he calls
play one day and his mother, Mr«. I
Della M ornhinw eg, Past Noble; this vind icatio n, he is easily sal-
s.ie«l. — I u r tis i.d o 'g m a n
w or
A- »rxrç
* j
| If you N E E D A N O V E R C O A T
• -
t h is
I his is your chance. We are having a special sale. Don't miss
opportunity to buy a gjod, warm coat..
L k
P r e se n t
1920 m a rk et S a le
p rice
& M en ’s m ixed w ool O vercoats $27.50 $17.00 $12.50
& “ all w ool O regon O v erco a ts 37.50
“ d o u b le-b rea sted w ool “
K u p p en h eim er (ou r b est) 75.00
W e also have some very low prices on Men’s Shoes
H The Store With a Square Deal for Every Customer
Albany, Oregon.
Girls’ Basketball Rules
OUR BOY—every boy—wants to g.iotv up to be a business man of
power and influence in the com muninity. Ten or twenty years
from now the boys and girls of today will be our most influential citi­
zens, doing the work now on the shoulders of thetr fathers and
Give your hoy or girl one or more of our Gold Notes, which we
are now offering to custom ers and employes ou paym ents o f only #5
a month, so that now, in his youth, he may have the kind of financial
and business training th at will better prepare him for success later on.
Have your boy make
the payments
ot $5 per month
as they come due every month. Give him the money, but let him
handle the m atter himself, getting the receipts and keeping them.
He'll learn something ot business tliis way. lie'll learn what securi­
ties are, what interest is. He 11 take a personal interest in savings and
investments. In later years this knowledge will he a decided advan­
tage to him.
A Safe Investment
W hen you buy our 8% Gold Notes you know your investm ent is
safe. I t is in your own home utility company, which is here perm a­
nently, helping to develop the community, helping add to its prosper­
ity. When your boys and girls have grown to manhood and woman­
hood this property will serve them and their children, ju st as it is now
serving you.
Give your boy or girl the right start. Act
now. Call at our office for details.
D a te ..................................................... ..
I would lik e to receive further inform ation about
the investm ent yon offer on easy payments.
Name . . . . __... . . . . __ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Address . . . . . . . . . . ______________ ____________ __
C ity ...........................................................................
M ou n tain S ta te s P o w er (o
J u n ctio n C ity
Byllesby Engineering and Man­
agement Company, En­
gineers & Managers
Every Family a Noteholder
Tbe:e I as been some C 'itio isiu
regarding the refereeing and um ­
piring of the g irls ' games.
A few
statements w ill suffice. The g irls ’
game is far different from the boys'
' The national com m ittee sent out
I ibis year a request th a t the rules
for g irls be s tric tly enforced, for
the game was tending to beco i.e
too rough, and each official was
asked in the rule book to enforce
the laws governing each game very
The Halsey girls have been
trained that wav, wh.le anyone
knowing the game can in a moment
realize th a t other teams have been
perm itted to foul in th e ir tra in in g
and even defy an o ffic:al.
I f two g irls of opposite team«
stand side by side and one puts
her hand or arm in fro n t of the
other, this constitutes a foul.
T rip p in g is a foul.
Taking hold of the hand, arm,
shoulder or bodv is holding, and
makes a foul. When a player In s
the ball and is in the act of pass­
ing i t an opponent rushing up und
throw ing arm forw ard e ither above
or around the player w ith hall, or
coming in contact w ith the body
of the other, is also a foul.
one doing the guarding must stand
in a s tra ig h t or ve rtica l plane,
keeping both hands square w ith
the body, and cannot put arms
around body of opponent, cannot
hold a hand or both hands over
hall or touch a ball in the bauds
of another player; this is over-
guarding and is a foul.
Shoving or pushing an opponent
is a foul.
H ittin g or hacking at
an opponent is a foul.
D rib bling the hall more than
once before i t is passed to another
player or th ro w n for a basket is a
Two players ju m p in g for b all, if
either or if both take the one hand
from the back before the ball is
tapped, th is is a foul.
I l tw o players OB one -iile ano
I t M on the o th e r sculfl-* lo r the hall,
inless one of the players of the two
on same side pulls back in s ta n tly ,
:ounte tw o on one and is a foul
against the side where the two
players are involved.
F A R M E R S u”'-!y have,n
> rx
accumulation Of
articles no longer needed, or succeed««’
by better ones, which somebody woulu
like to obtain. An advertisement the
size of this, costing 25c, m ig ht find ¡.
buyer and covert what is Z? A Q I 1
now oulv trash into good L A i j i l
Jots and Tittles
(Continued from page 1)
Crowfoot has a garden club.
D udley H enry o f Shedd was io
town M onday.
Amor A. Tussi ng
D. T aylo r was a passenger to
tlb a n y Saturday.
Bert S. C lark and fa m ily vie.
ited Albany Saturday.
B rownsville , O regon
A. Peterson
C lifford C herry arrived
from Portland Saturday.
Mrs. E. B Spellm an of Browns­
ville went to A lbany Saturday.
Dress Shoes
a Specialty
501 Lyon at., Albany, Oregon,
S h o e R ep a ir Shop
Mieses Anna H ein rich and Nora
Pehrsaon visited A lb au v S a tu rd a y.
M rs. Brown, the teacher, went
o Shedd Saturday to v is it her
Mrs. B. M Cushman of Browns-
v ille took tra in here for Abany
Two doors north of the hotel
Miss Ainy H oward o f Jeffersi n
Am prepared to do a ll kinds ol came Saturday fo ra vis it w ith Rev,
.hoe repairing. ¿Satisfaction guar­ J. T . Cook and fa m ily .
Goat, pig, sheep and shorthorn
dubs were organized at Scio last
JEWETT the COBBLER. veek and a H olstein club was
L O. O. F.
Regular meeting next Saturday
W. J.
R ib elin
Office 1st door south of school house
Halsey, Oregon.
Handles Town and Country Propert)
G ive him a call and see if he can fi>
you up.
Barber Shop and Baths
First-class work guarnteed
Thomas Greenwell, listed as a
Lin n county slacker in the war,
■as beeu exonerated.
He served
v ith the Canadians.
The L in n county farm bureau
aas appropriated $3lXX) low .nds
the cost o f the county a g ric u ltu ia l
agent and the club leaders tins
Mrs. J. W. Daniels takes d a ily
trips to Eugene to be treated fo r
neuritis by the aged D r M c A llis te r
nd says she is receiveog much
H . C. Davis took the e a tly Ore.
gon electric tra in tra in M onday
or P ortland, w hither he had been
«ummoned to resume federal grand
ju r y d u ly .
C. H . Davidson of Shedd, leader
of the ahorlharn ca ll club and the
"fa th e r of club work in L iu u coun­
t y , ” has beeu awarded a gold medal
by the Pacific Livestock exposition
E lectric H a iro u ltin g , Massaging or hia work among the clubs.
and Shampooing.
W arren Chase of Beattie was in
Boosting Oregon
Cleaning and Pressing. Brownsville last week ta lk in g ice-
m aking m achinery (o the Eggle­
A folder map of Oregon has just
stons of the creamery.
A m a.
been issued by the Southern Pacific
chine w ith which a ton and a h alf
I t shows the rivers, m ountains,
a day can be made may be installed ,
highways and p rin c ip a l railroads,
inclu ding many logging roads.
L. Boyd, form er station agent
I t is of convenient size, being
here, who was billed for a s im ila r
folded to fit the pocket.
Ou th<
Watches and berth at D etro it when he left here
reverse side o f the paper is a gen­ E xp ert workmanship.
clocks a specialty.
several months ago, has been here
eral description of Oregon, its to-
OREGON packing hia personal property for
irograpliy, clim ate and sod.
removal to the la tte r place.
A ll the p rin cip a l products and
has traveled in numerous states
resources in c lu d in g particulars a-
between jobs, coming front G raton,
to irrigated stale lands, homesteads,
Cal., now.
water power and highways are men­
A considerable am ount of
Texas and C a lifo rn ia o il men
sta tistical data is given, figures be­
who have leased 135,000 acres of
ing compiled p rin c ip a lly from the
A ll work done p ro m p tly and land in the country north of K n o x
last census o f the United States.
Butte to Lebanon, Plainview and
reasonably. Phone No. 269.
The purpose it to te ll in a plain
Brow nsville announce that as soon
and straightforw ard wav of Ihe re-
as they can sign up 15,000 acres
l sources and o pportunities in Ore
more, to consolidate th eir holdings,
Careful attention has lieen
they w ill bore fo r o il. They claim
given t<> th is, the figures and dats
the geological form ation is perfect
being compiled from the most re-
for an o il region and O A. C.
201 New First N at’l Bank Bld’g
riable sources of in fo n n a iio n .
deems it isn’t.
Copies are to be had free on re­
Albany, Oregon.
Mrs Em m s A rch ib ald of T an.
quest to agents and representatives
gent, L in n county president of the
of Southern Pacific lines.
W R I G H T & P O O L E W C. T U ., and Mrs. M ary M a i.
L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R S let of P a rtlan d, state president,
Duty’s Path Close st Hand.
were in C orvallis last week clos­
The path nt duty lies In what Is
Phone 35
Phone IS
ing the $ 10,000 deal fo r the H a rry
1 near, and men seek fo r It In what
Branches st
Ashbar farm of 246 acres, north
1« rem ote: the work of duty lies In
Brownsville, Phone 37C1S.
of C orvallis, fo r an orphans' home
what Is easy, and men seek for It In
Halsey Phone 146, Prank K irk , Mg
where the u u io n | w ill house it«
. what Is dlfflculL—Menctua,
E. C . M IL L E R
’l l 7
D ra y m a n .
C. C . B R Y A N T