Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, January 19, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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------- this Winter
where the sun is “ on the job ”
c o p y fa ig -H T
T H E B O B B S -^ E R R J L tT c o M P A N Y
:N yO N jÇ
19, 1921
Four Trains a Day
Provide a service that contributes to
the’traveler’s comfort and convenience
suddenly, while every one exclaimed
at once, “There, she’s quite all r ig h t -
see how her color is coming back I”
C H A P T E R I — Jane H a r d in g
a b le and c o n servative old e p fn e te r-b u t
The penknife that I had lost in my
n ever too old to th in k o f m arria g e — w ith
struggle with Captain Mugnus had
¿more m oney th a n brains, is in veigled by
a stro n g -m in d ed spinster. Miss H ig g le sb y-
the Scotchman’s feet.
a ro w n e , In to fin an cin g an expedition to
Wrenching himself free of his all but
h u n t fo r burled trea s u re on Lee w a rd
Island. H e r niece. V ir g in ia H a rd in g , un­
severed bonds he had seized the knife,
d e rta k in g to stop her, gets on th e vessel
slashed through the rope that held
engaged fo r the hu nt, and In the c o n fu ­
Tickets good till April 30— Stopovers allowed
sion la u n w illin g ly c arrie d along.
him to the tree, and flung himself on
Captain Magnus. It was a brief strug
C H A P T E R I I . —B y no m eans concealing
No W ar Tax ou Railroad Tickets
gle— a fist neatly planted on the ruf
h e r d ista s te fo r the exp editio n and her
contem pt fo r its m em bers, V irg in ia m akes
tian’s Jaw had ended It, and the cap
L’ l • f Q o a ln t a n c e o f the H o n o ra b le C u th ­
lain, haif dazed from his potations,
bert V ane, and Is s om ew hat Im pressed.
went down limply.
Since 1870 th e S o u th e rn Pacific has
C H A P T E R I I I . —T a lk in g w ith D ugald
id en tifie d w iih th e d e v elo p m en t of Wes
Throughout the fray Chrla slum
Bhaw, the leader o f the expedition, V i r ­
g in ia very fr a n k ly expresses her views,
bered undisturbed, and he and the un
p ra c tic a lly accusing Shaw and the oth er
conscious Magnus were now reposing
m em bers o f the p a rty , in cluding a som e­
w h a t u n ce rtain personage. C a p ta in M a g
side by side, until they should awake
arHl a shady " fin a n c ie r," H a m ilto n
to find themselves neatly trussed up
H . Tubbs, of b e in * In a conspiracy to de­
frau d Miss Jan e H a rd in g . T h e ir rela tio n s
with Cookie's clothes-lines.
n a tu r a lly , a re som ew hat strained.
But my poor brave Crusoe dragged
C H A P T E R I V -b a n d lin
ín . e on th e island
a broken leg. from a kick bestowed on
G eneral P assen g er A gent
Is a m a tte r o f some d iffic u lty . V irg in ia
him by Captain Magnus, at whom he
being c arrie d ashore in the a rm s o f C u th ­
had flown valiantly in my defense.
b e rt V an e , to her disquietude. T h e la n d ­
ing, ho w ever, is s afe ly effected.
So far so good; we had signally de­
feated our two guards, and the camp
C H A P T E R V .—Le d by M iss H lg g le sb y-
' on the narrow strip of sand before
B ro w n e the p a rty d ra w s up an a g re e ­
was ours. But what about the pirates
the sea-mouth of the cave, we saw the
m ent w h ereby V ir g in ia H a rd in g is barred
who were still in the cave and would
from p a rtic ip a tio n in the profits o f the
figures of four men, who ran wildly
shortly t>e reluming from It? They
expedition. B elieving the whole th in g to
about and scuglit for a foothold on tin
* fra u d . V irg in ia is not g re a tly w o r­
were three armed and sturdy ruffians. and I set off through the woods. The sheer face of the cliff. As we stood
ried. C u th b e rt V ane alon e votes ag a in s t
It would mean a battle to the death.
the exclusion o f V irg in ia .
men were heavily armed, and 1 hart watching them, with, on my part, at
Our best hope would be to wait In recovered my own little revolver and least, unexpected qualms of pity und
C H A P T E R V I . —-W ild pigs abound on
the island, and “ C ookie," the colored
restored it to my belt. Mr. Shaw had a cold Interior sensation very unllk
m em ber o f the p a rty , insists he has seen
ing I mean for Dugald Shaw and seen to this, and had said to me. very
triumph, they discovered us. Ther
a " h a n t, ’ in the fo rm o f a w h ite pig
Cuthbert Vane to do It—and about quietly:
D u rin g a w a lk V irg in ia m eets th e " h a n t /’
for the first time, I suppose, they un
a w h ite bull te rrie r, an d p rou dly brings
"You know:, Virginia, If things don’t derstood the nature of their disaster
him in t o camp.
returned. This desperate plan, which go our way, It may he necessary for
We could not heur their cries, hut we
so unpleasantly resembled murder, you to use it— on yourself."
C H A P T E R V I I . —On th e island Is the
saw arms stretched out to us. fists
h u t of a copra g a th e rer, and the presence
cast gloom on every brow.
And I nodded nssentlngly.
frantically shaken, hands lifted In
o f the dog. nam ed "C ru so e’’ by V irg in ia
“It's the women, lad,” said the
is thus accounted fo r. R a m b lin g about,
We went In silence through the prayer. We saw Mr. Tubbs flop down
and fe elin g h e is e lf not to be a re g u la r
Scotchman in a low voice to Cuthbert. green hush of the woods, moving In
upon hl» unaccustomed knees— It wa.-
m em ber o f th e expedition. V irg in ia comes
" It’»— It’s Virginia.”
And Cuthbert single file. M.v place as guide was In all rather horrible.
upon a sand-im bedded sloop, the Island
R e tu rn in g to ths cam p, she Is
heavily assented.
I drew hack, shivering. "It won’t
in tercepted by C ap tain M agnus, who a c ­
Seeing myself as the motif of such
costs her un p le a sa n tly . She esc apes him .
be for long, of course,” 1 said uncer­
w ith the aid o f “C rusoe."
slaughter shocked my mind suddenly
tainly, "Just till the steamer conies—
back to clearness.
C H A P T E R V I I I . —F ire d w ith the idea
und we'll give them lots to eat— hut I
o f h e r re lf d iscovering the treasure. V i r ­
“Oh,” I cried, “not that. Why not
suppose they think—they will goon he
g in ia pays a v is it to the cave which has
surprise them In the cave, and tnuke
been singled out as the most lik e ly place
Just a lot nmre skeletons—”
in w h ich it has been concealed, and
them stay there?
One man could
here I was threatened with a moist
these she Is cau g h t by the tide and res ­
cued by D ugald S haw , f r im
certa in
anticlimax to my late Amazonian
death. T h in k in g her unconscious, Shaw
ward we could build It up with logs or
whispers Words o f e n d earm ent, which
she treasures.
Why should the frequent and nat­
Everybody stared.
ural phenomena of tears produce such
C H A P T E R I X . —In id le c u rio s ity V i r ­
“A remarkably neat scheme,” said
g in ia . dabb lin g ab o u t the w reck o f the
panic in the male breast? “It's been
Mr. Shaw, "but Impossible of applica­
Is la n d d QUeen, finds a d ia ry . Identified
too much for her I" exclaimed the once
o n ly as h a v in __________
_9 t by "P
g been k ep
e te r,
fo rm e r seeker o f the »reasure. In It he
dour Scot in tones of ungulsh. “H ur­
know where to find the cave.”
tells of bis fin din g o f the hidden w e a lth
ry, lad—we must find her some wa­
and there her le a d in g ia in terru p te d .
I shook my head.
"I know I”
C H A P T E R X —O p inions as Io the proper
“Nonsense,” I Interposed, winking
There w'as a lengthy silence. Peo
m ethods of prosecuting the search fo r the
rapidly. "Just think of some way to
tre a s u re are divided, an d a wide d iv e r g ­
ence is a p p a re n t in the councils o f the
calm those creatures, so that I shan't
eyes said, “This has been too much
lit t le p a rty .
V ir g in ia '» In te re s t in the
see them In my dreams, begging and
leader o f the exp editio n Increases.
for h er!"
beseeching—” For I had not forgot­
C H A P T E R X I . —T h e d ia ry which V lr -
ten the Immensity of my debt to Tony.
nla has found in the rem ain s o f the
can take you straight there. I found
land Queen rev e a ls th e fa c t th a t the
So a note was written on a leaf
existence o f the gold was know n to oth the tombstone before Mr. Tuhba did,
torn from a pocketbook and thrown
*rs. and an a c tiv e and successful search
und the cave, too. Come, let’» not
fo r it c arrie d on. T h e record tells o f the
over the cliff weighted with a stone.
waste time. We must hurry— they’ll *
finding o f the treasure and its tra n s fe r
The captives swooped upon It. Fol­
•n e e to the sm all boat, but i t Is evident
be getting back 1"
the finder never le ft the Island w ith his
lowed then a vivid pantomime by
w e a lth .
V irg in ia , of course, believes it
Tony, expressive of eased if unrepent­
to be on th e Is la n d Queen, and so w ith in
credulous, surged round me. - Then
h e r reach
F o r v arious reasons she d e­
ant minds, while Mr. Tubbs, by ges­
Mr. Shaw said rapidly:
cides to say n o thin g o f her discovery u n ­
tures, Indicated that though sadly mis­
t il she has in ve s tig a te d fu rth e r.
’’You're right. O f course, If you
understood. old II. H. was still our
have found the cave, the best thing
C H A P T E R X I I . —Led by direction s In
friend and benefactor.
“ P e te r s’’ d ia ry , V irg in ia finds a h ig h ly
It was an attentive group to which
Im p o rta n t clue to the hidden treasure,
It. But we must move fast—perhaps
J w tc
but her courage fa ils w hen It comes to
on our return to eamp I related the
we're too late already. I f they have
pushing h e r In vestigatio ns.
circumstances which had made possi­
found the chest they may by.now be Wa W ent in Silence Through tha
Green Hush o f the Woods.
C H A P T E R X I I I —In te r r u p tin g a fe rv e n t
ble our late exploit of imprisoning the
starting for camp with the first load
d e c la ra tio n o f love by C u th b e rt Vane,
pirates in the cave. The tale of my
of doubloona.”
V irg in ia is s ta rtle d by the announcem ent
"the vau, hut Mr. Shaw deposed toe | achievements, though recounted with
o f M r Tubbs th a t he has found the clew
tfrom It and went ahead himself, while
to th e w h ereabouts of th e trea s u re
due modesty, seemed to put the finish­
“They haven’t found the gold," la s
dem ands, as the price o f his secret (as
Cuthbert Vane brought up the rear.
ing touch to the extinction of Violet,
he supposes) a h a lf o f the w e a lth found
sured him.
No one spoke, even to whisper.
T h e p a rty declines to accept his term s
for she wilted finally and forever, and
The astonished faces grew more guided Dugald Shaw, when needful,
an d decides to continue the search w ith
was henceforth even bullied by Aunt
out his a id. D u rin g ths e xc item e n t C ap
ta in M agnu s disappears.
Jane. The diary of Peter was pro­
Jinny's brain." muttered Cookie to enterprise was one of utmost danger.
• H A T T E R X I V - I n view of the dlscov-
duced, and passed about with awe
If we met the pirate» It was their
e ry m ade by M r Tubbs, a new agreem ent
“They haven’t found the gold,” I re
from hand to hand. Yesterday's dis
live» or ours—and I recall with incre­
is d ra w n up. e n tire ly fa v o ra b le to Vir­
ginia. T u rn in g from the docum ent, the
cover.v In the cave had rounded out
dulity my resolution to Imbed five of my
p a rty is surprised by th e appearance of
gold Is not In the cave. Don't ask me six bullets In u pirute before 1 turned
the history of Peter to a melancholy
an arm ed force, a g a in s t whom there
how I know, because there Isn't time the sixth upon myself.
could be no effec tiv e resistance.
completion. But though we knew the
to tell you. There was no gold then
end we guessed in vain at the begin
We passed the grave, and I saw that
C H A P T E R X V - C a p ta in M agnus, It
but the two bags that the pirates the vine» had been torn aside again,
nlug, at Peter's name, at that of the
tu rn s out, has ' double-crossed** his trea s ­
brought back last night.
'Die— the and that the tombstone was gone. We
ure-seeking c o r
-one. and w ith four
old grandfather whose thrifty piety
o th er desperaooex p.ans to c a rry off the
skeleton moved It all out.”
hail brought him to Havana and to the
«rattle to the brink of the cliff, and I
gold, which he believes Tu b b s ’ discovery
“My Lawd!" groaned Cookie, stag
has ma e ora t ’cal
arquaintance of the dying mate of
pointed silently downward along the
gerlng backward.
C H A P T E R X V I . — Tu bbs goes over to
the Bonny Lass, at the whereabouts of
ledge to the angle in which lay the
th e w ln n in c side, and, le a v in g Shaw and
“Virginia I I had no Idea you were mouth of the cave. My breath came
the old New England farm which had
C u th b e rt v a n e securely bound. M agnus
and bis friends m ak e th e ir w a y to the
superstitious 1” quavered Aunt Jane.
qqfckly, for at any Instant a head
been mortgaged to buy the Island
trea s u re cave, re tu rn in g w ith tw o bags
Queen, at the identity of Helen, who
might be thrust forth from the open­
o f gold, which they had ta ke n fro m the
g rip of a skeleton, whom V irg in ia alone
lets or something and quiet yom ing.
waited still, perhaps, for the lover
know s is the u n fo rtu n a te P e ter, ths rea l
nerves I” Implored Cuthbert with the
Mr. Shaw and Cuthbert dropped
who never would return.
discoverer o f the hidden w ealth.
tenderest solicitude.
down upon the ledge. Though under
But even our regret» for Peter did
C H A P T E R X V I I . - M a g n u s and a com
In my exasperation I stamped my
whispered orders to retreat I could
not chill the exultation with which we
panion, "Chris.** le ft to g u ard Shaw and
not, but hung over the edge of the
thought of the treasure-chest waiting
V ane, a re m ade in to x ic ate d by ths fa ith
“And while we are arguing here the cliff, eager and breathless. Then with
fu l "Cookie.* an d V ir g in ia releases her
there under the sand In the cabin of
frie n d a
pirates may be starting back to camp
a bound the men were beside we. Mr.
the Island Queen.
And then we'll have to kill them am! Shaw caught my hand, and we rushed
All afternoon we talked of It. That,
go home and give ourselves up to 1« together into the woods.
for the present, was all we could do
The Young Person 8c ore a
hanged I Please, please, come with mt
A quake, a roar, a shower of flying
There were the two prisoners In Tamp
My first memory is of voices, and
and let roe show you that I know!" I rocks. It was over—the dynamite had
to be guarded—and they had present­
after th ttt I was ah it swiftly out of a
lifted my eyes to the Intent face o
done Its work, whether successfully or
ly awakened and made remarks of a
Dugald Shaw.
tunnel from an imuieuae distance and
not remained to he seen. After a lit­
and unpleasant
opened my eyes upon the same facer
“All right,” be said tersely. “I think
tle the Scotchman ventured hack. l i e ' trend on discovering their situation.
which I had left at some Indefinite
you do know. How and what, we'll returned to us where we waited In the
There was Crusoe Invalided, and need­
And out later." Rapidly he made hl
period In the past. There was Aunt
woods—Cuthbert to mount guard over
ing petting, and getting It from every­
Jane s, very tearful, and Miss Higgles
plan, got together the thing» needful ine— with a cleared face.
body on the score of his romantic past
by-Browne’s, very glum, and the H<«
for Its execution, looked to the bond-
“It's all right,” he said. “ The en­
as Itenjy ns well as of his present vir­
ora hie Cuthbert’s, very anxious and s
of the still dazed and drowsy prison
trance 1» completely blocked. I set
tues. The broken leg had been clever­
little dazed, and Cookie's, very, very
era. posted Cookie In their neighbor
the charge six feet inside, hot the roof
ly set by Dugald—somehow In the late
black. The face of Dugald Shaw I
hood with a pair of pistols, and com
Is down clear to the moath.
upheaval Miss snd Mister had dropped
did not see, for the quite Intelligible
manded Aunt Jane to dry her tear.-
wretches— they have all come pouring
quite out of our vocabtilarP-s— with
reason that I was lying with my head
and look after Miss Hlgglesby -Browne
out upon the sand—”
Cuthbert as surgeon's assistant and
upon his shoulder.
who had dismayed every one by uioa .
All three of us went back to the
me holding the chloroform to the pa­
As soon as I realised this 1 sat up
ItiOgportuneJ/ toppling over In a per
edge of the cliff. Seventy feet below.
tient's nose. Jlicte was the fatigue
8 Y N O P 8 I8 .
Reduced Fares
Santa Barbara....Los Angeles.... San Diego
Southern Pacific Lines
through the glass the new arrival
out to be not the tubby freight­
er, but a stranger of clean-cut. rakish
hut|d, lying low la the water snd de­
signed far speed rather than carrying
a unte offshore she lay to* aud a
host left her side. Wondering snd dis­
quieted. we returned to the beach to
await her coming. Was It another pi­
Wbat possible errand could
bring a at earner to thia remoto, unvto-
tted. all but forgotten little Island?
As the oarsmen drove the boat upon
the beach the man In the atarn sprang
agilely ashore. Dugald Bhaw stepped
forward, and the stranger approached,
dotfing his helmet courteously.
“You are the American and English
party who landed here some weeks
ago from the Rufus Smith?”
UU English was easy aud correct,
though spoken with a pronounced
Spanish accent Hi» dark high-fea­
tured face w as the face of a Spaniard.
Aud his grace was the grace of a
Spaniard, as he bowed awecplugly and
handed Mr. Shaw a card.
“Señor Don Enrique «•--uz... •
Dugald, bowiug lu hi» -■ J
fashiou, “1 am happy to »< i
aa you represent
president of the *cpuhn.
Murlua 1 suppose you come ou uum
ue»», Sauor Gouxa'cs?"
I am enchant«-«! t:>
you appieht-ud t:
tlresomeuesa of explanations.
business la a cold, usually a dUugree-
able affair, I» It not so? That being
the case, let us get It ova.."
“First do ua the hotist tv he Heated.
Bailor Uonzalea."
Comfortably bestowed In a camp-
chair In the shade, the Spaniard re­
sumed :
“My friend, till.............
of course you are await- to tm
public, of which I have tin li............
a cjttzen. All right» and p.
such a» harvesting the ,o,nu « . - ,
str(«tly conserved by the rt-pum,.. a i
persons desiring such are leq ie-et I
negotiate with the tuin.sler o.
the republic. Amt lio—
when It I» a questioti
a very large treasure, seuor/
The Scotchman's face waa dark.
“1 - bad understood,” he replied,
without looking In the direction ef
Mis» Htgglesby-Browna, who seemed
In the last few moments to have un­
dergone some mysterious
process, “that negotiations lu the
proper quarter had been undertaken
and brought to a successful rooclu mi
—tliat In short we were here with lhi
express permission of the government
of Santa Murlno."
Thia wus a challenge which Misa
Browue could not hut meet.
"I had," she said hoarsely, “I hnd
the assurance of a—a person high In
the financial circles of the Timed
States, that through his— his Intlucuce
with tha government of Santa Manna
It would not ba necessary— In short,
that he could Ax the president— 1 em­
ploy his own term—for a ceuslderable
sum, which I —which my friend Mlaa
Harding gave him."
"And the name of thia Influential
persooT' Inquired the Santa Marinan,
"Hamilton H. Tubba," croaked Mian
Señor Gonzales smiled.
“I rem.uiher the name well, madam.
It la that of tha pretended holder of a
concession from our government, who
a few years ago Induced a number of
American school teachers and clergy­
men and other financially Innocent
persons to Invest In Imaginary coffee
plantations. He had In soma doubtful
fashion become possessed ef a little
entirely worthless land, which formed
the basis of his transactions.
franda wore discovered while he was
to our country, and he waa obliged te
leave between two days, according to
your bo picturesque Idiom. Needleaa
to aay hla application for permission
te visit Leeward Island for any pur­
pose would Instantly have been re­
fused. hot aa a matter e f fact It waa
never made.”
In a henomhed silence we met the
blow. The riches that had seemed
within oar grasp would never be ourn.
We had no claim upen them, far all
iur toil and p e ril; no right even te be
here upon the Island. Suddenly I be­
gan to laugh; faces wearing various
shades of shocked surprise were
turned on me. Still I laughed.
“Don’t you see,” I cried, “how rldle-
■Ions It all la? All the time It la we
vho have been pirates I”
The Spaniard gave me a smile made
irllllant by the gleam of smoldering
black eyes and the shine of white
Señorita, with ell regret, I must
“What's tn a name?” remarked Du-
gald Sliaw, shrugging.
“Wa were
after other people's property, anyway.
am very sorry about IL Señor Goo-
zalea, but I would like te ask. If you
don't mind telling, hew you happened
to learn of ear being here, to long as
was not through the anthemic
On general principle*. I
tried Io keep the matter quiet .”
“We learned In a mat ner Mxnewbat
■what do you aa>?—curious,” re­
turned tha Spaniard, who. having pre­
sented the mea with cigars and by
permission lighted one himself, was
making himself extremely at home and
appeared to have no Immediate Inten­
tion of baling us away to captivity in
Santa Marinan daugeoua. "but before
go further, kindly tell me whether
you have had any—eb—visitors dur­
ing your stay on the Island?”
W» have." Mr. »haw replied, "vary
and reaction from extitei. cut ivh1> It
everybody felt, and Peter's diary to he
read, and golden dreams to be In­
dulged. And there was the delicate
question to be discussed, of how the
treasure should be divided.
“Why, It all belongs to Virginia, of
course," said Cuthbert, opening his
eyes at the thought “of any other view
being taken but this obvious one.
"Nonsense!" I hastily interposed.
"My finding the diary was Just an ac­
cident; I ’ll take a share of it— no
Here Miss Browne murmured some­
thing half Inaudible about "—confined
to members of the expedition—" but
subsided for lack of encouragement.
"1 suggest,” said Dugald. “that, our
numbers haviug most fortunately di­
minished and there beiug. outlie buss
of Peter'» calculation», enough to en­
rich us all, we should »hare and
share alike.” And this proposal was
received with acclamations, us was a
second from the saute source, devot-
ug a certain percentage of each stiare
to Cookie, to whom the uewa of his
good fortune was to come later as
great surprise.
Shortly before sundown Cuthbert
and Cookie were dispatched by Dugald
Shaw to the cliff above the cave with
-upplles for the Inhumed pirates.
These were let down by rope. A note
■tag brought up ou the rope, signed by
Mr. Tubbs, and containing strangely
Jumbled exhortations, prayers and
threats. A second descent of the rope
elicited another missive, neatly folded
and addressed In the same hand to
Miss Jane Harding. Cuthbert gave
this privately to me, but Its contents
must forever be unknown, for It went,
unread. Into Cookie's fire. I had no
mind to find Aunt Jane, with her um
brella ns u paruchute, vanishing over
the cliffs to seek the arms of a repent
ant Tubbs.
The fly In the ointment of our satis­
faction, and the one remalnlug obsta­
cle to our possession of the treasure,
was the presence of the two pirates
In our midst. They were not nice pi
They were quite the least
choice of the collection, Chris, when
he was not »wearing, wept molatly
and so touched the heart of Aunt
Jane that we lived In fear of her let
ting him go If she got the opportun
What to do with the pirates contln
ued for a duy and a night a knotty
It was Cuthbert Vane who solved
It, and wlth'the simplicity of genlua.
“ Why not send 'em down to their
churns the way we do the eats?” he
Dire outcries greeted the decision
Aunt Jane wept, and Chris wept
The Remarkable Program W te T ri­
umphantly Carried Out.
Oaths flowed from Captain Magnus In
a turgid stream.
Nevertheless the
twain were led away, firmly oound
and guarded by Dugald, Cuthliert and
the negro
And tha remarkable pro-
gram proposed by Cuthhert Vane wit«
trlumphuiitly carried out. Six prison
ers now occupied the old cave of the
With tha camp freed from the pres
ence of the pirates all need of watch­
fulness was over. The prisoners In
the cave wore provided with no Im­
plements but spades, whereas dytta
mite and crowhurs would tie necessary
to force a way through the debris
which choked the mouth of the tunnel.
A looking over of the ground at the
daily feeding time would he enough
Tomorrow's sun would see our
hopes crowned and all our toll reward­
ed by the recovery of the ” -«asure
from tha Island Queen.
C H A P T E R X IX .
*T w ixt Cup and Lip.
Next niornfrtg an avent occurred
sufficiently astonishing to divert our
thoughts from even tha all-important
topic of the Island Quean. Cookie,
who had been on the high land of the
point gathering firewood, came rush
Ing hack to announce that a steamer
had appeared In tha offing. All the
party dropped their occupations ami
ran to look. That the Rufua Smith
had returned at an unexpectedly
early date was of course the uatural
explanation of tire appearance of a
vessel in these lonely yeaa.