Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, January 19, 1922, Image 1

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L o *—
Jots and_Tittles
Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally
and in Halsey Particularly
Mrs. G. Mitzner went to Albany
Harmony grange is making an
effort to get uew life.
W. P. W ahl left Monday on a
Jake Chambers and wife of H ar­
business tr<p to Missouri.
mony, have a baby boy.
Wayne Robertson went to Eu-
The Stanwood sawmill near
for the week end.
Brownsville is running again.
Alberta Boyer of Leona
Crnwf «rdevilte Woodmen are giv­
ing dances to raise funds to build ar ived Tuesday for a visit ai J. T-
C urry’s.
a hall.
W. C. Elmore and wife and son
The Crabtree Community asso­
passed through Halsey Tuesday in
ciation, with assets of $1500, has
their car.
died articles of incorporation.
W . C. M cHugh came over from
The local members of the H a r­ Brownsville Tuesday and took train
risburg branch of the disorganized for Albany.
state dairymen’s league propose to
There will be a farm bureau
organize at Harrisburg and in
drive for membership io this coun­
ty from April 3 to A p rii 8.
The Halsey Boy Scouts and the
J. G. Anderson and family came
Halsey seventh and eighth grade
Brownsville Tuesday and
basketball teams went over to
the train for a visit at Harrisburg.
Shedd Thursday night and were
Mrs. Daniel Bellamy left for her
beaten by two Shedd teams.
home at St. Johns Tuesday, after
The county fair board meets to­ a visit with her sister, Mrs. Forster.
morrow afternoon at Albany to
Nate Smith of Canby, who has
elect officers and receive the report
of the finances of the year.
Last been visiting at Clate Sm ith’s, left
year our fair was pronounced the for Portland and home Tuesday,
Clate accompanied him.
best in the valley
Ed Bowers was elected president
of the Ash Swale Hunt club Sat­
urday, W . W Poland secretary
and Dave Payne treasurer. There
was a big feed and a fine program,
with music by tho Shedd orchestra.
D. H- Pierce and fam ily of A l­
bany, Miss Secile Shepherd and E.
H. Settle of Eugene spent the week
end with Mr and Mrs. R. K . Stew­
art of Pine Grove.
Rev, J, D. Crane of the Toledo
Methodist church visited the H.
L. Slralev home over Monday
night, going on to the conference
at Eugene next day.
Hereafter varmint bounties must
be applied for by th i hunter or
trapper in person at the countv
seat, with two freeholders as wit­
This will knock most of
V . V. McAvoy, employed at the
the profit out of the game. No Stanwood m ill near Brownsville,
pun intended.
went to Eugene Saturday to con­
Harrisburg gets a new boost as sult an eye specialist.
a home of early lambs w tb nearly
The Boosters’ class of the Meth­
every issue of a newspaper in the odist church enjoved a party at
county. Halsey h a 'e a lier, larob- the home of Mrs. G W . Mornhin-
ier, rammier and hammier lambs weg, given by the losers of the re­
than Harrisburg but does net do cent contest.
There are 19 mem­
much blowing.
bers of the class. The rooms were
artistically decorated in blue and
white, the Booster colors.
<alxd, cake and cocoa were served.
A good time was reported.
W e H ave
The home-making club under
the leadership of Mrs. Marks met
at the home Georgina Clark F ri­
day. The officers are: President,
Is the C am e of M any
Cecile Mayberry; vioe-president,
L illian Reynolds; secretary. Agnes
I f your eyes give you trouble or ,| Hayes; treasurer, Georgina Clark.
your glasses are annoying
The class has adopted the name:
S E E US. We can Relieve Yon
J he Industrious S ix.”
Bancroft Optical Co.
motto, ’’Always up and doing.”
O ptical
113 1st St. W. Albany. Phone
(Continued on page 5)
How do You Select a Corset?
Is it style,
comfort or
long wear that
influences your
choice ?
Don't you think
it would bo best
to try to find all
these things,
and more, in
one corset ?
Bon Ton Corsets
embody eve y
mentioned, with
the further
advantage of
suprem e style
and m oderate price
$ 3 . 5 0 and $ 5 . 5 0
Special Hill Red Can Coffee, 1, 2', and 5 pound
cans, 40c a pound
C. H. Koontz Co.
NO. 20
Church Announcements
Sunday School, 10.
Preaching, 11.
Junior League, 8,
Intermediate League, 6:30.
Epworth League, 6:80.
Preaching, 7:30.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8.
Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor,
Sunday School, 10.
Preaching, 11.
Endeavor, 6:30.
Preaching, 7:30.
The topic of the sermon for Sun.
d«v morning is “ The World's
Greatest Preacher.”
In the even­
ing, " The High Cost of S in .”
feature of the evening worship w i'l
be an orchestra to accompany the
Lester Jones, Minister
Pine Grove Church:
Sunday School, 10.
Preaching, 11, by Bro. Eggly.
Prayer-meeting, 7.
Bible Study, Wednesday, 7.
Sunday Scho.il Lesson
(B y HteV. F. B F 1T Z U A iiisK . L>. D ..
T each er kfcf E n g lish B ib le In th e Moody
B ible In stitu te o f C h icago.)
C opyrigh t, 1922, W estern N ew sp a p er U nion
L E SSO N T E X T - I K in g s 1»:1-21.
G O L D E N T B X T - I w aited p a tien tly for
th e Lord; an d he Inclined un to m e, and
heard m y cry —P s. 40:1.
R E F E R E N C E M A T E R IA L —E se k . J :l-t;
A cta 16:6-10; 18:1-11.
P R IM A R Y T O PIC —G od B ends an A n gel
to H elp E lijah .
J U N IO R T O PIC —G od B tren g th en e E li­
—J e h o v a h 's C ham pion E n cou raged .
—F in d in g and F in ish in g Our T ask .
This lesson story proves E lija h to
have been a man of like passions as
we are (Jas. 5 :1 7 ).
1. E lija h ’s Flig ht ( w . 1-14). Upon
Ahab's return from the excitement on
Mount Carmel, he told his w ife all
that E lijah had done— that even all
her prophets had been hewn to pieces
by the sword. This so enraged her
that she sent a message of death to
E lija h , who aeema to have been w ait­
ing a t the gate (vv. 1, 2). This was
clearly a bluff on Jezebel's part.
E lija h
stood before the king and the priests
o f Batil, he now cowered before this
woman and fled f o r his life. H e seems
to have failed at his strongest point.
1. E lija h under the Juniper tree
(vv. 3-7).
T he Juniper tree was n
shrub of the desert which afforded
sheller and protection to travelers
from the burning sun by day and th»
cold wind by night. (1 ) Hts request
(v. 4 ). This was that he might die
T his was. no doubt, a foolish thing for
him to say, but let us be as consld
erate toward him as was God. The
discouragement, and even desponden
cy, of E lija h was due to the nervou-
atraln of about four years of nniieun
service for God, which culminated
on M ount Carm el. Such nervous re
action Is to be expected. (2) God’
tender treatm ent (vv. 5-7). (a )
H * 1
gave him sleep (v. 5 ).
"H e givetl
Ills beloved sleep” (I'sa. 127:2). (b 1
H e sent an angel to cook E lijah .-
meal (vv. 6, 7 ). T he angel o f the Lord
Is usually understood to lie the se>
ond member of the Holy T rin ity . II
this be correct, then we see Jehovah
Jesus preparing food for His servei
E lija h , ns H e a fte rw a rd did for Ho
discouraged disciples by G alilee (John
2 1 :1 9 ).
God again gave him sleep
and at the proper tim e again gave him
food. Though E lija h wanted to d ie
God had something better fo r him
fo r In a later day H e met him with
the “chariot of the L ord” and took
him to heaven untouched by death.
2. E lija h at Hnreb (vv. 8-14).
(1 ) God's Interview w ith E lija h In
the cave (vv. 9. 10). (a ) God's ques
tlon (v. 9 ). "W h a t doeat thou here.
E lija h ? ” This was a stinging rebuke,
though most kindly given. I t Implied
that H is appointed messenger was
now fa r sway from the field of duty.
E lija h was not where God wanted him
but God sought him where he was
B qw blessed to know th a t "A Q °d
| forsaking saint Is not a Godforsaken
s a in t!” (b ) E lijah's answer (v. 10).
E lija h tried to vindicate him self by
asserting his Jealous loyalty to God—
that In spite of all this the people
had not only rejected his message
and dishonored God. but had sought
to destroy him
(2 ) God’s Interview
w ith E lijah on the Mount (vv. 11-14)
W h ile standing before the Lord on
the mount. God caused a mighty
! (demonstration of wind, enrthquakt
and fire to pass before him to show
■unto him the nature of the work whlcl
tie had been doing for God, and ti
show him w hat was lacking In hh
work fo r the fullest attainm ent o'
success. E lija h had about him mucl
o f the w hirlw ind, earthquake and fire
His work had been terrify in g am
alarm ing, but It lacked In gentleness
and love.
II. E lijah's
(vv. 15-18)
E lija h
had erred, Oort
brought him again Into His service
How comforting to know that God
does not reject His servants because
of th e ir failures in times of despon
denc.v! H e deals w ith them a fte r thi
motive of their hearts.
E lija h was
nourished and Instructed by the Lord
and then sent on a high mission. God
is a fine psychologist. He took ElIJa)
out of himself by giving him a new
commission. The most healing min
Istry Is that of work. Many bereaved
| ones have been lifted out of them
, selves by active m inistry to others.
Before God would come In H is charlol
j to take E lija h home. H e set him upon
u threefold m in is try :
1. To anoint Haznel king over Syria
(v. 15).
2. To anoint Jehu king over Israel
<v. 16).
3. To anoint Elisha as his own sue
cessor (vv. 19-21).
High School Notes
Basket Social:
Next Saturday evening a basket
social will be neld at the echool-
nonse after the basketball game
which will take place at the ware,
The baskets will be auc­
tioned at the warehouse.
Friday evening the boys’ basket­
ball team gave the Shedd high
school team a polishing.
woo, 16 to 4.
The game was fast
thruout. Kenneth Cross and Wayne
R iberteon of the Halsey hoop ag­
gregation did stellar work.
Next Saturday night the boys’
team will plav with Bellfountain
on the home floor.
The Halsey and Peoria town
teams will play at the same placr
the same night.
The cooking club met at the
home of the club leader, Mrs. J
W. Moore, last Monday.
lar meetings will be held the first
Tuesday of every month, at wbicb
a social time will be enjoyed along
with the regular business,
members gave favorable reports at
the meeting.
The first team had a clash in
which the resulting score wa
12 to 9 in favor of the negative.
Members of
Janet Boggs and Louise Robnetl;
negative, Grace K irk and Alberts
The second team consisted of:
Affirmative, Hazel Gulliford and
Tim e Rightly Employed.
Delraa W ahl; negative,
Never talk with any man, or under­
Dykstra and Hazel Quimby.
A f­
take any trifling employment, merely
io pass the tim e a w a y ; for every day firmative won, 11 to 10.
well spent may become a “day of sal­
Tuesday a contest was held bi
vation." and time rightly employed Is the English IV class to determint
an “acceptable tim e.”
And remember the be->t debater of the ctais.
that the time thou trlflest away was Grace Robtnaon bad the affiims-
given thee to repent In, to pray fo r
iive and Glenn Frum the negative
pardon of sins, to work out th.v sal­
The affirmative won, 19 to 10.
vation, to do the work o f grace, to lay
The debate was witnessed by all
up against the day of judgm ent a
>f the high school students.
treasure of good works, that thy time
may be crowned w ith eternity.— Jere
V hat note:
uiy T aylo r.
Brownsville Briefs
(Regular correspondence)
The old water mains on K irk
avenue have bean removed and
will bo replaced by new and larger
ones aa soon aa weather conditions
will permit. W ith the new pump­
ing outfit in operation the city ia
now iu position to supply all wh«
desire water.
Rev M 8. Woodworth and
Charles Hows drove to Corvallis
to consult Dr, Howard in regard
to the latter’s health, which baa
not been good of late.
The Christian church people arc
arranging special evangelistic ser­
vices to begin about Fab. 1.
Joseph Hardcastle and Ray E d ­
wards got together on a real «state
deal last weak in which the form ­
er traded hie Brush Creek farm to
Mr. Edwards for his town prop­
erty. The parties have moved on
io their possessions. M r. Edwards
continue« bis Block buying.
The Rod and Gun olub has of­
fered the lot on which its building
Mood to the proposed oommuuitv
building committee for 9100.
M r. and Mrs. Joseph Hume
spent a week or ten davs in Port­
land, the former to look after his
interests iu the Sellwood bank and
i be latter to visit amoug relatives
md friends.
Dr, Rebhan waa called over from
Springfield Sunday in consultation
vith Dr. W altz in the case of W ill
Templeton, who is seriously ill.
The diagnoses of the two phy-i-
dsns seamed to practically agree
They could uot give the patient
very much hope for ultimate ra-
overy, but hope to afford him
emporary relief.
Dr. Rebhan and wife of Spring,
ield and the former's father, John
Rebhan of Brownsville, were guests
Sunday at the W. C Templeton
Mrs. Templeton ia a sister
■( Dr. Rebhan.
Mr. and Mrs. G tlbraith and the
«tier's dangistor, |4ies Alice Porter,
tor the mid-term exams.
vere down from Holiay Sunday
The class emblems will soon b- md attended the eervicee at the
The juniors are expect inc Presbyterian churoh, where the
o clear enough at the basket eocia ladies are members.
Miss Alice
iaturday to finish paying for their
xpects to return Saturday for a
eo-weeka’ stay with Brownsville
J. B., Reporter
The high achoon entertainment
Scouta Attention!
E. E M cW ain, scout execu tivt Friday evening drew quite a good
d Linn co u n ty , w ill viait the H al­ ittendance, as is usually the case
ey troup of Boy Scouts next then the schools put on anything.
Wednesday svening. Be prepared.
T h e evan gelistic m eetings at the
Presbyterian church will continue
thia week and longer if the inter,
The attendance has
jeen good, the other ohurchi-s dis-
niseing their services and uniting
Husband Also Testifies T h a t When
vith their Presbyterian brethren.
He W as Sick W ife Refused te
T ak e Care of Him .
The pastor has been giving some
very helpful Bible discourses.
Cincinnati, O.— A number of torrid
George D. Thompson, who was
| love lei ten, from Chlengn men whlfb
killed at Twin Falla. Idaho, last
' Charles F. Mondnry, 29, railroad clerk
554 Laurel street, this city, Introduced week by the accidental discharge
if a gun, waa burled from the
ss evidence In domestic relations court
here nnd which he testified were writ
iapiist church, R«v. W. P- E l­
ten Io his w ife. M sry Mondsry. twenty
mirs having charge ol the services.
seven, now In Chicago, secured a di
Ir. Thompson lived here for some
vorce for him.
oonthe and leaves relatives and
One le tte r w ritten by the w ife to
friends who ware shocked by bis
Mondary s a id : “ I find there are lote of
Chicago bachelors who are openly tragic death.
Everyone ia studying nvartlm
Ia rr y Off 200-Pound Safe Whloh Con-
tained Panel Painted by Famous
M aster In 1643.
London.— Thieves broke Into the
iouse of M r. Fletcher o f Upper George
.treet, Bryanston square, London, W .,
ind carried away from a bedroon a
afc weighing nearly 200 pounds and
ontalnlng the Rembrandt panel “The
adulteress Before Christ.” The picture
s dated 1643 and measures 10 by 7
T he thelves also took property con-
isting m ainly of Jewelry and furs
o the value of $10,000 und bank and
veasury notes.
Mr. Fletcher Is well-known on con-
ert platforms, while Mrs. Fletcher la
i w riter.
! w alling for a nice little girl for a
pal and see that She Is well provided
for. T h a t Is Just how I am salllnr
along now. L et me know how yon
sre getting along. Aa always. M ary.”
Mondary testified th a t h it w ife
would not inend his clothes or cook
his meals when they lived togethei
In Chicago and when he was sick In
1917 she would not take care of him
hut brought him home to his wealthy
parents and left him.
Pine Grove Penciling«
Mrs. Lawrence Eagy returned
home Sunday after spending a few
days in Corvallis with relatives.
Miss Sophia Heinrich returned
ouma from Corvallis Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nichols spent Tues­
day with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Egle.
J. R. Mode and Chris Egle trans­
acted business in Corvallis Friday.
An optical Illusion Is presented by
the double ear ornaments, resembling
a telephone receiver, alTecled by a
young East African dandy. The ear­
piece has been Inserted In the dilated
lobe of the ear and a stout ring
through the pierced rim o f the upper
Dead 8«a and Madltarranaan.
T he old question of the origin of
the extrem e saltiness of the Dead sea
has received a new answer. I t has
I been shown, a fte r demonstrating that
’ he soil and rocks can have furnished
‘•ut a fraction of the quantity of salt
1 rhat has collected In the Dead sea
1 oasln. that the roost Im portant sourre
f supply of this salt Is atmospheric
ransportatlon by winds from the
T hia
view. It Is
“ought. Is confirmed by the fact that
lie ratio of chlorine to bromine In
j ne bend sea Is the same as In the
1 Mediterranean.—Washington
Burning Pigeons Fall
As Rockets Into River
St. Paul, M inn.— When in
employee o f a wholesale prod­
second-story window to escape
flames which were consuming
the building Thursday night,
hundreds of pigeons followed
him. Aa they merged from the
broken window the black back­
ground o f night made noticeable
■pots o f flame on wings and
tails of many o f the birds. Tholi
course was over the Mississippi
riv e r Fanned by the motion n<
flying the flames spread until
the birds were enveloped and
many o f them, lik e
fallin g
Counsel and Hoi«.
They that won't be rei
I uot be helped -Frsnklia.
Chris Egle and wife spent Sun.
day at Fred Heinrich's.
Relatives from Eugene visited
Sunday at the Claud Alien home.
K«rl Albertson spent Sunday
,ith Freddie Heinrich,
Christian Church Canvaaa
All feel much encouraged over
the every-tneniber-canvass which
was put on by the church last Sun-
Three-fourths of the local
budget was reached, with several
item bers yet to be seen during lit«
The missionary pledgee
»era increased 200 par cent.
The church is planning a lug ge -
»gather social forth« whole• hureh
d friends for F«1' 10
Me Limit.
The only regret we h er. fo . Cel’
uod talker Is that we don't wen- *
Ue anything «too. Dallas News.