Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, January 12, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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€ » —— ■
B o o s tin g
Discovers Husband of Few Days
Was Head of Band of
Bank Robbers.
Buying Power "Your Dollars
In the pa9t year or so a great raany so-called sales have cnly been
the marking down of m erchandise to the m arket price. This is one
thing of which we have been very careful: Never to advertise a sale
when the price was ju st reduced to market.
THIS is a real sale. The m erchandise on sale will go back to the
former price (which is m arket) as soon as the sale is over. Merchand­
ise for spring is ju st as high as last fall, and in some cases a little
higher. So you will make money if you take advantage of this op­
portunity now.
¡SALE STARTS Thursday, Jauury 12, running seventeen days, clos­
ing Saturday, Jan u ary %
28. Below you will lind only a few of the many
bargains. W atch the papers, or, better still, pay our-s^ore a visit.
Ran Francisco.—Mrs. Gladys Beebe
recently died from nervous shock
after learning that her husband of a
flaw days waa the leader of a band of
robbers. Her father, John Antrim,
was at one time employed by the In­
dian service In South Dakota, hot, his
health failing, he moved with his fam­
ily to Leupp, Arlx.
While residents of that place Gladys
Antrim met Ray Moser, a cowboy em­
ployed by a Flagstaff station com­
pany, The parents opposed the mar-
This sale touches aim ost every departm ent in our store with ju st
such bargains as above. You cannot afford to miss this chance.
The Store with a Square Deal
« * Every Customer
A lbany
Structure to Connect Detroit and
Windsor Will Break All
Expected to
Be Ready
for Servico W ith in Fyur Yoaro—
Tw o Years Moro W ill See
Bridge Completed.
Detroit, Mich.—Plana for the new
International suspension bridge to con
nect Detroit and Windsor. Just an­
nounced, show that It will have thé
longest single span in the world, meas­
uring 1,802 feet, or 24 Inches longer
than the great cantilever at Quebec.
Of double-deck construction, the new
link between Canada and the United
States will accommodate street car.
automobile and pedestrian traffic on
the upper deck and passenger and
freight train service on the lower
Barring unforeseen delays, actual
construction work will commence next
spring, and within four years the up­
per deck should be ready for service
Without Interfering with traffic on the
highway deck. It Is planned then to
begin construction of the lower deck,
which should be finished In two years
CL0TH ing co
O regon
the pnd 01 the train ferries, which fot
years have carried freight and passen­
ger traffic across the Detroit river,
even after the opening of the Michi­
gan Central tunnel.
The bridge^ which will be bnllt by
the Canadian Transit company and
the American Transit company, with
the approval of the Canadian and
United States governments, will span
the river almost from the center to
the shore line of the two cities Con­
struction Is expected to begin from
the American side.
old now tie borrower a frock coat
from the American ambassador to at­
tend an Imperial garden pnrty In Toklo.
Royalty were required to go In
European dress, citizens In native
dress, and foreigners In frock coats.
Mr. Rockefeller said he was about
to forego attending because there was
no frock coat In his baggage, when the
American ambassador said he had two
and Mr. Rockefeller could wear one
of them.
Bonds fo r 830,000.000.
London.—What has been one of the
best deer-stalklng seasons on record
In Scotland has now concluded. It Is
estimated that 6,000 stags have been
shot In the area north of the Gram-
plans during the Inst two months.
Among the monarchs of the glen were
16 stags ench weighing over 280
pounds each
The promoting companies have been
authorised to Issue f30.000.000 In se­
curities for the project. It Is estimat­
ed that completion of the highway or
upper deck will cost approximately
115,000,000. Purchase of shore space
for the approaches Is under way.
Plans for the bridge were drawn
chiefly by Charles R. Fowler of New
Associated with him In the
erection of the structure will be
George H Pegram, chief engineer of
the Interborough Rapid Transit com­
pany, New York; Prof. William H
Rtirr n t New York. Col. C. M Monser
rat. Montreal; Prof C. R. Young of
the University of Toronto, and Prof.
H. E. Riggs of the University of Mich
Innkeepsr’s Proteste to H ealth
ciale Valn Agalnat Peno,
eylvanla Law.
Harrisburg, Pa — A atrsnge Interpre­
tation of the state law prohibiting the
use of the “common towel” In public
pieces hse been received by state
health official» from a hotel proprietor
In a email town. A formal notice was
Weighs 107,000 Tone.
aerved ou him that he must dlscon
The bridge and Its approaches will tlnue the use of a "common towel” In
have a total «eight of 107.000 tons his Inn. In to Indignant protest he
with eight cables carrying the huge replied that he did not "use common
span. Six of these cables will he 21 towels, but had his wife make a spe-
Inches In diameter, and two will h< , ’ , tai trip to Philadelphia to purchase
18 Inches thick ; together they wll linen ones.” State heelth officials dis­
support a pull of 140.000.000 pounds
agree with his Interpretation of the
Suspended from two towers, each law. and have notified him to dlscon
rising 380 feet above the water, the tlnue the “common towel,” even If It Is
span will have a width of 97 feet for linen.
the highway deck with two trolley i
— ——— —
tracka. two sidewalks and two road- I
waya. while the lower deck will have ; JOHN 0. JR. BORROWS COAT
four railway tracks and a 20 foot
apace for public utilities equipment - Rockefeller Tolls of Attending Inw
parial Garden P arty In Toklo
Electric locomotives would he used for
in Borrowed R aim en t
traffic across the lower deck.
Punishment for Gluttons.
Berlin.—To punish gluttons with
.Ines as high as 100.000 marks for the
first offense and five years for the sec­
ond Is the purpose of a bill Introduced
In the diet. Foreigners are not ex­
Charged With Keeping
Little Girl Like a Dog
Charged with Ipcrnlly having
treated her elght-year-old grand­
daughter like a dog, Mrs. Lillie
Gross of New York city Is being
held without hall ¡lending Inves­
The complaint alleges that the
woman tied the child under the
house all day, made her sleep on
an old coat beside a real dog.
kept her in the coal bln during
rainy weather, beat and under­
fed her, and sent her Into the
streets to beg.
Lika President Wileon, Govern-
6r O lco tt found th a t i t ie easy
enough to call a session of the leg-
islative body, but not always so
• easy to have them aign th e ir name*
on the dotted line.
D is a p p o in t­
ment nearly always follow s such
hopes and aepirations on the p a rt
Completion of the bridge will mean
of the executive.— Lebauon C rite ­
gear Y ork— John D. Rock ere Her. J f. rion,
* Or
H er Daughter Dying!
rlage of their daughter to the range
rider and moved North again, taking
her with them.
Moser went to San Francisco, then
sent Ills sweetheart money to pay her
transportation to that city so they
could be married. She started on the
Journey but, while en route for San
Francisco, met a man on the train of
whom she became enamored.
rapid-fire love-making resulted lu the
Jilting of her cowboy lover and her
marriage to the man whom she met
on the train, who married her under
the name of Reebe.
Within a few days It developed that
her husband was leader of a band of
bank robbers, and he was arrested,
sentenced, and sent to serve a peni­
tentiary term.
The girl’s mother
hastened to San Francisco and found
her daughter dying, her death being
attributed to grief over her shattered
romance. Although the girl was but
twenty years old, Beebe was her sec­
ond hushand, she having been married
while living In South Dakota,
Can of Whey Falls on
Farmer, Killing Him
Appleton, WIs.—Martin Warfc-
elskl, «3, Knowlton fanner, was
killed when n milk can filled
with whey, which he was lift­
ing on a wagon at the cheese
factory, fell and crushed his
Woman Permitted Husband's Beatings.
Columbus, O.- Mrs. Louis Cornatelll
has declared her husband may heat
her us often as he plenses. The Judge,
however, Insists that Cornatelll must
stop beating his wife, even If she does
not object by placing hlm under sus­
pended sentence to keep the pence.
Drying H a ir on Roof, Falla to Death.
New York.— Mrs, Pearl Benedict waa
Instantly killed when she fell from a
ruof where she wus drying her hair.
M other Lights Match to Look a t Child
and Explosion of N atural Gaa
Wrecks House.
8cottavllle, N. Y.—When Mrs. Wil­
liam Goodberlet, struck a match to
see what was causing the baby to
cry, an explosion of natural gas |
wrecked the house and burned five
persons so severely that they were
taken to a hospital. One died later.
The house had recently been wired
for electricity and the gas shut off.
but a leak In the pipe filled the house
during the night.
Acts as Own Lawyer.
Sacramento, Cal.—Appearing the
other day In the United States District
court before Judge F. Il Rudkin,
with bar husband and five small chil­
dren, Mrs. Peter Beaclnl of Italian
extraction, who was charged with o p ­
erating an Illicit still near Santa Rosa,
acted as her own counsel and woo for
herself and husband probation for
three months, with promise of dis­
missal of th e >-ase, provided no mors
liquor la made.
(Continued from page I)
Dr. E \V. Barnum and fa m ily
of H tu riib u rg were Halsey visitors
Mrs. Am y Standish was among
ihe Brow nsville callers at Mrs.
Wheeler’s F riday.
Buy an extra pair
47 pairs Men’s brown calf­
skin, English last
37 pairs Men’s brown English (12.00
} 12.50
Jots and I ¿tiles
1920 Present Sale
price price priée
OVERCOATS — Men’s mixed
wool Coats
Men’s all Oregon wool Coats 37.50
“ wool double-breasted “ 45.00
Men’s Kuppenheimer, our t 75.00
i 80.00
SHOES— -Such prices will not last
12, 1921
A drama of the
N orth Woods.
A tale of red-
blooded adven­
ture and lively
Breathing the
fragrance of the
great outdoors,
dotted by green
trees and lim pid
dream lakes.
A n o th e r one of
T W O -R E E L
everyone is
talking about
big reels and
at regular
regular prices
I t is reported th a t 95 per cent of
the gophera in the Santiam valley
were drowned in the recent flood.
The old dryhouse a t the Browns­
v ille woolen m ills has been torn
down, so th a t new concrete oue
w ill probably be b u ilt.
Mrs. James West came from
Brow nsville to care fo r Mrs. Fox,
who is slowly recovering from
pneum onia and accompanying ilia.
Mrs. George A lfo rd and children
o f H arrisburg arrived on the even­
ing tra in Sunday for a v is it w ith
her parents, M r. and Mrs. E. E.
K L- Stewart and C. M- Sims,
hank examiners from Salem, came
F riday and gave the Halsey State
hank the ouce-over w ith o u t fin d ­
ing a mare's nest.
The Democrat reports last week's
weather ’ ’ju s t rig h t for ducks’ ’
and then proves th a t it was wrong
for them and rig h t fo r the hunters
by reporting big bags brot in,
S. Rowsty and w ife catne from
Washington to look fo r a farm .
They found fine fa rm ing land at
fa ir prices some w ay out from
town b ut no roads to get in and
nut in w inte r.
They le ft on Satur­
A lle n Warden and wife o f
B row nsville went out on the south­
bound tra in , Saturday noou. Mrs.
Warden was returaing to a school
which she ¡a teaching five miles
west of N oti.
She had been at
home fo r the holidays.
The attendance at the R ia lto
Friday was slim at first, hut after
the ball game a large aud enthusi­
astic gathering witnessed a second
run of the film , which the manage­
ment put ou.
Mrs. Em m a M orris of Oregon
C ity was called home Tuesday by
the illness o f her daughter.
had l>een at the bedside of her
daughter-in-law , Mrs. Pansy M or­
tis, at B row nsville, whom she le ft
very low but oonscious.
M r - and Mrs. H a ro ld Stevenson
of Brow nsville were in Halsey
Sunday, v is itin g a t the homes o f
th e ir respective parents, Mr. and
Mrs J. a . Stevenson and M r. and
Mrs. J. W. M ille r.
The W . F. M, 8. had a very
pleasant and profitable afternoon
w ith Mrs. M E. G ardner F rid ay.
The leader was absent, but the les­
son was led by M r* N. T , Sneed
and a quiz followed which showed
th a t the ladies had learned some­
th in g of the history of th e ir society.
Mrs K a rl Bram well and M rs. W.
A . Ringo were guests.
ments were served.
Among the B ro w n sville people
who called on Mrs. W heeler Sun­
day were Mr. Mrgie F urr, leading
music teacher of ihe Calapooia c ity ,
Mra. Shelton and Miss V irg in ia
Shelton, wife and daughter of the
c ity dentist, who brot them over,
Bob Loucks, Lester M cKam ey,
Miss Cochran, M r. and Mrs H il­
lard Ackerman, Mr. and Mrs. W ill­
iam Davidson and M r. and M rs.
W . J. Lane.
The A. E. F. m instrels o f Browns­
ville , th ir ty sooty comedians and a
live four-legged coon and th ir ty
voicea in a chorus, w ill ba at the
R ialto Saturday evening.
are the lucky number of thirteen
songs on the program" and it winds
up w ith what is declared to be the
funniest negro comedy in the w orld,
the troubles of a colored man who
was hired to guard a corpse Jesse
H inm an of the Times, as a negro
wench, is worth the whole price o f
A B row nsville letter to 4be Al
bany Democrat says:
A dish of
prunes from trees planted 70 years
sgo wa* reoentlv served at the
home of L. E Blain in A lbany.
The f r u it came from the h is to ric
Union Point co un try about throe
tniles due south o f B ro w ffs v ill *.
Here it was a* an early da* th • t
Rev W ilson B 'a in had his home
aud farm , and the foundations o f
the house may s till tie observed on
the side of a h ill.
The U nited
Presbyterian church o f Oregon b i 1
its b irth there bv reason of a his­
toric meeting held there in 1852.
The site of the church is uear at
B rinson, the farm er who robbed
the Jefferson bank, got a seven