JAN Visit California this Winter where the sun is “ on the job ” P lC T U R Æ S - C O P Y R IffH T Four Trains a Day Provide a service that contributes to the traveler’s comfort anti convenience T H E a O 3 B S - W E F t f t l L L CO M P A H Y S Y N O PS IS . CH APTER I.—Jan« H arding reepect- able and conservative old epinnter-but never too old to think of marriage—with more money than brains, is Inveigled by a strong-minded spinster, Miss H lgglesby- sro w n e, into financing an expedition to hunt for buried treasure on Leeward island. Her niece. Virginia Harding, un­ dertaking to stop her, gets on the vessel engaged for the hunt, and In the confu­ sion la unwillingly carried along. course. W e ’ll morning.” * tl’g !em up tomorroy Reduced Fares 12. I'<21 .H A l.s h Y EN I E R I-R IS E Captain Magnus «as of tougher fi­ ber. But he, too, grew silent ami there was a certain meal-sack limp­ ness about his attitude, ills dulled eyes stared dreamily. All at once, with a Jerk, he roused himself, turned over and administered to the sleeping Chris a prod with his large boot. "Hey, there, wake up I What right you got to be asleep at the switch?” But Chris only breathed more heav­ ily. Captain Magnus himself heaved tremendous yawn, settled back In greater comfort against his sustain ing tree and closed his eyes. I waited, counting the seconds by the beating of the blood In my ea rs. In the back ground Cookie hovered apprehensive­ ly. Plainly he would go on hovering unless loud snores from the pirates | gave him assurance. For myself, sat fingering my penknife, wondering whether I ought to rush over and plunge it Into the sleepers' throats. This would be heroic and practical, but unpleasant. If, on the other hand I merely tried to free the prisoners and Captain Magnus woke, what then? The palm where they were tied was a dozen yards from me, much nearer to the guards, and within range of even their most languid glance. Beyond the prisoners was Miss Browne, glaring uncomprebendlngly over the edge of her hook. There was no help In Miss Browne. I left my seat and stole on feet which seemed to stir every leaf and twig to loud complaint toward the captive pair. Tense, motionless, with burning eyes, they waited. There was a movement from Captain Magnus; he yawned, turned und muttered. I stood stricken, my heart beating with PAGE 3 Warmed Over l u e io iio w io g news and other items were om itted last week ow- ing to the physical im p o s s ib ility of p u ttin g them in tvpo on Wed­ nesday and Thursday w ith other m atter th a t could not be post­ poned; M rs. H a rry Park of Browns, v ille left fo r Paradise, Kansas, Wednesday, on receipt of a wire paying th a t her sister, who has iong been an in v a lid , was very low. The county and stats w ill spend more than $1,000,000 on roads in Linn county in 1922. Hope we’ l l lie able to see the effect. Mrs. T. J. S k irv in was au A l­ bany shopper Wednesday. G. L>. Stuckrath of Junction C ity, who had been v is itin g at the H a r­ "What was the point In not digging mon home on roule 2, went to A l ­ 'em all up while you was about It?” to bany fo r the day Wednesday, deniauded Slinker. lowering. “What was the good o’ digging up jest these Mrs. Em m a M orris of Oregon here couple o’ bags and quitting?” L ity arrived in Halsey today to “Because w5 didn't dig 'em up,” re­ Tickets good till April 30— Stopovers allowed i>e at the bedside of her daughter- sponded Tony darkly. "Because these CH APTER II.—By no m eans concealing was all ready and waiting. Because in-law , Mrs. Pansy M orris who is No War Tax on Railroad Tickets her d ista ste for the expedition and her all we had to do was to say ‘Thankee,’ very low at Brow nsville contempt for its members. Virginia makes the acquaintance of the Honorable Cuth­ to the feller that handed ’em out We bert Vane, and Is som ew hat Impressed. W . A . Carey took his fa th er, B got these here bags of doubloons, as Since 1870 the Southern Pacific has been closely CH APTER H I.—Talking with Dugald I says, without havin' to dig for 'em— I. Carey, to 8alem the first of the identified w iih the development of Western Oregon Shaw, the leader of the expedition, Vir­ oncet we had fonnd the cave, which week. He w ill make his hone ginia very frankly expresses her views, practically accusing Shaw and the other It’s no thanks to old Washtubs we w ith his daughter, Mrs. I. E. H a r­ members of the party, including a som e­ what uncertain personage, Captain Mag- j ain’t looking for It yet. We got these rington, fo r a while. £ u«, and a shady •financier,' Hamilton here bags right out of the fists of a H Tubbs, of being in a conspiracy to de­ skeleton. Most of him was under a M r. and Mrs. W . P. W a h l were fraud Miss Jane Harding. Their relations, naturally, are som ewhat strained. rock, which had fell from the roof and in Albany Wednesday, where they JO H N M. SCOTT, pinned him amidships. Must of ------ — --------- Jng on t _ ___ visited the father o f the la tte r, T . General Passenger Agent is a m atter of some difficulty, Virginia squashed him like a beetle, 1 guess. E. S m ith , who is very ill at the being carried ashore In the arm s of Cuth- But he'd still kep’ his hold ou tin* hart Vane, to her disquietude. The land­ home of h's son, A. N. S m ith. ing, however, is safely effected. bags.” 1 turned aside, for fear that .1 1 1 anyone should see how white I was W. A . Davenport of B ro w n sville CH APTER V.—Led by Miss H igglesby- To the rest, these poor bones might In­ pirates still thought of notnrng but tne girl and encouraged him to show Ills Browne, the party draws up an agree­ and W. J. R ibelin of Halsey are gold. They had exhausted their own ment whereby Virginia Harding Is barred deed bear mute witness to a tragedy, natural kindness. And 1 was favored iraong the vice-presidents c f the portable supplies of liquor, and were from participation in the profits of the but a tragedy lacking outlines, vague. with u blood-curdling leer from ucross expedition. th in s to . - - . Believing ving the whole thing loud In their denunciations of our bone- L in n county realty board. Some be a fraud, Virginia is not greatly wor­ Impersonal, without pojgnacy. To me, the camp, of which 1 had put a.« dry camp, as they termed It. ried. Cuthbert Vane alone votes against neetings that w ill prove interest, they told with dreadful clearness the the exclusion o f Virginia. much as possible between myself und It was Tony who Intercepted a ten­ ng to a ll realty dealers are pi nned last sad chapter of the tale of Peter; the object of my dread. tative movement of Capt. Magnus In CH APTER VI.—Wild pigs abound on for the com ing year, the fi,»t o f Peter who had made me so Intimately But now, like a huge black Gany­ the island, and ••Cookie," the colored my direction, and ordered me Into the member of the party, insists he has seen his confidante, whose love and hopes which w ill be in L e i'u n iiii this mede, appeared Cookie, bearing cupa cabin with my aunt nnd Miss Browne. a "hant," in the form of a white pig und solitary strivings I knew all non t il or next and a large stone crock. During a walk Virginia m eets the "hant/* Through the walls of the hut we heard about. a white bull terrier, arwi proudly brings "It suhtinly urn a fact. Mlstuh Chris, loud and eager talk of the morrow and him into camp. Wednesday evening the first and Vaguely I heard around me a babble its certain golden harvest as the pi­ sab," said Cookie, “dat dey Is u mighty of exclamations anil conjectures. Mur­ second teams of the Halsey high unsplrltuous fluidity 'bout dis yere CH APTER VII.—On the island Is the rates made their dispositions for the hut of a copra gatherer, and the presence murs of Interest rose even from our scuool g irls played a game of bas­ spring wstuli. Down war I is come night. Then the voices trailed off o f the dog, named "Crusoe" by Virginia, captive band. Then came Stinker’s from no pussons of de Four Huud’ed ketball which tlie first le-un woi is thus accounted for. Rambling about, sleepily nnd silence succeeded, broken voice, loud with sudden fear: and feeling herself not to be a regular ain’t eveh 'customed to partuke of I hen the high-school boys played only by the ceaseless murmur of the member of the expedition Virginia com es "Say, you don't suppose the— the such. But the sussiety I has been In upon s sand-imbedded sloop, the Island against the A ll Stars and were waves around the island. Bones would of got away with the rest Queen. Returning to the camp, she Is lately round dis yere camp ain’t of de *eatten 89 to 12 intercepted by Captain Magnus, who ac­ of the coin somehow, do you?” lie de­ convivulous orduli; ole Cookie hud to costs her unpleasantly. She escapes him. C H A P T E R X V II. manded. with the aid of ‘‘Crusoe.’’ keep It dark dat he got Ids li'le drop o' J. N. F r u ilt of f-rd s v iile “Got away with It?” Tony contemp­ comfort on de side. Dis yere's only went to C orvallis Tuesday lo visit CH APTER V III.-F ired with the Idea O f W hich Cookie Is the Hero. tuously thrust aside the possibility of hereelf discovering the treasure. Vir­ home-made stuff, sah. T a iu 't what I i brother. From ItuWe be g o e s in Next morning I came out of the hot ginia pays a visit to the cave which has “Got away with- It how? He sure could offah to a geunelmun If so be I been singled out a s the most likely place Clements, in the San yo.>q>nii v«>- i t time to see Mr. Shaw and his com­ didn’t leave the Island with It, did he? In which It has been concealed, and Is got the matin's of a genuwine old- ey, seeking relief in the ebang o panion in duress led forth front the there she is caught by the tide and res­ Would he of dug It up from one place style Jirlep »bat is de beverage of de cued by Dugald Shaw, from certain li mate from asthm a. jest to bury It In another? Huh! Musi sleeping Quarters which they had death Thinking her unconscious. Shaw fust fam'lies. But bein' us It Is, It am whispers words o f endearment, which diared with their captors. They were of wanted to work If he d id ! Now, my mighty coolin’, sah, and It got a ll’le she treasures. N. W . W indom , recent Browns- notion Is that this happened to one of moored as before to a palm tree, by kick to it—not much, but jes' enough ille bridegroom, went to H irris - CH APTER IX .—In idle curiosity Vir­ a rOpe having a play of two or three the guys that was burying the gold to make a gennelmun feel luk he Is gin ’s. dabbling about the wreck of the urg Tuesday for a stay of a week leet, and their hands unbound while and that the rest Jest left him there one.” . l s ’snd Queen, finds a diarv, identified >r so. only as having been kept by ' Peter, for a sort of scarecrow to keep other l,le2’ 11,u(le h hasty breakfast under Cookie’s tones dripped humility and former seeker of the treasu ie In It he Stood Stricken, My H eart Beating l lf f n ilt n fl* m v o " IlH M ()f he <*V eye of i a watchful »eutluel. Then people out of f th the cave. propitiation. He offered the brimming tells of his finding of the hidden wealth W ith Loud Thumps. W illia m M ills of the Brnwns- and there her reading Is Interrupted. heir wrists were tied again, not paln- “But the gold?” protested Slinker cup crlnglugly to the pale eyed, red­ ille flo u rin g m ills took tra in Tues- "They wouldn’t leave that for a iully, but with a firmness which made nosed Chris, who reached for It with loud thumps against my ribs. But the CH APTER X —Opinions as to the pr^ iny slipping of their bonds impossible. scarecrow, would they?” lay for his old home in the Coos alacrity, drank deep, smacked his lips m ethods of prosecuting the search for the captain's eyes remained closed. treasure are divided, and a wide diverg­ While the pirates were breakfasting “Maybe not," admitted Tony, “but lay co un try to boost his products meditatively, and after a moment “Virginia—quick, Virginia I" Dugald ence Is apparent in the councils of the suppose that feller died awful slow, a spirited dispute took place among passed the cup back. Ie came oyer w ith a truckload o f little party. Virginia a Interest In the Shaw was stretching out his bound leader of the expedition Increases. them as to who should go to the treas­ and went on hollering and clutching at " 'Tain’t so worse,” he said approv­ hands to me. and I had dropped on lis output which was on the way ure cave and who stay in camp to the bags? Well, that cave wouldn't ingly. “Anyhow, It’s drink!" CH APTER X I.—The diary which Vlr- my knees before him and begun to cut to Albany, in ia has found in the remains of the uard the prisoners. Slinker and be a pleasant place to stay In, would Magnus suddenly began to laugh. at the knotted cords. They were aland Queen reveals the fact that the -loruy urged with justice that, as they It? And no one would have the nervt "S’elp me, It’s the same dope what Mrs. D. Taylor took a run to existence of the gold w as known to o th ­ tough strong cords, and I wus hacking ers. and an active and successful search to snatch them bags away to bury uad missed all the excltemeut of the laid uut the Honoruble 1” he chortled. at them feverishly when something H arrisburg Tuesday. for It carried on. The record tells of the 'em, 'cause a dying man, especially preceding day, It was their turn to “Here, darky, let’s have a swig of It I" bounded across the clearing and flung finding of the treasure and Its transfer­ Ted M ilin e r left Tuesday fo r ence to the small boat, but It Is evident visit the cave. The right to see the when he dies hard, can have an awful Cookie complied, Joining respectful­ Itself upon me. Crusoe, of course!— the finder never left the Island with his grip. So what they done was just to Bones they passionately claimed. Tony ly In the captain's mirth. and wild with the Joy of reunion. 1 W illam ette university at Salem. wealth Virginia, of course, believes It to be on the Island Queen, and so within shovel the sand In on the gold they’d supported them, and It ended wltn “1 guess you-ull Is' got stronger strangled a cry of dismay, and with Surprise Is voiced th a t fishing her reach. For various reasons she de­ Chris and Captain Magnus being told stowed away and light out quick.” balds den dat young gennelmun I" he one hand tried to thrust him off while cides to say nothing of her discovery un­ and h u n tin g licenses in th is oounty til she has investigated further. ■If us our guards for the raornlug. I f the Ingenuity of this reasoning remarked. "Dis yere ole niggah has I cut through the rope with the other yield tnnre revenue than before the In leaving the cabin 1 bad slipped Into «as more remarkable than It» logic help hisself mighty freely und dat “Dow n, Crusoe!" I kept desperately CH APTER X II.—I/ed by directions in price was increased. The increase uy blouse a small penknife which 1 the pirates were not the men to find prohibitionist Miss Harding ain't eveh whispering. But Crusoe was unused “Peter's" diary, Virrinla finds a highly Important clue to the hidden treasure, amounts to $1,878.25 over the 1920 1 ault with It. Desire is the most elo­ ud found in Aunt Jane’s bag. It was found It out. Fac’ la. It am puffeckly to whispered orders. He kept bound but her courage falls when It com es to quent of advocates, and the five ruth lUlte new, and I satisfied myself that harmless 'cept when de hald Is weak," Ing up on me, Intent to fulfill sn un figures. pushing her Investigations. ans had only to listen to Its voice to the blades were keen. My own large False, false Cookie I Bluck brother achieved ambition of licking my ear Miss Alice Lasley and Charles C H APTER X III.—Interrupting a fervent enjoy In anticipation all the fruits of sheath-knife and my revolver 1 had In perfidy to Mr. Tubbs! One friend Cnlhbert Vane tried, under his breath declaration of love by Cuthbert Vane, G re il were m arried at the btide’ s Virginia is startled by the announcement their Iniquitous schemes. The sight oeeu deprived of at the suggestion of the less to be depended ot If a chance to lure him away. But Crusoe'e emo of Mr. Tubbs that he has found the clew the thoughtful Magnus. I had surren- for freedom ever came to us I Ilona were all for me, and swiftly be dome a t Peoria Sunday. tv the whereabouts of the treasure. He demands, a s the price of ble secret xxl of roak- the contents on the ground en rout». returned M onday from her v is it “Gold, gold—the real stuff I It's the of the golden coins Intoxicated them ble, that was close to mine and Inevl ng an adjective row? Hadn't he en- Gradually the rough disjointed talk doubloons, all right—where’s the rest They played with the doubloons Ilk* tably coming closer, though I fought w ith th e ir aunt in Portland, who is lured the equivalent of Chris' pres- of the sailors began lo languish. Cov­ of 'em?” These cries broke from children, jtngllng them In their cal and tore at It—of hot feverish lips 83 years old and very feeble. •nt sufferings for weeks? He was bid­ ertly »itching, I saw that Chris' head Slinker and Horny confusedly as the loused palms, gbessing at weight arc whose touch I knew would scorch un­ ing his time, he was. Plenty of drink bad begun to droop. The band that T. R. T alent of Brow nsville took gold slid Jingling between their eager value, calculating ihelr equivalent li to the soul—and then I was suddenly by and by. plenty of all that makes held the cup wag lifted, stretched out the Joy of living. Laughter and oath fingers. free, nnd falling, falling, a long »ay the tra in here for Portland M on­ life soft and e a sy . He bet there In the direction of the enticing Jay, ''The rest of 'em la—where they la," resounded. through darkness. day. A t the same tim e Mi«s Iitta wouldn't many hit any higher spots then forgetting Its errand fell heavily. And now the night that I unutter pronounced Tony oracularly. "Some­ Talent entrained fo r M onm outh, than him. He bet there was one lit­ After a few spasmodic twitching* of (To be continued. ) where* in the sand of the cave, of ably dreaded was upon us. But tbi where she is a student. Miss T a l­ tle girl that would be looked on as the eyelids and nneasy grunts, Chris Santa Barbara.... Los Angeles.....San Diego Southern Pacific Lines f ¿ a \j luckj, in case she was a food little ( ^slumbered. ent had visited a t ths home of her Poison gas is to be banned in war. brother, Oscar Talent. I