& PAGE 2 HALSEY ENTERPRISE JAN 1?. 1922 (¡an te C om m ission G raft HALSEY ENTERPRISE ! » « ! .o » « I t t p l, . . . '« o « e i. l. . „ d & .n d lay lav pavements navamanta I note in J yoor issue o f December _ commission# ano 29 that a to ta l of $7096 50 was p a ralleling the railroad«. paid by L in n county sportsmen for — ♦ —— game license for the year 1921. in v erted e n t e r p r ise Prior Io the act of the last regular Queenstown, A ustralia, has just session of the lig isla tu re five per borrowed $ 12,000,000 of Americau cent, $354 38 of this amount, was Subscription#, $1.50 a year in advance Tranaient advertising, 25c an inch per­ money and Australians announce retained by the county, and which, manent, 20c. No discount for tune th a t th is is but a sm all beginning. I am re lia b ly inform ed, covered or space — At the same tim e A u s tra lia an­ o nly the coat of postage iu m ailing In "P a id -fo r Paragraph#,'' 5c a lin e No advertising disguised as news. nounces that she wants 11,000,000 S A T U R D A Y E V E M I N G , J A N . 14 Phone 205 able-bodied white and of English stock, as im H A L S E Y , Linn Co., Ore. ¡Jan. 12, 1922 uigrants to develop the c o u n try . T ha t's in te llig e n t development B E A T IN G T H E A IR work. I f Oregon would take tin D r. E .H P ratt, speciali#t, was money she proposes to spend on a cf invite d to address relormera attend­ f u r and w ith it build as many the county are made the goat and ing the world p u rity conference. good roads as it would finance, etuck for the costs, and receive H He arrived just a# the reformers ex- finished adopting resolutions con­ leadiug from the railroads to u n -i nothing from this game fund leveloped land, and then ¡ „ „ ¡ te | cept pur» bank handed out by the demning movies, closed automo- commission and its incompele it biles, prohibition enforcement and -tille rs , she would see an era of deputies about conserving the many other ills. He said: development th a t would be an eye- game interests. “ For 25 years you have been opener. For over fifty years the w riter 1 diagnosing the ills ot the world. Raising m illion s to b u il^ paved has been a hunter and trapper, now F t a quarter of a cp iilury you a small farm er of this county, and have been sleuth# Now is the h ghwav# paralleling the railroads About M arch last in Lane county tim e to do something constructive, rnay draw some automobile trave' was arrested by a deputy game and q u it ta lkin g . A doctor never 8I)j tickle ft hole, keeter, an(1 warden by the name of Hawker, ■ cured a patient by telling him how the Standard O il company, b ut it and not know ing his rig hts con­ sick he was. Movies are a power for good. | cripples the railroads and does not sented to a fine being imposed o f | See that the rig ht movies are shown add one acre to our productive are • $100 00 fo r u nlaw fu l possession o, furs, which he paid. A t this tim e in the schools and churches r increase our production of tb the deputy ille g a lly took from me “ Let the parent# tra in th e ir own necessaries of life. and under - - promise return, b u t etc. I t now develop- T’’ » —™ —— to laws, license children. We cannot gain much by adver­ ifterwarda coufircated, orkVr.” ’ "preferably th a t 37 the steel game commission secured i “ Don’t ta lk sensuality. Con­ furs passage la w fu lly of an act th a t n o to n lv | t in g our splendid undeveloped trap# r and a number of | the vert it into s p iritu a lity . the open season. raised the in sportsmen’s license fee “ Above a ll, don’ t ta lk so much resource# unless we first makethos# icquired I instituted the cir- from $3.00 to an $5 action 00 but in has also a b o u t/v iln ” esources accessible to the world'# •uit court o f L in n county against absorbed th is five per cent, and The reformers gasped. uarkets. 'b is deputy it fade and to his chief, in one whenever convict its The doctor may not he invited And men ask why the prnpor durghduff, the state game warden, numerous game prosecutions, a- in again. ifte r th instances, e ir refusal the to taxpayers return my ?on of c ity to ru ra l populs nany The foregoing i» a Chicago, dis­ ion, and the cost of food in the ;oods, whereupon they returned ny traps and paid me, by a stats patch of the United Nows service Hies, are increasing! v.irrant, $101.50 for the unlaw ful Dr I’ i alt #t ruck home Wouhi- lunfiscatiou of my furs. he reformers Hold melting# and W hy not amend our game laws, Npwberry, who stayed in tb# conventiots and adopt resolution/ -en ate under cliarges because Lodg. appoint county game wardens, aud spend our license money in the Calling upon someone else to d' 1 reded him in scrapping the leagu ictual protection and propagation something but do nothing them, f nations, ha# been m aking his if our game and fish, instead o f selves. A good intentioned soul lefeuse in th a t body in regard to m aintaining expensive offices and who never saw a moving p ic tu r fficer# in Portland, w ith no prac­ h # $260,000 (or more) campaign w ill denounce the films a4.500,000 th eir natio na l campaign ing T his good influence upo> Fines for viola tion ot fish .-t them. I t costs money to gov- and game laws .. 1,954.62 hum anity is increasing and evil •ru by party. Other receipts of state tendencies decreasing, but tho#> game warden 7,269.13 who t ilk the most base accou. Believing, as lie ha# proclaimed, plished the lead. $174,255 69 in ''governm ent by the p a rty ,” Total The above does not include enor­ Rev. ’ W. P. Elm ore, whose M r. H ardin g is try in g to e lim i- work in the legislature fo r f' Ore­ iatc the "a g ric u ltu ra l bloc” iu mous sums appropriated by the the clubs have now started. .preci a ted, altho o nly a sm all sam­ state for salaries of fish wardens gon d ry ’ 1 laws was scoffed at for •ong ess, and he could do It very and deputies, maintenance of BARE RING OF AUTO THIEVES Mrs. J. W Moore was elected as ple of the excellent cartooning years as waste of energy, was a co. - •# isily if members did not keep an hatcheries, etc. which John can do. Where does all the leader of the cooking club. Gang In Iowa Extended Their Opera­ Leoue Palmer and Frost Bass Structive woi ker and he won. ear to the ground and hear fri m ' this money go? Our trou t streams Basketball. tions Into Neighboring States provoked much laughter w ith a are depleted, aud the once f ancied M r. Elmore tells a story illu s ­ home often. — Had Branch Office«. Last Friday evening the hoop- clown dance. C hina pheasant is fast disappear trative of the fu tility of much ol shooters of the Halsey g irls’ team The high school students’ pres­ ing. You may hold all your bau Pubuque. Iowa.— A ring of automo­ the reform talk watch is unaccom­ I nable to find a plan to finance qg^ts, listen to set speecbe# amt bile thieves covering the whole of and those of Stavton played an ex­ ents were distributed from two panied bv work. the f i i r , there remained nothing read other propaganda lauding the Iowa and extending Into Illinois, WIs c itin g game on the warehouse floor. trees, and a ll departed in the h o li­ A lth o the Stayton team did splen­ At one tim e he was siinultaue f ir the legislature to do aud they effort« of the state g iin e officials, consin and Minnesota was unearthed did h a u l wook they made many day s p irit. here by State Investigator M 8. Camp but w ith a ll of this verbal shell ic, ousiy a member of the legislature tlid it. The Halsey g irls H. H. S. vs. A lu m n i: tinsel aud veneer you cannot fool hell of attorney general's office. Head peisonal foirls. -bowed the usual pep and gave and mayor of Brownsville. At a quarters of the ring have been dis Tuesday, Dec. 27, the high school us old hunters and trappers. covered here and, according to M r bem a good game. The score was and a lu m n i clashed in fo otba ll on meeting of well meaning reformers D F. West, Penrose’s successor in the sen­ Campbell, cars were brought here The game Shedd, Oregon where they were renumbered and re a tn* at the end of the regular play, the warehouse floor. he heard a lady deuounce tb ile is uamed Pepper, Things were 6 to 6 Five more minute# was ’ was a snappy and interesting one the mayor and council for not en­ hot enough iu the senate before. painted and sent to other parts for -xtended and Halsey wou the two in which th# H. 8. hoop shooters The Albans College Campaign sale One hundred stolen cars have points necessary to win, m aking were victorious w ith a forcing the law against cigarei —— «— ■ ... score of 19 been traced and more than 800 autos The college has an endowment sold tn Iowa during spring and snm the final snore 9 to 7. smoking by m inors *'On nu to 10.- Roland Marks and Jess Fighting Co opera! on fund and a 48 acre campus, m ak­ mer months are being traced. Croaa were the star player# of the Debates: wav to this m eeting," sai I she, ” 1 Th» same tactics th a t drove the ing $800,000 of assets. Pes Moines, Muscatine, Cedar m >t a Ixiy puffing away at a cigaret dairym en's league on the rocks are T b , ' „ „ . . i d b . ! But the buildings oa the cam­ Rapids and Davenport, officials state, without f.i/iu g . apparently, w h e th ­ being tr ed against t i e organise'I pus are worn out. winner# continue. . _____ * _ are listed as branch offices of the ring and Clarence McKern made a lo n g F ifth debate: A ffirm ative , C lar­ The Farm Bureau er 1 saw him or not. The law is woolgrower . A b u ild in g program was laid County records show sales and trans­ field shot which w^s the best d u r­ out seven years aco, and wa fers of cars that have been bought tn ence McKern, negative, W ila m stla ing the g«me. violated ev> rv «lay and our official# N w # s a is : He was held back A ffirm ative won. Chicago. Rockford, Minneapolis. M il­ Forster. The G r-w e is' association bv abandoned on account of the war. do n o th in g .” by an in ju re d shoulder, b ut showed waukee and other rnlddlewest cities S ixth debate: Affirm ative. Grace To help the college renew its removing 1,500,000 pounds of wool good playing. O f fifty stolen cars sold In Cedar Robinson; negative,' .jla ie l G u lh - Mr Elmore sprang to his feel and mohair from Ihe country dis- plans, the New Y ork board of ed- Debates: and asked il there were other w it- trie ts ha# caused dealer# to bid at ucation recently offered A lbany Itaplds to Innocent purchasers, thirty ford. Affirm ative won have been traced as coming from Pu Seventh debate: A ffirm ative , 11 isses o f the youth's offense, The ! prices w h ’ch are higher than what college approxim ately $100,000 on liuque. W hether the garnge owners The winners o f the in d iv id u a l ia bring pald in Boston, say# R A condition th a t the college raise and those who sold the cars are Itn- Louise Robnett; negative, Anna debates are now debating against lady did not kuow. H einrich. Negative won. I Wird, maniigerof the «association, $200,000 before March 81, 19.’3 each other. Results so far have pllcated, officials were not ahle to say. "G iv e me the boy's name and | uni this isdone presumably ( »r th - Eighth debate: A ffirm ative. been: One-half of what we raise here, A statew ide Investigation has been w ill h iv e him brought before the purpose of d isrupting the co-oper- aud all the board contributes go ordered Into the activities of the ring Prestou Newton; negative, Glenn F irst d e b a te » A ffirm a tiv e Anna recorder and you will be subp - ative m arketiog agnucy. He adds: into the endowment fund to insure One man 1» held here and further ar Krum. Negative won. H e in ric h ; negative, Janet Boggs. N inth debate: A ffirm ative, A ffirm a tive woo. rests are predicted. the support o f the college. naed ii^a witness " Wayne Robertson; negative, Ken­ " I havp just reiurned Iroin a tr ip One-half o f what we raise, Second debate — A ffirm ative , “ Oh! no, no 1 co u ld n 't bear to neth Cross. A tfirin a tile won. 'in rm a -do nxighbormg state where aiiui lar fa rk woo a are produce) $150,000, is for new buildings on Grace K ir k ; negative, Louise Rob­ go into the i reorder'a court to its The losers o f the first debates nett. Negative won. and w lv re there is no aseoeialion the new M onteith campus. t if y . ” are also debating again. I t w ill build the first two unit# High School Notes operating The same dealers who T h ird debate- Affirm ative, Mearle F irs t losers' debate: A ffirm a- ■'There you are,” said Elm ore, have been offering from 16 to 20 | of an u ltim a te college group S traley; negative, W ayne Robert­ Basket social! Everybody welcom#' ive, Vergil C orbin; negative, Clay son. Negative won. The Albany and L in n county ’ ’The official# did not see the boy cent# per pound for wool« in the The ju n io r class w ill give « has Dykstra. A ffirm a tiv e won. sections of a state.wi I# campaign W illam ette valley during the past smoke, and the pcisoii who do F ourth debate — A ffirm a tiv e , ket social to which everyone wil Second debate: A ffirm a ti ve, A l ­ Kenneth Cross; negative, W illis m m th have been offering these w ill begin Sunday, January 22, w ill not give his name for teal si ♦ be weicome. The purpose of th i berta K o o n li; negative, AltaH ayea. people only from 18 to 16) cente*as " A lb a n y college S unday," ano. ch « irm an , The G irls' Glee club ha# «farted expecting to receive them in a mand that somebody elec do some primary. (Recei/ed to late for last week) W . L. Jackson, kecreiary; Ralph practicing a number of new song* few weeks. th in g , hut few who w ill do any M Kechnie. treasurer; G A, Floo I It is contem plating giving it# con- Tuesday was the first of school The northwest, m in ing conven Mayor P. A Young and Dr J H cert some tim e in March Th« after our v a c itio n , as Monday was Club»: th in g themaelve« 'i «o for 1922 w ill be at Spokane. Robnett member# are now w orking in ear­ oh»eived as new year’». The G irl» ’ Glee club hae not had It is hoped that each comm unity liest, and give two hours a week Th# last Friday before vacation a practice for a few weeks, and a ll The way to aitra (lie H. S. was a chalk ta lk by hoys' and g irls ’ club# has arrived C aw ^aigu Mauagvr. {j. W tlhaiuK ’D have arrived and j I»hn Standish. I t was greatly »p and lessons w ill begin im m ediately. ¿ale the. uu4»r»lvy*d mdieue. *a jr aud lake a rci^ipl .. independent— N v O n T r nentra — uew# An neutral— news­ paper published every Thursday, by W m H . A A. A. W H E E L E R . f t '« . H. W h e r i km Editor. M BS. A A W h h MLKK Business Manager and Local News Editor. & & & A. E. F. MINSTRELS HALSEY | | the show you have been waiting for 0 Given under auspices Calapooia Post, Amencan Legion, S benefit Community House, Brownsville. & 30 Black Face Comedians & 25 Trained Voices in Chorus 12 Big Song Hits for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & “ How You Gonna Kepp Them Down on the Farm ? ” 15 “ My Love is All for You ’’ ¡(5 “ My Little Bimbo ” ® “Alice Blue Gown ” ’ “ W h e n My Shoes W ear Out I’ll be on My Feet Again “ The Old-fashion Garden ’ “ Whispering’’ “ Tomorrow Land” “ M a” / & “ M y Sunny Tennessee ” & “ Wyoming” > “ Stick to Y o’ Word, Gal ” I 0? kjai^The funniest Negro Comedy in the world, “A T o u g h J o b ” The troubles of a colored man who was hired to guard corpse. It’s a scream. Admission, Adults, 50c. I Children, 25c