VO L. X halsey enterprise HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, ORBGON. THURSDAY, JAN. 12, 1322 Jots andTittles vn iQ The silence of the people (v. 21). This may have been because of fear of the king or Ignorance,, for many were of the opinion that to be re­ ligious was the only thing necessary. Irrespective of the being worshiped. (3) The method of decision (vv. 22 24). Two sacrifices were to be provided, one to be offered to Baal, the other to D. H. S turtevant and wife were mother and her grandfather, M r. God. The god who answered by Are Brow nsville visitors Tuesday. A fte r a long period of fa ilin g could not get home in tim e fo r the Carey, who is ill. was to be the God. The people con­ health and but a few days of final funeral. H oward 8. W illia m s , a former Senator F H Porter arrived Sat­ sented that this was a fair test. illness G randm a Weber, as she urday evening from his home in H alseyite but now of Salem, and III. The Test Applied (vv. 25 39). Thoruas Flem ing S m ith died at P ortland. 1. The offering by the prophets of vas affectionately called, passed daughter returned S ü n d ig from a Halsey C h ristia n Church Baal (vv. 25-29). Elijah gave a fall the home o f his son, A. N. S m ith , visit of a couple of days w ith Mr?. tway F rid a y evening a t her home E B M cK inney and R B. M ay­ test, even placed the advantage on ■ A lbany, Sunday m orning, at the berry went to Eugene Monday ou K u m p , M r. W illia m s ’ sister. Church Announcements the other side. He gave the prophets in Brownsville. She was born in “ fee of 81. M r. Sm ith had been at a business tr ip . | The Brow nsville Legion m instrels of Baal the first opportunity to prove W urtem burg, Germ any, A p ril 6, , the home of his son fo r a week M ethodist: to the people as to whether Baal was _ u t ProP°8e g ivin g th e ir show again in M r. and ------ Mrs. Lym an 1837, comiug to Am erica when 20 ! Funeral Tuesday at the Pine G ro v i Sunday School, 10. who a r r iv e d Browv"8’ l ‘ l« «Her s h o w in g in H a l- a real god. Elijah taunted them, and Brow nsville have a son wno arrived 8ey. Preaching, 11. years of age. In 1860 she was cemetery, Peoria. Rev M r. W ilson They -added t0 lhe they more earnestly cried to Baal Friday morning. I - . -- - - — — — J u nior League, 8, but no answer came. married to Michael Weber, and pastor of the United Presbyterian 6 oom m uuity building fund by th e ir church of O a kville, of which Interm ediate League, 6:30. 2. The offering by Elijah (vv. 30-39). M rs L A. M cKern got hom ei^bow at C raw fordsville Saturday vas the mother of 11 children, a ll church M r. S m ith was a member, (1) The people Invited- near (v, 30). Epworth League, 6:80. bunday from her v is it in parts o fll* s t . They w ill probably vis it >ut three o f .whom survive her. had charge of the services. His object was for them to see the Preaching, 7:30. the county farther south. Harrisburg. Joining to Oregon in 1881, Mr. entire proceedings In order to fully Mrs. Sm ith died at her home Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. tnd Mrs. Weber lived for 21 years uear Halsey in 1911. M r. S m ith A M. K e nd a ll of Shedd was grasp the genuineness of the test. (2) The county farm bureau at A l- Rev, C.- T . Cook, Pastor, >n the farm weet of Brownsville The altar repaired (vv. 30-32). Be transacting business in Halsey and bany is m oving „ for is survived by two sons ami three --- a consti­ Mrs. daughters, A. N. S m ith of A lb a n y , fore there can be the power of God where Mr, Cole now lives. w ent home on F rid a y's train . tu tio n a l amendment p ro vid ing th a t manifested, the altar must be repaired. Weber was a devout member of N. C. Sm ith of Canby, M iHg M ar­ C h ris tia n : E. Russ is going in to the chicken o nly taxpayers vote on measures Elijah look twelve stones, represent­ the Presbyterian church. Her Sunday School, 10. tha S m ith of P ortland, Mrs. Mag- business. He is p u ttin g in incu­ pertaining to ta x a tio n and the rais­ ing the united nation. God Is one m rv iv in g fa m ily , except one, re- Preaching, 11. ing of revenue. ?«,e G,benrlng before the king, known to them His graciousness. same place is oo the executive com ­ te stim onials of esteem. rain was promised. ( amnia's Arctic coast, and during his ion IV . m ittee of five. 1. Ahab's question— “A rt thou he The Bounds of the Sea. lounu-y had received no news from the K a th rin e Pugh, shorthorns, d i­ Subscribers who were in arrears that troubleth Israel?" (v. 17). Ahab's Fear ye not met said the Lord; will outside world. He left the gulf, he de­ vision V. Miss Grace Robinson returned have been coming forw ard w ith ulra was to Intimidate Elijah—to awe ye not tremble at my presence, which clared, In October, 1918, when he first George Dannen, shorthorns, d i. Sunday from Salem, where she had the cash at a rate th a t helps the him Into submission. have placed the sand for the hound heard the United States had entered vision V I. been for a few days vis itin g her publishers much a t this tim e of ex­ 2. Elijah's answer (v. 18). He de­ of the sea hy a perpetual decree, that the war. Seaman was formerly a Floyd Mullen, Duroc-Jersev di­ pensive illness. We feel th a n k fu l nied the charge and boJdly declnred It cannot pass I t ; and though the member of the then Royal Northwest vision I I I . waves thereof toss themselves, vet ran that the calamity which had befallen Mounted police. for this and fo r the prospect that the nation was caused by the Idolatry they not prevail; though they roar, O live r Berry, Duroc-Jersey, di­ Soon after Seaman started for Nome more w ill follow suit. The people yet can they not pass over It?—Jere of Abnb and his family. the small schooner on which he was vision I. in and around Halsey are a pre tty mlah, 5:22. II. Elijah’s Challenge (vv. 19-24). John Scott, A ngora g ist, d iv is ­ Journeying was wrecked In the Ice, he W e H ave * good sort. The E nterprise w ill 1. The people assembled (vv. 19, said, and he and Ills companions were ion I I I . ^EVERYTH ING try to keap up its reputation for 20). The king convened the people at AVERAGE PASTURE FOR PIGS forced to walk 27 days before they C lifford C o rn u tt also won a newainess. the urgent request of Elijah. came to an Eskimo village. On their scholarship at the Pacific in te rn a ­ O ptical 2. Elijah's ringing call to decision From Fiftean to Twenty la Recom­ way they lived on roots. tional for m aking the highest score Peter B ither of B row nsville, 88 (vv. 21-24). (1) The question asked E y e s t r a in Seaman gave an interesting descrip in the ju d g 'iig contest. mended by Iowa Station— Mora years old. who is p ra ctica lly b lin d , —Who Is your God, Baal or the Lord? Is the'Cause of Many tlon of the life of the Eskimos of Coro W ill Spoil the Grata. Saturday tlie stock ju d g in g team has encouragement from a Eugene (v. 21). Many of the people had not H U M A N IL L S nation gulf. The natives, he said, stili >f the Shedd S horthorn C alf club specialist to hope for restoration wholly forsaken God. They attempted If * * * • you ,roubl* or Fifteen to twenty pigs, weighing use the bow and arrow, but are grad of his sight through an operation. to worship both God and Baal. Many about 100 pounds each, will be all the ually getting accustomed to the use received the team trop hy and in ­ ;n?oym x 1 s. We can Relieve Yon Bi her is quoted as saying he never today are halting between two opin­ average pasture can stand. More than of firearms, which were Introduced re­ d ivid u a l gold medals won a t the was sick nut oace and th a t then he ions; they are halting between self this number is liable to spoil the pas­ cently. Ths natives live on caribou Pacific In d u s tria l exposition iu . e » . I ortland last fa ll. Awards were got well as soon as he could get and God-—sin and holiness— mammon ture and the danger from apreadlng and seal. and God. But the question must he disease Is Increased, says the animal A rifle In the Coronation country made at the annual meeting of the away from the doctors settled sooner or later. In fact, the husbandry department at Iowa Sin • sells for $1CO, cartridges for 30 cents L in n county farm bureau. Mem­ (Continued on page 5) decision is being made every day. (2) college. each, augur Is $1 a pound, butter $8.80 bers of the team were C lifford Cor­ s pound and milk $1 a can. Seaman n u tt and D ellis C o rn u tt, brothers, «aid. The cost of clothing, however, Ha* a Real Blue Roostsr. of Plainview , and Irene Q uim by of Is lower, a "parka" cape being sold Kansas t'lty, Mo.—George Ellis of Halsey. Orchltf county report* the* possession for $4, rauckluks, or native shoes, for C lifford C ornutt received a cash 50 cents a pair and fine fur mittens of a blue rooster. Not a male bird prize of S25 for his in d iv id u a l ju d g ­ for three boxes of 1-cent matches. deprived of his harem but h real blue Mounted police In the Coronation ing record at the exposition. rooster with blue feathers enlivened country get mall sometimes three years with a touch of red here and there. He Is the only survivor of a setting old. Once, before he left, s constable Odd Fellows Elect got quick service on a letter, It be­ purchased In Switzerland and he Is The Oddfellows had a bu«F aea- ing delivered from England In thirteen scheduled for an exhibition at thi months. aion last Saturday night. Beside next poultry show. Seaman said he probably would go conferring the in itia to ry degree back to Coronation gulf, "where a big the follow ing officers were installed, BLIND MAN ROBS BLIND PAL pot of trouble like a World war doesn't D is tric t Deputy Fred Carey o ffici­ reach us until It Is all over." a tin g : Acting Past G rand, O. Soils Watch to Bartender for $18 and W K rum ; Noble G rand, B. M Is Convicted In Brooklyn REDS SHOOT TAX EVADERS Bond; Vice-G rand, W. P. W ahl- Court. Death Takes Toll Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally and in Halsey Particularly Kipened Old Age and Ambitious Youth Are Alike Subjects of His Onslaught Sunday School Lesson WOULD FIGHT GERMANY Watch this Space M. V. Koontz Co, I New York.—Christian' Schneider, • blind man, was found guilty In the court of special cessions, Brooklyn, of the theft of a watch, with raised fig­ ures, belonging to Peter FVoselmeyer, also blind. Fesselrneyer and other blind men. It was testified, slept In Schneider's room on the night of November 2. Fessel- ineyer said he could not find his watch the next morning, but eventually dis­ covered that It had been sold to a bar­ tender for $18. Schneider said Fesaelmeyer gave him permission to pawn the watch to get money for Schneider’s room re n t This Fesselmeyer denied. Sentence was sus­ | pended, — Infllot Death Penalty on Feasants Who Dodpo Grain Levy In Russia. Roetoff-on-Don, Russia.—Ths death penalty la being Inflicted In the Kuban and Don districts upon peasants who attempt to evade the grain tax which ihe government has Instituted Instead of money taxes. Al Kraanodarsk, a peasant, and two officials whom he bribed to assist him In dodging the grain levy ware all «hot, and radical Mtepe are being taken throughout south Itusala to chock the banditry which the Moscow government de­ nounces as nothing more than an ef fort to escape taxation. secretary, A . P. Robnett; financial secretary, George Laubner; treas. ,,rer. W- M ornhinw eg; warden, H. F E n glish ; conductor, J. W. Moore; chaplain, E M Jewett; R. 8. S., R, B. M ayb erry; L .S S-, E. D. Isom ; R 8. N G , Fred Robins; L. S. N G , P. J. Forster; R. 8. V. G., Andrew Brown; L 8. V. G , Charlec M ornhinw eg; I. G. George T a y lo r; O. G., T. F- H ill- man. F ret degree and feed next S atur­ day- ______________ •u rslyl I t Is »aay enough to find a needle In a haystack—If you alt eo IL