Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, January 05, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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he local opinion that
sportsmanship ia poor.
S, 1922
There Are Two
45-acre Dairy Farm
Kinds of Sweets Good improvements. Six miles south­
R L. Wiuniford was a passen­
ger to Salem and Portland Tues­
We know the day« are growing day.
longer because the almanac «aye to.
The annual stock-taking has
been under way this week in the
The names of 100 men and 200 big Koontz general store.
women are being drawn at the
The Missionary society of the
courthouse thia week for ju iy pur­
A prophet «aid:
“ Two Christian church will meet at the
women shall take hold on one man" home of Mrs. Emma True Tuesday
and our court observes the pro­ afternoon at 2. Miss M aryLaRoe
will he leader.
John Porter and daughters M r*.
Mrs. Sherman Miles, who was
killed in an automobile accident Karl Brainpell and Mrs. Edith
near S*. Helens Satuiday night Robnett, and fam ! Iieswent to Tan-
and buried at Lebanon Tuesday, >•«“ „
10 »P*"d
was a daughter of Miifion A M ille r .'^ *
Maxwell home,
Mr.« M iller was ill in Portland
M r. and Mrs. Steele nJ Portland
and unable to attend tbe funeral
' were guests at the J. S McMahan
. . . .
. ..
. . home the first of tbe week.
Tbe annual election of the state Htee|e .e employed by the Warren
Farm Bureau and tbe question of Constroeliou company and was in
revising the constitution will be charge of the paving plant which
before a meeting of the body a t did the wora at Brownaville last
Albany Saturday.
CbarleavPugh of Shedd was last
W. L. Wells and family went
Friday thrown by a colt he »us to Eugene Friday to visit their
breaking for the saddle and h a daughter, M rs. Em il
noee was broken and hie jaw frao- They report the twins very fiue
tured and two ugly cuts in bis f&re. fellows, bearing ths names Rslph
head inflicted.
Emil aud Raymond-Willie Helsetb
Mrs. Archie Corqgliua and her
A number of citizens received
‘ letters last week from the civil sister, Miss Dundeq, returned in
eervice commission in Washington time for the opening of school from
asking what they knew about the their visit to their home oeer Eu­
qualifications of the four candi­ gene.
Stewart & Price,' the new pro.
dates for tbe Halsev postmaster
prietors of Halsey’« confectionery
-tore, took poeaession tbe first of the
The Legion of Honor’s minstrel
year. They are brother and sister
show at Browusville Saturday
and are as affable to customers as
night filled Odd Fellows’ ball,
the Clarks always ware.
standing room and all, and about
Every farmer wants to get rid of
150 people who tried were unable
to get in
The receipts were $124 moles and gophers, and every
Ben Loucks came over and engaged farmer is urged to attend the dew
the Rialto ball for Jan 14 for ibe onstration of methods ot trapping
them nt tbs schoolhouse at 1 o’clock
troupe t> appear in Halsey.
on Wednesday, Jan. 18, under
The names for the February
County Agricultural Agent Hey-
grand jury have already
G. W. Mnrnhiuweg of
People who drive their oars with
Halsey aud P. B. Beatty of Browns­
old license plates oo them without
ville are in tbe list
carry tug a receiptor some evidence
Linn county is Hsked to raise mat they have sent the money to
•600 o, the niillion-dollar Wood- Salem with an application for the
row Wilson fund to be used in tbe cew liceune will be «Treated end
United States for prizes “ to stim­ fined.
ulate genius, to encnurNge interest
in *human welfare, to perpetuate FATHER FORCED TOT TO STEAL
Americanism and to champion lib­
erty, democracy and peace.”
I) Four-Year-Old Child Arrested for Rob­
b. McWilliams, B M. Miller aul
bing Grocery Store Tails Re­
m a rk a b le Tala.
C. C Jackson aie Halsey un-mbere
of the executive committee and
Philadelphia.— A four year-old hoy.
W G C ’“ ley, Henry McFarland
and John P. C ui'ev a:e Vneiubere the youngest prisoner ever lodged In
the Camden police stntlon, was arrest,
St Hiownsville.
J. W Moore is the new secretary
<f the Linn county realty board.
A t the regular meeting of Vine
Maple circle, Neighbors of Wood-
oraft, last night the foil wing nffl
ears ware installed by installing
Officer Edith Robnett:
MurnbiuW'g, post guardian neigh­
bor, Agnes Brown, guardian neigh­
bor, Adda V’ Ringo, advisor; N
na Kump, clerk; E hth Robnett,
banker; Ada Corcoran, magician;
Rova Robnett, attendant; Laura
Bramwell, captain of guards; Lou
ise I'aylor, flag bearer; Elizabeth
White, inner sentinel ; Maggio
Bressler, outer sentinel; Louise
Robnett, musician; Nina Knmp,
Laura Bramwell and Hazel Ten,
piston, mi> agers After this tber
was a piano solo by Louise Roh
nett, a solo by Dorothy Corcoran,
instrumental solo by DeEtla Rob.
nett snd a resiling by W illim ina
t orcorsn
At the olose a biuque'
served and game« were played.
■ The barn on the McCuIly an I
Ronnatt farm southeast of town
was destroyed by tire Wednesday
night together with all itseontents
M 0 . and John Bauich. who have
the place rented, lost three horse«,
sixty tons of hay, their tractor snd
other machinery.
John Bauich*,
who is baching on ths place, car­
ried water and quenched the fin»
as it-started to burn a shed con­
taining several hundred sack» ol
giain and thus prevented further
ed on a charge of robbing a grocery
He told the police a rem arkable tale
of how Ids fath er had sent him out
regularly before daylight to rob stores
It w hs four o’clock In the morning
when the boy was discovered a t a
Dnuphln street grocery store.
Policeman Clements aaw him raise
(he lid of a box and taka cakes. When
arrested the child bawled.
He was
clad only In a dress and shawl.
Pasquefe I.nbbardo walked into the
dice headquarters snd Ineulrsd If
i' e police had found h it mtesing boy.
The «ather was arrested
Bridegroom Overslept;
Married in Pajamas
Clad In pajamas, tpcks. and
slippers, aud a long ' raincoat,
a bridegroom recently hurried
Into a London register office to
be married
He was staying In
a neighboring hotel and had
previously told the registrar
that an early morning ceremony
was desired, n t his fiancee and
himself wished to catch a train
Imniediaiely a fter the ceremony.
His fiancee smiled as he en­
tered and explained that he had
overslept and If he had welted
to dress they would miss their
train The ceremony proceeded
and the bridegroom completed
his toilet a fte r he boarded the
S snsitlvs In stru m sn L
The Instrument known as the radio-
micrometer Is so sensitive that It will
' measure the heat from a hand held
thirty feet away from It and will
i „.,.,,rd ,h„ h„„,
rv cord the best given off by « fixed
Mr. and Mrs. B. M Bond were
host and hostess at a delightful
irew year'« dinner Sunday at wbioli
n . I
1 ■
M rs.
M C. Bond and daughter^ , U r „„ rcm„,e
,,rtt from „
M o n a , M ts« L i v e l l e P a lm e r
>d I traveling at a speed of 188,000 miles
Mr. and Mr«. C. I’. Stafford a ■re a » e ,on rt, takes many years to r e ^ h
leeeseM e «wswevew «■>*•«, « • « www <
l- 'iiiu iiiig
M ills
W a p in fi
D is c I l a r m t v R i
S e p a ra to re
S p r i n g t o o t h l l i i i t ( » u s t F O n ie r e t a k e n * » H a r n e s s
M a n u re S p re a d e r*
<1. S p e c ia l p r ic e s f o r B i n d e r s i f ta k e n s o q n
^ (o r n /iin iv e (j
east of Halsey.
the kind you can be sure contains the
E. I. W A G G E N E R ,
finest quality of ingredients and the W rite owner,
Redmond, Oregon
' doubtful kind. Cast doubt aside and
deal at Clark's. I f anyone ever tried to
use anything bul pure, fresh fruits and
flavors in the spotless candy kitchen
where our confections are made tliere'd
be such a commotion it would be heard
lor sale on the Samnel Snyder place,
all over town.
four miles east of Brownsville, on' good
graveled road. For terms see owner. -
100 cords of Excel­
lent Fir Wood
Stewart & Price Confectionery
the fire they kept blazing day and
night. A smoke signal was seen b.v
the freighter Meyers, which sent a
lifeboat ashore. The boat, however,
could carry but one passenger, and
the fath er remained behind to wait
until the son could bring aid.
Aged Man Stays Behind. Sending
Son on Rescuing Lifeboat
to Bring Help.
Kingsville, Ont.— A staunch tugboat,
preps red to battle seas and galej
salted from here to rescue Roffert
Sawyer, seventy-four years old, old-
time lake fisherman marooned on
M iddle Sister Islsnd. Lake Erie. Saw­
yer's son, Charles, his companion In
a three-day fight against death from
exposure In zero weather snd starva­
tion, which began when tbelr motor­
boat tank In heavy seas, wag rescued
Problem Solved by County Agent
in Alabama Community.
F a rm e r Is W e ll R epaid fo r T im e Spent
in C a re fu lly Shucking. S helling
and Sacking H ia Crop—
O th era W e re Careless.
(P re p a re d
b y th e U n ite d S ta te n
o f A p r ic u ltu r « * )
on the premises of Louts Francasso
There were two geese under cover
in the small yard when the owl an-
tered and pitched on one of the geese,
which Hew Into the open, where It
defended itself as best It could, finally
succumbing te the attacks of th e owl.
The body o f the goose. Its breast
punctured and one wing torn, was
still warm when Francasso entered the
The victorious gladiator,
clad In a n . armor of Ice which had
formed during u sleet storm following
the buttle, stood In or.e corner unin­
jured. Francasso caught the owl alive,
ft Is nearly 14 Inches tall.
W e rt
and a fte r reaching shore set out Im
mediately to rescue his aged and
hardy parent.
The fath er choae to p e rm it his son.
forty-four years old, to go for aid
staying behind with a few dry matche«
and a few fish taken ashore before
their 44-foot cabin cruiser broke from
Its anchor and went down. The son
taken to Klngsvljle by a frelghtei
which sent a small host to the Island
was confident when the rescue tug
<et ont that he would find hla father
A fte r the Sawyers had pnt Into a
«heltered beach on the Island to avoid
a heavy gale their cruiser broke from
ts anchorage and was driven out on
the lake Charles put out In the tender
to retrieve the crulaer. but the larger
boat tank before he could reach It
Re had a a lx h o u r struggle to again
reach the Island.
For three daya fath er end son were
marooned, without Right of passing
c r a f t They cooked fish on aplta over
Seed Corn
P ro p e rly
and sacked Ills corn at spare times
during the fall. H e had learned from
the county agent how to kill the
The only expense he went
to, although hla corn brought so much
better price, was for sacks and the
weevil exterm inator.
He said the
ahucks were worth all that for rough-
age for hia cows This gave him SUM*
more for 200 bushels of corn than
his neighbor who sold the same duy.
How, Indeed.
Outside the Gaiety theater In L«n
Ion there Is n large poster: “Madame
Marla Kousnexoff, World Famous Op
eratle Diva." A countryman having
come along the Strand, Stood gaping
at this poster
"L u m n ie !“ he said
“Now, how the devil does jo u woman
sing wl her mouth full o' w-ateri"
The delivery window of tbe
Halsey postoffice is open Sundays
grom 9:1« to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20
to 12:35 and 5:15 to 6.30 p. in.
Admittance Here 5 Cents
a Line
Chicken dinner every Sunday at
Hotel Brownsville. 50 cents.
“ The Home Stretch,” at tbe
Rialto Friday, carries a romance
that started on a city racetrack
Winsted. Conn.— A 15-pound
nd speeds thru couutry lanes to
was killed In combat with a large
durk-brown owl In a small IndtMVfe love. t
For the Stock
F ath er and
For rent or for sale— Houses and
farms in vicinity of Halsey.
Boies Penrose, tbe big republican
W ■ J. Ribelin.
boss, is dead. Tbe only outstand­
i n g figure in tbe party qualified to
D r« E . W. Barnum, dentist, at
take tbe lead»rstnp appears to be Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and
Warren G. Harding, and he can­ Friday.
not.fill the role becauge be ball­
pens to be president and tbe rabble
Good apples for sale.
G. W.
of unruly schoolboys known ss the Morohinweg.
I'uited Stales senate would be jeal­
ous of him and sj ill a|l bis b 8 ■
Here Is a bargain for some Ford
truck owner:
Two 82x44 fabric
OWL KILLS 15-POUND GOOSE casings at $25 each. Halsey G ar­
age, Foote Bros.
An Exception.
According to a news Item, a woman
was recently married while In a
It Is usually the bridegroom.
—London Passing Show.
No, 23, 11:31 a. m,
IS, 12:24 p. ns.
17, S.49 p. m.
It F ile t Into Connecticut Man's Yard
to Attack— Ice-Clad by Sleat, It
la Caught.
D e p a rtm e n t
Improvement of the methods of
gathering and storing und in the time
of marketing corn, where there I» a
surplus, has been one of the problems
handled lately by a county agent In
He reports that tn 1921'
tbiee men In a coiuinur.it} near Guutl
unconsciously proved the very point
he was anxious to make. Each had
about 2CMI bushels of corn for sale
One sohl^hls from the Held at $1.21-
per bushel. The second farm er stored
his In the old way and sold It foi
$1.70. ulthough It was gnawed by rats
and eaten by weevils.
The third man brought his 200
bushels In, shelled, In good even
weight sacks, with no weevils, and re­
ceived $2.25. He had shucked, shelled
No. 18, 12:04 p. m.
24, 4.34 p. m.
14. 5:27 p. m.
L O A N ’S A n t i - C o l i c , , ’
R e d u c in e
A b s o r b in e
B F . D . C o lic D r e n c h
S e c u r it y G a ll S a lv e
P h y s ic C a p s u le s
B a g B a lm
S e c u r i t y H e a le r
M ilk in g T u b e s
G o i u b a u l t C a u s t ic
B a ls a m
I n t e r n a t i o n a l L i q u i d ',
B lis te r
S t o c k F o o d & T o n ic s
Ringo’s Drug Store
Go to ths Rialto tomorrow and
see how a sport came near going
hungry but was fed in stomach
and heart.
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our heart
felt thanks and appreciation to our
many friends for their sympathy
and beautiful floral offerings dur­
ing our late bereavement of our
beloved mother.
Signed Mrs. Ara M iller
Mr. aud Mrs W H. Beene
B. F- Allen
W- A Allen
Reduction of westbound freight
rates on furniture for homes,
schools, theaters and churches as
well as rates on a number of other
important articles ranging as high
as 40 per oeut and averaging about
25 per cent have been announced
by the Southern Pacific company.
Garden Note.
The easiest way to remove w e ed s
Robert, la to marry a widow -
ton Transcript.
Notice it hereby given that the under­
signed by an ordet of the County Court
of Line County, Oregon, have been a p ­
pointed Executor ta il Executrix respect­
ively of the last W ill and Testament of
Emma C. Allen, deceased A ll persons
having claii. a against said estate are re­
quired to present them w ithin six
months from the date of this noRce.
with the proper vouchers, to the under­
signed at their place of residence iu H a l­
sey. in Linn County, Oregon.
Dated and first published this 5th day
of January, 1922.
W . A. Allen, Executor.
. _
, Lena Beene, Executrix.
Amor A. Tussing, Atty, for Exr. St Exrx.
C h a rte r N o. 49
Reserve District No. 12
Report of condition of the
», 1 1 ,1 « ,.
.n Ih , .U te e i O refon, „
u ,
c lo u o , buM, „ , D w , robM , ,
1 txmns and discounts, including rediscounts shown in item 31, if any «133 431 61
< iver.lrafts secured an,I unsecured
»"J e*JJ,sJl.6t
i C S government securities owned, including thoseshow «'i¿ ¡'terns
«51 ,inii .56, it sny. . . . . . . . . . .
4. Other bonds, wsrrantsand securities, including foreign government
:«Vm, u ; ; d ^ . \ f c7 0T
bo" . . e te : ; " c lu iia « , h w ’ h^ n -
5 Stocks, securities, claims, lien« judgments, etc.....................................
6. ».ink,ng house, «3,iW.OO: furniture and fixture» « 7 6 6 .1 5 ...................
'< (bl Am ount, due trora banks, tin k e r , and trust ' compaaie' ,'d e ^
ignateil and approved reserve agents of this bank
12. Cash on hand in v a u l t . . . . . ......................
- —
Total cash and due from banks, items 8?9. lO .h a s d i£"»36JO3 7 J .........
T o ta l______________
tlSSILlTtXS............................................. $190.5,4.04
17. C ap ital stock paid I O - - . . . . . . . .
IS. Surplus f u n d __. . . . . . . . . . __• - - - - - - -
19 (a) Cndivided p ro fit,.................................................................s 'lV iv i'u
N.000 00
25 Iniliv id n a l deposits subject to check .
y Denrand certificates of deposit outstanding.............................................
Cashier s checks of this bank outstandim n svah iaM ¿.’ " " J ..........
Total demand deposit, other than ban’ k
serve, item . 24. 25. 26. 27 and 28 . . f i f f T w
“T H E
T im b
S avings D « fo , it < .„h ,--. »2
72.87*. I f
238 37
544 39
demand and snbje I to notice:
»*vve and payable on
■'I. T im e r micatesof dejxv»et nqtstaading
Total 01 time aed seviag, d e p o a iu ^ y .b i, " ¿ . " j . « . , , \
53,191 44
subject to notice, items 29 and 10
d ,Bd
32. B i l l , pavable with federal re w rv e h a i k . " ' ^ ¡ h
trust companies_____ ___
other bask* or
Total ...............
" •« *••«
.............. j^j^ooryoo
S T A T E O F O R E G O N » .......................................................
................ -- 5190,574 04
County of Linn
I *
‘Win, and I never
Lose, and
Of course t h e r e is t h e
one. woman in t h e w o r l d
taking an interest in the
„ „
P o u ç ’la .s M a c L e ih m ti»
I , h M . Bond. Cashier of the above name^
the above statement
true «0 the be., M
th a t
T a rA -rc L tn t P ic t u r e
’The Home Stretch*
C O R R E C T — Attest C. „ Kooot» n
Subsen bed and swore to before me
U y cvm m issioa expires 5.24-24,
■*. ,
Boed, Cashier
* D' & *fcW illistas Notary PnbSc, "