Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, January 05, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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But I awoke to the horrid reality of hear you talk that you wasn’t no'gen­ promptness.
“Cuptulu," he sa’d enrrq-tly. “from
It all aa Captain Magnus, smiling his tleman. I f you fau't keep little Ued-
wolfish smile, turned and approached top In order without you tie her, why. long experience In the financial cen­
me. .
then hand her over to a guy what can. ters of the country, I have got to be
"Well, boys.” he remarked fo bis I het I wouldn't pave a speck o' trou­ a man what understands human na­
followers, who had lowered their weap­ ble with her—hyr and me would git ture. The minute I looked at you. I
seen It In your eye that there wasn't
ons and were standing about at case, along as sweet a* two turtle-doves."
“You dry up, Tony,” said Magnus, ! no use In tryln' to bluff you. You are
"here's the little pippin I was tellln’
of. Frald we give her a little scure lowering. "I'll look after my own af- i a congenial crowd, you boys— gosh.
bustin’ In ao sudden, so she ain't quite fairs of the heart.
Anyway, here's I but you do look good to me after the
so bright and smilin' as I like to see them two old hens what have been ' bunch o' stiffs I been playin’ up to
It ’s all right, girlie; you'll soon cheer ' makln’ ine sick with their Jabber and ; here! All I ask Is, to let raa In on It
up when you find out you’re goln’ to be nonsense all these weeks. Ain't I go- | with you, and I ’ll be glad to put you
the little queen o' this camp. Things In’ to have a chance to get square?" wise to the best tricks of a sly old
will be all your own way now—so long
“Here, youse!” struck In Blinker, j fox who ain't ever been caught yet
as you treat me right."
And the j “quit your Jawin'I Here's a feed we without two holes to hla burrow. I
, won't ask no half, nor no quarter,
abominable creature thrust forth a tin t seen the like of in weeks."
hairy paw and deliberately chucked I Tony thereupon ordered the women either, though I Just signed up for
me under the chin.
to sit down on the ground In the shade I that amount with the old girl here.
I heard a roar from the log—and co- and not move under penalty of “get- But give me freedom, and a bunch o'
Incldentally from Captain Magnus, tin’ a wing clipped.” We obeyed In live wires like you hoys! I've near
For with the Instant response of an silence and looked on while the pirates froze Into a plaster figure o’ Virtue,
automaton—consciously I had nothing with wolfish voracity devoured the what with talkin’ like a Sunday school
at all to do with It— I had reached up meal which had been meant for us. , olass, and sparkin' one qld maid and
and briskly bored the captain’s ears.
They had pocket-flasks with them, and ' makln’ out like I wouldn’t melt butler
Furiously he caught my wrist. “Ah. as they attacked them with frequency with the rather. So H. H will »hip
you red-beaded little devil, you'll pay the talk grew louder and wilder. By along of you, mates, and we'll off to
for this! I ain’t pretty, oh. no! I degrees It waa possible to comprehend the China coast somewhere« where
the extraordinary disaster which had the spendln' Is good and the police
befallen us, at least in a sketchy out­ not too noisy, and try how fa r a
trunkful of doubloons will go I”
line of which the detail was filled in
With a choky little gurgle In her
later. Tony, It appeared, was the mas­
ter of a small power schooner which throat Aunt Jane fell limply against
had been fitting out In San FranelsCo me. It was too much. All day long
for a filibustering trip to the Mexican she had been tossed hack and forth
coast, and his three hard companions like, a shuttlecock by the battledore of
were the crew. None was of the old emotion. She had borne the shock
hearty breed of sailors, but wharf-rats of Mr. Tubbs' sordid greed for gold,
pure and simple, city-dregs whom his disloyalty to the expedition, hla
i fiance had led to follow the sea. coldness to herself; she had been shak­
Tony. In whom one detected a certain en by the tender stress of the rets
rough force and ability, was an Ita l­ onclllatlon, had beeo captured Jby
ian. an outlaw specimen of the breed pirates, and now suffered the supreme
which mans the fishing fleet putting blow of this final revelation of the
forth from the harbor of San Fran­ treachery of Tubbs. To hear her ro­
cisco. When and wliere he and Mag­ mance described as the sparking of an
nus had been friends I do not know. old maid—and by the sparker! From
But no sooner had the wisdom of Miss Miss Hlgglesby-Browne had come a
Browne Imparted the great aecret to snort of fury, but /¡he said nothing,
her chance acquaintance of the New having apparently no confidence In
York wharves, than he had communl- the effect of oratory on pirate«. She
! cated with his old pal. Tony.
The did not even exhort Aunt Jane, bat
power-schooner with her unlawful car­ left It to me to sustain my drooping
go stole out through the gate, made aunt as best I could.
As Mr. Tuhbs made his whole-heart­
her delivery In the Mexican port, took
on fresh supplies, aud stood away for ed and magnanimous proposal Captain
Iveeward Island. The western anchor­ Tony opened his small black eyes and
age had received and snugly hidden contemplated him with
her. Captain Magnus, meanwhile, by Then he glandbl round upon hla fel­
means of a mirror flashed from Look- lows.
"What say, boys? Shall we ship
I out. laid maintained communication
Furlouyly He Caught My W rist,
with his friends, and even visited them old Washtub« on the schooner and
under cover of the supposed shooting let him have his rtlng along with us?
ain’t a handsome mooncalf like the Hon- I expedition. And now
now, while we had Eli?” And as Captain Tony uttered
©rable: I ain't got a title, nor girly
striving to overcome the reeal- these words the lid of Ills left eye
plnfc cheeks, nor tine gentlemanly dtrancy of M r. Tubbs, Captain Mag- eclipsed for aq instant that Intelli­
wavs. No walks with the likes o roe nils )|Hd taken a short cut to the same gent optic.
no tatey-tates In the woods -oh, no' pnd You felt that the secret of Mr.
, From the pirates came a scattering
Well, It’» goln’ to he another story Tubs would be extracted, If need be. volley of asaents. “All right— hnoraj
now. girlie. 1 guess you ran learn to I b y 'n o d<icate methods.
for old Washtuhs— sure, close the
like my looks, with a little help from
But Mr. Tnbbe’ character possessed deal."
my fist now and then, jest as well as none of that unreasonable obstinacy
“All right. Washtuhs, the boys are
you done the Honorable's.
I guess It : which would inabo harsh measures willing. So I guess we better he mov­
won't be long bvto’ i I bine you crawl j necessary under • uch conditions. His ing toward that cbc-1 iff doubloon.-."
Iu' on your kucca to tin tm a word c
It wa-> arranged that Blltikt-r and a
eouiiienum i. as the illuuiiuaitng con-I
kindness, i gte -s—'
velsHtion of the pinttes had proceed- . cross-eje.il man named Horny should
A Hired mao stepped through a loose |
board of a barn loft, and farm and
household work waa delayed while be
This latest misfortune was the worst
of the season.
Johnson had been
shingling the barn, using a common
prop scaffolding, made by placing
wooden brackets against the aide of
the building and supporting them with
two-by-four scantling, set at an angle
of 45 degrees and anchored at the foot
with stakes and atones. He had un­
dertaken to carry a bunch of shingles
to the roof. An upper rung, previous­
ly broken from the ladder, had been
replaced with a two-lnch shingle band,
nailed on with eight-penny nails. The
wood In the side of the ladder was
dozy and the nails gave way under
Jobnson’s weight. The Jolt as he
struck the next rung upset the ladder.
and down tumbled Johnson, ladder
scaffolding and shingles, all In a heap
on the ground.
“Pretty tough on Johnson." observed
Brown. “They talk about farming be­
ing a safe and healthful pursuit; but
I'll bet be didn’t think so when that
bunch of shingles pursued him and
smashed his ribs." -
“Farming is healthful." said the old
doctor, “providing people woulfi take
reasonable care of themselves. It ought
to be safe as any ordinary occupation :
but the observations of the United
•3 *1 ,
Farm Steam Engines Should Be Offi­
cially Inspected at Least Once Every
States Department of Agriculture and
the National Safety council show that
every year hundreds of people are
maimed mid killed in farm accidents,
a large part of which are preventable.
“I don't know where some farmers
find economy In keeping a horse that
will shy at anything and kick any­
body who conies near him. Perhaps
they like to feel their mastery, but the
horse usually vets his Inntnc in the
a. i'<21
I puttiug up a little headstone—4J
needn't cost much—In the family pluu
with Just 'Virginia' on It? And gnjt
thing of mine that you don't want yo’lgg'
self I'd like Beaa te have lor (oB
baby, please. Aak ber when the luiJt
I duck is old enough to tell her my W f
I story— "
By this time Aunt Jane was aob-
, hlng loudly and waving her little hands
i about In wild beseeching.
“Jane!" broke in Miss Browne again
In awful tones. But a t Chat momen-
I the floor of the cabin opened and th>
J face of Sllnker peered iff. '
“Say,” he remarked, "tiiare ain't no
sense In you glrle stayin’ .cooped up
here that I see. I guess me and Hornet
"Aw, stow that soft stuff. Magnus,' 1 ed,
Ksr> ftramwall drove to A Ibaa>
Mra C. p
any Friday.
Stafford visited ▲).
Mra. J. W . Drinkard waa a pag>
¿engar to Albany Friday.
A lath m ill, to employ 34 man,
s to ba an Albany industry.
Clarence C. Diceaon and wife of
Shedd have a brand naw son.
Mrs. B. M . Cushman of Browns­
ville baa bought a naw Dodge toor-
ng car.
E. B. Panland war among those
-uggeated for county commissioner
to succeed Butler.
Mias Bather McKinney returned
to her duties at O. A. C. Sunday,
after a visit at boms.
Mrs Horace Armstrong and two
voting daughters got home Sunday
from a week’s visit at Oakland, Or.
Mrs. Ann Hope Purdy has pur­
chased the Harrisburg hospital
from Dr. L. 8. Kent and Mias
Owing to the death of Mra. Cecil
Harrison the Ash Swale H unt club
postponed its advertised banquet
to Jan. 14.
M arr Welch having married and
resigned aa postmaster at Craw-*
fordsvilla, Estelle Smith has been
appointed to the position.
Mrs. Charles W hitlatcb of Eu­
gene and Master Rqnald. who have
Iwen visiting here, took Sunday’s
train for their new home in Port­
After fumigating tbair house.
Mrs. Ralph Dannen’s oldest daugh­
ter, Dorothy, took aoarlet fever—
"T h e r* Ain’t Ne Sen a* In Yew Oírlo
Albany Democrat.
Stayin' Cooped Up Horn."
Dean Tyoer's taxi brot George
can atnml you off if you try to rash
Finley over from Brownsville F ri­
ua. Come out and cool off a little.”
The great heat of the day waa over day to take the train for hia home
and Ihe aun already dropping behind in Portland after a holiday visit at
the peak of the Island.
Mr. Shaw Crawfordsville.
and Cuthbert hud been allowed to alt. ’ Mayor Whits of Browusvtlleand
In the shade, and 1 thought their
wife came over Sunday, bringing
wrists were not too tightly hound for
their daughter to take train for
Cookie had Iwen released,
and under the eye of Horney was get­ ‘ Portland after enjowing the holi-
ting supper.
Crusoe bnd earlier In days at home.
the day receiver) a kick In Ihe ribs
G. W Bramwell nod family of
from Captain Magnus, fortunately too Brownsville and W . E Hover and
much occupied with the prisoners to family visited at J C. Bramwell’s
pursue his vengeance further, and bad at the holiday feast and with the
fled precipitately, to my enormous re
hosts constituted a houseful,
Hef. The dog was quite wise enough
to know that he would help me besl
Thursday of last weak L. E.
hy keeping out of the clutchca of our Wultou received a carload of good
i four-foot fir wood from above June-
City. Aa luuoh aa he did uot
Just then there ...t»- f»o.,t the womi» , t iou
the -.aturt of fmff.repa
ioh,-cs. and < a n t
the three pirates and M r. Tubbs en
lost the speckled
appearance i remain at the camp on gtiurd. As a
advised Blinker
“You can do your which had characterized It at the measure of precaution Cookie, loo. tereil the clearing. A thrill ran through
The county, stats aud special
spoonin' with the gal later on. We’re height of his terrors. Something like was bound, aud Aunt Jane,
Miss llai camp. Caplora and captives fori?©» taxes in this coumty this year
here to git that gold, and don't you Ills normal hue returned. He sat up Browne and I ordered Into the cabin. all else hut the great, the burolDg
Thia is all
forget It. Plenty of time afterward stralghter. moistened his dry lips, end The three remaining pirates, armed question— bad the treasure been dis amount to >1.000,082.
to spark the wlmmen.”
looked around upon us. yes, even upon with our spades and picks and dls- covered? And I am sure that no on«
“T hat’s the talk,” chimed In Black- Aunt Jane and Miss Hlgglesby-Browne. Iienslng a great deal of Jocular pro­ was so thrilled aa I. although In m) that the 6-p«r-oent lim it w ill allow.
beard. “'Don't run us on a
Friday W. C. Thompson, con­
with whom he had been so lately and fanity. set out for the cave under the mind the,question took another font)
for th« Mike of a skirt.
For now [ was going to know what' trolling owner of the bank of
Skirts te j so tenderly reconciled, with a side- guidance of Mr. Tubbs.
tlik-ker'n herring In every poi'L
had been w aiyng fo r me - there In' Brownsville, brot bis rootbar, Mrs.
aln i long, calculating glance.
After the
Thankful as I was for the depart
pirates had eaten, the prisoners on the ure of Captain Magnus, 1 underwent the cave, when I stood yesterday at Ila M C. Thompson uf Salem, over to
I got s score to settle with this log were covered with a rifle and their torments In the stifling interior of black entrance, afraid to go In.
take the train for home after a vis­
one,” growled Magnus sullenly, but hands untied, while Cookie, In a lu­ the cabin. Aunt Jane wept piteously.
it at bar son’s.
hla grasp loosened on my arm, and I gubrious alienee made eloquent by his At last I heard a faint moan:
(To be continued.)
“V irg in ia!"
slipped from him and fled to Aunt rolling eyea, passed around among us
Mrs. Tschants of Silverton, onoo
I went to her. ''Yes, auntie?"
Jane— ye*, to Aunt Jane— and clung the remnants of the food. Yet under
Miss Effie Cola of Brownavilla,
“Virginia," she murmured, “I think
te. her convulsively. Miss Hlgglesby- all the ten o r was a bedrock confidence
daughter of S. E. Cola, made a hoi.
C w r i(k t. Th. Bobte-M-rrlU CoauxaJ
Browne seemed to have petrified. Het that there was, there must be some I ahull not live tb leave the lalaml.
iday visit at bar old home and bar
sk<n had a withered look, and a fine how In the essence of things, an eter­ even If 1 am not— not executed. In
father brot bar to Haleoy Saturday
(Continued from page 1)
«ciwork ai Un»- showed on II. sud nal rightness which would keep aw fact. I Inivc a feeling n o r as though
jCallapooia grange, P. of H.. at | to take train for Silverton.
■tenly clear, like a tracery ou parch­ safe from Captain Ilag'jUs. And as i he end .ere approaching. I have al­
ment. Beyond her 1 saw the face ot I looked across at Dugald Shaw and ways known that my heart waa not Brownsville baa taken a new lease
Miss Frances Crowley of 8waat
L ik e a Chapter From the Fast.
Dugald Shaw, gray with
a steely
for an Instant his steady, watch­ atrong, even If your Aunt Susan did ot life. The new officers are Golds Home, after the holidays at boms,
Five men bad emerged from the wrath. A gun hud been trained anew met
ful eyes, I uiuuagcd a swift little smile tall It Indigestion. But oh. tny dear Ackerman, M -, Ray Edwards, O .. returned Sunday to the school she
woods behind the clearing, so quietly oq him and Cuthbert, and the beurei
a rather wan smile, I dare say, but child. It 1» not ray digestion— It la my Mrs. Jennie Hchildtuvyar, L ., J. is teaching at Banker HUI, near
that they were In the center of the thereof whs arguing with them pro­
heart 'hat baa been wounded! ’fo have
atill a sinlle.
A Ackerman, Steward., Clew Monroe
Dean Tyoer’s taxi brot
camp before Crusoe's shrill hark, or fanely. I suppose the prisoners hail
Cuthbert Vane caught, so to speak, reposed such confidence In a serpent I Harrison,
A. S. Mrs. Charle. bar over from Browosville.
the outcry of the cook, warned us of threatened outbreak at the spectacle of
the tail of It, and was electrified. I To realize that 1 might have been Ini Halioway, Chap., Charles Hallo­
their presence. By that time they had the cliin-chucking.
Mixaea Esther and Hauriatta
I saw his lips form at Mr. Shaw's ear lialed upon its fangs! Oh, my dear,
us covered. Three of them carried
No one had bothered to secure j the words, “Wonderful little aport, by faithful child, what would 1 have done way, T . ; M alxl Davidson, Sac., Stari.aa had tbair tonsils removad
rifles, the other two revolvers. One of Cookie, and he knelt among the pots
If you had not cluog to me although Elmer Pearl, G. K ., Mra. M Stone, by a Eugene surgeon Tuesday of
: Jove I”
these was Captain Magnus.
and pans of his open-air kitchen, pour­
A curlona stiffening had come over I permitted serpenta to turn me from Ceree., Mra. E, Pearl. P., Mr». A last week.
Tba former bad bean
Advancing a step or two before the ing forth Rgtitiona In a steady stream.
Cuthbert Vane. For the first time In my you! But I am cruelly punlahed. All J. Dougherty, F. F.. Edith Ed in poor health and it was believed
others, he ordered us to throw up our Bluckbenrd, who seemed a Jovial brute,
Hazel Ackerman
I ask la that some day—when yon are wards, A. S.
know ledge of him be allowed the con
tba operation would benefit bar.
hands. Perhaps he meant only the burst Into a loud guffaw.
i sciousnesa— Instead of only the aub- aaarried and happy, dear—you will re is pianlat.
men— hut my bands and Aunt Jane t
“Ha, ha I
Look at old Soot-and- ronsciousnesa— of the difference be­ move from thia deaolate apot the poor
P. B. Breaslar arrived from L y ­
Halsey rent a large delegation
and Miss
Hlgglesby-Browue’s also Clndera gltttfi' blsself ready for
ons Friday for a visit with bis
tween Nonnan blood and the ordinary remains of her who—of her who— "
went up with celerity.
He grinned glory I"
He approached the negro i sanguine fluid. His shoulders squared; Hobs choked Aunt Jane's utterance.
brother John. He returned Mon­
Into our astounded faces with a wolf and aimed at him a kick which
“Jane— " began Mlaa Hlgglesby night to attent (be meeting of the day, taking tba noon train for A L
■ ne lost his habitual easy lounge and
Ish haring of his yellow teeth
I. U. O. F. in the royal purple de­
Cookie, arising with unexpected nitn- sat erect and tall. Something stem Browne.
hauy, where ba expected to take
“Never guessed I wasn't here Jest to hleness, contrived to dodge. “Looky I and aquiline showed through the
Six candidates look the de­
“I was speaking to my niece,” re­ gree.
«tag« via Scio rather than wait for
do the shovel work, but might have my here, darky, git buay dlsliin' up the
smooth beauty of his face, so that you plied Aunt Jane with unutterable dig gree and there was'a royal feast a railroad train.
own little side-show to bring off, hey ?" gruh, will jou? I could stand one good I thought of efflgleg of crusading knights nlty from her corner. Her small fea I
and speech niuking.
he Inquired of no one In particular. feed after the forecastle slops we been
Mrs. A. V, Holgate of Lebanon,
j stretched on their ancient tombs In turea had all but disappeared In her j
W. C. Elmore was over from
“Here. Sllnker. help me truss 'em up.” livin’ on.”
High Staunton church. He was their swollen face, and tier hair had slipped Brownsville Saturday without an* daughter ot L- A. McKern and
The man addressed thrust his pistol
Blackheard, whom hla companions [ true descendant, after all, thia slow, down at a rakish angle over one eye
avowed business, but aa he and wife, came over at the weak end
In his belt and came forward, and addressed Indiscriminately as “Cap­
, calm, gentle^mannered Cuthbert.
It But. of course, being Aunt Jane, ahe
with his help the hands of the Scotch­ tain.” or “Tony,” seemed to exercise
W. Moore were in conversation and visited with the McKorn fam­
| was a yonng lion that I had been play- must choose thia moment to be queen 1
man, Cuthbert Vane and Mr. Tubbs a certain authority. He went over to
intended real estate deal may ily a day or two. Mrs, McKern
■ Ing with, and the claws were there, 'J-
were securely tied.
They were the prisoner* on the log and Inspected
A man from an iu aceompanied her home for a visit
strong *ud terrible In their
searched for arms and the sheuth- their bonds.
termuuntain state was present, t<*>, and also ex|*ected to visit Mrs. R.
i »heath.
knlves which Mr Shaw and Cuthbert
E. Alexander at Mbanou before
“You!! do; can't git loose nohow,"
Captain Tony, having finished his leave your bones on thia Island. I f t who wants Io trade $40,000 woitli
carried at their belts were taken away. he announced. Then, with a savage
pipe, knocked the asheg out against you did you know, you and Bill Halil- j of bu>inee» pro|*erty for firm ing returning to Halsey.
The three prisoners were then or­ frown, "But no monkey business. the heel of his boot and put the pipe well might ha'nt around together—
Among representatives of Linn
land in thia valley, where be
dered to seat themselvee In a row First o’ that I s< It's a dost o' cold | in hla pocket
think how cozy I
(Here Aunt June tktnaa his health would ba better. oountv who attended the annual
•<n the ftti«V of a prostrate palm.
lead for you-», savvy?"
"Well," be «»id, stretching. “I'd rath­ gave a convulsive shudder.) Aa to
meeting of the Oregon Drainage
'lb * whole thing bed Itepiwoed Mo­
n» m ined t * ns worn**«.
my being married, If you were hetling !
Further investigation shows that association during farmers’ week
e r h a v e a n a p , b ill bn-lnci« 1« busl-
th» strangest silence. E ti ept fid a
'YVefl, i lib kablddies, we ain't treat
■<ea* *u let's get down te IL Which Just now i/u auyhmly's tliaro et, they tho ih ire is no CongrvgatiouaI at O. A. C. ware T. J. Jackson and
feeble nnsinlng from Aunt
me, like |
y(>u hinih | hopeT Now [ d„oo
o' t|ietu guys has the line on the stuff, would have to 'lie Captain Magnus’, church at -Brownavilla, Herbelt
G. G. Hockenamith and wives from
the bleating of a sheep, which broke : care about Nyln' youse up, In case wg
wouldn't they?"
W iltou, arretted in C a lifo rn ia *^
forth at intervals, nobody spoke o r[ nan help It. so Jest he good girls, an !
Lake Creek, John Push of Shedd,
“Oood gracious, Virginia!" shrieked
"Old Baldy, here," returned Mag­
head of a gang of burglars, wka Carl M illar of Harmony, P.
made a sonnd The throe riflemen In I'll let youse ran around loose for a
nus, with a nod at Mr. Tubbs. "Old Aunt Jane faintly. But I wept oo re­
supply pastor of the Brownsville Pehrsaoo and J. Sylvester.
the background, standing like Images while."
Weahtugg I call him generally; ha. lentlessly. determined to distract her
with their weapons raised, locked like
But Magnus struck In wltb an oath. ha I"
mind from thoughts of ber approach­ Baptist church in 1014, but o ia n .
a well-trained chorus in an opera -
The Albany basketball team
peered the next year.
It is hut
"Loose? You're turnin' toft, I saf.
“Than looky here. W ashtub*" said ing end.
And Indeed It was all extraordinari­ The future M r* M. there— which I
Tony, addressing Mr. Tubbs with aud- 1 "All things considered, I suppose I fair to add that Wilson denies spy which got beaten by Halaav high
ly like something on a stage. Blink­ mean to make her If she behaves right
I t is recalled that school at the Rialto aant a chal­
d»o sterenewa, “maybe you could bluff really ought to aak you to put uiy af­ criminal acta.
er. for Instance. He had a prowling, —she's a handful, she 1». There aig’t
these here soft guy a, but we're a dlf- i fairs In order when you get hack. If Wilson left Brownsville oaring nu­ lenge for a return game to be played
sidelong fashion of moving about, and no low trick she won't play on ua If
ferent breed o' cats, we are
What­ I am carried off by the pirates, natu­ merous bills and that three have at Albany on a Thursday with an
ennrmons yellow mustaches like a Vi­ she gets the chance. Better Ua her
Halaay replied
ever yen know, you'll come through rally I shall have to Jump overboard not been paid,
Mre. Fred U tn f- Albany referee.
And the burly fellow In the up, I say "
with It, and come quick, or It'll ba the at once, though 1 dislike the Idea of man has been in regular corres­ " N o ” and «aid that both these
background, with the black Whisker«
drowning, and ea|ieclally of being
Magnus." responded Tony with ge- • orsa for your hide, aee?"
pondence with Mrs, Wilson iu provieoe violated tbe established
.“ IS» &,d b?,(1 * > T * « n big earrings. J rerlly# ~,td ffiake a person think to
Mr. Tubbs rote from the log with eaten by sharks. Would you mind Los Angeles,
rubs of the game, which confirmed
Jots and Tittles