PAG E 4 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E ARTIFICIAL LIGHTS FOR FOWJ-S INCREASE PRODUCTION OF EGGS JAN. 1, 1922 desiring to enrich o u r'frie n d Tubba.“ “Enrich him —enrich him ! The best an exploded superstition. an anachro­ you will attem pt to match this con­ I wish him Is unlim ited gruel In an nism, part of a vanishing order of duct by canceling our present agree­ almshouse somewhere. No I W hat I things, and that the Ideal which waa ment and consenting to another cred­ want la to get that wretched [« p e r iting you with the form er sixteenth I of Miss Browne's nullffled. A fterw a rd replacing him waa a boiler-plated mon we can divide things up as we like— ” ater with clockwork heart and brain, slisre of Mr. Tubbs." Bewilderment, shot with a gleam of “Don’t do It, Shaw— hold the fort, named Efllclency. And that Cuthbert old b o y !” broke In Cuthbert Vane. “I half-incredulous understanding, seemed must go, along with hla Jacobean ma transfix him We stood a long mo- nor. and hla fam ily ghost. and the say, Mlsa Browne, thio I* a bally ment, our eyes challenging each oth- oaks In the park, and everything else shame 1“ Mlss Browne had always treated the er, exchanging their counters! m of that couldn't prove ita right to live except by being due and lovely and prospective Lord Grasmere with dis- faith and steadfastness. Then slowly 1 laid mine in fu ll o f garnered aweetneaa o f the llngulshed pnllleness. Even now her he held out his hjjpd it— we stood hand In hand, comrades a ir was mild, though lofty. pant— Since so many young people wear W ithout more words he ''M r. Vane." site replied, "as a mem­ at last. At thia point In m.v meditations the glasseH. the old idea tqat they make a door o f the cabin opened and Ml»» ber of the British aristocracy. It Is tam ed away and strode over to the person look ol«l is seldom mentioned. not to be supposed that you would council of three. llrowne caine out, looking sternly res .. «.»»»<». ^ » . . _ a«u «.*. I Tt,. __ a< . . , , The truth it that pntting off wearing olnte. Aunt Jane followed, very pink view financial matters with the same | The group dissolved and moved rap K|aiM;5 when they are needed is what “ v* as ............... “ Mis» Browne«, ex- luakes lllany people s faces took older those of us of “ the Middle 1 M ly toward us about the eyes and nose. W ith a eye ( ’lasses, who, unhappily perhaps for uitant. beq/nlng. was In the van. She than they are commanding geature Miss Browne sig wiled the rest to approach. M r Tubbs our finer feelings, have been obliged set her substantial feet down like a bounced up w ith alacrity. Mr. Shaw to experience the harsh contacts of charger pawing the earth. You might common Ufa. Your devotion to M r almost have said that Violet praured. and Cuthbert obeyed lesa promptly but they obeyed. Meanwhile Violet ,/Nhaw has a romantic ardor which I Aunt Jane was round-eyed and tw it cannot hut admire. But permit us also tering. M r. Tubbs wore a look of waited, looking implacable as fate "And where Is Captain Magnus?’ our enthusiasm fo r the perspicacity suppressed astonishment, almost of I of M r Tubbs, to which we owe the perturbation. “ What'a bis game?” she demanded, glancing ubout her. A L B A N Y . O fíEa. , wealth now within our grasp." was the question In the sophisticated But no one knew what had become The Use of Artificial Light Has Produced Satisfactory Results In Egg Pro. . Mr. Shaw now apoke for the first eye of M r. Tubbs. But the Scotchman of Captain Magnus. H a ro ld A lb ro . duetion of Flocks In a Number of States. had, when he chose, a perfect poker time. As for myself. I continued to sit In (P rep ared by th e U e lte d S tete« D ep a rtm en t | lighted flock showed better health than M a n u fa c tu rin g o p tic ia n . face. The great game of bluff would "Miss Browne, I do not recognize o f A g ricu ltu re.) the shude mid tat. But I could heat the unllghted ones, and the subsequent J the Justice of your standpoint In this have suited him to a nicety. A rtificial lights properly operated laying was as good among the birds with ease all that was said. Miss Browne advanced on Cuthliert i matter. I have done and am still pre w ill m aterially Increase the w inter egg "M r. Tubbs," began Misa Browne, which had had w inter lights as w ith pared to do my best In the business Vane and seized both his hands In an production of pullets, the United States "your recent claims have tieen matter any of the birds. of the treasure. I f M r Tubus will ardent clasp. Department of Agriculture believes. of prolonged consideration b eiw e.» I not give his Inform ation except for a "M r. Vane,” she said w ith solemnity. A record was kept o f 14 New Jersey G L A S S E S F IT T E D The use of lights may also slightly In­ Miss Harding and myself. We feel— bribe, I say— let him keep It. I shall “I thank you— In the name o f this ex­ crease the yearly egg production of flocks fo r five months. T h e birds aver­ BY we cannot hut fe e l—that there was a continue the search for the treasure pedition I thank you— fo r the Influence Individual hens, though not to any aged 3,802 In number and laid 280,511 harshness In your announcement of GRADUATE on the same lines as at. present.” you have exerted upon your friends.” marked extent. The opinion of the de- eggs altogether. Thia was a 41 per them, an apparent concentration ol O P T O M E T R IS T “One moment," said Miss Browne And this seemed to be to the noble partm ents poultry division la fu lly c o r : cent production, whereas a 22 per cent your own Inleresla, ill befitting a mem I haughtily. She had never spoken oth youth the most stunning of all the roborated by many of the state expert- production was usuai before the experi­ Iter of this expedition Also, that In P R IV A T E O F F IC E erwlse than haughtily to M r Shaw shocks of that eventful morning. ment stations, particularly those In ment. This meant an Increase o f 127,- actual substance, they were excessive. F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S vlnee the episode of the Wise Woman Now came the m atter of drawing uj California, Indiana, Kansas, Washing- 158 eggs. Not half. Mr. Tubbs; oh, no, not h a lf! j of Duinhiedykes. “One moment, Jane— the new agreement. It was a canny P R IC E S R E A S O N A B L E ton, Connecticut, Pennsylvania. North An experiment was made at the agrt- But one quarter, Miss Harding ,auf geese assert Lights m e used soon a fte r Septem­ olhdiiient of Sir Tubbs, namely, one- wishes.” In my enruentnesa I laid a terests were unaffected by the change the goose Is one of the most profitable ber 1 In New Jersey, but In most local­ hand upon his arm. H e regarded me Space was left for his signature. Mine alxicenth." 501 Lyon st., Albany, Oregon, ities they ure started November 1 und and easy fowls to keep, and express came last of all. as that of u mere Ini Having offered thia remarkable sug­ bewlldereilly. continued Id A p ril 1. Conditions vury belief In a bright future o f expansion tetioper and hanger-on. "You must— you m u st!” 1 urged gestion, Miss llrowne folded her arms in different stales. W hat m a y b e good for the goose Industry. The Toulouse. My demonstrations of Joy at this "You'll spoil everything I f you r e ­ and waited lo r It to bear fru it. practice lu New Jersey may not work African and Embden are the three happy Issue of my hopes hud to be It did— In Hie eiithiislattlc response fuse !" moat popular breeds, the Embden be­ in Kuusus. In the la tte r state elec­ The sin prise In Ills face yielded to a confined to a smile— In which for a of Mr. Tubbs. “ Well, well I" he ex­ T w o doors u o rth o f the hotel ing the all-w h ile type, considered Ideal tric ity Is considered the only practi­ look composed of many elements, but startled Instant Violet had seemed to claimed. "To think a [ our tnkln' old for m arket mimeses. cable kind of light, while In oilier tin prepared to do a ll kin d s ol sense Hie triumph. It wus still on my I I II. that literal I O’ course, havin’ which was mainly hard and bitter. formed my habits In the flnancliil cen­ "And sllll I shall refuse,” be said lips as with a general movement we hoe re p a irin g . S a tisfa ctio n guar states kerosene lamps and gasoline mantles are sometimes used. Electric­ rose from the table about which wt ters of the country. I named a stiff sardonically. nteed. ity is the most practical method to use price at first— a stiff price, I won’t “Oh, no, no," I Implored, “you don't bod been grouped during the absorb wherever it Is available. deny. Ilu t th a t’s Jest the leetle way understand I I —-oh, If you would only Ing business of drawing up the eon How to U te A rtificial Light. tract. Cookie had been clamoring fm of a mun used to handlin’ large a f­ believe that I am your friend I” The total daylight, real and a rtifi­ fairs— nothing else to It, I do assure His face changed subtly. It wa* us to leave, that he might spread th> cial. should he ubout fourteen hours. you. The Old Man himself used to still questioning and guarded, but with table for lunch. 1 hail opened my There are three ways o f increasing any. ’T here’s old H. H .—you’d think a softening In It, too. mouth Io call him, "All right, Cookie!' lie’ll eal the paint off a house, lie’ll the apparent length of the day— by "W hy don't you believe It?" I whis­ when a shrill volley of barks from W U .D E Y L O D G E NO. 65. Falls and Refractory Animals turning on lights very early In the •how u p .th a t graspin’ In a 'leal. And pered unsteadily. "Do you forget that Crusoe shattered the silliness of the R egular m eeting next Saturdav morning, or by keeping them going all the time It's Jesl love of the game. I owe you my life?" drowsy air. In the same instant the Cause of Hurts That Could I.ei him know he's goln' to win out. several hours at night, or by using And at the recollect on of that daj voice of Cookie, raised fo a sharp note th n ig h . Be Avoided. and bless you. old 11. U w ill swing In the sea-cave Hie scarlet burned In of alarm, rang through the camp: them both morning and night. W hile right round nnd fa ir force the profits my cheek« and my head drooped. But "M y Gawd, what all dis yere mean?” all three methods have given good re­ on the other party. I I H. Is slicker I saw how the lines about his mouth I turned, to look into the muzzle of sults, the first Is usually found most a rifle, than soap to handle, If only you handle .•onvenlent. because the lights merge ( )ffice 1st door south of school house him right,’ Cao I say without hard Into day light and no 111 effects result If : (To be continued) Halsey, Oregon. feelln’s that Jest now H. H. was uol they are not turned off promptly. handled right? Instead o' bein' Joshed In using the second method some I Careleae Uss of Unprotected M a­ The press dispatches the past with as he looked for, he was took up dimming device Is needed w ith electric ; chinery Takas T oll of Limbs T h a t Handles T ovad and Country Fropert) week o trrie d lire s to ry of tw > evan­ short, and even them which he might Give hnn a call snd see if he can hx lights to lower the Illum ination grnilu- i Would Ba Prevented W ith Use have expected to show confidence"— gelists being d rive n fro m Prosser, ally. The hens do not get to their of Safety Devices. ydaup. • here Mr. Tubba cast a reproachful W ash., because thev had taken a - roosts If the light Is suddenly extln- | eye at Aunt Jane “run off with the vantage o f Ih e it po- t i hi as w irk - gulshed. Gasoline and kerosene lamps j (P rspsr«e by th s D a lt s S 8t«t«s D«p&rtm«»t notion that he meant Jest what he o( A srlculture.) ers fo r th e caure of C h 'is t s u m have to be turned down. •aid. All he'd done for this expedl Artificial lighting can be ahussd, I F arm er Brown was driving the doc­ I t is c e rta in ly to be regretted wl. n Hon, his loyalty and faith to same, with disastrous effects on fbe flock. ) tor back to town, a fte r he had set a in in ir 'e r of the gospel fa lls, b T was forgotten, and he was thought of if they are run for too long a day. the ! neighbor W illia m Johnson's fractured th'S wo lid i.o t ju s tify one cla im as * self-seeker and Voracious Shark I" leg and dressed three caved-ln ribs. First-class work guaruteed hens may produce well for a short tim e i ing th a t a ll m in iste rs are bad. Peo­ The pain of these recollections Johnson seemed to be In bad luck con­ and then begin to moult. I f the laying ! K A R L B R A M W E L L . ple ge n e ra lly are loo broad m iiiU td dammed the torrent of Mr. Tubbs' stantly,« snd the neighbors were clr- passes 60 per cent, or. In the opinion j to believe th a t because one m in is ­ speech. i cnlstlng a subscription paper for him of some poultry authorities, 50 pdr te r go *•’ wrong a ll are b un and arranging * "bee" to do up bis "tih, Mr Tubbs I" breathed Aunt cent, there Is danger of moulting and unfinished work. for the same deal in at ion However, Jane, heart hrokenlv. and of course a coi'«equent cessation of laving. In the E a rlie r In the season a hold-bark H a irc u ttin g . Massaging tear trickled gently down her nose, th is in cid e n t m ig h t be a Itu le les­ E le ctric spring the lights should never he broke on • b ill, * T b e horse ran away, following the path of many previous son to those who preached that ho- I and Sham pooing. «topped abruptly T he length of time throw ing Johnson to the ground and tears which had already left Ihetr «« cause in some other place at soi e C le a n in g and Pressing. they are run should be shortened confining him to bed several days in line trace«, tim e i r Jtlor a c o m m u n ity house I about ten minute« a day until they can a busy period. M r Tubba managed In some Impos­ | was mismanaged the proposed le- 1 he entirely abandoned. A little later one of h it little hoys sible fashion to roll one eye tenderly gion b u ild in g and c o m m u n ity hou-e Other Pointe W ith Lights. at Aunt Jane, while keeplug the other end. And a t course there Is danger fo r B ro w n s v ille w ill he a “ h e ll Fresh w ater should be given the A R C H IE C O R N E L IU S fastened shrewdly on the remainder to Inexperienced persons. h o le .” — B ro w n sville Times. Heck the first thing In the morning of his audience. “No bull shove two years old should when the lights are turned on. Bird« "Miss lllggleshy Browne end Miss be perm itted In a pasture, even If de­ >t different ages should not be housed Jane H a rd in g .' he resumed. ” 1 accept horned, as all bulls should be. Even It would astonish them as has only I La G rande, O r , Dec, 30 — (Spe- Expert workmanship. Watches and together or lighted In the same way. an ugly ram has been known to kill a clocks a specialty. They should he properly graded and known II II. on his financial side to « 'Ia l correspondence O re g o n ia n ) — man. Savage dogs ought not to be ducked according to age. Lighting see him agree to a reduction o f prof ! OREGON n o n le r to be «ure th a t every c h ild ! H ALSEY But you find ■lakes It possible to carry February- necessary on a farm . •You sa Browne Its like this without a kick. But I ni j them, and often they find you first. ii La G rande of to y age was not I — — — hatched pullets through the first fall a man of Impulse. I am Get roe on i “Farm machinery, such as corn fo rg o tte n C ln is tim s , tw o o f lire ind w inter producing period w ith fPa* niy soft aide and a kitten ain't more relaxed "Surely you must know that shredders, take a toll of limbs that srgest store« o f the c ity t u r n 'd moulting. Yearlings and two-year-old Impulsive than old II. 11 And o’ 1 I would repay you If I could I" I hur­ would be prevented to a large degree >ver Io the Red Cross a il love le ft hens are better If started w ith artlfi course the business of thia ex|«eere d is trib u te d C hristiua« m o ro - order. ng. The stocks of b oth to y bouses AU w o rk d o n e p ro m p tly and is considered a questionable practice short, there'e feelln'a that Is m i v open foe." Making Thrashing Safe. j to turn lights on culled hens to stlraa- than worth their weight In gold]” Phone No. 269. "Indeed I would I" I answered with were la rg e and when the Red Cro«» reasonably. In some states the boiler Inspection i ate egg production. In New Jersey, At these significant words the sgitn- a flash of wrath. Then, as I remem Santa Claue called at tire h o m n I where the largest amount of work ha« laws do not apply to «team thrashers. Hon of Aunt Jane was extreme. Was hered the need of haste, I apoke In an w hich had been missed m anv s j >een done with artificial lighting. It is Every thrashing machine owner ought Il possible that Mr. Tubba was declar­ Intense quick whisper. tear-stained face was b rig h te n e d "Listen— I thought better to sell the culls and bay to have his boiler Inspected once a ing himself In die present'« of others can't explain, there lan’t time. I can year, whether there Is a legal require­ good birds. — snd was a response demanded fiotn only ask you to trust me— to agree to A T T O R N E Y AT L A W A n a u to m o b ile ra ilro a d w ith Artificial lights should be suspended ment or not. herself— would hla sensitive nature, so what Mlsa Browuo wishes. Every­ I could talk for another hour or so igh> ra il* fro m the Sc»'ilh»rn Pv. «Ol New F i n i N a t i Rank B ld ’g *rotn the celling to that the entire floor lately wounded by cruel ausplcbm In thing you don't dream how much— oo farm accident breeders that might terpret her alien«« as fatal ia hie depends on It I" race Is lighted I f the rno«llng closet F o r I felt that I c ifit in Lane c o u n ty to the easteru A lb a n y , Oregon. A country doctor's hopes? Bui while she struggled he oartltlon casts « shadow on the roosts, I he eradicated. would let the treasure lie hidden In -ta te lin e and tlv iie e s o irh v a td i« tnerni maiden shine«« and the ear • he Island Queen forever rather than ta lk e d of. he chicken* w ill go to sleep In the : practice Is fu ll of th e m ; but here we I t is c la im e d th a t it are a t the house. Come In to dinner of crushing M r Tuhhs, the c uversa shadow. o u ld coet m uch lee« th a n th e or- that Mr. Tuhhs should, under the orig­ before you go bark." Hon had swept on Results In New Jersey show that In in a rv ra ilro a d , p e rfo rm as goml LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS ins! contract, claim a share of I t "Much obliged," returned Brown, as "Mr. Shaw," said Ml*« Browne "you general ihe use of lights nearly doubles The doubt had quite left h it face. sv’ vic econom ii a lly and serve 22.. IIARRISRURG LEBANON he cramped his flivver around In the have heard Mr. Tuhhs, In Hie Interest j rodurtlon during Ihe period o f high “ I do trust yon, little V irginia," be 0 Mi.OOO acres of te r rito ry , in e iu d - Rhone .13 Phone I» readway " i g m « . n i hurry back to of the expedition. liberally consent io said gently. "Yea, I trust In your ing HR> lit t le tow ns and v illa g e , uric''» of »<<« and greatly Increases ihe 1 Hra nr he* at reduce hla claim hv one-half. Doubt- honesty, heaven knows, child [ usual net return oyer (he cost o f lights the farm and fig up a few thing* be­ Bnt The tire t section may be fro m O»k RrownanU«. Rhone < 7 0 $ fore (he neighbors have to get up a «“ 'J ln • «TlHt of emulation. penult me to question your wU4v(D IB I ff* d hn the lighted rcd *. Tbe ¡ d e a s t tu C raue, H s lw y Rhone ISA, f r e a k fc.itk. Mgr ■Vea to Bd* me over g broken l ^ " I f r° Keep Your Eyes Young O p tom e trist. Amor A. Tussing A. Peterson -rasa Shoes a Specialty Shoe Repair Shop JEWETT the COBBLER. MANY ACCIDENTS I. 0. 0. F. W. J. Ribelin Dealer in Real Estate. s ANITARY Barber Shop and Baths barbp : r shop E. C . M ILLER w ATCHMAKER&Jewelei F. M. GRAY, Drayman. C C. BRYANT W R I G H T A P O O I .F }S", “ divers mishaps delay work