146461 JAN. 5. tvjj Visit HALSEY ENTERPRISE PAO H ) was appareut to ine Umi .'.r, TuM * c. n-erned. because of the surprising had not yet discovered It. Even If he fa n , only now remarked by any one, had, I am certain that he would have that Captain Magnus had disappeared been no more heroic than my»> If about exploring It, though there was uo CHAPTER X IV . missing Peter to haunt hla Imaglna-1 tloo. But with the grave as a start­ Some Secret Diplomacy. ing point, there could he no question The evanlshment of Captain Mag­ as to the ultimate discovery of the nus, though quite unlooked for at no cave. critical a moment, was too much lu I was so eager myself to see keeping with his eccentric and unsocial the Inside of the cave, and to know ways to arouse much comment Every­ whatever It hud to reveal of the fate body looked about with mild ejacula­ of Peter, that I was Inclined to wish tions of surprise, and then forgot Mr. Tubbs success In driving bis hard about the matter. bargain, especially as It would profit Whistling a Scotch tune, Dugald him nothing In the end. But this sen­ Shaw set to work again on the boat. timent was exclusively my own. On In the face of difficulty or opposition all hands Indlgnutlon greeted the rig­ he always grew more brisk and chser- orous demands of Mr. Tubbs. With a ful. I used to wonder whether In the righteous Joy I saw the fabric of event of a tornado he would not warm C Q P v r a iG -H T T H E B O B B S - M E R R I L L COM PANY Aunt Jane's Illusions shaken by the Into positive geniality. Perhaps It rude blast of reality. For where was would not have needed a tornado. If SYNOPSIS. the Tubbs of yesterday— the honey-1 I hud not begun by suspecting h la homes were those clefts and caves tongued, the suave, the anxiously oh of conspiring against Aunt Jsuo'a I — Jan® H a r d in g respect- which the boat Invaded. And all this, a b le and conservative old spinster—but sequlous Tubbs? Gone, quite gone. pocket, or If the Triumvirate, In­ n ever too old to th in k o f m arria g e —w ith poor little boat, on a hopeless quest Instead, here was a Tubbs who cocked spired by Mr. Tubbs, had not sat la m ore m oney than brain«, 1« in veig led by for no reward but peril and wounds. to a stro n g -m in d ed apinater, M iaa H ig g le ab y- Ills helmet rakishly, and leered round gloomy Judgment on hla every move­ B ro w ne, into fin an cing an expedition to Cuthbert Vane had a sprained thumb upon the compuny, deaf to the claims ment. Or If he hadn't been reproached hu nt fo r buried trea a u re on L e e w a rd which could not be ignored, and on ¡■land H e r niece, V irg in ia H a rd in g , un- of loyalty, the pleas of friendship, the so for saving me from the cave, in­ the strength of which he was dis a e rta k ln g to atop her, gets on th e vessel voice of tenderness—Aunt Jane's. engaged fo r the h u n t, an d in th e confu­ stead of leaving It to Cuthbert Vane— missed from the boat-repairing con Tickets good till April 30— Stopovers allowed sion is u n w illin g ly c a rrie d along. Manfully Miss Hlgglesby Browne But now under the stimulus of tlngent, and thrown on my hands to stormed up and down the beach. She speaking his mind about Mr. Tuhhs . C H A R T E R I I . —B y no m eans concealing entertain. So of course I had to re N o W ar T ax on Railroad T ickets h e r dista s te fo r the exp editio n an d her , demanded of Mr. Shaw, of Cuthbert the Hcotchman whistled as he nounce all thoughts of visiting the contem pt fo r its m em bers, V irg in ia m akes Vane, of Captain Magnus, each anil worked, and slapped the noble youth the acq uaintance o f the H o n o ra b le C u th ­ sloop. I should not have dared to go severally, that Mr. Tubbs be compelled affectionately on the back when he bert V ane, and is s o m ew hat im pressed. there anyway, with Mr. Shaw and the Since 1870 t Southern Pacific na> a . c » i c«o-eiy to disgorge his secret. You saw that came and got In the way with anxious captain able more or less to overlook identified w i i h the development! of Wentern >regon H I - —T a lk in g w ith D ugald she would not have shrunk from a reg­ Industry. my motions from the beach, for 1 wa> Bhaw. th e leader o f the exp editio n. V i r ­ imen of racks and thumbscrews. But g in ia very fr a n k ly expresses h e r views, As I wanted to observe develop­ quite morbidly afraid of attracting at p ra c tic a lly accusing Shaw and th e oth er there were no racks and thumbscrews ments— a very necessary thing when tentlon to the derelict It seemed to m em bers o f the p a rty , in clu d in g a some­ on the Islnnd. Of course we could have you are playing Providence— I chose w h a t un ce rtain personage. C a p ta in M a g - me a happy miracle that no one but a ®hady 'fin a n c ie r,'7 H a m ilto n Invented various Instruments of torture a central position In the shade and myself had taken any Interest In her, H . Tubbs, o f being in a conspiracy to de­ —I felt I could have developed some pulled out some very smudgy tatting, fra u d M ias Jan e H a rd in g . T h e ir rela tio n s or been Inspired to ask by what chance n a tu r a lly , a re som ew hat s train ed. JO H N M. SCOTT, Ingenuity that way myself— but too fa a sort of Penelope's web which there so small a boat had come to he General Passenger Agent tally well Mr. Tubba knew the civil­ was no prospect of my ever complet­ C H A P T E R IV -L a n < 3 1 lin g on th e island wrecked upon these desolnte shores. __________________________________ Is a m a tte r o f some d iffic u lty . , Vlrgh V irg in ia ized prejudices of those with whom he ing. hut which served admirably to Fortunately In her position In the Ee ‘" ^ c a r r ie d ashore In the a rm s o f Cu u th - had is deal. With perfect Impunity give me an appearance of occupatloa b e lt V ane, to her disquietude. T h e lai nd- shadow of the cliff she was incon — m g. ho w ever, is s a fe ly effected. he could strut about the camp, sure at critical momenta. splcuous, so that she might easily Mr. Tuhhs also had sought a shady have been taken for the half of a large [ strangely Justified by a shrill outcry he don't let on to be a hero. Jest a thai no weapons worse than words C H A P T E R V . - L e d by MI®« H lg g le s b y . B row ne th® p a rty d ra w s up an a g re e ­ plain man o’ business. That's old H. H. would be brought to bear upon him, spot, and was fanning himself w'th boat Instead of the whole of a small i from the camp. I knew that high fal- m ent w h ereby V irg in ia H a r d in « la barred that he would not even be turned his helmet. From time to time he one, or she must before this have ' *etto tone. It was the voice of Mr. fro m p a rtic ip a tio n In th® profit® o f th® Consequence Is, he leaves the other expedition B elie v in g th® whole th in g to hoard to hummed. In a manner determinedly drawn the questioning notice of the Tubbs, but pitched on a key of quite fellers have the bruss band, while he sway from the general b® a fra u d , V ir g in ia la not g re a tly w o r- gay. However lie might disguise It browse on coconuts in solitude. Scotchman. As to the captain, his at insane excitement. 1 sprang np and rled. C u th b e rt V a n e alone votes a g a in s t sets out on the q. t. to run a certain th® exclusion o f V irg in ia . Long ago Mr. Shaw ’ had left the from himself this time Mr Tuhhs hat tentlon was all set on the effort to ran, Crusoe and the Honorable Cuth- little clue to earth. And, ladles and Held lo Violet ano with a curt shrug overshot his mark. The truth was discover the cave, and his Intelligence Itert at my heels. There in the midst gentlemen, he's run Itl" C H A P T E R V I.—W ild pig® abound on since our arrival on the Island Mr. th e island, and- " C o o k ie ," th® colored had turned his back and stood look was not lively enough to start on an of the camp Mr. Tubbs stood, the cen­ "You have found—you have found "H im ber o f ,‘ h® p a rty , insist® h® ha® seen Ing out over the cove, stroking his Tuhhs hail felt hlinedf the sjiolled entirely new tack by Itself. And the ter of a group who were regarding the treasure!” shrilled Aunt Jane. a h a n t, in th® fo rm o f a w h ite pig D u rin g a w a lk V irg in ia m eets the 'h a n t? ' chin reflectively. Miss Browne's elo­ child of fortune. Auut J su e uud Mias Honorable Cuthbert viewed derelict» him with astonished looks. Mr. Shaw Contrary to his bland custom, Mr. a w h ite bu ll te rrie r, and prou dly brings quence had risen to amazing flights, Hlgglesby.Browne were the Joint com­ as he viewed the planetary bodies; and the captain had left their tinker­ Tubbs frowned at her darkly. h im In to cam p. manders of the expedition, and he com­ and she already had Mr. Tubbs Inez somehow In the course of nature they ing, Cookie his saucepans, and Aunt “I said 1 found the clue," he cor­ C H A P T E R V I I . —O n the island Is th® trlcnhly mixed with Ananias and manded them. The Scotchman’s the­ happened. Jane and Violet had come hurrying h u t o f a copra g a th e re r, a nd th® presence rected. “Of course. It's the same o f the dog, nam ed "C ru so e" by V irg in ia So, dissembling my excitements and from the hut. Among us all stood thing. Ladles and gentlemen, not to Supplilra. when the Scotchman broke oretical rank as leader had involved is thus accounted fo r. R a m b lin g about, merely the acceptance of all the re­ anxieties, I swung placidly In my ham Mr. Tubbs with folded anas. looking appear to be a hot-air artist, I will In upon her ruthlessly. 1 an d feeling h e rse lf not to b® a re g u la r "Friends," he said, "so far as I can sponsibility and blame, while authority m em ber o f the expedition, V irg in ia come® mock, and nearby sat the beautiful round upon the company with an ex­ tell you In a word, that I have located upon a Band-Imbedded sloop, th® Island youth with his thumb carried tenderli traordinary air of complacency and the tombstone of one William Haiti- see we have been put a good bit ahead rested with the petticoat government Queen. R e tu rn in g to th® cam p, ah® la by this morning's work. First, we dominated by the bland and wily intercepted by C ap tain M a g n u s who a c ­ In a bandage. Was It merely ray be triumph. well, deceased I” costs her un p le a sa n tly . She escape® him know the grave which should be our Tubbs. “What Is It, oh, what Is It, Mr. Ing so distrait, or was It quite another w ith the aid o f "C rusoe." O f course. Not once had I thought But now. faced with the failure of reason that led him to o|>en up s< Tubbs?" cried Aunt Jane, fluttering of It. Bare, stark, glaring up at the landmark has not been entirely oblit­ C H A P T E R V I I I . —F ire d w ith th® Idea erated by the Jungle, as I had thought bis coup d'etat. Mr. Tuhhs slluution suddenly about his Kentish home' snn, lay the stone carved with the let­ o f herself disc o v e rin g the treaaure. V i r ­ He most likely. Second, we know that was, to say the least, awkward. g in ia p a y * s v is it to the eave which has Strange to say, Instead of panting fro ters and the cross-hones. Forgetting been singled out as th e moat lik e ly plaoe it Is on this side of the Island, for hud risked all and lost It. But lie the title, Cuthbert wanted his broth In the haste of my departure to re- In which I t has been concealed, and the reason that this chap Tuhhs hasn’t maintained an air of Jaunty self-coo* there she la cau g h t by the tide and res­ er to go on living, though there war ■ place the vines upon the grave, I had cued by D u g a ld S haw , fre m c erta in nerve to go much I eyond shouting dis­ fidence, slightly tinged with Irony. It something queer about his spine, pooi left the stone to shout its secret to death. T h in k in g her unconscious, Shaw tance by himself. Third, as Tubbs was all very well, he seemed lo Im­ whisper® word® o f « n d sarm ent, which fellow, and the doctors said he couldn't the first comer. And that happened to eha tre a s u re s has tried this hold-up business, 1 be­ ply, for us to try to get along without * possibly— Of course I was surprise- be Mr. Tubbs. Happened, I say, for lieve we should consider the agree H. H. We would discover the Impos­ C H A P T E R I X . —In Id le c u rio s ity V ir ­ at Cuthbert's views, for I had alway» 1 knew that he had not had the slight­ g inia, dabb lin g abou t th® w reck o f th® ment by which he was to receive a sibility of It soon enough. thought that If there were a title in est notion where to look for the grave Is la n d Queen, linda a d ia ry . Identified sixteenth shnre null and void, and de­ Aunt Jane, drooping, had been led o n ly a® h a v in g been k ep t by " P e te r," a your family your sentiments toward of Bill Halllwell. This running to fo rm e r seeker o f th e treasure. In It he cide here and now that he gets noth- away to the cabin by Miss Hlggleshy- those who kept you out of It were earth of clues was purely an affair of tell® o f ills finding o f th® hidden w e a lth Browne. You now heard the voice and th e re her rea d in g I® In terru p te d . necessarily murderous, and your tears bis own picturesque imagination. of Violet In exhortation, mingled with crocodile when you pretended to weep I wondered uneasily what he had C H A P T E R X . —O p inions as to th® proper Aunt Jane's sobs. I seemed to see over their biers. But Cuthbert's feel made of the uprooted vines—but he m ethod« o f prosecuting the »earch fo r the that an ear of Mr. Tubbs was cocked trea s u re are divided and a wide d iv e rg ­ ings were so human that I mentally would lay them to the pigs, no doubt ence la a p p a re n t In tha councils o f the attentively In that direction. He had apologized to the nobility. As to In the countenance of Mr. Tubbs, little p a rty . V irg in ia 's In te re s t In the ludeed erred In the very wanton neaa le a d e r o f th® expedition Increase®. High Staunton manor, I adored It. It flushed and exultant, there was no | of triumph, for a single glance would suspicion that the secret was not all ' Is mostly Jacobean, but with an an­ C H A P T E R X I —Th® d ia ry w h ic h V i r ­ have kept Aunt Jane loyal and prodi­ g in ia haa found In the rem ain s o f the his own. cient Tudor wing, and It has a chapel Is la n d Queen reveals th e fa c t th a t the gal of excuses for him In the face of Miss HiggleRby-Browne had a closed and a ghost and a secret staircase existence o f the gold w as know n to o th ­ uny treachery. Not even Violet could ers, and an a ctiv e and successful search umbrella beneath her arm, and she and a frightfully beautiful and wicked fo r It carrie d on. T h e record tell® o f tha have clapped the lid on the up-welling drew and brandished It like a sabei ancestress hanging In the hall—I mean finding o f the treasure and It® tr a n s fe r ­ font of sentiment In Aunt Jane's heart. ence to the sm a ll boat, but It I® evident as she took a long stride forward. a portrait of her—and quantities of the finder n ever le f t the la la n d w ith hla Only the cold contemning eye of H. H. “Mr. Tubbs." she commanded, "lead oak paneling quite black with age, w e a lth . V irg in ia , Of course, believes It himself had congealed that tepid flow. to be on the Is la n d Queen, and so w ith in on I” and sliver that was hidden In the fam her reach F o r v ario u s reasons she de­ The uiorulng wore on with ever-in­ But Mr. Tubbs did not lead on. “Oh. lly tombs when Cromwell’s soldiers cides to say n o th in g o f her discovery u n ­ creasing heat, and aa nothing hap­ til she haa in vestigated fu rth e r. no Indeed." he said. “Old H. H came, and a chamber where Elizabeth pened I began to find my watchful wasn't born yesterday. It may have ‘ once slept, and other romantic details C H A P T E R X 1 L —bed by direction® In waiting dull. Crusoe, worn out per­ struck you that to possess the sole and too numerous to mention. It Is a little " P e te r ®" d ia ry , V irg in ia finds a highly haps by some private nocturnal pig Im p o rta n t clue to th e hidden treasure, exclusive knowledge of the where bit run down and shabby, for lack of but her courage fa lls w hen I t conies to hunt, slept heavily where the drip of about a million or two— ratin' It money to keep It up, and of course on pushing h e r In v e s tig a tio n s the spring over the brim of old low—Is some considerable of an asset. that account all the more entrancing. Heintz's kettle cooled the air. I be­ Eureka!** He Repeated, '*1 Have And It's one I ain’t got the least Idee The present Lord Grasmere lived up C H A PTER X I II gan to consider whether It would not of partin' with unless for inducements Found I t l" to his position so completely that he be well te take a "walk with Cuthbert held o u t” had the gout and sat with his foot on Mr. Tubbs Interrupt«, ‘ Vane and discover the tombstone all with the consciousness of her propri­ Aunt Jane gave a faint shriek. 1 a cushion exactly like all the elderly I hnd determined as an offset to my etorship. over again. I knew nothing, of course, had been silently debating what my pusillanimous behavior about the cave aristocrats you ever heard of, only But Mr. Tubbs glanced at fier as In- own course should he In the face of of Mr. Tuhb's drastic measures with to show a dogged Industry In the mat­ when I Inquired If his lordship cursed lifferently as a sated turkey-huezard this unexpected development. the celebrated landmark. As to Cuth­ Sud­ ter of the Island Queen. It would take hi« valet and flung plates at the foot bert's Interrupted courtship, I depend­ at a mTIrsel which has ceased tg tempt denly I saw my way quite clear. I me a long while to get clown through men when his foot hurt him, his son him. ed on the vast excitement of dlacov- would say nothing. Mr. Tubbs should the sand to the chest, hut I resolved to was much shocked and pained. He •ring the cave to distract his mind "Mr. Tubbs." commanded Violet, reveal his own perfidy. And the cur­ did not realize so well as I —from an accomplish It, and borrowed of Cookie, from It. For that was the Idea, of speak—explain yourself 1" tain should ring down upon the play, novel-reading— without his knowledge, a large Iron extensive course of course—Cuthbert Vane and I would leaving Mr. Tubbs foiled all around, “Tubbs “Come, out with It, Tubbs," advised sffiion which I thought I could wield that such is the usual behavior of ti­ Thunderl” explore the cave, and then whenever Mr. Shaw. bereft both of the treasure and of tled persons. mi re easily than a heavy spade. Aunt Jane. I liked I could prick the bubble of Mr. Then the lips of Mr. Tubbs parted, It was delightful, there In the hot But that afternoon I was tired and Ing whatever. Fourth, the boat la Little I dreamed what surprises en­ now pretty well to fights, and as toon Tubbs' ambitions, without relating the rad from them Issued this solitary hot— it really called for a grimmer stillness of the Island, with the palm» whole strange story of the diary aud word; suing acts of the play were to hold resolve than mine to shovel sand rustling faintly overhead, to hear ot as we have a snack Bert and Magnus “E ureka!” for me, or their astounding contrast and 1 will set out. In twice as good the Island Queen. I through the languor of a Leeward that cool, mossy, ancient place. But meanwhile the cave drew me “What?" screamed Mlsa Hlgglesby- with the farce of my Joyous Imaglna Island afternoon. Instead, I slept In asked eager questions— I repealed heart as before, having had the story | tlon. Browne. ’’You have found It?’ my hammock, and dreamed that I wns gloatingly fragments of descrlptlon- that brought us here confirmed foi like a magnet I Jealously desired to Solemnly Mr. Tubbs Inclined hla I took no part In the storm that the first time. queen of a cannibal Island, draped In I wondered enviously what It would Ho Tuhhs and his be the first to see It, to snatch from lead. Mr. Tuhhs the honor of discovery. And raged round Mr. Tubbs. Ills face tombstone can go to thunder.” necklaces made of the doubloons now be like to have anything so old ami "Eureka I" he repeated. " I have adorned by a seraphic, buttery smile, hidden under the sand In the cabin of prond and beautifnl In your very blood *1 can, can I T ’ cried Mr. Tubba ' I wanted to know about poor Peter— ’our.d It I" he stood unmoved, while Miss Higgles —when suddenly I realized that, mis the derelict “Hay, are you a human Iceberg, to talk and the doubloons that he had gone hack to fetch. by-Browne uttered cyclonic exhorts Amidst the exclamations, the ques- led by my enthusiasm, Cuthbert wa- Later, the walling of Cookie was that cool before a man's own face? lons, the general commotion which tlons and reproaches, while Aunt Jane Say, I ’ll—“ But already Captain Magnus had heard In the land, and I had to restore saying something which must not be nsued, I had room for only one sobbed and said, “Oh, Mr. Tubba I" forsaken the post of duty and depart­ the spoon to free Crusoe of the charge said— that he was shout to offer the But Cuthbert Vance broke In. while Mr. Shaw strove to make him thought—that Mr. Tubbs had somehow “Three rousing cheers, old boy I" he ed on an unknown errand. Could I ask of having stolen It I said I had want­ shelter of that ancient roof to me. To discovered the treasure In the cabin I self heard above the din. He did at cried to the Scotchman enthusiastic Cuthbert Vnne to do It, too? And ed to dig with It But of course It oc­ roe, whose heart could never nest of the Island Queen. Indeed. I should f least succeed In extracting from the ally. "Always did think that chap then I smiled a smile that was half curred to no one that it was the treas­ there, but must be ever on the wing, have shrieked the words aloud but ! traitor a definite statement of terms a frightful bounder, don’t you know? proud. I might ask him— but be would ure I had expected to dig op with a wild bird of passage In the track of These were nothing less than fifty pei a ship— or a providential dumbness that fell Cookie’« xpoon. We'll stand by old Shaw, won't we. refuse me. In Cuthbert's simple code, pon me. cent of the treasure, secured to him Magnus?*’ Which comradely outbreak certain things were “dons," certain I sat up with a galvanic s ta rt “Oh A more «etious obstacle to my ex- Among the note was to "Friends,’ Mr. Tubbs began, “It has by a document, sealed and delivered showed the excess of the beautiful others not. plorntlons on the Island Queen pre­ — listen—didn't you hear something?" een known from the start that there Into his own hands. To a suggestion youth’s emotions, for usually he fail In standing by a friend. And Just sented Itself next day. Instead of put­ I desperately broke In. For somehow stop him. I didn't want our as a landmark on this little old that a i be had discovered the all-lui turned a large cold shoulder on the now Cuthbert was standing by Dugald ting to sea, Mr. Shaw and Captain I 1 I , must " Jolly friendship spoiled— and be island that would give any party dis- , portant tombstone, so m lfht some one captain, though managing In some Shaw. Therefore nods and hecks and Magnus hauled the boat up on the ' overt ng the same a line on that chest ' else, he replied with tranquillity that rarsterlous manner to be perfectly wreathed smiles were vain. In Cuth- beach and set to work to repair U. •Idea, fancy being cooped up on an Island with s man you have refused I Perhaps you have hert’a quiet, easy-mannered, thick­ of money right away. There's been he thought not. as tie had taken pre­ civil all the time. The preceding day had been filled cautions against Luch an eventuality to be horn at High Staunton manor headed way he could tarn hie hack with hardship and danger— as much Especially when all the while you'd be some that was too high up In the ex­ Io other words, as I was later to dis or Its equivalent to possess the art of calmly on the fare of love and follow ploring business to waste time looking so that my heart sank a little at the wanting so to pet and console him! But with hla calm doggedness Cuth­ tor landmarks. They had ruther do i cover, the wily Mr. Tubbs hud con relegating people to Immense dis­ the harsh call of duty even to death. recountal of It. You saw the little boat threading Its way among the bert began again— “I was a bit afraid more fancy stunts, where what with , trived to raise the boulder front Its tances without seeming to administer I t would not occur to him not to. bed and push It over the cliff Into the even the gentlest shove. And be never wonld suspect himself reefs, tossed like seaweed by the the old place would have seemed too surf, and sharks, and bangin' up tha But nnfortunstely the effort of tha of being a hero—that would be quite white teeth of gnawing wavetq quiet and dull to you— “ when the boat, they could make a good show sen. afterward replacing the mass of Honorable Cuthbert's cordiality was the nicest part of IL screamed at bj angry gulls whose 1 mr luterniDtlnn of eeftlu' busg, But old_Ham .Tubba, vines upon the grave. . As to the entrance to the tunnel. It lost, so far o* ‘he :>{