JAN HALSEY EN T E R P R IS E PAGE 2 I, 1922 (Regular correspondence) Mrs. Fannie Tim parley (peat a Residents in the southern part H. A Nelson last week sold portion of the holidays with gr, didete for secretory of »tale. Tbay of this eoupty went to see the conn- Charles Sterling a carload of corn laud Mrs. John McKerchejr and I paper publi.hed every Thursday, fgj<| hj , p)Bce , f t , , „ b , g iT . ty court put more pep into the grown on Mr. Nelson’, farm J U ln ,,y of Crawfordsville, by * » . H. A A .V WHEEI.ER should be (w the supreme preparing of the highway for the i H itting», Iowa. 1 he seller »hells Eat. H. Waxxi.xs Editor. t L , Prof. Weber drove over friwn£ M ss A A. W hxelmx Business Manager bench. The fact ortne cate was surface which the state commission | •»<« P1“0«8 V” 5 ° ,n 0,1 track ttl Harrisburg Saturday to g»t hi» . . . .. ..H astin gs, the buyer paving th«- and Local News Editor. that they know they could uotcon premised to lay whan the ro adkxd r )ghl A ,ong di„ ance to -hi daughter Helen, who had spent the trol the m an. Aa a supiemecou t I ready. jeorn, but it will undoubtedly be of week in Brownsville and vicinity HALSEY ENTERPRISE in independent—NOT neutral—new» Sotracriptiona, »1.50 a year in advance Transient advertising, 25c an inch; per th a t he * M im possible m • ue>J ' 8 co ­ blH J These people think the county fine quality. No discount for time they wanted a eecretary of etat” has not shown any too much zeai| A v«ry piea8ant family reunion whom they could cootrol, and M r. in putting the east aids route in waa held at the R. P. Dougherty In ‘ Paid-for Paragraph», 5e a line. „ „ „ . c i 20c or space Hughes has a w ill of his own. President Harding did not'take ■ uni -------- --------c i - ----- sp"*1 ^ e hint and Hughe« is secretary HALSEY, Linn Co, Ore. Jan. 1. 192’ oj | t t te. The gang has been bid­ ding its time and now iconies from O FF T H E TR AC K under cover and attacks the secre­ No advertising disguised as newa. Phone 205 tary on the question of the mean­ The verdict in the Beebe cas- ing of tba word “ ineular" in . the leaves the accused free from the four-power Paeific pact. charge of murdering John Painter, It remains to be seen whether but under the allegation that h“ Herding bes enough backbone to ie dangerously inaape. brave the disgruntled senatorial ~No evidence was adrlnced that clique and stand by trusted oppo­ R-ebe was either insane or d a i- nents as Wilson did And H ard­ gemus. There was a chain of cir- ing has been conceded to have eutn’ tances that might have bar- quite a noticeable spine. monized with his guilt or that The w ig do««, n o ^ ik e Hoover might have existed if he was aba, - Other, because ha, too, has a back lutely innocent. Because ha could ~>one, and may be counted on to not prove himself innocent he was open Are on him at the first oppor pronounced guilty, but with the tin ity . M r Harming has giver insanity clause included after tb evidence of his confidence it judge had as ured tbs jury that Hoover by bakftig biggest eii such s verdict would involve tm gineenng project lu Che world, th penally, either tor the killing o- (Colorado irrigation and powe for the alleged insanity. plans, from M r Fall and turning 1 hroughout the otee, before and during the trial, theoonduotnf tb» a-c used has been coneietently tbs of the doll, ignorant, inoffensive fellow he bad been known to be From a mentality such is his pos­ itive ex'ctnees in relating circum­ stances oould not be expected, and in immaterial details his state- in nts differed at different times, as might have been expected re garding matters which had n< t impressed themselves upon hi- mind and regarding which bis memory was hazy, These varia tioua were made the most of bi able counsel for the prosecution of course. But on the main fac' ol lb” uaag. thoMC which would make a strong impression upon h1 tn'oHiry, he waa strictly consisten all the way through and no amount of grilling could confuse him ot make hitu contradict himself. it over to the Quaker. Physiol ant say that regular drinkers of moonshine whisky are not likely to live more than fiv- years because the moonshine ha- not gone thru the long ripening process required to remove th poisong developed in distillation During that five-year period th number of undesirable old soak ought to lie considerably lessen»«I by death and the average staudar« of the community corresponding!) improved. shape and some are muttering about what will be done at the May primaries if the needs of thn> section are not attended to. Prompt action iu cleaning up the work and letting the contracts for the bridges is considered neces eery if the state commission is to- do its part this year. Enough of the county’s 30 per cent of the local road taxes ought to be diverted to this end to se­ cure the work for which this de­ sire is p ro j’aimed, and if it is not the primary elections will reflect the dissatisfaction of the voters. home the last of the week. M r. ana nd Alia, Mis. lwwib Lewis Dougherty u o o g n e riy were up from Portland. The latest woolen m ill news ie that work will shortly b-giti on the building, getting it in readiness for the machinery. Mr. Bowman expects to have the wheels going round by summer or before. While working about the kitchen stove the other* day Mrs. W C Templeton was painfully burned by boiling water from the teakettle Fearing infection, ehe went to Springfield to receive treatment from her brother, Dr. Rebhan Mr and Mrs L W Miller, men tion of whose Brownsville visit was made in the Enterprise last week were long-time Mai vein, low», friends of the 8. C. Hunter and H A. Nelson families, whom the> visited here. They bad stopped off at Corvallis to visit Mrs. M il­ ler’s brother, B. C Donner, and family, who located there a t'e ' mouths ago From Corvallis the\ went to Long Beach to spend som time with Mr. M iller’s daughlei and some "Id Iowa acquaintances fsnsa. sllv billed h im as lf while hunting Tools that kill often cut both wavs Linn county officials m«) p" Pets on trial for the murder of tb youiiget Painter. They wrufoa T b s value o ffer'« |>netuctlof the daterwiuatiou to prcvjnt liirn fmu Vo ill J bUtee is TJ. IW.UÛU.UUO leœ obtaining his liberty, and state iu I this v»a- than last. Is it strange sane asylum authorities pronounce J that there is a lertu bloc" in him sane Washington? ï Any wav, if ther« was an attempt An Oregonian 'market to railroad P»p> B»ebe to Hi« gal save "Clean tip turkeys lows, tbe train ran off the track. edvice of dealers ” * That's rlssn *MB up beforj von sat D IS G R U N T L E D SENATORS article is the right, ’em. I (Portland Oregonian) had fallen from uuder him and lei people from a single home, which him down. made a very tiappv new year’s dav Messrs. Bilyeu and •Pierce ap­ for the parents Dr. White was a participant in the services and pointed him. The wag t fault the Euterpris- made a beautiful talk on what the tiude with biui is tbas be does no« communion of the Lord's suppet issue a d iag'tm with his name - « should mean to the Christian. we may know whether to pro Miss Eleanor Dunlap, who was nounee the T h ” es in Thom«» ■ut. — u , . . i i taken quite ill at courch a couple or as iu “ thumbs. If he will do of ago> ,g , t i„ cnnfin-dl't0 ' hie and build that promised pave her home and part of the time to meat to every mao's door without her bed. Het rnenr friends will increasing the tax we will forgiv hope fwr an eirfy recovery. him for being appointed. It sseins to have b»en a case o' George McHargue of Rnedepnit Thoms up or Thoms down aud the was here tbe latter part of the week appinting power said "u p .” visiting his aieters. Mrs. Joseph Hume and Mrs George Hansen Mrs. Hume invited in s small TRAP NESTS HELP BREEDERS company of Mr. M Hargue’e old time friend« to ttke dinner with gsms Facts Ms,» Recently R««n him Nund.iy. LsarnsS • • Result nt Bevies (n liy>»>-sv,na Ftsck. Everett H u n '» ' «pent his hob •lay vacation a' home, returnin g J:an aesting hens to find the most to hit work at Corvallis the first profltsbl» laysrg - cf Agrtcut'urs For tnstai'ce, rite and blocks aud to do other line» . Brownsvill- , trep nest hat shewn that the tare of cement work moultsr ts the most ptofltsMe Mr.l in needs a factory of this kind and I the flock. Now. without the nse of we are glad these men ate at th- the trap nest, s man may «elect the »lead of the enterprise, whicl I 1st» mrnilters and be sure that he 1» means that it will go. The inner circle (ring) of repub­ Poisonous moenthin» killed mne picking »he cream of the flock And It Mrs W. C. Cooley spent th«-1 lican ssnsters announced hefnrs I honssre in in New New York York Dec, 30. seems reasonable to belle»« that this Chersctertstlc breeds no from geo'-ra hol'dav» with bet daughter, Mrs. tb» appointment of Mr. Hughes Good riddance: tloc te geoaration. D dmaa, at Portland, Mr. Coo er { Perhaps the most nonsensical criticism ever launched at motion pictures ie that which declarea them unsuited for educalicnal pur­ poses. Sustaining this contention ie the belief that story films, so utilized, will bring us back to tbs dim ages of picture writing and The Bible conference under t telimi nate the printed word« ae a „ • ehiele of thought. direction of Dr. W P. W hite » Visual education.” deolared Portland opened ai the BapUs' It church Suuday afternoon with a one defendant, ' ‘Is n o t -a fad. very eneouragiog attendance. In dates back to tba. time when pic­ the evening Dr. White paeacbed tures first appeared in books. The a powerful _________ sermon on __________ tne Bible blackboard, slide and model are emphasizing the scientific accuracy ®rery day teaching aide based upon of the old book. A large congre- | the power of the eye to absorb facts. gation was greatly interested in tbe The educational film is merely the discourse. The conference, will latest addition to the family of visual devices.” continue throughout the week. One might continue the theme, Special evangelistic meetings elaborating on the success of the will begin in tbe Presbyteriau motion picture as an educational church Monday evening of next means, but discussion will not week. The pastor will do tbe serve to convince those boding crit­ preaching and conduct tbe services ics who scent peril. The motion and local singers will have charge picture ie * powerful factor for pub­ of the music. The other churcbe» lic learuiug, aud is destined for of the town are invited to assist broader uses than we dream of. It in this effort to build up the spir­ will uever replace our libraries, or itual interests of the community. our text-books, but it will con­ tinue to supplement them. The ohief duty of the friends of educa­ Clarence Evans Married tion it not to attack the principle C.'arenceEvans baa been and gone Involved, but to guard jes^iusly ind done it. The Walla W alla and make oertaio that it yeielde a Union of last Sunday morning said: maximum of benefit. A very pretty home wedding tojk place la<er, Miss Eva A. Woodward, be- watch party at the home of M r*. ame the bride of Clareuce R L. A. Kum p Saturday night. E v » ds of Halsey, Oregon. Tbe evening waa pent in pkying Tbe ceremony was performed In garnet. Freakish stunts provided the prssonoe of about 30 persons, gr at amusement. One even was nearly all relatives of the oontracl- a mock wedding, in whiei Irena* ng parties. Rev. A. R, Live ret l Quimby and H irry Snodgrass v lerfonned the oeremony, using the were united. It happened that ¡ng service. the birthdays of the two participât-, The bride has lived in W ill» ing prrties fell on tbe same day, A alia most of her life and has been December 31. i prominent worker in the First After the games fruit salad, cook­ ’bristian churyh. ies aud cocoa were served. At ' The happy couple left last night this time the old year quietly 'or Spokane on a honeymoon trip. e'ipped out and am.d tbe clanging They will be at home after Jan- of church bells the new one came nary 15 at Halsey, where th» in. Everyone pronounced tbe par­ 'room is a prominent breeder of ty a grand success. turebred cattle and hogs. Ab >ut 45 attended. The special session came pretty near having been an expensive fiz sle. Its prime object waa to help finance a 1935 fair for Portland, which it failed to do, the «enab spiittiug uy met bods. As a result Of the discussion sufficient oppai- tion develop'd, probably, to make it impoaeible to pasa by popular The old livery barn which has vote any meaanre aooomplisbiog the object. Auto traffio will not been under piocess of demolisbment for some months ie about razed. stand the burden, the farmee won't, Mr. and Mrs. H. A Wilson and and it is diffiult to find a goat that Mr. and Mis. Wes Turner wer> Will. , guests of Mrs. Clara Swearingen, on. the Halsey-Brownsville road The ability of local talent to Wednesday at a 12 o'clock ninne- iqual or exceed the drawing potvei Owen King will soon leave fo of inucb-advert;sed touriug combi­ Kansas City, Mo., where he w l nations was demonstrated at take further instructions in auto His brother Ean Brownsville Saturday. Lyceum mobile work. is already at the school. The and Chautauqua courses havelieen formerly took a course at this in financed at a loss in the Calapooiu flitution. city and imported feature! at he I I Dame Rumor is not in errn picnies have stalled, but when your correspondent will have home talent is given a cbauce it- wedding to report before man recogiutiun is general and lucrative moons. I G ivernment investig tion shows that retail pricoe of meat have n maim'd the same or gone bight > An old-fashioned watch lueetie while ¡the price paid the fafiu- was held at the Baptist cliurcn Thoms Up Saturday night. has been halved, and that the re The ‘granges and others de tailers are responsible. Ami no. The minstrel show- nt Odd Fel inanded an election fur tlu recall it is proposed to drop the bars an < of Commissioners Price aud Bullet, ows’ hall Friday evening drew » The proceeds g< let the packers run retail shop« mainly on the ground that they wet- crowded house. nol getting value for money epen to the community bouse fund In tbie instanoe the bad trust The story Beebe tells is not an About 150 people were unable to on roads. improbihte one About the timi seem to have reformed and heoom Butler resigned, to take riffe'I get into the hall after standing room was all taken and the boys ot the tragedy the telegraph brm good trusts. next Saturday. A recall committee met with tb have decidyd to repeat the affaii uews of an almobt parallel car Brownsville ie a^ain keyed up Albany chamber of coin merce and to accommodate them. where father and sou quarrels" recommended Mr. ihorns of Scio The Methodist church people eud the father killed the son and jby hope of a woolen tn ' payroll for the place. observed new years day with an then committed suicide. But there | In the proposed impr < >-ament- A protest wee voioed that he was all-day service, including a fellow­ was no half-witted bdy presen- a nonncsd we do not tee includ’ d incompetent, es shown bv his hav ship dinner at noon. The set vices whom sharp lawyers might, to deni that new conorcte dyehoyse, hut mg failed iu the flour mill bu-i were well attended and the day * nnslrula their keenness, try to con. nrobably that will cotne Inter. The ueea at Scio, proved to be of interest and piotit. • I t was also charged that In I reetorallon "f tha« Ion-.lost payroll »id ol murder. >t'V»li member- were publn.lv rp. trained w'ith re publics us »ml »in « ill bs a ¿rand thing foi Brown-. 1 IlS ' our* appointed Sil std» «I »■I lie. tiare. « eived iulo lin ineml-ei-hip n| lln H's trends replied that his fat1 Presbyterian church Sunday ntorn- tornev to defend bi in, and Mr. urc waa due to cjscumataooee thu I mg in connection with the regular H ’ll mad” good us» of the evi­ Astronomers lell us that tb caught the shrewdest. H ” h e ' quarterly i-ommiitiion service dence, but was overruled. estth is slowing down in its rot» bought $2 wheat sud the uiark-i Three of the members were young I t would be interesting to kno" lion on its axis. Hie years, the' whv, and at whose expense, out­ say, are the one-thousandth part side counsel was brot to assis' ”f a second long»r than they were ih» skilled district attorney in Wonder if that’s whv some of u* th attempt to eend the unfor get Ihst tired feeling in doing out (unate youth Io the gallows. It year’s work 1 out lawyer, appointed by the coni' and working without compense And we hare an "agrioultur«’ Hon, was sufficient for the illiter bloc" in Oregon. It wee outvoted ate and feeble-minded boy’s de in the rpecisl s»seion in the pe» ten«», why was not the prosecut­ sage of legislation to finance tb ing machinery of the county, un 1925 fair, but the farmers behind der county pay, sufficient for th- j it will have a say before the state other side? helps pay the bills One per cent of the money that patty Arbuckle spent in getting a Another exanrp'e of the affect bung jury would probably l'»V 'i ,»f the noble «port of killing Qiiugs be«" alitikieilt III this CMS« ti was aff nded Friday when Uses' tlii4iii a 4 i ompletel aikvesMnl d- II ttui.in ol Needy, Ore , s-ndeiit Education by the Film also being there as his oqurt duties would permit. - Brownsville Briefs WANT MORE PEP Í I Automobile Insurance Fire, theft, collisien. property damage and personal liability. Protect yourself against loss. i : ! C. P. STAFFORD, Agent. H a rd w a re O i l h$tO VA S cheaper thgn wood and an oil heater fives com­ fort in a bedroom ou a cold morning. |{;iir» P * * The housewife fa aa much entitled to modem equipment xa the grain grower. .Mazda Lamps ¿v«^v^r'hTvice1^ ' ' OI*Teyes **1 loai*r “ di Granite and Alniinnm Wart? a-xkiteiien pieamre». C ross & W h ite ................................................................................ .... r.-.-wi, J. W. MOORE S R e a l (¿ s ta te a n d i n s u r a n c e THE- HALSEY STATE BANK H A LSEY. OREGON Capital and Surplus $34,000 liifprest paid on tint« certificates of deposit W e invite your banking business C. H. KOONTZ. Pres D. TAYLOR, Vice-Pres. B. M. BO AD, Cashier H ie F ir s t Savings Bank of A lb an y,O re go n ‘‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE” 1 BN R1 vsONs W H Y yen st:SaM savs regularly a part of your lueora*« Your Home (JM Age Sickness Your Business Igr Intents Insurance Education Automobile Trassi f flbatseter Make your dreaigt com« true Start sow. 4 per cent interest and no worry