(S) H alsey VOL. X enterprise H A L S E Y , L IN N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y , JA N . 5, 1*22 NO. 18 JAFFA GETS HARBOR Jots andTittles these years but according to my word." Shedd Shota This suspension of moisture continued Mr. Coats of the central tele-’ for three and a half years (Jaa. 6:17), Jonah’s Home Town to Be and was given in answer to Elijah's phone office has been confined to prayer (Jas. 8:17). Drouth was pre­ his bed for tome time with par­ Important Sea Port San Francisco.—The novel al­ dicted aa the punishment for Idolatry tial paralysis, legation that her husband scold­ (Debt. 11.16, 17), anq t^e prophet was Mr» Castleman, Mra. Fred ed her because she did not shoe now applying the divine judgment. F li n t Under Way far Modern Roads Brock a mother, has been ailing her horse properly Is contained II. Elijah's Retirement (vv. 2-161, Mrs. Pittman isgaiiiing strength for Old City, Famous in Biblt W. H . K irk drove to Albany for gome time. In the divorce complaint Aled by As soon as he had delivered hla T im ta — Italian Syndicate Friday. R E. Bierly visited Albany Mrs. Cecelia Bernal, expert message he retired from the king's Mrs. Tom Hover and daughter to Back Project. horsewoman at several rodeos, Monday. H. A. Renninger had bnsinee- sight, while the penalty of the king's Ine spent a few days at the G, I I . against Elmer Bernal, also a shi should be visited upon the land. Dannen home List week. Mrs. L. A. Prey hag been sick calling him to Albany Friday. Palestine. — I f Jonah the horseman. While she was shoe When the famine was sore In the land 1th a cold. prophet should return within the next lng her horse at the couple's The R;ngos have had their home the king sought east and west, north Mr. and Mra. Lewis Newman few months to «hia little atavistic port, Livermore ranch, Mrs. Bernal Mrs. P J. True.has been suffer telephone taken to Albany for re­ nnd south for Elijah, but God had con are the proud pareuta of a boy whence he set aall some 2,000 years avers, she was called away from pairs. ing with muscular rheumatism. cealed him. Those who speak God'a born Dec 31. A New man in deoil. «60 on hts tempestuous voyage, he the task and later her husband message frequently seek solitude when Mss Bertha Weber returned to probably would be amazed at the The community new year dance Arthur1 \\ esley, who has been berated her for her neglect of tlie message Is delivered. metamorphosis. the animal. quite ill recently, is able to be Medford Saturday from a visit at 1. By the brook Cherttb (w . 2-7). at the Trout mg n dance hall was After all these centuries, modern­ Brownsville. about again. (1) Drinking of the brook (vv. 4-8) much enjoyed. ism, In the form of a Twentieth cen­ T While drinking of the literal waters Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Smith Miss Ovieta F ru itt returned from A. D, Elder spent new yeai’e tury harbor, Is about to make Its com Brownsville to her school at Gres­ were guests at the D. 8. M cW ill­ o f the brook, he was being nourished with hia fam ily on the farm. . merclal encroachments upon this bask by the Living Waters from the throne iams home on Tuesday. lng seashore, whose name was Joppa ham Tuesday, of God. From day to day Elijah's when Jonah knew It. Miss Esthei Kinney of Corvallis Lawrence, eon of Douglas Taylor, BEEF CATTLE BENEFIT FARM faith was tested as he saw the stream Pine Grove Penciling« For »Mime years, and particularly is home from the (J. of 0 . and is was the guest of Mrs. George run lower and lower aa the drouth since the British occupatlng, a harbor Mr, and Mrs. Claud A>leu spent Hayes for the week end. Feasible for Farm er to Maks Greater to work in the bank. continued. (2) Fed by the ravens for ^plestlne has been talked of. b new year’« with relatives. Use of Dry Roughages— Need (vv. 4-6». The ravens brought him only now Is this dream of easy Ingre— Amos Ramsay, state heaver trap­ bread and flesh In the morning and Mrs. \V. L. Wells arrived from L ittle Attention. An oyster supper was given at and egress to and from the cradle of Eugene M mday, to visit with her per, left for Monroe Tuesday in the bread and flesh In the evening. Elijah the home of P A Pehrsaou 8at- Christianity about to be realized. interest of his calling. The use of beef cattle In connection laughter, Mrs Helseth. thus enjoyed two meals each day, with ur.lay evening. A delightful time An Italian banking syndicate, hav­ M rs . Fred Jackson and Mrs. water to drink. The same God who sub - wax enjoyed. ing s a tis fie d Itself that great commer­ with general farming throughout tht There were about Miss Ethel Quimby returned cial possibilities are wrapped up in com belt, says the United States De 'Saturday to Crane, where she Bert M ink ley of Lake creek called tallied Elijah. aUll Uvea, nnd we should 60 present. partment of Agriculture, offers the fol trust Hlnj for our dally bread. At on Mrs. Wheeler Tuesday. new-old Palestine, has offered to ad­ lowing teaches, after a visit at home. advantages: Miesee Nora, Pearl and Grace last the brook dried up because there vance the necessary capital, subject It Is possible to make greater use of Mrs. M. C. Bond and daughter was no rain In the land. The Lord then Pabfaaon and Anna Heinrich re­ Miss Nora McCallum of 8hedd to adequate governmental guaranties, dry roughages produced on the farm, turned to Halsey Sunday, went home Friday from a visit Mona left Suuday evening for Saniu Instructed him to move. and the actual work la expected soon as beef cattle consume larger quanti­ 2 At Zarephath (w . 8-16). (1) The to begin. with the Andersons at Brownsville Barbara, Cal., where they will re­ Relative« ot Mr. and Mrs. Bob ties of these feeds than any other class place (v. 9). Zarephath was at the main for several months. The plans as drawn call for the e x ­ of live stock. Miss Edna Briggs, after a visit west side of Palestine, near the Medl Stewart from Eugene spent naw penditure of a sum not to exceed $7,- R. H. Robertson ariived Wednes­ terranean sea, In Gentile territory. In vear’s with them. Beef cattle can be used profitably it the Br.iggs home at Brownsville 000,000, to be retired with Interest day morning, from California and order to reach this place Elijah bad on rough land unsuitable for cr®r returned to M cMinnville Monday. within thirty years. Mr and Mrs, N. K. Chandler production; also on low, wet land un and was met at Halsey by Fred to cross the country from the Jordan The harbor la to be located directly Dr. Waltz of Brownsville brot Kobertsoo of Brownsville^ and daughter Agues spent Sunday suitable for either crops or for otbei to the sen. Zarephath was only a opposite the section of the old city of classes of stock. his mother, Mrs M M. Waltz, with their daughter, Mrs. Ellen few miles from the home of Jezebel's I Bible times, making the present cus­ Dr. E. W Barnum and family Beef cattle use the total productlor over Tuesday to take train for her Zimmerman. tom house a central point from which of Harrisburg passed thru Halsey father. This, no doubt, was a trial of grain and roughages on the averagt home in Salem. to Elijah. (2) Sustained by a widow the extension will be made northward X Tuesday on their way to M l. Angel. George Chandler attended • farm, without the purchase of other and southward. It la to comprise The Legion of Honor minstrel Ihey made the return trip the fol­ (vv. 10-12), "Bring a little water and hard-times party Saturday even- feeds, more efficiently than any other a morsel of breed," was the request three sections, one devoted entirely class of live stock. thow will be at Crawfordsville lowing day. ng. given by M r. and Mr«. W ill which he made of the widow, fills, J to freight and passenger ships, one to Those who could Beef cattle on the farm favor a well Saturday night. Price. do doubt, was a great trial te her, (Continued on page 5) shipbuilding and repairing and one to tot get in at Brownsville may go. balanced distribution of Inbor through but God had touched her heart and Ashing. out the year. They require very lltth stirred up faith In her. Her reply re­ Lack of proper harbor facilities has Tomorrow evening Riverside veals her deep distress. (8) Elijah's been one of the greatest Impedimenta attention during the summer and fall will have a banquet and literary when crops need attention, and dur reply (v. 18). This made plain to her to commercial development of Pales­ program in the dedication of what lng winter and early spring, when then that It was a case of mutual Interest tine, and. consequently, the Inhabit­ Is little Aeld work to be done, farmers is c tiled the best community ball to do as the Prophet said. "The barrel ants are looking with keen anticipa­ n the county. can utilize their time to advantagr of meal shall not waste; neither shall tion upon the time when large ship* Mote Defects on Thashlng Ma­ by caring for the breeding herd, winter the cnise of oil fall.” (4) The widow s can dock easily on Palestine's shores. Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Aah- lng the stockers and feeders, or fatten obedience (v. 16). -sh e did according When the weather Is stormy and the irst, who have been viaitiag Rev chine When Storing. lng some steers. to the sayings of Elijah, and she and sea rough, it la now practically Impos­ C. G. Morris of Eugene, went home her bouse did eat many days." (A) Implement Should Bo Put In Therough sible foe boats to come even within io Salem Monday. Mr. Morris brot three miles of land, where even In God keeps His word (v. 18). May we them over in his car. Working Order Before Start of learn from thia lesson: mild weather all ships have to be WILD DUCKS BLOCK STEAMERS Working Beaeen— Make Ad­ Fred Frady of Peoria broke his loaded and unloaded with the aid of 1. The particularity of God'a prov­ justment« Later. small, obsolete craft. Thus It Is es­ >rm Friday whilecranking an auto idence. Truly a sparrow shall not Canvasbacka and Other Water Fowl Halsiey Christian Church timated at least $1,000,000 a year can These new-fangled motors carry fall to the grouud without our Father ( F r s p t r v d b v l b . D n llv d S t a t M D a s a r t m e a t Dispute Channel With Them, be saved on the loading and unloading o f A « r lc u lt u r e .) By the prearrsngements of Ood all faster than than horses did, but Rlvar Pilots Say. Item alone, to say nothing of the In- Overhauling the thrashing much Ine our needs are dally met. There Is no Church Announcements they also are worse kickers. evitable effect better shipping facll luring the winter means dollars la happen so In God's providence. The Port Deposit, Md.— Stories of abun­ When J. A. Ackerman came Methodist: lties will have bn the cost of living woman of Zarephath, going out to time and grain saved next year. Prop­ dance of ducks and other wafer fowl : over from Brownsville to lake Faith which Is now excessively high. er repairs should be made aud the Sunda-v Sufiool, 10. gather stick» to prepare the last meal are being told about the mouth of the Commensurate with harbor Improve Adams home from the train he whole machine put Into thorough P reacyihg , 11. met Elijah, and Is helped for two years Susquehanna. ment, the city of Jaffa Itself Is mak 2. No matter how atuall our re­ working order before the beginning Junior «League, 8, On the "Aats,” one sportsman re­ brot to the shut-in at the Wheeler lng plana to come out of lta lethargy ports "there Is a fowl for every blade home some wonderful palate-teas source«. we can do something for God of the working season. While certain Intermediate League, 6:30 and reap rich rewards. Independent of grass." adjustments must lx made during op­ If we will. The lad with the five bar Steamers sailing these lng cookies. Epworth League, 6:80. commercial Interests already are lay­ waters tell that the canvashacks are eration, It Is possible by putting up ley loaves and the two small Ashes, Preaching, 7:30 ing plans to develop four miles of disputing the channel rights with Mrs. El via Leeper, who bad with the blessing of the Lord, did a the machine properly at the close of Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. waterfront, intending to build store­ them. the seasoff to have all parts In such great work. Wild geese have come from been visiting at Hugh Leeper's for rooms, restaurants, hotels and private the North and are In elegant shape, about three weeks, returned to her Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor, 3. Our concern should be to work condition that the necessary operat­ homes for the bene At of traders tad one pair ahot weighing 20 pounds. for others and for God before our­ ing adjustments can be made readily, home at Alpine Monday, accom tourists. .. Swans, protected by federal and panied by her husband, who had selves. We should give our all to God accurately and with little delay. Christian: Many times defective parts are over­ Maryland laws until 1022, are digging neen here several times during the and trust Him for further supply. Sunday School, 10. up wild celery. In spots white beau­ visit. 4. Ood often allows ue to get down looked or neglected. In the hope that Preaching, 11. ties huddle so close that acres of the to our very last In order to teach us they will last through the season, Endeavor, 6:30. when they should be replaced during "Aats" resemble Acids covered by that .nil Is from film. Mrs. Molly Fox was so low with Preaching, 7:30. the season of disuse. When they fall snow. This Is the sight that la seen by 8. God's dealing with thia Gentile pneumonia at the end of the week W e H ave Lester Jones, Minister, passengers on the Pennsylvania. woman la a foregleam of His dealing la the midst of the working season. that her niece ip California was EVERY THING with the Gentile nations. sent tor. Mrs. f, C. Bramwell Pine Grove Church: O ptical Octa Old Witneee Fee. went to care for Mrs. Fox Sunday Sunday-School, 10. Smith Centre, Kan.— When John morning The invalid ia reported E Y E S T R A IN BEST CABBAGE FOR STORING Preaching, l1, by Bro, Eggly, Sawyer went back to hla old home In to be improving. Is the Cause of Many Prayer-meeting, 7. Pawnee City. Neb., a tew day* ago H U M A N ILL S Should 8« Carefully drown and of Va­ for a visit, the clerk of the District Bible Study, Wednesday, 7. Mrs P. M. Riser, residing I f your eyes give you trouble or riety Well Adapted to Keeping, court there telephoned him that he near Rowland, died Sundav, after your glasses are annoying Say Experts. had tome fees due him, and to call a stroke of paralysis, aged 83. Be­ SEE US. We can Relieve You and get them. Sawyer riyi so and was sides her husband she is suvived Cabbage for storing should be care astonished to learn It wa* wltnres J13 1st St. W. Albany. Phone d fees due him In a trial 20 years be­ by four sous and three dTughters (B y M V . P. B F IT Z W A T E K , D. D „ fully grown and handled and of a va­ T each er o f E n glish B ible In the M<>ody She was buried in the Alford cem­ riety well adapted to keeping, say tbe fore. The •"»onnt was $4.20. B ible In stitu te o f C h icago.) vegetable specialists of the United etery yesterday. C o p y r ig h t, l i l t , W w i a r a N e w s p a p e r U n io n States Department of Agrlrulture The heads should be solid and all loose leaves removed and practically LESSON FOR JANUARY 8 free froru Injuries caused by inaects E L IJ A H T H E T I8 H B IT E . nnd diseases. They should be placed In a storage house so constructed and Thrashing Machine In Operation. U B M O N T R X T -I K i n o 17:1-14. arranged as to prevent drip from the O O L D E N T E X T —b u t seek jr® «rut the structure striking the stored heads. It serious losses often reeult before the kingdom o f G«W, and hla d chteou aneao. Is also essential that moisture and ven repairs can be made. During or just and all th ose th in g s sh all bo added unto tllattyn be so controlled aa to prevent before the thrashing season new parts you -M a tt . 4 33 R E F E R E N C E M ATEKIAL t - E m 14, I the condensation of moisture on the are difficult to get promptly because K in gs 1« »-33. Matt «.IB-34. cabbage while In storage. The teui of the unusual rush of orders from PR IM A R Y TOPIC—God C ars« for Ell- perature maintained in common ator the ninny who have put the matter off Ige houses inay vary from 32 to 46 or until the last minute. JU N IO R f o p t C - E lijah , th e B rave W degrees Fahrenheit, depending on Prophet In a series of bulletins on the care IN T E R M E D IA T E A N D SE N IO R TOPIC •utdoor conditions. In no esse should and repair of farm Implements Issued —Jeh ovah » C ham pion Preserved the cabbage he allowed to freeze by the United Htates I »apartment of VOUNO PW JP E E A N D A D U L T T O PIC The usual ty|te of cnnstuctlon em­ Agriculture Is one on grain separators, —O b eyin g th e Word o f Jehovah. ployed In commercial storage houses known os Farmers' Bulletin n m . I. Elijah's Message te Ahab (v. 1). Is that of a broad, low house with an Copies may be had free upon applica­ This was a startling message, for alley sufficiently wide to admit a team tion to the department at Washington, Ahab had not only led Israel Into and wagon through the renter, and D. C. Idolatry, but Into a repudiation of the with the storage bins nr elielvee ar­ ranged on either side. H ie rabtiags Is living God. Frehleterie Bene Unearthed. 1. "Aa the Ix.rtl God of Israel llvetb.” placed on shelvee In layers, one to Rloux Falls, R. D.— What Is thought Elijah knew the source of bis message three layers deep, or In crates or venM ta he a mastodon rib, which had prob- He know that he represented the llv- , Is ted bins. Banka, pita and cellars ably been burled tn the same place log God, therefore bad no fear ta are also largely need far the keeping for from 20.000 to 80.000 yen re. has been unorthed by Fhlllp M Hull, la come Into tbe presence of the king In of the crop. West Bloux rails. Hla name. 2. "Before whom I stand.” Because A Callee War. Elijah stood before God, he could Man Dies In Church; News Kills Wife. One of the first Indian ware In the stand before Ahab. His “standing" Baltimore, Md.—Oeorge Hunter history of early K t -set is said to before Gel) Indicate« bis constant readi­ dropped dead In church here. The have originated because an agent sold n e s s to go on Ills errands. news of bin death killed hie wife They some Indians a piece of calico with 8. “There «hall not be dew nor rain had been Inseparable for 40 year«. the stripes running the wrong wax. Bad Luck Comes From Horseshoes Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally and in Halsey Particularly WINTER IS SPLENDID TIME FOR REPAIRING Sunday School Lesson „ Bancroft Optical Co. t c BBS We are taking an inventory this & week. We shall offer many lines at & prices that will make it pay you to ® trade here. « M. V. Koontz Co. I