PAGE 4 or no (he II our o the h he «5 the wflmt LU certa Tïono the I Jonat envi» Brew othes from B cima • lOM shoo ting ▼cry « ohje« n a il Ifte i Of C ♦hen Al SUa er t •nd fer fern Any Tl the Wvo •feci or . •Ido •ora The to tati Will A Cut tha f*c leu •bl Hu • i up eoi th< ha th F F if e n tl u M a I ♦ I < t I I I 1 H A IS E Y E N T E R P R IS E DEC. 29, 1921 Aass also the Black Breasted Red Malay Bantam. The miscellaneous class Includes two breeds, the Sultan and the Frillies, and’ the Standard of Perfection In­ cludes with It the Silkies, a bantam breed. Types of Plumage and Form. The ear lobes of all Polish chickens are white, the eggs are white, and the hens are clussed as nonsitting or non- IN COATDRESSES O egon Walnuts Best Oregon walnut* have made a big hit thia aaaaon. The Oregoo Grow ye'lenee. enough to find the sea mouth of the era’ aaaociation aent small samples But there wn nothing to forbid an eave. This would take matter« en­ Immediate pilgrimage to the much- tirely out of my hands. I should per o f graded nuta to variou» repre. Garments Are Made to Give eought grave stone with Its sinister haps be enlightened as to the fate of sentativea in the east and in Eu­ Youthful Appearance. •ymhol. The account In Peter’s diary Peter and the last remaining bags of i rope and as a remit has been doubloons, but might also have to j • f his adventure with the pig plaeed swamped with inquiries lor large share the secret of the derelict with I ♦he grave with aueh exactness that I had no doubt of finding It easily. the rest. And then all iny dreams ot I ^mbroiderlet Are Given Much Em­ quantities for immediateshipmrnt. I he tonnage thia year, however, is That done, I would know very nearly playing fairy godmother and shower I phasis— Braid Favorite Means of not heavier than will supply Ore­ where to look for the cave— ami In ing down on certuln beads— like coals ' Embellishment. gon demands. order to bid defiance to a certain chill of fire— torrents of beautiful golden sense of reluctance which beset me doubloons, would be over. Coat dresses which are Invented I «ample seut to a New York On the whole I could not tell wheth­ at the thought of the cave, 1 sturted vlth youthful qualities are conaplhu representative brought an order for Out at once, skirting the clearing with er I burned with Impatience to have >us, with the stralght-llne frock devel - ix care of graded Pranquattes. much circumspection, for It seemed to the cave discovered, or was cold with •ped along chemise lines also apon- Representatives io Baltimore and me that even the sight of my vanish­ the fear of It. ored. Further diversity la expressed Washington, D. C., asked for two And then, so vigorous Is the Instinct ing hack must shout of mystery to Hens Have Long, Broad Bodies, io the model which features the cars anfe numbers of eggs, but they Suit of T w ill Embroidered in Black white swirl of It. I moved cautious Silk. and Depth. owners breed them merely for pleasure hl,v*‘ not been kePt 8,1(1 bred exten- thnigb. , ly. keeping close to the face of the and secondly for the profits more than Mlvpl.v along that line In this country, cliff Crusoe, to my annoyance, sprang Lamon, senior poultryman of the bu­ likely to result In supplying others i Tlle Rrnal* Blze oi thp egg has been one youthful swing to the garm ent Ait; down upon the ledge after me. I had reau of animal Industry, and at the other eoat frock, also nffectlng a aid» reason for this. whose fnney takes the sani* chnnnel. a feeling lhal he must certainly trip suggestion of the chief of that hu An Interesting peculiarity of the closing, Is adorned In an Interesting Ornamental breeds and varieties me as I picked my way gingerly nlong reau Secretary Wallace (turned the ’ manner with braid which.takes on 1 Office 1st door south of school bouse may and often do possess considerable Sumatra, one of the Oriental class. Is An angle In the rock—a low dark breed Laiuona. for the origlnalor. [minted outline. A tiny watch pocket the small red ear lobe on n hen laying Halsey, Oregon. economic value, and some of them un­ The new fowl possesses character entrance way—It was all as Peter had idds a naive touch. a white egg. The breed Is classed gen doubtedly could be developed, oc- E state. described IL I peered iu—nothing hut latlcs of great merit. It has sufficient ' orally as broody, and the hens have Impenetrable blackness. I took a hes size to fit the demands of the great Handles Town and Country Property. the reputation of being excellent moth NIGHTGOWNS FOR THE BRIDE Give him a call and aee if he ttattng step. The passage veered number of consumers who want a bird can fix era. The Sumatra* are black through weighing four to six pounds. The sharply, ns the diary had recorded out, the surface having a very highly Exquisite Creations Have Not Sugges­ you up. body Is long and of good depth, glv- | Once around the corner, there would developed green sheen, while the un­ tion of Lace or Hand Embroidery; 1 he nothing but darkness anywhere Ing a large amount of the highly de- i dercolor Is dull black. Drawn Thread Used. Muddeoly portentous and overwhelm «liable breast meat, and at the same ; The Frizzles, in the miscellaneous Ing, tnere rose before uie the unan time large capacity for the reproduc- ' class, are peculiar birds. In an ex Exquisite nightgowns for the fall swered question of what had become five organs hlhltlon they are certain to attract at bride have not a suggestion of lace of Pete, on that last visit to the cave The Lamona fowl is larger than the i tentlon. Their principal charncteris or hand embroidery but are orna­ l eghorn, approaching In size fowls of Unanswered and unanswerable ex First-cists work guarnteed fie Is the peculiar feathering. Instead mented with drawn thread patterns. I he American class. It |g white, which cept In one way ■ hy going in to see KARL BRAMWELL. of the fenthers growing In the usual These beautiful gowns are made of Is most desirable from the market men's j " It cress I had so far thought prln manner, they have a curled or curved finest handkerchief linen, than which dpnlly of the treasure, I now began viewpoint. It has a comb and wat- ' appearance, the end of the feather there Is nothing more exclusive and to think with Intensity of Peter. Whai ties of medium size which are not eas­ tending to eurl up nnd back toward distinguished for undergarment« fu»’ Ironic stroke of fate had cut him down ily frosted, thereby checking develop- the fowl’s head. A considerable varia­ now. And If you have ever slept In r mem of egg production. It Is well , In the very moment of Ids triumph tion occurs In the amount of this curv­ il linen nightie you know th< Electric Haircutting, Massag'iig Had he ever reached the cave to tying feathered, which makes If resistant to ! Golden Pencil Hamburg. ing hut the more pronounced It Is the luxurious feel of It. Such nightgown sway the Isst of the doubloons? Were sudden changes In temperature. and Shampooing. better. The comb should be single for trousseaux have every stitch pu cording to the poultry specialists of and the number of toes four. A num they still wsuing there unclaimed Foundations of New Breed. Cleaning and Pressing. In hy hsnd; the hem is hand hem the United States Department of Had a storm come up on that last The project resulting In the creation her of colors are allowed In the F riz­ stitched and at the top beaut I full A g rich ft ure. Into birds having high I hlght. and the weakened cable parted, of the new I.amona was started In zles. without dividing the breed Into utility qualities. For example, the i separate varieties. These are black, done drawn-thread patterns define r and the Island Queen gone on the 1912. when the Idea wag conceived of small yoke or make charming trim (S B Hamburg* are fowls which always otnblnlng three varieties of fowls to rocks, drowning Peter In the cabin white, red, nnd hay. the only require mlng motifs on front and sleeves. Tic have been rated as very prolific lay j with his gold. Then how had Crusoe produce a breed having the shape and ARCHIE CORNELIUS ment being that each bird shall be « square neck opening and straight cot sway, Orusoe, who feared the he market qualities of the Dorking, era, although their eggs are small. Be ! solid color uninlxed with any others sleeve edge are finished with hen- vlth a yellow skin, white plumage, cause they have not been extensively ‘ Shown In pens the birds, male and stitched hems through which ribhoi waves so, and would bark at them ind four toes, and laying a white egg. kept In this country and because they j female, shnll be of tlie same color and then turn tall and run? not been bred very systematically F*rlzzles are not often seen In this Is drawn: or have drawn-thread head Expert workmanship. Watches snd Hpeuklng of Crusoe, where was he? A low stationed close feathered White have for any purpose except exhibition, their j " H'nd ar„ kppt nnIv on nrcoont Ings for ribbon. Sometimes a drawn clocks a specialty. 1 realized that a moment ago he had Plymouth Rock male waa mated to thread heading Is run straight around utility qualities have not been dr plunged Into the passage I heard the a Sliver Gray Dorking female, and a OREGON the gown, telow the armhole line, and [ H A LSEY single Comb White Leghorn male, hav­ veloped to the highest possible point. patter of his feet—a pause. A queer, Is threaded with an Inch wide ribbon, dismal little whine echoed along the ing a rather small, low comb, was In the same way the Polish fowls fre­ giving a graceful Empire yoke effect. quently are prolific layers, but the pa-sage I heard Crusoe returning— mated to a Silver-Gray Dorking fe­ Ribbons for lingerie must now be crests they carry, while unique In ap­ hut before his nose appeared around male. of the handsomest quality, thick and The second year the offspring of pearance and adding greatly to their , **' the angle of the tunnel his mistress soft and satiny, whatever the width. beauty, are handicaps when the birds had reached the top of the cliff at a these crosses were mated separately, Douhle-faced satin rlhhons are pre­ are kept for utility purposes. bound and was vanishing at a brisk the females being trap nested, and ferred. and If wash-ribbon Is used It In the Polish breed are these varle only the high producers of the largest pace Into the woods. All work done promptly and must he of beautiful quality. Lav­ ties: White-Crested Black. Bearded and whitest eggs were used for breed With bitterness, as I pursued iuj ender ribbons are preferred Just now reasonably. Oolden, Bearded Silver. Bearded Phone No. 269. way to camp, 1 realized that I wa« •IW Only males from high producing to pale pink or blue ones, and the rib­ females have been uaad at any time ™ - I T ? ' ’T . ’."’ -.’ 1' Bot a heroine. Here was a mystery— bons on most exclusive garments are den. Non Bearded Silver, and Non I’ was the business of a heroine to The third year the raaulta <1 the pure white. rouses of the second year were mated, Bearded White. The Hamburg breed Solve It. Now that I was safely away has these varieties- Golden Spangled. from the cava, I began to feel tha Itch and In addition, care was taken to Silver Spangled. Golden Penciled. Sil­ A T T O R N E Y AT L A W Cross Marked on Corn. select white specimens with yellow of a torturing curiosity. How, wUh ver Penciled. White and Black. Rockville, Ind — While husking skins having only four toes. Since out going into (he terrifying place Farm er’s Bulletin 1221. recently Is­ recently Lnnls Orinley found an __ 201 Naw First Nal’l Bank B.d’g. alone, should I find out wbnt wa» then It has been a task of careful se sued hy the Department of Agricul­ lection and breeding. marked In red grains In a manner - Albany, Oregoo. there? Should 1 prelend to have ac Fem ale Frizzle. The new breed le not yet ready for ture, credits the game breed with that formed a perfect cross. Except ctdentally discovered the grave, lead eight . . . , for the cross which ccn.iTTl -e* 'T V' Introduction, and no specimens or eggs eight varieties Black Breasted Red the party to It, and then—again accl Brown Red. Gold.-,, Dm kwtng Silver of ,h**,r " n',!' ual aP I*a™ < *. They L Cf,n*lata «*»'«• will he sold until the characteristics Duckwing Birchen. Red Pyle White Particular qualities to recom JT each s X L k ii, ?h ' dentally—discover the tunnel? This sought have been more firmly fixed and Black. normally feathered fhe plan had Its merits hut I di*. arded It, It la aa well or better developed than the ear Is white. The phenomenon to L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L DIRF.CTGPS for fear that something would be The Oriental class Includes twn were several of the breeds and va H A RRISBU RG LEBANON strikingly beautiful. found In the cave to direct attention _________ _ __ , llllrTxluce,i XT hrpp<1a- ,h* Humafra of which there is - J i ? * hnl,e’ ,n rpf’’rred to shove No riettea when they were introduced hy Phone 35 Phone 15 to the Island Queen Then 1 reflect thetr breeders, hut the specialists of variety, the Black, and the Malay “ J ' >’ unplete descriptions The End of Enm ity. ed that very likely the explorers (he department believe t h « . I t « . Branches at w ” h rtn*- ,h * m ack Breasted Red The of manf nt ,he* * Interesting and pe- When a man's ways please the I^ rtf would work round tha Island Lat Brow nsville, Phone 3 7 0 5 1 “ n<* Standard ot Perfection »1 - th « «»llwr breeds snd varieties of orna he maketh even his enemtea to bn nt 1 • “ ~ ~ — - ■ “ ““UU poultry. jfdnca wiQi him.— Proverbs 16;T, , IIalaey Phone 166, Frank Kirk, -Mgr- LAMONA FOWL IS OF GREAT MERIT LAYS WHITE-SHELLED EGGS Amor A. Tussing HIGH QUALITIES OF FANCY FOWLS I A. Peterson Dress Shoes a Shoe Repair Shop HAMBURG IS PROLIFIC LAYER JEWETT the COBBLER. I. 0 . 0 . F W. J. Ribelin Dealer s in Real ANITARY Barber Shop and Baths BARBER SHOP E. C . M IL L E R W ATCHMAXER&Jeweler I && F. M. GRAY, Drayman. C. C. B R Y A N T W R IG H T & POOEE