PAGE 2 HALSEY ENTERPRISE DEC. 29. 1921 U-BOAT PILOTS RUM RUNNERS HALSEY ENTERPRISE or D( Oie I our i the I ba a the wfim Ul cert» Hom the Jone eri*| Frei otha fron: -a elmi elon ahoi ting v tq « ohje SS «f < ttiei A «e» er i end ter teui Anj 1 the ITI « or aldi eon Th. to tat »h J Cu th« r*c le» •b Ht a i np co! th. ha th F F « a • r t * a * i On page 5 of the Enterprise senate by a 15-to-14 vote and the NEW AND last week was an article by S econd hand : An independent—NOT neutral—news attorney-general says 16 votes Dr. Hunter regarding the ill ef paper, published every Thursday, K it c h e n C a b in e ts R a n g e s were needid to pass it. Its legal­ R ugs feet on the health of failure Io by W m . H. & A. A. WHEELER. ity will probably be th rashed out D in in g R o o m S e ts H e a t e r s keep the teeth perfectly clem . C o n g o le u m Win. II. W heki . kk Editor. M bs . A. A. W heblkr Unsiness Manager in the courts before a special elec­ Beds L in o le u m and Local News Editor. Pormer Officers of German Im­ tion is called. perial Navy Adept Smug­ The idea of the fair advocates is Subscriptions, 11.50 a year in advance glers, Is Charge. 42.’ KIRS T ST., Transient advertising, 25c an inch; per­ th a t the popular irrita tio n at the manent, 20c. No discount for time enormously high taxes would d e­ ALjfANY or space . feat any other plan for raising the In “ lJaid-for Paragraph»," 5c a line No advertising disguised as news. $3,(MX),(XX) asked for fioui the state, Phone 205 tint th a t the farm ers m ight vote "h ' -- --------- for a gasoline tax and the autom o­ Many Stirring Stories About Smug- condition that they would colonize and HALSEY, Linn Co., Ore . Dec. 29, 1921 glsrs and Their Doings— Difficult bile men, who would be th e p rin ­ cultivate I t They picked Mrs. Wills for Swedish Coastguards to for that Job. cipal ones hit, are not num erous Stop Them. She went to Pern several months •YE D ID IT NOT UNTO T H E S E ’ enough to defeat the bill. Former Emperor Is Honored by ago and has Just returned after seeing This is problem atical. The Stockholm. — Ruin running Into a whole lot more than Peru. She had People of Madeira. R ev. Milo Bentluy stated S un­ farm ers, who are already taxed up Sweden from Germany has devel­ raced over the Andean peaks tn a little day night th a t the proposed com ­ to th e rental value of th e ir farms, oped into something like a public American car, finished her work in scandal, say Swedish newspapers. Women Attempt to Kiss the Hand of Peru and then had motored, ridden on m u n ity house would he worse than ere also cousideiahle users-of gaso­ The broken nature of the coast tine a h«ll hole.—Brow nsville Tiinee. steamboats. In trains and canoes and the Former Empress—Only Guard and the thousands of small islands line and will not all vote for the tax. swam a little way tn a journey all Is Plain Clothes Policeman— A nd he wonders why he does not dotting the sea approuches are all in around the continent, and ull alone. Zita Is Affable. m ane more converts among the favor of smuggling enterprise. Mrs. Wills told a reporter all about Colonel H enry W attorson’s death The cruft engaged in this trade are returned soldiers who are to build It at the Hotel Pennsylvania. She Is a Funchal, Island of Madeira.— Former closes the career of the last of generally small, fast-sailing schooners, widow, young, with large, bright, sharp th e house. captained, as a rule, by ex-ortteers of Emperor Charles of Austrla-Huugury eyes. She looks as If she could make those g re a t editors who were bigger the imperiai’'t “eru“an nivy? '¿ a n y of “Ud ,for“ er Einl,reM ^ la are living In place of a com m unity build- th an the newspaper they published. the old ladles perfectly comfortable at J quietly in thetr exile. the skippers bear names well known ing, or any place of recreation — E u g en e G uard. tea. teach the young ones some new 't heir only guard at the villa Vic­ In the records of submarine activity. steps, give all a luncheon they would very little am usem ent ¡s offered toria, wiiere they reside, is a plain­ Come, now; is it possible you Since so many young people we,, Their daring and experience makes It Brownsville young people. There h iv e n 't heard of the editor of the glasses, the old idea tif-it they make a ory difficult for Swedish coastguards clothes policeman, who accompanies simply coo over and then take the them on their Journeys about the local pet college youth out on the ten­ person look old is seldom mentioned. o stop them. fore their spare tim e, when not in H alsey E nterprise? The truth is tint putting off weariup island to prevent beggars from bother­ nis court and trim ulm to a fare-you- Landed After Night. Sunday school or prayer m eeting, glasses when they are needed is wh o ing them and to avert other annoy­ well. From Keval, Rostock. Stettin, I,n- One soon discovers that she knows a H unting for th e pleasuro of lu ll­ makes many people's faces look older ances. is ap t to be spent on lonely streets, ick and other German ports these than they are d ia ries and Zita are treated as hon­ whole lot about other things than els put to sea. thetr cargo always away from the lights, in w hatever ing has become a much reprojxited fanning, but she does not look IL She pastim e in all enlightened coun­ onslgned, according to the ship's pa- ored guests by the new governor, MaJ. com pany attracls them , and some trie s .—C urtis D unham in A lbany smliee too easily for a lady pundit. Acacio Correa Pinto, and the other Por­ •ers. to some Finnish port. Once Maybe that’s why shs gets so much of them go sadly astray who could D em ocrat. mong the rocky archipelago of east- tuguese officials. They attend mass on Information. rn Sweden, the cargo ts landed plece- Sundays and liuve engaged Canon An­ easily have been guided aright it Amen, says the E nterprise. But tonio Homeu de Vouveia as their pri­ eal after nightfall on the rocks, from afforded, under judicious supervis­ we have m any unenlightened h u n t­ U. S. FOOD CHEERS TARTAR hlch It Is later removed hy accom- vate chaphiin. ion and proper safeguards, such ers am ong us. After mass recently a few women ,,'lccs ashore, who have n widely rom­ A L B A N Y . O BLO . recreation as youth will seek, u n ­ ped organization for the Inland dis- outside the church attempted to kiss Huck Finn’s Friends Show Apprecia­ H arold A lbro, Zita’s hand, thus showing thalr af­ 'rlhutlon of the goods. tion by Sending Memorial to der good auspices or bad. The present duty on Cuban su­ M anufacturing op tician . This Illicit traMM* is said by Swedish fection for a member of the family of Relief Chief. Ma ny a parent and many a g ar nets the “ in fa n t in d u s try ” o f f apera to he enormous. The papers t>om Miguel de Braganza, pretender to church worker is responsible, thru the American com panies $R1,000,- ‘ re full of stirring stories about smug- Jhe Portuguese throne. Chistopol, Tartar Republic, Russia — It Is considered likely that the for­ Mark Twain and Thomas A. Edison lers and their doings. They remain neglect (if duty toward the rising (MX) and adds $162.000,000 to the 'itslile the territorial waters, cruising mer royal pair will engage the villa wars known to the Tartar children of PRIF.CESS PAINTS HATS generation, for much waywardness cost of sugar used by the A m eri­ ;bout until their friends seize thetr Victoria for a permanent residence. this Inland town on the Kama river and sin, and is u tterly unconscious can people, while crippled Cuban hance to rush out In fast motor boats, The villa adjoins the grounds of the before the American relief administra­ of tile fact. 'ten In a heavy gale, transship the Palace hotel, at which tiie British con- i tion found Its way here and served industry suffers. qiior and disappear In the dangerous sul is staying, but the exiles do not the starving youngsters wttli white It is cheering to see a church ihyrlnth of the archipelago. mix with the hotel guests. Charles ls roils mads sf Minneapolis flour. pastor in Halsey joining with the fti appswelatlM s f tha American The law m akers are modest. Lately the police have started a taetlturn, but Zita Is affable and talks feeding, tbs local youngsters presented clieme to beat the rum runners at cheerfully to those she meets. young people lu their play as well They appropriated onljl 1160,000 lielr own gnme. The other day n Both enjoyed the voyage through the the American manager of the local as in more serious m atters They before they got dowi) to the work •«dice boat, camouflaged as a smug Black sea and the Mediterranean on feeding with a memorial reading: learn to love, b u s t and respect him for which the special session was "It Is not only agreeable to eat the '¡ng cruft, boarded a Oermnn schoon llie British cruiser Cardiff, which At the risk of being tim t Phari­ called, r and loaded up to the gunwale from brought them here, and they expressed lovely American bread and sugar, but he schooner’s hold, unconscious of themselves as beiug sorry when the It Is pleasant to think they come from saical the Enterprise notes Haul j America. We like to read about Amer­ be fact that the schooner was just trip ended. there is apparently more respect Eugene V. Debs hae been given •itside the territorial limit. When the As the cruiser left here on her ica. We particularly love Mark Twain for law and order and less l>ois- personal liberty, but not liberty lollcemen tried to leave the schooner homeward trip Charles and Zita stood and Thomas A. Edison. Tom Sawyer ithout paying, the smugglers threat- in the windows of thetr residence wav­ and Huck Finn are friends of ours. teious conduct among the young lo work his mouth in fomenting We know that Edison made many In­ ned to throw them overboard and ing farewells to the officers. people of H alsey than in the aver­ rebellion. here was nothlnfe for them but to pay X * ______ There was some talk of a Portuguese genious inventions. We beg you to age town. Very few halloween dr the liquor. cruiser being sent here as a guard ship express our gratitude to the Ameri­ Russia has abolished C hr'stm as Carry Off Guards. or other pranks here savor of m al­ to prevent any possible attempt at es- I can people, especially the little Amer­ In another case, the correspondent cape by tlie^ormer royal pair, but thus icans. Signed. Children of Chistopol." E verything th a t it ice or reckless disregard of other W hy not? ’ as told, a gale blew up soon after far it has not appeared. stands for is gone from the land. people’s rights. Bride's Fa Toa Good. F U R N IT U R E Tooth Brushes and White Sewing Machines Tooth Paste at E. L. STIFF i Ringo’s Drug Store ILLICIT TRAFFIC ENORMOUS TREAT KARL AS GUEST Keep Your Eyes Young (Optometrist. (Eugene Register) Despite President H arding's de­ nunciation of the “ farm bloc" *n congress as threatening the sacred p lan of “ governm ent by p a rty ,” the O regonian’s W ashington cor­ respondent w riteg: I he ' farm bloc’1 has coine to have, here in W ashington at least, a m eaning quite a» different as the term “ republican p a rly ” or “ deni- ocr.rtic party ” Senator Penrose does not fee) strong enough to take any course olher than largely to let the faun bloc write whatever tariff it chooses to write I n a tair explanation o f. what the bloc has done with its power, little can be said in the nature ol criticism , even by those who are m ostly disposed to deplore the u n ­ derlying principle of group actio,, in politics. W HERE ARE T H E BONDS? WOMAN AN EXPLORER Don’/ Kill the Goose T H E WORM TURNS The gasoline la x , when it is lev irtd by a single sta te w ithout co­ operative action by adj lining »tates, lias certain very serious de­ fects Goaoline, tor exam ple, costs t wo cents more in Oregon than in Princess Troubetsky of ttussla, now C alifornia or W ishington, th u s in. viling heuvy us is to ship in thei, In exile in London, has opened a stu supplies f-oni outride P u r hi«ing dlo for the purpose of painting hats gasoline over the state line result» and glassware. Princess Troubetsky Is one of the Rusalau nobles Impover in avoiding the tax But if Hut precedent set by the (shed by the war. Her painted hats are becoming quit,- popular with mem­ special session o f the ligislattire, bers of the London se,art set. which has voted to finance a world’s fair by means of a gasoline tax. is followed and miscellaneous levies “ DOCTORS" TAR BY WIRELESS are made on gasoline we shall soon reach the p o int where the differ- New York Physician Treats Seaman on Freighter 160 Miles uce in prices in Oregon alid Cali at Sea. fornia and W ashington is larg, enough to encourage evasion. New Y o r k .— H o w a physician of the It in.iv sound foolish to say that public health service 8W ho-pltal because of a difference of a few on Hudson street administered to a cuts in the price of a gall n of seaman on a freighter It m miles at gasoline the tourist will deny hiiu- | ls ,lle •»’eat A wireless from the self the p lea su re of d riv in g thru 'hl,> ,o team en's church Institute. D regou,- h u t it ts really not as read “Seaman suffering from bad swel­ foolish as it sounds. The tourist Appearance of is likely to regard such » tax as ling over kneecap. honsemnld’s knee. Unable to move. im position, and little im pression- Intense pain. Advise." arouse ill feelings out of ail pro- The message was sent to Doctor portion to th eir sixe. Gray, who had the following radioed The present gasoline ta x is w hol­ back: ly defensible and at the sam e time "Ailvlse Epsom salts to pint hot it is so sm all as not to lead to eva-1 "’«ter Five drops of carbolic acid sion , but if we get etarted to boost- ' a(Me<1 Apply with tint Compresses mg it indiscrim inately we s h a ll. to knee Joint several hours.” I he league of n a tio n s'c o v e n a n t provides for a council of nations whose orders were compulsory upon th e member powers and whose au th o rity was suRicient to call tlfion the meinhers to use force as it might direct. —Albany Herald. W ill tire H erald please quote, ju st once, the language of that lind one of th ese d ava t h a t w e h a v e ^Subsequently a me-«.ig.- e fumi covenant which made those nrd. ,s killed the goose th a t laid the gold- ’T "'."P ,h' patient was out compulsory »ml -gave the council! '» egg. I '* P ' "n<1 *ra" 'f ful. th a t au th o rity ? "Sporting One's Oak." And then will it, have the fait "To sport one’s oak” Is a phrase ness to state the fact th a t th signifying that one Is not at home with United States would have had a visitors. The saying originated at th* l.ngllsh universities, where the stu- »ole in th a council and th a t the dente’ chamber» have two doors—an council could take no action in nner and an outer one The outer •loor Is made of oak. sod when this oppoeition to th at vote ? Q A S O IJN K IS TA KG KT The special session provi les for financing the 1985 fair hy im pos­ ing an ax tru 2-cent t»x on gaso­ line. subject to approval hy popn la t vote, T h ° m easure passed the Is closed or "sported’ It denotes cither that the occupant of the apartment is • •nt or that he does not wish to he die lurbed. Paid In Full. "I am old-fashioned eneogh.** said the old Indy with the angular face, "to believe that honesty pays, my •tear young nephew." “Yes. quit so.” answered be an Irrigation expert, but she has J u at lee in their town. Mr. Heeg t t Demolish New Home and Dam__Erect driven and climbed over every dnm In la Juatlee of the peace and his / the Sierras. < One of Own Architecture in wife haa Just qualified as eon- t When the farmers of her count} Bronx Zoo. atable. Mr. Heeg swears out t w anted a report on a big New England the warrants and hands them to t t irrigation and hydraulic power enter New York— Beavers at the Bronx his wife, who, In turn, serves t t zoo have no use for houses made for prise they sent Mrs. Wills east to find them and brings offenders be­ t them hy man. The keeper's decided out nil about It and tell them what fore her husband’s court or t recently that the beaver house not they wanted to learn. She took 40 turns them over to him for de­ t only was Inadequate, but Innrttstic, California turkeys with her to sell to livery to the county Jail. • s ". tjie lake was drained, the house the Boston Yankees. "»in down and a new structure, pteas- . Then some men with money who ii : to the human eye. erected. The had Investments In I't^n began to look Waterfall 1.904 Feet High. water was then let back Into the lake for someone to send down there. They New Zeeland's highest waterfall, ai d the heavers swam out to look were offered by the Peruvian govern­ » w r their new domicile. It was evl- ment an enormous land concession on named the Sutherland, la 1.904 feet. 'ent tbut they unanimously condemned lie affair, for without even taking a peek within, they started to demolish it. A borne of their own notion soon appeared and everybody seemed happy, except the discomfited keepers V e w is h t o t h a n k o u r f r ie n d s f o r t h e i r M/ and carpenters. The beavers did not like the dam tlie keepers had erected, lib e r a l p a t r o n a g e in t h e p a s t, a n d t o a s s u r e W either, so after they hRd plastered np * their bouseq^wlth mud and made t h e m t h a t w e s h a ll s t r iv e t o m e r i t it s c o n t in - preparations for a hard winter, they n a n c e iu t h e f u t u r e . changed the level of the water in the lake f $ London— The famous Bnnk of England building will soon be entirely rebuilt, firtdv MRrprul fi'-ira higher and tl.o ougbly icn- <>vst