¿¡h^-! c / t e t t y LSEY ENTER PR T S F VOL. X H A L S E V , L IN N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . Heavy Preventable Loss on Farm Buildings T H U R S D A Y , DEC. 20, 1921 NO. 17 th tfkX ^ hUHld ha''eKi,ark Arresters, and S i k ^ ? Ucle ' T ,hP bO" er - r f O X '" " " , ’" n l# sary. Oraln-dust explosions are l a w m n d ? VT b'e A p artm ent has 5 « a^ J “ Udle8 ° f ,h* s e ­ C l , „ - e G 4 lect and is prepared to recommend adequate safeguards Jots and Tittles ulv ision of the kingdom Begun during Solomon's reign. I. Th« People's Demand (n r. 1-4). „Tbls W M Oc' a’ lon« ’ by the burden Pine Grove Penciling« M i« e « N Ora, P e .r| and Grac< ¿STOn' KgDM C h* n‘“ *r *"d An­ na Heiurtoh are home from H al *«y to spend tha bolidava. Clarence Eagy, from Portland, '• »pending tha weak with hig brother, Lawrence Kagy. • , „ . Farm tires eost about $20,000.000 a -------- r r --------v i H year—$18,166,710 In 1918. O f the fires build costly houses and temples for that year 83 per cent were from causes losses are caused by sparks his heathen wives. Owing to the mul­ classed as preventable, 87 per cent from locomotives, which Ignite dry tiplicity of his wives, this hecame very from partly preventable causes and 30 ru w 'c u i l ° n a B ond v ‘8 lte J A lb * ° y has closed a bargaiu for Bert burdensome. The people were groan- per cent unknown but believed to have wooden shingle roofs and start many Clark's confectionery but poea^a- lug under Its weight. Upon the ac- ’ tBbble’ and « « « ” «r been largely preventable. W ith Inade­ T nT drv Mr. and Mr«. Allen went to Basil W itiig was here for a visit sioo has not yet passed and Bert is i cession of the new king, Rehoboam . 5 “ " z x quate fire-fighting equipment on farm«, with Mrs, Starr, still on the job. the people through their leader, Jero­ fires are hard to control. Prevention i t f i s * ’ * * « - . boam, came w ith the request that Is the best w ay to deal w ith them. •r an^ Mrs. Mitxner and son Mr. and Mrs. J. Danley and lit­ 1 their burdens he made lighter, promts Defective chimneys and flues took Sophi* Heinrich leftTueeday for led wore AJbauy visitors Friday. tle daughter of Portland were log loyalty to him on the condition of Never Smoke in Bam or Garage toll to the exten t-of $1.962,031; sparks Corvallis a ft,r «pending several Christmas guests at the home of lightened burdens. Mrs. Kitchen returned Monday Ordinary friction matches should be on roofs, $1,181.171; careless use of Mrs. Danley’s mother, Mrs. J B. II. Rehoboam’« Foolish Decision •lay» in this vicinity. matches by smokers and others. $1,- kept safe In receptacles, away from from a Christinas visit in Eugene. Huston, in this city. (vv. 5-15). 071,987; petroleum and Its product^ children, and never carried loose Misses Norah aud Pearl p«hrs 1. Rehoboam consulted with the old Jess Safley and family ate The C. P Staffords had a big $732,067; and stove«, fhrnaces, boil­ Sh“ °m n*K *“ b“ rnS and «»rages never son were hostesses to a group of men (vv. 6-7). H e at once consulted Fire marshals Christmas dinner with relatives Christmas feast and, judging bv ers, and th e ir pipes, $674,968. The «h°uld be permitted. the old men of experience who had friends Friday evening, when they in Albany. largest item listed as p artly prevent­ h ssis m ’ ,8 7 rep° r' what they sent to the printer fam­ tieeu Solomon's advisers. Being ac­ entertained with a Chri.tmaa p . r. losses In grain and straw the able Is lightning, $3,933,950. F. M. Brown catne over from ily, they must have had a turkey quainted with the conditions us im ty. Decorations appropriate to past season from carelessly thrown Brownsville Monday and took train about as big as a bouse. Inspect Premises Frequently. posed by Solomon, and knowing the reL " er ° n .d "cked th e t# b l*. ’ h ere X « d ' , e“ glne SParl£8' and aut0'” <- The Departm ent o f Agriculture ad­ blle and tractor backfire than ever be- for Portland. George P. Tycer and wife came temper of the people, they advised rpfrotrinuenti were fltrvsd. that the people’s request be granted. vises a frequent looking over of the lOPB. Myrtle Hover returned to Cor- home from Portland for Christmas, A delightful party w a. given at 2. Rehoboam consulted the young premises to see that the buildings are ihu home of Mr«. McLaren Mon- Buildings may be made safer bv vallis Monday from her Christ­ which they spent with Mrs. T yi men who had grown up with him (vv in the best practicable shape to pre­ cer s father, John Bressler, and 8-11). These young men were most '. seeing that the chimneys are without mas at home. eTen,ng- lhe time was spent vent and resist fire, th a t inflammable family, returning yesterday. cracks and free of soot, which may likely half-brothers, sons o f Solomon's in lively games and refieahmenta leer Keen returned to Oregon rubbish Is cleared away, and that take fire and scatter sparks on dry J H Henderson and wife of many wives. Being thus brought up •reie served at . |at8 hour Afao City Monday via Halsey after roofs. Flues which may become hot South Bend, Wash., spent Christ­ In the luxury of the harem, they were forty were present. Christmas at Brownsville, should be covered with asbestos and mas with Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Staf. ignorant of the real rights of the peo any near-by walls and ceilings pro­ Mrs. J. R. Wright went to Sa­ ford. Mrs. Henderson is a sister pie; therefore they advised that the burdens he Increased. Where Shall They Dance? tected. There should be a sheet of lem Tuesday to visit the remain­ of Mr. Stafford, They left for 8. Rehoboam follows the advtce of metal under every stove. der of the week with relatives. (Albany Democrat) Portland Monday. the young men (vv. 12-15)I At the ap Out of all the losses by lightning A New England clergyman told pointed time he announced his pur Ralph Hooker was a passenger Henry At tips of Rainier arrived not one was on « building protected ........... by lightning rods. It is now definitely i to ° Portland ^ 0 ,t la n d Monday, coming over ov< in Halsey Friday evening to look pose to the people. H e answered them a Chicago audience that be bad In- known that lightning rods afford Pn> froni B ro w n sv ille w ith Carl K een after the settlement of the estate roughly, asserting his purpose to In­ Teased his congregation from 300 teetlon. I f Installed Intelligently tbev of his faiher, the late George At- crease their burdens and sorrows. o 1700 by allowing the young pen. L. W- Byerley and wife, Alva tig, and was the guest of his Rehoboam lost the great opportunity ole to dance in the chapel. They reduce the risk from lightning almost of his life. Leeper and family and H. C. Da­ lance the modern dances, too, aud to the vanishing point. mother southwest of town. II I . The Revolt of the Ten Tribes Io it decently. Opposition to the Precautionary measures w ill do vis spent Christmas at the Hugh (vv. 16-24). M tyor White came over from dan is melting away as it ia ob- much to cut down a loss that takes Leeper home. Upon Rehoboam's announcement of Brownsville Saturday evening to millions of dollars out of the posses­ his rash purpose, all Israel cried out. d for the com caused the work of two generations to Community. Mis« Clarrissa Walton, who ia mg year. they are going to dance, and if you C. H Davidson is be undone In a moment. habits of safety be Instilled In the Success In the operation of a co-op­ attending the normal icbool at leader, Dellis Cornutl president, ffon t let them danoe in the church IV . Jeroboam’s Substitute Religion handling of matches, lamps, stoves end erative bull association depends a Monmouth, i« spending the holi- Clifford Cornutt vice-president, and (vv. 25-83). hey are going to some other place, kerosene and gasoline. great deal on the care than is used day vacation at home. 1. Ho es'ahltahed calf-worship ( w . prob*b|y the cheap dance hall ’• Irene Quimby secretary-treasurer Gasoline has come to play an Impor­ In its organization. To begin with, There will always he diff«ten<'cs 25-33). (1) His pretext fo r (vv. 26, 27). Mr. and Mrs. Herman Metxner (Continued on page 5) tant part in farm life that special care those interested should obtain as much f opinion as to the propriety of He feared lest the religious unity Should lie taken to see that It Is not Information as possible regarding the and Miss Bessie B ind were Christ­ should heal the political separation church dancing, and there are stored in Inflammable buildings and Is plan of operation and should consult mas guests at the K. R. Cummings His plea was that the people would other gathering places whioh off.,r with the county agricultural agent. home in Albany Sunday. never ojiened In the presence o f un­ go back to Jerusalem to worship, and the same poaaiMlities for protec. covered flame. i f lanterns must be 1 H e may he able to give valuable In­ j Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wells are therefore would gradually be led to ion, but the philosophy hack of formation from experience, or at least used In barns, they should be kept In acknowledge allegiance to Rehoboam, the grandparents of twin boys born hese particular dance« is good It good condition, set or hung In a safe w ill know where It can he^bbtalned, and Ills own life would be taken. This to their daughter, Mrs. Helspeth place, and never filled or lighted In and he can help greatly In starting the act o f his had Its root In his heart of 14 not the love of vice, but the love at Eugene on Christmas day. organization. I f a county agent Is • f gaiety anti action which tempts the barn. Kerosene lamps should be unbelief. (Jod had promised through he young. Give them gaiety and the Prophet AhIJah to build him a examined to see that the burners are not available, w rite to the state agri­ Mrs. Wright of Klamath Falls, tctio ti in safe and clean surround- In good-condition and should never be cultural college or to the United States visiting her parents, E S Mars- sure house, even as he had built for left whore they rany be upset. K ero­ Department of Agriculture at Wash­ ngs and they are far less likely to David ( I Kings 11:88). Had he be- ington, D. C.. either of which will he ters and wife, near Brownavilie, ileved Hod, this fear would haze been 4-ek another environment. sene and gasoline receptacles should went to Albany shopping Tuesday dispelled. Jeroboam only used re be kept apart, and should be so differ­ glad to give advice and assistance. It llglon to secure personal ends. He Mrs. Ruth Williams of Portland ent as to avoid possibility of a mis­ Is advisable, If possible, to visit some Verdect of an Expert nearby bull association In order to take was too shrewd a politician to do went home Tuesday after visiting study the methods of operating, for away with religion. H e knew that re­ D. H Talmadge, formerly editor Numerous disastrous fires are caused the more Information there Is avail­ her parents, H. L. Straley and Halsey Christian Church ligion was a powerful factor In man's mtl publisher of tha Enterprise, by thrashing machines, both by scat­ able the better will be the prospects wife, and relative« near Browns­ life. (2) The calves set up (vv. 28-30). writes from his presaut home In tering sparks and embers and by dust fo r a well-organized and auccessful ville. Vhen Jeroboam set up these Idols lie Church Announcements 4alam: explosions In the separators. A ll smoke association. J. M Carey of Pasco, called aid, “It Is too much for you to go up Just a line to let you know that Methodist: to Jerusalem : behold thy gods, O home by the illnes of his father, I think you are making a splendid Israel, which brought thee up out of B. I Carey, went home Tuesday, Sunday School, 10. paper of the little old Enterpriea. Egypt.” His religion was the religion Preaching, 11. the elder Carey being gaming in Costly 8tockings Cause Divorce. Very few towns of the sise of Hal- of convenience. Junior League, 8. Chicago.— Because he refused to pay health.. W e H ave 2 His scheme o f worship (vv. say are so fortunate as to have $8.50 for a pair of stockings for his Intermediate League. 6:30 L. E. Buchanon, a homesteader 11-83). (1) H e built houses o f high «□ch a psper. ^EVERYTHING wife, Albert Lnrsou baa been divorced. Epworth League, 6:80. near Cascadia, took to the countv Have been watching the newt daces (v 31). This wss agslnst the The couple had been married 17 years. O ptical Preaching, 7:30 direct command of God. (2 , He made relative to the illneee of If t. seat last week the bides of ten bob­ Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. priests of the lowest of the people Wheeler. It ia good to know that cats and three coyotes taken near E Y E S T R A IN Graphite. (v. 31). God had set aside the tribe Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor, Is the Cause of M any his home. ler condition ia improving. I ap­ Down to 1850 graphite was obtained of Levi to fill the office o f priesthood preciate the fact that her illneea H U M A N IL1^5 chiefly from the Borrowdale mine In In this again, he disobeyed God. (8) Ray began of Athena is visiting l If your eye, give you trouble or has added materially to your bur- Cumberland. England. Since then a Christian: He changed the day of the feast of his mother in this city. He and 1 qpj?y°»1L Kl‘' sse* are annoying supply has been drawn from eastern lena, apd the unimpaired bright- Sunday School, 10. the tabernacle (v. 32). The time of | SBE US. We can Relieve Yon Siberia ; from Ticonderoga, New York hi- mother spent Christmas with ceas and vigor of the paper under Preaching, 11 this feast was set by Jehovah (Lev. state; Buckingham, Quebec; and Bo­ his sister, Mrs. James Newman, he trying circumstance« is a Endeavor, 23:33. '14). (4) Jeroboam himself In­ hemia. Graphite la also produced In near Corvallis. «« St. W. Albany. Phone Preaching, 7*30. mighty fine tribute to your owa trudes Into the priest's office (v. 83), Ceylon, and Madagascar Artificial •pirit. This act of presumption on his part Mrs. Portia Stewart of Lehaion I-ester Jones, Minister graphite Is also C-lng manufactured. -vas the climax o f his godless acts. All thlg grew out of a wicked heart The Ku Klux Kian bald a pa- Pine Grove Church : Short Stones of_ H»PPenu.geto Linn County Generally S, and in Halsey Particularly “ “X ä fe t Bancroft Optical Co. Ilf TO OUR & g & & Customers and Fr'ends season and express our sincere wish and an earnest desire for a continuance & •« Sunday School Lesson (By REV P B F1TZW ATER, D D.. Teacher of English Bible In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago ) Cep/rlfht. ills. WMttra Nswspmpmr Uatoa W e present to you the compliments of the for your prosperity during the coming year € ; » Sunday School, 10. Preaching, 11, b> Bro. Eggly. Prayer-meeting, 7. Bible Study, Wednesday, 7, of the cordial relations existing between us M, V. Koontz Co. L E S S O N FOR JANUARY 1 THE REVOLT OF JERO BO AM . LESSON T E X T -I Kin«» 11:1-0. OOUDEN T E X T —Thou »halt not mail» unto H i m any graven Image, or any llke- aaaa of any thing that ie In heaves above ar that la In th« earth beneath, or that is In th» water under th» earth, thou •halt not bow down thyself unto them aor serve them —Eg. » 4, 4 R EFE R E N C E M A T E R I A L -1 Kings U M-41 U .17-14, » , II Ct.ron U and U lea M S » PRIM ARY TOPIC—The glory ot Two Kings JUNIOR T O P IC -T w o Kings Who LHo Obeyed Ood. INTERM E D IA T * AND SENIOR TOPIC -T w o Klnge Who Dost Their Opportunl- •• TOUWO PEO PLE AND’ A I’U LT TOPIC —Industrial Unrest and Ito Cura. The ®Sv«penlP leading up tp the T IM E FO R C U T T IN G Inaeeta rada in Kaneoa day bafnra ygslar. day and nobody was killed. Ac- oidaoU will happen, — Eugana Reg. Attaefc istar. T IM B E R and Fungi Which Wood Aro Looo Active In Fall and W in te r Seasons Fall and «»Inter are best for rutting timber. Inserts and fnngl which a t­ tack wood are then less active. Rea sonlng I t slow and there la little ex- oeeslve checking It la easier to haul logs on «led« than on wheels, and la­ bor suitshle for woods work It usual­ ly more available. V E N T IL A T IO N IS IM P O R T A N T Carfeenle G et Constantly Forming Io Poultry Houoo Muet Be Carried Aw ay at Onee. It doesn't take long for the a ir In a poultry house to become poisonous end unhealthy. Carbonic acid gas la form Ing constantly and as the a ir becomes laden w ith this gas It must he carried out by a proper ventilating ayetem and replaced by pure, fresh air. Same Idea. The eld way e f aaytng I t : “A ft>oi and hl» monev are toon parted " The new way : “The long green doein't rttpaie with the greas long." leiu cn an lee Wsgen. When two little Irish boys asked a woman In an electric machine for a ride, she looked Into the upturned dirty faces and couldn't resist W hll« driving to the street they had desig­ nated they sat perfectly «UH w ith ■yes focused straight ahead, hut when 'hey got out she heard one say; "flea, 'hat's hetter'n rtdln' a lea * a g u ^ taln't I t r Common and Preferred Meek. Holders of preferred stock are on titled to dividends la advaoce of seas m«n stork holders, and alto to a claim on the property ahead ef the eetunea «tock. The cnatomary way Is te prm vide for a limited dividend oe prw ferred »took, which must be paid be­ fore common stock holders are en­ titled to any profits. Whe'd Be a Persian P le rie tf Persia aayi an eschaage. has a drink which glraa men a mania fee throwing stones. Persia mast tan a poor land for the greenhouaa n - c A ‘r ' ' A » «• F