Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, December 22, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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Brownsville Briefs
DEC. 22, 1921
• year per phone, are excessive in recitations and songe sandwiched
end threatens to cut loose.
| in between the tableaux.
Ilon i
•Io n
of (
er 1
• i
Qhristmas, /Q2./
The interm ediate Leaguers gave
Mrs. A1 S m ith went to Albany
a Christmas party at the home of
Mrs, G. VV. M ornhinweg Saturday
Evangelist B ntley is credited
A novel feature was a
w ith fifty conversions at Browns
box containing slips each bearing
T ills .
the name of a member. Each par-
Mrs. G. R. W a lker is expected I tic ip a n t drew a s lip and gave a
home from a visit at Rufus, Ore, | Christmas g ift to the member
whose name was on the slip.
t h i i evening.
or n<
Oi« I
our i
the 1
he «
Tueeday’ afternoon G. A. Over-
J. L. Crawford o f Fresno, Csl.,
ton of Brow nsville was drawn for
came in on yesterday's train
ju ry d uty in the Beebe case at Al-
b isw a y to Brownsville.
| bany. A t 12:46 Constable Joseph
The Shedd churches w ill have e
Hume received a telephone call
Christm as program at the W. 0.
from the sheriff to bring him over.
W H a ll Saturday n ig ht.
At 2.30 Hume and Overton re-
Dean Tycer and Mrs. W ill El-1 ported at the courthouse, despite
more of Brow nsville called at th the suow and ice.
Wheeler home Wednesday.
Charles Schultz, an ex-m arine,
Mrs. G. W Laubner and M r* 'S here from Portland on his wai
E liza Brandon are among the suf­ to Salt Lake C ity fo r residence,
toping to be benefited by the
ferers from the prevailing colds.
change. M r. Schultz is one of ou
Rev C. T. Cook and fa m ily w ill 5oya who was in the th ic k of
take dinner Saturday with the S lu rin g the w orld war, and ha-
C. W illiam son fa m ily uearPeori»- eomething by which to remembei
One arm is badly impaired
Miss D H. M |-C laiu came in on it.
yesterday's tra in from Eugene, on and he carries a sliyer from
He is
her way fo r a visit at H. I. Shel­ shraptiel in hie sku ll.
d o n ’ s, Brownsville.
aia sister.
Crabtree’s new com m unity hall
A daughter was born Sundy to
is called “ the m elting p ot."
Mr. and M rs C urtis at the P. J
com m unity dance was enjoyed
Forster farm west o f Halsey.
there Saturday night
Mr K ir k p ttric k , who has bee1
Guy Bramwell and wife, iron i i poor health for gome lim e , wa
itro w n e v ille , spent Wednesday ii removed Saturday to a hospital i>
Halsey visitin g at the G rant T a y­ Albany, where he remained fo
lor and J. C. Bram w ell homes.
treatm ent.
Three venires have been exhaust,
Miss Hazel G u llifo rd le ft toda-
ed and a fourth summoned in th. for her home in Chehalis, Wash
effort to get a ju ry to try Pet. where she w ill spend the holiday
Beebe for the murder of the P aint­ w ith her parents and sister.
W . A Catey returned Wednet
Most of the p :pes of privati I day tram a few days' tr ip to Salem
water systems in Halsey froze m
Misses Helen A rm stro n g, Cleom
Monday uight ¡bu t users of city
w«ter let, it. out nf tbeirjpipes and Sm ith and Donna Robertson an<
L ‘-wis S k irv in and Lawrence Tay
suffered I ttle damage.
lo r of Eugene, P h ilip M erriam o
Byron McDonald and wife and Albany, Roland Marks of Corval.
two children from The Dalles took li» and Lym ati Marsters of Salen
the tra in here yesterday on the are a ll home from school for th,
way home from the funeral of holidays.
th e ir relative, Mre M cDonald, at
R. B M ayberry was a H a rris
E. D. Myers is executor of the I burv v is ito r Thursday.
14,0 X) estate of Laura L . Am -1
Mrs A. Cornelius and her sis-
brose, late ol Brownsville
M y rtb 'lte r Mane, who is attending bigl
Myers declined t b i t resp on sibility ¡school here, w ill leave Halsey the
Nine descendents are named io 24 h to spend the holidays at home
the w ill.
Thirteen others w ill near Eugene.
share the estate,
The funeral o f Mrs. M cDonald,
The home of George W . L a u b ­ whose death is mentioned ou page
ner was the gay scene of what may 5, was at the B row nsville B a pti-t
he termed a s ag party last I'hurs-1 church Tuesday,~ w ith Tnterrnen
<1 av evening.
Several tables ol at the Stauard oetnetery. A scot
bridge whist were enjoyed, followed or more of relatives from Portland
by C hristm as confections in the The Dalles and o ilie r places at
way of refreshments
The p a rtic . tended. M r McDonald, the wid
ipants «ere the husbands of tl e ower, recently purchased and i
members of the ladies' Study club publishing the Recorder at Salmon
who attended the C hristm as p a rti Idaho
is rem aining
at the home of Mrs. C, P Stafford. , Brownsville for a few days.
Homer H endricks, alias C. A.
.... „
, .
A H a rrisb u rg man claim s t
Moor«, showed queer judgment
have the earliest lambs th is yea'.
when he tried to borrow $25 from
There are several in th is v ic in ii
an inm ate of our countv poor farm .
who have lambs six weeks earlier
But his judgm eut was no better than his.
when he passed a forged #125 check
a t Eugene previously, and he has
M r», I. A. Pray weot to Albany Suu
been taken there to face the music.
day and on Monday viewed the gurgr
I t pays beet to go straight.
The M ethodists w ill have th e ir
Christmas ente rtain m e nt at the
church Saturday evening
w ill be a series of tableaux in te i-
preted by scripture readings and
The children w ill appear
ous Christmas displays in the store win
I. A. M cKern. Edward McRern an,
W orth Bass went hunting yesterday on
Lake creek and got wo large coons. The
skins brought nearly JtO
GEORGE MELF0RD P r o d u c tio n
“T h e
F a it h
H e a le r ”
’Tis C hristm as again— The season of laughter and youth.
W ith a li f t of s p irit and w arm ing of the heart six jo in
bands w ith s ix ty to ce le b r^e
escapes the spell.
the happy occasion.
O nly a day, but in th is day the old grow
LTp life ’s w inding course and through the ages, change
rom antic stagecoach has given place to steam and speed
E le c tric ity has snuffed the soft beam of candle ligh t.
the tin k lin g «leigbbell has been drowned in the roar of the
motor horn.
Yet youth knows nangbt of
gladly accepts the new.
the old and age
Who w ill say th a t s p irits
keener or smiles brighter at the Christmases of our fathers
than they are today?
In this modern s p irit the Blain C lothing Company offers
to each and every one o f its patrons
V e ry ^ .A te r r y C h r is tm a s .
T h e s to r e w ith a
s q u a r e d e a l fo r ev-
e ry c u s to m e r .
(R egular correspondence)
W. D. W ashburn and A lb e rt No. 18, 12:04 p. a .
No, 23, 11:31,. B
24, 4.34 p a .
Overton took a ride over about Jef­
14, 5:27 p. m.
D , 5,49 p. „
ferson and H a rrisb u rg a few day»
ago loo king for sheep to buy.
Rev. W . P. W h ite , D D ., fo rm ­
e rly of A lb a n y , now at P o rtla n d ,
The delivery window of th,
w ill oonduct a Bible conference, H alsey postoffice is open Sundav.
j here from the first to the 8tb o f grom 9:16 to 9:46 a. m ^ . „ d" %
i January. The churches a ll united to 12:36 and 6:15 to 6.30 p m
■in the in v ita tio n to D r W h ite and
[ the meetings w ill le held in the
B aptist and Presbyterian churches,
! o ne-half of ti e tim e in each. There paid for
• w ill be tw o sessions each day, af-
Admittance Here 5 Cents
‘ terooon and evening.
a Line
I A home ta le n t p la y , “ A Per-
plexing S itu a tio n ,’ ’ was given in
____'T h e Faith Healer.”
K . of P. h a ll F rid a y evening fo r
e v e ral extraordinary feature« in cos
the benefit of the co m m un ity b u ild ­
A capacity house greeted the nection w ith " T h e Faith Healer?
which w ill be showo at the Rialto (he.
Mrs. Ida Hansen returned the tar tomorrow evening, make it ose of
la tte r p a rt of the week from a v is it the moat notable examples of the «creea
of some weeks in P ortland.
T he theme discusses the problem of
The revival meetings in progress
in the B a ptist church for three whether a man w ith a great work or
weeks closed Sunday evening. mission in life should sacrifice the
State Evangelist B entley is aBtroug joys an-t pleasures of life, even love it.
preacher and has had large expe­ self, and devote a ll his energies to his
rience in evangelistic w ork.
Be­ mission.
The story presents in clear form the
tween 50 and 60 professed conver­
sion or were reclaimed, and over a great tru th of healing by faith. A beau;
score united w itli the local church tifu l romance is developed in the story.
The influence of the meetings w ill
not stop w ith the going of the
evangelist b u t w ill be fe lt in the
Good apples, guaranteed worm,
church and th ru o u t the c o m m u n ity less, at G. W . M ornhinweg’» for
fo r a long tim e to come. M r. Bent $1 a box.
ley w ill be in Lebanon in February
to hold a series of m eeting.
C hicken d in n e r every Sunday at
Rev. A . M. M cClain returned H o te l B row nsville. 60 cents.
the la tte r part of the week from
W a ldp ort, where he conducted | I f you know an item of nswi
evangelistic services fo r two weeks, phone i t to No. 206.
w ith satisfactory results.
cam paign at W a ld p o rt was the
F o r ren t or fo r .a le -H o u s e . .nd
s ix ty .m n th M r. M iC la m has con- farina j n v ic in ity of Halsey.
ducted in the tw e n ty -fo u r years
W J. Ribelin.
of bis m in is te ria l work
He is
p la n n in g to hold hia sevetieth oam-
Old papera, 5c a bundle at the
p iig n in the Presbyterian church.
B ro w n s v ilb , beginning the 8th oi Enterprise office.
9 J i of Ja nu ary.
Dr. E W Barnum , dentist, at
The churches are a ll p la n n in g
Halsey every Tuesday and
the usual entertainm ent» fo r F ri
day or S aturday nights th is week
youug and youth throws o tf the grasp ot time.
constantly bites at the heels o f h a b it and custom.
prepared Inside of an exhausted glass
| bulb. The current passes across the
evacuated space to a loop o f p la ti­
num w ire and thus to the outside c ir­
cuit. W h ile this electric current is
•i very small. It can be am plified by
i methods which are well known toda;
' In electro-technics, and so the size
Scientific Discovery at Illinois | of the current Is no detrim ent to the
use of the photo-electric cell.
University May Revolutionize
“Just as the little currents, which
Movie Industry.
were set up at Arlington cemeterj
W . T. ( B illy ) T em pleton is very
on Armistice day by President H ard
For sale—Cedar shakes and
sick at the home o f M r. and Mre
Ing's voice were magnified and repro
Posts. Load lots delivered.
dneed thousands of miles away, so Chester A u stin w ith a complies
can these little photo-electric currents tlo n of troubles.
Brownsville Warehouse».
He had been o ut
be magnified and produce sounds In to Mrs. W h ite ’s home and was re.
Professor Jakob Kunz Develops an
loud speaking telephones."
tu rn in g and was taken suddenly
In Memoriam
It Is therefcire Jogtcnl to expect that
Extrem ely Sensitive and Reliable
and bo v io le n tly i l l th a t he had t<
the scientific discovery o f a sensitive
“ Photo-electric C ell” Which
Whereas, In the death of Sister Hsiel
and reliable photo-electric cell w ill he
W arm oth Purity Lodge No. 1301, I. 0.
May Make Pictures T alk.
from which he cannot now be re­ O, F., has lost a faithful and devoted
used to give us the perfect photo
sad w hile we mourn her death
Urbana. 111.— W ill the moving pic­ phone of the future. One large com
H is illness i we realize we must bow to the will of
pany Is said to be already developing p leton’s daughter.
ture Industry receive a revolutionary
such a use of this photo-electric cell
of such a nature th a t his frien d our Heavenly Father.
addition through a eclenlltlc discovery
Brother Warmoth in her
are much alarmed about h im
made at the University of Illinois,
death h ai lost a faithful and loving wife,
baste patents for which are held by
F rank T in d le drove to Salem A her com m unity a worthy member and
her lodge a faith fu l worker,
that Institution? I t seems possible
few days ago and brought baoi
Resolved, T h a t our deepest sympathy
that this discovery w ill make the mo­
Dr. H artm an, South Amarican Astron
with h im two “ ta ith healers’ ’ wh , go to her husband and family, and we
vies of the fu tu re talk, so that there
orner. Plaças It Between
(re tre a tin g his daughter Pansy (com m end them to tha Heavenly Father,
w ill no longer be "the silent dram a.''
Jupiter and Mars.
w ith a pp aren tly good results.
* 1 who heala * alt
" wounds.
T he scientific discovery Is that o f
Resolved, That a page be set apart ia
an extrem ely sensitive and reliable
Buenos Aires, Argentina.— T he dis­
Representative W . C. Temple minutes of our order to the memory of
'photo-electric cell," made about two
our departed sister, and that a copy
covery o f a qew planet In the group ton is at Salem th is week attend
of these resolutions be furnished her
years ago In the physical laboratories
of asteroids, which revolve between ing the special session of the leg
husband, and a copy be given the Halsey
of the university by P ro f Jakob Kunz.
the orbits of Jup iter and Mars. Is an­ ■elature.
Enterprise for publication.
The incident Is a good example of the
nounced by D r. H artm an n, director of
Charity Clark
unexpectedness by which some great
the observatory of the U n iversity of
Mary Gray
discovery may be made years In ad­ I.a Plata.
Callie Fro«
vance of its possible practical use.
T he planet Is o f the fourteenth
The photo-electric cell is s device
magnitude and 1» seen at present from
Flram an Catches Runaw ay Locomo­
M r. and Mrs. W . A. Hahn have
for turning flashes of light Into elec
this latitud e in the constellation Cetns.
tive A fte r T w o -H o u r Run Over
eisht-pound g irl.
trie pulses and Is so sensitive that It
which lies south of the “great square
Dangerous Road.
reacts to light from stars which can­ o f Pegasus, now visible In the evening
The D airym e n ’s league meeting
not be seen with the naked eye. Be­ sky.
Frnzer, Pa.— A passenger locnpttflve
H a rris b u rg Saturday went on
cause of this extrem e sensitiveness the
on the Pennsylvania branch road,
ae unanimously
in favor of
photo-electric cell promises to displace
So F at He Can’t See Movies.
hased by her own fireman fo r ten ■
the selenium cell which has been used
W insted. Conn.— John H . B u rr of miles up and down steep grades over c°«>tin«»lnK ‘ ha organization, not-
up to the present tim e in experiments B u rrvllle , one o f the heaviest men In a high bridge, and around dangerou» < ith a t» n d in g doubts expressed by
carried on to produce speech to accom­ this region, has been forced to give curves and wag caught tw o hours a f p h « local manager regarding it»
panying moving pictures.
up attendance at the movies because ter she had le ft Phoenixville, Pa. ■ ¡s u rv iv a l in Its present form
Better Than Swedish Device.
the seats In the W insted.opera house
T he engine had been placed In th. I
n v» w
r o i . 1 4 i.
A Swedish scientist has developed
are too small for him and he doesn’t yard a fte r the run had been finished
a device which he calls the "photo- care to stand. On the occasion of When the fireman left, the locomotive j
R*«b« ju r y
phone" by which such speech is more
hts last visit to the opera house. M r
began slowly going down grade. Th.
The weather for the reindeer and
or less perfectly produced. This Is B u rr got wedged In a seat so securely
no?,To." n r .’,* ch* M- Ther*
1« the aleigh continues as we go to
done by having a second film on ihe
that tt was only hy dint o f great e f­
pounds of steam In the engine's bolle
P -x h a n a old S a n ta will bi
same spindle as the moving picture
fo rt that he released him self
and the locomotive raa until thia wa«
r e t nape o a 3 ,n ‘
film, on which are photogaphed .va­
| a ljl*
oom plate hts round» before
rious curves and openings correspond­
i bars cornea a thaw.
ing to the words which are to accom­
Mra. W heeler’s condition con-
pany the pictures. A beam of light
inuae to ba encouraging to ber
sent through this Aim falls upon a
H er eight, which w**
selenium cell. T he selenium cell de­
laa rly gooe, is a lig h tlv improved
pends upon a discovery made nian,-
years ago that the metal selenluir
• nd there are indications of return-
changes Its electric resistance when
* , , W e wn'>ld.»>W kf«t A lu m in u m W a re . P y re x
ng sensation in her paralys'd
light falls upon It. It Is thus possi­
ble to get variations In an electric
z,\ t h e e ts T o o ls, C o a s te rs a n d m a n y o t h e r ite m s
Tha Halsey high school b»i-
current by letting the beam of light
eetball ’ teams are practicing in
from a speech photograph Aim fall
t h a t w ill p ro v e th e m s e lv e s u s e fu l
upon auch a cell. These v a ria tio n s "
-W e h ave these in stock at reasonable prices
'be F ru m warehouse.
They have
set In a telephone to reproduce speech.
W e have any National Mazda U m ,. from 20-wau to loo watt
tad electric lig h ts p ut in and the
T he selenlnm cell Is much Inferior
taraphernalia metalled and if the
C '*O J
to Doctor Kunz' photo-electric cell
tlb a n y college g irls want to come
In transform ing light waves into elec­
ver and tr y i t again they will
tric pulses. The photo-electriewceJl Is
find a h a ll large enough
not only much more sensitive, but It
has no lag; that is. It responds imme­
a auit them .
diately to a light wave even after
Tuaaday n ig h t W J.
hours and days of use. The selenlnm
eae roused by a leak from a w»>er
cell la not only not as sensitive but
>ipe th a t had b n le t in the uppef
It has the disadvantage o f having
a rt the house.
He had to go
thia lags or fatigue.
Result ot Years of Wcrfc.
•ome distance to sh ut o ff the
K itc h e n C a b in e ts R a n g e s
R ugs
"Doctor Kunz has been working for
er and then worked pretty hew
D in in g R o o m S e ts H e a te r s
several years on the effect of light or
,C q n e o le u m
rettin g w ater out of the room*,
Bed s
■-ertaln o f the a lk ali metals such as
vben suddenly he completely W*
L in o le u m
potassium sod sodium." said the head
he use o f both rig h t limbs
of the department. "A lay«! of any
- j
. u C d H'. D?T ld ,O n ° f S , e “ d
* F O R C H R IS T M A S
F la m in g w ith h o ly zeal he
c a m e fro m th e h ills to flay
s o c ie ty s s in s
A n d saw
th e w o m a n — a n d lo v ^d
h e r!
T h e n h e r o w n lip s to ld
h im th e life s h e h a d led .
an ti? C o m e s e e w h a t s o rt
of m a n h e w as !
M ilton Sills and Ann.R ’iie s t A s to r y o f th in g s th a t
In the G eo M elföld Pr A taon g iv e h u m a n life a so u l.
I h is p ic tu r e in d o rs e d
A P a ra m o u n t P c t u i e
b y c le r g y m e n o f P o r tla n d
b e lie v e we c o u ld h a v e
e h o s e n a m o re a p p r o p r i a t e p i t tu r e tu r C h n s tm a s i r ^ t ' a T . ^ “^ ^
‘2SS.-2I i!£ht. fjl1
T J. •
'I '
NN hite Sewing Machines
, n r n r r n iftir d lM M M M /)
vae belpleae fo r about an hour,
vben the vanished power returned
nd ha ia as well ae before.
R ibelin th in k s excitement
cao-d “>• lemPof’