H alsey VOL. X enterpris H A L S E Y , L IN N CO UNTS’, O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y , DEC. Jots and Tittles Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally and in Halsey Particularly —Y C 4/ZrI « O f f e r in g o f Q i o n e g H .C . Davie ««.turned Thursday sign io view o| the shortage of from hie eastern trip. bouses 'T J. C. Walton and M r. Petrick xi T were passengers for Albany Mon- u J °ne8 accompanied her hus- day L“8l8r Jones, pastor of the „ J .. Christian church, from Eugene H . W . Hughes and wife of Saturday and epent the week end Brownsville were passengers to , with Mrs. True. Albany Monday^ C. A. Waggener has been ap­ Clayton Sprenger and wife of A l­ pointed administrator of the es­ bany, late of Shedd, have a daugh­ tate left by C. E. Waggener, and ter. born last week. d u' T- J. Simon and » Mrs. John Bramwell got home B M. M iller appraisers. Sunday evening from a visit wit*- her daughter, Mrs. Neville. , t C‘ T Cathlamet, Wash. in WhiLi F r'daJ aDdndant of the founder of Crawfordsville, died at his home in Shedd Thursday, aged 6’J years, Charles Ballard, formerly pub­ lisher of the Enterprise, is pub­ lishing a weekly paper at 997 Mississippi avenue,' Portland, called the Promoter. It is a newsy little sheet devoted to that section of Portland and chronicles in de. tail a considerable amount of build, ing activity. This last is a good --------------- W e H ave EVERY THING O ptical E Y E S T R A IN 1« the Cause of M any H U M A N IL L S If your eyes give you trouble or your glasses are annoying SEE US. W ecan Relieve You • Bancroft Optical Co. J1J 1st St. W 'Albany. Phone . May we all be a9 little children ! «3L Halsey Christian Church Church Announcements Methodiat: Sunday School, 10. Preaching, 11. Junior League, 8, Intermediate League, 6:30, Epworth .League, 6:30. Preaching, 7:30. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8, Rev, C, T. Cook, Pastor, Christian: Sunday School, 10. Preaching, 11. Endeavor, 6:30. Preaching, 7:30. Lester Jones, k n itt e r . Pine Grove Church: Sunday School, 10. Preaching, 11, by Bro. Eggly, Prayer-meeting, 7. Bible Study, Wednesday, 7. J Sunday School Leuon • By The C o p y r ig h t, 1 11 1, For Father Handkerchiefs • Hosiery Silk Shirt Wool 0 loves Merita Jewelry Y i t o t o t o k sfsstxsfxsfx D-, W o o tw rn N « *« p a 0 4 r T.’ n le a LESSON T E X T - M a t t J1-1X G O L D E N T E X T —And when th ey had opened their trea su res th ey presented unto him g ifts; (o ld and (r s n k la s sn se and m yrrh.—M att. Z:1L PR IM A R Y T O P I C -W is e Men V isit the Baby Jesu s JU N IO R TOPIC—T he W ise Man »ad the 8 ’ar IN T E R M E D IA T E A N D SE N IO R TOPIC —T he F irst C hristm as YOUNG P E O P L E A N D A D U L T TOPIC —The M ost J oyou s D ay In th e Tear. For Sister Hummingbird Silk Hose Silk Lingerie Fountain Pen Stationery • Photo Album Silk Blnuee For Brother Neckwear Silk Muffler Swestere Cep Arm Bands M. V. KOONTZ CO. F1TZ W A T E R E D C H R IS T M A S LESSO N— T H I V IS IT OF T H E W IS E M EN . These Suggestions May Help You Felt Bedroom Slippers Leather Hand Bag Ivory Toilet Set Silk Gloves Silverware Silk Parasol B LESSON FOR DECEMBER 25 In this store you will find the Christinas spirit reflected in a host of pleasing gift articles for every member of the family. The toy dpart- ment. particularly, will appeal to the fathers and mothers with sturdy youndsters to provide with gifts. For Mother HEV, P. T eacher of E n glish B ible la th f Moody Bible Ioatltu te o f C hicago.) Xmas Spirit $ M O ta lu fc SÌOÌ£sti3Ìe< NO . 16 © is When Santa Claus is hitching up His reindeers to his sleigh © I’m going to bring a great big bag Of love to him and say: “ Dear Santa Claus, please take this bag, And on each Christmas tree Tie just a littlo bunch of love Fast with a memory.” To you, dear triends, I wish the best Of all good gifts that are : Good health, and wealth, and tame, and i love, The last more precious far. So search ye closely every branch When lights bright up the tree, And you will find my gift of love Tied with a memory. L. W. Snell in Michigan Farmer. Twsnty.Seven P .r Cvnt ef Freshman Class Working Their Way Through College. Tides Dispose of Sewage. In Boston and many other coast cit­ ies the tides are utilized In the disposal of sewage, part of which Is held In reservoirs until strong outgo­ ing tidal currents have developed. Be fore the turn of the tide the sewage has been carried so far that It has be­ come mixed with an immense hotly of ocean w ater and Is rendered harm­ less. 1*21 © PRINCETON MEN GET JOBS Princeton. N. J.— Twenty-seven per cent of the 585 freshmen In the class of Princeton university sre working part or all of their way through col­ lege, and 18 per cent of the newcomers are being assisted by the university In the form of scholarships or rerals- slon of tuition, according to statistics gathered by Secretary V. Lansing Col­ lins. Approximately 150 freshmen are now doing wrae sort of remunerative work. Men • desiring permanent positions have become waiters In the university dining halls, and others sell copies of campus publications and pro- grams nt football games and food and refreshments by a nightly canvass of the dormitories. Some deliver metro­ politan newspapers and The Dally Prlncetonlan, others publish syllabi to help duller students, and still others are competing for the position as manager of the various student estab llshments, as of pressing, shoe shining and the furniture exchange. ÿ. Defeat and Victory Halsey Basket Ball Teams Lose at Scio but Local Girls Defeat Albany (Reported for the Enterpris«) in for a Having as a rea*on for the Saturday eveuing at thg theater Albany girls’ defeat. Itw aeagood the girls’ high school basket ball thing that Ibeae officials did not tvam was a winner agxinkt the call all fouls made by Albauy, for Albany cel lege girls' team by a twice as many should have been score of 16 to 11. The college culled. The Albany referee called girls came fresh from a victory twice aa many fbule on the ooilege over the Shedd team Friday even­ girta as be did on the Halsey girls. ing, believing that on Saturday We all liked bis decisions. evening they could show the H al- The baskets are exact regulation -ey girls the game. Their very at­ si««; also in height, and stand titude when warming up before the square. game demonstrated (hnt they thot The visitors never showed the that they were the whole show. sportsmanlike spirit, for Mr«. Balf The first jump there was a foul Bond planned a splendid reception on Albany's center for removing i for them and they turned down the left hand from the baok before the invitation. How ungrateful the ball was hit in the jump. Pearl some mortals can be! Pehrsson made the basket. One The boys’ and girls' high school point! Just a moment more and Pearl made a field throw, counting basket ball teams went to Scio last two more. The big, little and Friday to meet the two teame re­ dow Albany girls began to see a spectively there. The girls lost by real team play, and began also t<> a score of 83 to 2*2. The boys lost <»e defeat, for our five girls were to Scio by 47 to 18. Pearl Pehrsson played a good so qui ok and active that their op­ game. Anna Heinrich tried to do ponents could not find them A* the game progressed and our ,l>o much work but did finely, girls took a great lead. Miss Al ' Buth Krum, who started in late to »»any on the forward end fumed j 1 rain, did exceptionally well for and fussed and rtorm«d, mad- ' Ber first game and on a strange (aces, and slapped the Halaey Boor. The other four did the best guard and called time, gnd had a 'bey could iigpier the handicap, consultation—changed the team's Beulah McKern surprised us all. position some—but the Hulsey girl» Geraldine Cook played center and went merrily along wincing, bad an opposing center banging to The college girls went home and ,ier all the game» Alberta Koontz howled about a small hall, not I experienced the same treatment nigger than a gool sized living room 88 * 'de center. Frost Bass was The iiving-room-sised ball mess- there and allowed them she could urea, playing space, 30x60 Rather P1“?. {ood sized living room! But this The banquet given at the high room meets the rules of the basket school alter the game was enjoyed •all game with no out of bounds. by all. Halsey came home in Th« referees and umpire can»* good spirits under defeat. the Suvlor, for H e Is the Logos— the fulness of wisdom. 2. That God's Word shall not return unto him void (Isa. 86:11). The seeds east upon the waters o f the East brought forth fru it a fte r many days. No work done for the Lord eventually falls. 3. The grace of Ood calls men from unexpected quarters. Some who have the least opportunities give the great - eat honors to C h rist; while others, j blessed with the richest opportunities shut H ltn out. II. Hsrod Seeking to Kill the King larasl Turns From Mossa plating giving a junior class plsy ! n 8-8). And when the people Saar that Mnaea The news brought by the Wine Men delayed to come down out of the io rsiee money for said ring«, if it struck terro r to Herod's heart. Hi mount, the people rathe red themselves decides in favor of ptin-h-aing was not alone In this, for all Jerusalem together unto Aaron, and said unto them this year. was troubled with him. The new him, Up, make ua gods, which ahall go ought to have brought Joy. A gllmpst- before ns; for as for this Moaea, the Halsey Plays with Scio: at the social customs In and ahou Last Friday evening the mem. mun thot brought us up out of the Jerusalem at that day w ill enable m land of Egypt, we wot not what Is hers of the Halsey hoop quint met to understand ,why this news brought become of him.— Exodus 82: 1. their Waterloo at Scio. The score uneasiness to the people. They were at the end of the first hglf was 30 living In the greatest luxury. Fine Faith I t Substance of Thing » to 10; final score, 47 to 18; both dresses, sumptuous feasts, fine houses Faith Is the substance of things in faver of Scio. The Halsey line, etc., led to gross Imm oralities. The? hoped for, the evidence o f things not up was: McKern, neuter; Robert­ did not want a Savior who wotih' seen.—Hebrews, 11 :L son and Cross, forwards; Clbrh save them from their sins— the and Muller, guards. wanted to continue In them. Herod The Cheerful Worker. The girls' teams also played. demanded of the priests and scribe; Do all things without murm uring! Althn Halsey had the advantad« Information as to where Christ should and dlsputlngs ; thnt ye may be hlante- ,,f starting earlier in the season, he born. They soon were able to tel ess and —,.i harmless, i.. . . the , i . sons of ... God, game was a straight victory him. Tliese people had a technical vlthout rebuke In the midst o f a knowledge of the Scriptures, but hnT for Scio. The score at the nod of •rooked and perverse nation, among no heart fo r the Savior set forti the first half was 28 to 11; final lioin ye shall shine as lights In the therein. They had no disposition ti score. 83 to 22 T h r lineup for world.— Phlllpptana 2 ¡14 to 16. seek Him . This all occurred In Jem Halsey was Cook, center; Koon is , Salem, the city of the King— the plan running center; Bass and Pehrsson, A Greet Reward. of all places where He should havi Heinrich, I have fought a good fight; I have forwards; Frum and been welcomed. It seetns where tin Inlshed my course; I have kept the guards. McKern, tab, played sec­ greatest privileges are. there Is th, faith. Henceforth there Is laid up for ond half as guard. greatest Indifference shown as It in« z crown of righteousness.— I I T im [These games are reported else, spiritual matters. • aley. Negative won. have believed" (John 20:29). Note the close of the program the many, T e n t h debate— Affirmative, God's overruling providence In al presents will be distributed at us- Hazel Quimby; negative, Hazel this. Many hundred years before, fhi ual from the school Christmas Gulliford. Negative won. ! prophet said that Christ should come tree. The Christmas holidays for j Eleventh debate— Affirmative, from Bethlehem (Micah 5 :2 ). God s. bolh schools will ba the week Deo Grace Robinson; Negative, Cloy 1 ordered affairs that M ary should b< 16 to 21 and probably the follow- Dykstra. Affirmative won. brought to thst city to give birth te ng Monday. Twelfth debate — Affirmative, fSirlsL God so ordered that the»» Bessie Dykstra; negative, W dl- men should depart nnother way, there 1 lass Eveuts: by defeating Herod a wlrked purposi The senior class received * nu in- ,n* ' t 8 Forster. 1. The King Earnestly Sought ( w . 1. 2). These Wise Men who sought Jesus were either Arabian or Persian a*- trologers—students of the stars. The appearance of an unusual star at trseted their attention. Perhaps they were acquainted with the famous prophecy of Balaam (Nuns. 24:17). Doubtless through the Influence of the Thirteenth debate— Affirmative, lews who remained In Chaldea, or the The lx>rd put gifts Into the hands ol her of sample pins last week, but direct Influence of Daniel eitending D el in a W ahl; negative, Clareuce Joseph and M ary before going tc they did not prove satisfactory. to this time, they had become ac­ Egypt. Doubtless this served a giMxl M' Keru. Negative won. The junior o ass has been d quainted with the hope of a Messiah. purpose In meeting tbelr expenses dur­ the next debates the win- ‘ hating on the perplexing prol »leu, I The light they had was dim, but they ing their stay there. T ru ly “ All things •I purchasing the rings this year. " er* ba p f ec,-d m g w ill lived up to the best they had Te work together for good to them that The class is evenly d vided * ■ into | I matched againet each other, these who act upon the best light love God." (Rom 8 :2 8 ). iwo factions. One faction wishes Whatnots: they have. God always gtvea more. The First Laugh. io get the rings this yexr, as they Snowballs have been prevalent To those who refuse te act upon the Rome authorltlea say that" the first vill have longer to wear them the last week, many people being knowledge given. God net only re­ fuses to give mere, but brings into laugh wasn’t a laugh at all, hnt an ex The other faction desires to w a it, unfortunate targets for well-aimea confusion that which they already etamatlon of triumph. Prehistoric man. m til nest year, as some expect to missile. hsvlng possess (M a tt. 25 2$). These men ___ _ emerged victorious from an en- . «long to other graduating clesees Lest Tuesday afternoon Lewis were really wise. Let us learn fm m w . , «»»an H a le y ’s, and alw on account Skirvin, a graduate of last year, Bound -h . to express s a i.s f.rtlo o enU , , ir)< lhw th e m : visited the high school, 1. That all true wisdom leads to end relief, end from ibis first “h a i" luextjear. Tb« das« is coul«(W- H, 3. Re|»oater, B. «a •• • "w • our laugh has grown.