300-Egg Baby Chicks ..... ■». ......... „ .. Dear frie n d : I f you are interested in making some money in chickens you Ih i. e. ihrentena a descent upon must have the best We are able to fur- nub you on early orders baby chicks The <1*P«rim ent fruiii O. A. C. W hite Leghorn founda­ it Drenarin. . tion stock of special mating for early "nr ” " ! l p?r; , |r* ’ '> X c e 's ^ n d winter egg producers. Oar birds w ill be mated to O, A. C. cockerels of a 3o0-egg strain. We nly hatch eggs from our own breeding \ ' therefore order early if you wish to he Heavy Infestation in Ontario. sure of delivery. De F o r some months the Canadian W rite for prices or come and invest! ^ h o r t t le s have been comba.mg . gate for yourself. *nvestt- X e .t h“ n,,r,hern 8bor* ^ e Ink? P. A. Pehrsson and P. W. S y lv e s te r p i c H c . l u ” ,” ' ^ * , t r ° ng foo,,'-ild' R E. D. 1 (Pine Grove) HakVy o " s o ? , devastating entire corn A h r^ d \ V‘C,D,ty ° f St- Th° “ a« D L v .. id . t /¿ i INOCULATE ALFALFA AND KINDRED CROPS ^ /ir is tm a s Shifts SHOULD BE SELECTED NOW Notice to Hunters. Anyone h un tin g on our|farm . known as the 'Vance place, ’’ w ill be prosecute, 1. glknn chanck w ill g la d ly — S “ e ^ bW,l p Wn Teachers' Examination Notice is hereby given th a t the countv superintendent of Linn countv, Oregon will hold the regular examination of ap­ plicants for state certificates at Albany Orsgon, as follows: 7' Commencing Wednesday. December ¿1, 1921, at 9 o clock a. ra.. and continu­ ing until Saturday, December 24, 1921 at 4 p m. W EDNESDAY FOR ENO O N U. S. Histoty, W r itin g (penmaaship). Music, Drawing. W EDNESDAY A FTER N O O N Physiology, Reading, Manual T raining Composition, Domestic Science, M eth­ ods in Reading, Course of Study for Drawing, Methods in Arithm etic. TH U R SD A Y FORENOON Arithmetic, H istory ot Education Psycology, Methods in Geography, M e ’ chanical Drawing, Domestic A rt, Course of Study for Domestic A rt. THURSDAY AFTER N O O N Grammar, Geography, Stenography, American Literature, Physics, Type­ writing. Methods of Language. Thesis for Primary Certificate. F R ID A Y F O R E N O O N Theory and Practice, Orthography (Spelling), Physical Geography, English Literature, Chemistry. F R ID A Y A F T E R N O O N School Law, Geology, Algebra, C iv il Government. SATURDAY FORENO O N Geometry, Botany. SATURDAY A F T E R N O O N General History, Bookkeeping, cut their cornstalks as close to the ^w in te r reason i j X ’ P u t S c ie n c e in to P r a c tic e F a rm Fruit anil Vegetable Course, _ . .. Dec. 3-17, 1921 Iractor Mechanics Course, _ . ,, , J»n- 2-M arch 18 1922 Dairy Manufacture Course, . . , Jan. 2-M ar. 18, 1922 Agriculture course, (an. 2-M ar. 18, 1922 Dairy Herdsmen’s Course, „ . _ Jan. 2-June 18. 1922 Gram (.railing Course, . J a n 9-21, 1922 Beekeeping Course, Jan. 30 Feb. 25, 1922 Homemakers' Conference, M ar, 20-25, '2! n , I Oregon A g ricu ltu ral College 1 ull information on any course by wn"ng T H E R E G IS T R A R , O. A. C ., Corvallis, O. A. C. g l a s s e s f it t e d BY graduate O P T O M E T R IS T P R IV A T E O F F I C E F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S p r ic e s reasonable F M. F r e n c h & S o n s ALBANY OREG. CORN BORER NOW SPREADING WEST Fj0ht to Protect Corn Belt From Adance of Pest to Be Con­ centrated in Ohio. of u se ­ y o u w a n t th e m . ’ We sell E V E R Y T H IN G u se d to fu rn ish t h e Floatln«, Cornstalks a Source of Danger wide I,8 ,’h th* lnstan<* known In anv L . ^ d , COrn b° rer Was ,a rrU "' . great distance by wind. It has been known, though, to travel by water ^ floating cornstalks, and in this man- n has made Its way to Islands. This of fP8" lrP of ,he I’™ « » " of file borer In Ohio. It Is said At r^ T d r ¡nfe8,8tlon" «re In a strip M Inf° Lake Erie- " ”»i- hom e at k y (h e V n l le d Delight in God’s Word. All noble art Is the expression of man's delight In God's w ork; not In i his own.— Ruskin. M atter of Education Mako Fowl of Lighter Breeds Quito Popular. w ill m e a n a saving to y o u . BARTCHER & RORBAUGH The Albany Furniture E xchange ^ b e V drill O* I ertT er * ,tar,,meu{ ’< Broadcaailn, w?U r” COES HARM IN CANADA T here Is already a considerable de­ mand for small mature capons. A Ut­ F»"rnert Urged to Cut Cornstalks Close ile m atter of education will make the •apon from the small variety, when Ground as Posalbla to Destroy fat and well finished, just as popular * ‘ntsr Homo of Insect— F all is the big heavy capon from (he larger breeds for the very good and simple Plowing Helps. reason that the small fam ily often •>» the V etted a tstM D eaertm snt jae a five or six-pound capon to bet­ A sr lc e lte r , ) ter advantage than they can a ten or * fs h t to protect the com belt twatve-pound one. ,h* advance of the European Oi * * r *8 now to be concentrated 1« ft, h,‘ r* ■fcordlng to reports 14— ‘ nlted States Departm ent of Rope From Miixweed Fiber. g T ' llre- infestations of the pest The fiber of some species of m ilk­ been f„ und along the entire weed has been raised In making rope. n* rn shore o f Lake E rie over a T he lint found In the pod«, while fine w/ 8ryln* frora to twelve miles and silky, lacks twist and cannot he - to and extending to w ithin six nsed for spinning, but It has been ued for stuffing plllowa, Kar! Di am wefl and Charles Moru- ............ ” » • | J lu u i x i “ 4 1 5 - 4 2 1 W e s t F ir s t stre e t, A l b a n y , O r e . I tie Atlas Glass company offered I prizes for canning done in their ja rs and $17 of them came to Linn I county. Margaret Miohels of L«l>- i anon won $20, Irene Quimby of Halsey won $15. F lo re n c e S c o ll o f Lebanon $ 1 0 aud Riul, Quimb) a I special priie. The Scio Tribune aays an auto the way from Brownsville to I that city with Gilbert Calavao Gordon Wesley and Glenn H o i . laud in it rolled overseveral times «mashing the top, curtains and I windshield hut not hurling the I men seriously, I ou s o m e . T ry u s fo r can d y s a tis fa c tio n . P le a s e y o u r fr ie n d s a n d y o u r s e lf by b u y in g o u rs . Mrs. Gila Standish of Brown«- vilie and M r Windom of Harris­ burg, reported in the Enterprise last week to have taken out a mar­ riage license, were married that Wednesday evening by Rev. W P Elmore I t i understood that they will reside in the bVide’a Brow navi He home. CLARK’S CON FECTIONERY. *■ *■ *"* SECOND H A N D j 2 good s e ts H e a v y W o rk H a rn e s s fo r s a le 1 s e t h e a v y H a ck H a r n e s s J 1 s e t sin g le b u g g y H a r n e s s # 1 C lip p e r F a n n in g Mill, in firs t-c la s s s h a p e , fo r I sale. H a v e y o u a g o o d m ilc h cow to tr a d e to r new m a c h in e ry ? S ee m e fo r new fa rm im p le m e n ts . G. W. Mornhinweg Implement Store 1 *•*■•*■■* X.-* % TH E HALSEY STATE BANK HALSEY. OREGON Capital and Surplus $34,000 I n te r e s t p a id on tim e c e r tif ic a te s o f d e p o Hit W e in v ite y o u r h a n k in g b u s in e s s C. H. K O O N TZ, P re s . I). T A Y L O H , V ice ■Pres. B. M. BOND. C a s h ie r J. W MOORE S/^.eai (S sta te fin ft r in s u r a n c e P r o te c t y o u r s e l f a g a i n s t ; - ( C. P. STAFFORD, A gent, i * « P 4 » ♦ » » A»» '♦ » » F» ft»»* ». ♦ )>>* W h F i» ( S * » * <•*-»-« jtitff.y Mixed W ith Road Dust It Has Been Fsund to Be an Excellent Ram. sdy by Experts. ___ • A combination of sodium fluorid am' rond dust, mixed one p art of fluorid to four [»arts of dust. Is an excellent remedy for body lice on fowls, accord Ing to Investigations by poultry ox perts at the University of California dodlnm fluorid coats 40 cents a pound ind that quantity la sufficient to treat !00 hens. 5» How a b o u t y o u r 10-pound la rd p a ils ? XV W e SM .. osodund eqt soj pop| tXq.,jnq> B jo ipntu poi ass 60 c e n ts . sq is q i <||B|uappui sXsa s je s j |Bpj Î Ï if Walter Kore, 22, of Tangent found $100. Saturday be was ar­ retted and jailed. He confessed to Sheriff Kendall he had found the money aod spent it without liscloaing the (Recovery to anyone. The money was lost by the wife of Armarido Garcia, Mexican laborer on Ihe Southern Pacific.— Lebam.n Criterion. A fair-sized house saw ''The sheik at the Rialto Friday even- ">g, and it wap a gorgeous affair, vorth going far to see. T h e p re ! -entatlon on the screen, too, was jood, every detail of the Oriental -cenery, the gaily caparisoned horses and horsemen, the male and female actors, were seen dis- tiutly, oven to the winking of an eye. It must have cost a pretty peuny to produce such a film. K Benson of Portland, repre. seating the Pacific C >a-t Rescue (»Main Inoculated solj from a plac. society, visited Brownsville last where the same kind of plants as tin veek snd appeared in Halsey with seed are growing, making sure the • grievance or a collection of them, the roots huve a vigorous developmet. le aays the hotel people failed to of nodules. D ry the soli In the shad all him in time for the morning and pulverize It. Scatter this du» train. Then he and two San Fran- over Ihe moistened seed, using fron cisco drummers telephoned to the two to four quarts of d irt for r a d south side garage, which agreed to bushel o f seed, mixing thoroughly un a rin g them to Halsey for $«, but til the seeds no longer stick together Liquid pure cultures are prepared wheu they reached this place they by the Departm ent of Agriculture and had to pungle up $5. B< awn are mailed In limited qnantltlea on ap thinks he fell among thieves. SODIUM FLUORID GETS LIC F ire , th e f t, c o llisio n , p r o p e r ty d a m a g e a n d ;' p e rs o n a l lia b ility . lo ss. Nodules. cloudy day to avoid undue eipnsun to th e sun's rays. Tlie field should b. Immediately harrowed a fte r broad castin«. Transferrlna soil from an considerable distance Is expensive am subject to the danger of Introducln troublesonie weeds, Insects and plain diseases. An easier method o f field soil In oculatlon which has met with aucces where only a small amount of Inocn lated sol) Is available la to coat lh' seed w ith Inoculated soil by means o ordinary furniture glue. Dissolve two handfuls of glue fn every gullon of boiling w ater and a, low the solution to cool. Put the see- In a washtuh and then sprinkle enougl of the solution on It to moisten, bu not to wet It (one quart per hushe Is snfflrlont), and stir the mlxtur* thoroughly until all the seed Is raols plication, not more than enough fot one bushel of one kind o f seed, to am person. They are also Sold b y ’private concerns. Complete directions are mailed with each hottie. I J Automobile Insurance I At the Banta home at Craw fordsyille the second pair of twin girls was born last week. I * ,n w e « to o k Ih e c iv il serv.ee e x a m - l o r th e tre e , s to c k in g s o r p r e s e n ts . G o o d to lool at. g o o d to e a t. O u r can d ie s a r e p u r e a n d w h o le ­ f Truckloads are limited to a ton on most of the couuty roads for the season. methods of Inoculating soli— by direct Policeman W illiam Vaughn of application of soil from a field kuo.-.n Lebanon stooped and a re v o lv e r to have suitable bacteria, by pure tul- fell from his belt and was dis- ture inoculation, and by the glue ,charged as it struck the ground,’ method. i . - , ---------- -------- For the first. It la well to apply at L ? “' * WOUnd,0K hi'“ »»>• le ft least 200 pounds 6f finely sifted In- | ” ocuiated soil per acre. This can be ' J»V W. Moore, A. K. Robnett p ric e s t h a t X m a s C o n fe c tio n s drainage of the Ohio river begins la only a few miles south of the Infested area. Once over this watershed. It is said, there Is no telling wherp the pest may be carried It is thought al together possible that Infested stalks in that event might be carried even to places fa r down the Mlsalssipp river. The European corn borer has been mown In this country only a few (•ears. It Is well known In northern Europe, wherp It does great damage to com. especially In Austria. It Is sup­ posed to have come to tills country and to Canada In Importations of hroom com from Europe, and a* pres­ ent several large areas In New Eug land and New York are under Federal quarantine to prevent Ita further spread. Its presence in Ohio Is one of thp most Important developments ■Ince It entered this country. (Continued from page 1) s t e te e O e p a r t m e a t I U u *"* nOt l““ ‘ly ,o d° m"- " However the divide where th- The European Corn Borer. Top at e,t larvae and pupae In cornstalks and young tassel attacked by the in sect, Male and female moths drawn on same scale as the corn. Top center female moth with cluster of egg on a section of corn leaf, on a con siderably larger scale. Top r i g h t - mature tassel showing typical injuries by caterpillar (the broken tassel stem is often the most noticeable evidenc of the presence of the insect during the early summer monthe). C e n te r- external and internal views of In juries inflicted on two ears of sweet corn. Lower half of the plate— snap beans, beets, and celery attacked bv the borer, cornstalk containing cater pillare, com stubbles cut away to show how the caterpillars hide themselves in the fall, winter, and early spring month»' "«martweed." which ¡( a favorite food a at t t times, in "barnyard grass,” which in Massachusetts Is often heavily Infested, and "cockle- bur” plant, a weed that often serves st a breeding place for the pest. U ttla (P r e p a r e d ins,‘t't n>ak- , „ ^ 7 , " ' he 8“ " k' For “ »is ’ ° ° ' fa P,OB'lng Is recom- Ohl° authorities. H IS X k .*n ? rC 1"y al,' e to tha hsnn harm. sto ck I d ries A W. Haynes came Friday to «ee Mrs. Wheeler he and Mrs T ---------7 ' and " er Aariemiare i Haynes, who had been helping Farmers sooing a lfa lfa In ground care for the invalid. left on that I where a lfalfa or related cropa, stub evening’s traiu for their home near as bur clover or sweet clover, have Irving. not been grown before, w ill find It advisable to Inoculate the soil w ith the The Page Trio, whioh filled the proper kind of ultrogeii-tixlug Iwe- Kiaito here, played to many empty ferla. The same Is true of clover, seats at Harrisburg. The Hulienn peas or any other legume. The gave the lycenm course a bad name I ultod States Departm ent of Agricul­ ture says there are three prtucipul at the start and that name sticks. you ful C h ris tm a s gifts a n d d e liv e r th e m w h e n E D N A GEER, Connty School Supt WINTER SHORT COURSES a n y th in g w a n t fro m o u r larg e Department of Agriculture Out­ lines Three Methods. posure to Sun's Raye and Imme. diately H arrow Field— Liquid Pure Culturea Are Uaad. Every possible effort, it is said win C. E. S M IT H . C orvallis, D ec. 26-31, 1921 re se rv e jo ts a n d PA U K 5 The county tux is 1.8u»iU« more than last year. When Broadcasting Avoid Undue Ex­ c ; - ..-o.V L X T K K IK IS R I eqj U| im * |S | M sq ss 'q ja a pjojp.»« 1 U||qnf Oak Grove poultry farm are breeding right. It is believed by ■hoee who have studied the matter that the male has more influ- mce than the female in transmit- ting egg-laying qualities to the off­ spring. Inexplacable as thus ap­ pears, experience seems to confirm i. These gentlemen, acting on the theory, are breeding from hens bred through generations of high isvers and using males from the vonderful O. A. C. 300 egg strain. And they offer in our advertiseng columns to sell baby chicks thus bred. For the first time in the history Linn county has the court made m appropriation to carry on agri, •ultural^ extension work. The [budget ’committee, consisting of udge W. R Htlyeu. Thomas J Butler, D. H Pierce. K D. Cueick, W. W Poland and D. 8. Smith, put $2000 into the county budget lor extension Work At the hear, inr held on November 30, there was no objection filed and Judge Bilyeu reports that the budget will •lanil as it now is. Ths money will he used to pay a part of the xpeniM of the couuty agent a u j of