. — m rrnnt or a minx—•’ the supply tent with certain exnlowiv-« i. which were to be used In the digging ,WW " #t ’ " ns'v"«»< I operations later. * ’ T>h ?, t.be form of a w h ite pig ¡ . ¿ L , d ™ n8er v a tiv e old a p ln a te r-b u t I i ¿ s i a ,WT,lk V irg in ia meets the " h a n t" am) Eve to the Island.” f fern on either side, I approached Cookie’s efforts. The liquor had mere the ledge far above my head led off er to° ° d J ° th in k o f m a rria g e —with a w h ite bull te irle r, and proudly brings slowly, and, as he did not move ly been allowed to ferment, whereas those narrow, teasing crevices In which “Luckily forgot the snake, though! him into camp. r» tro n ’i°m T ya t aa n ,b ra ln "' la Inveigled by a complicated process Is necessary foi imused, and held out the mirror. the three explorers did their unre­ T ?dc?. "P tn a trr. Miss H igg lesb y- remarked the Honorable Bertie wltl h iin t tlo an cln g an expedition to | C H A P T E R V I I —On the l-la n d Is the “I think you must have dropped this (he manufacture of the true arrack warded burrowing. I could see the unlooked-for vivacity. For to far Aunt •Vina f i i bur,led tre a s u re on Leew ard hut o t a copra gatherer, and the presence » , „ » 7 n*ecev V |r a ln la H a rd in g , un- lane’s trembling anticipations ha< Captain Magnus. I found It on the hut enough hiul tierti achieved to bring strands of a rope ladder lying colled o f the dog, named "Crusoe“ by V irginia .1 < h e r' *ie la on the vessel I is thus accounted for. R am bling about.’ rocka." about dire consequences for Cuthbert at the edge of the shelf, where tt was been unfulfilled by the sight of a sin skm *^.di for..iihe ,b u n t- and ln the confu- and feeling herself not to be a regular Vane, who had found the liquid cool secured by spikes. The men dragged ■>on is u n w illin g ly c a rrie d along. Foh an Instant his face chnnged gle snake, a fact laid by me to the m em ber of the expedition, V irg in ia comes upon a sand-imbedded sloop, the Island credit of St. Patrick and by. Cookie to His evasive eyes were turned to mi and refreshing, and was akeptlcal down the ladder with a boat hook when h ( i, d i « T ^ R JL—B y no m eans concealing Queen R etu rn ing to the camp, she Is that of the pigs. searchlngly and sharply. He took abont Its potency. they wanted to ascend. I looked about ™ I , d!; fo r th » exp e d itio n and her intercepted by C aptain Magnus, who ac­ Aunt Jane took the matter very with a hope that perhaps they had left tT r P,' ,f 0.r 1,a “ » « m b e l t v i r g la la makes costs her unpleasantly. She escapes him “Snakes'd Jes’ be oysters on de half the glass from my hand and slipped It w ith the aid of "Crusoe." h e r,af.dua' n ta 1 ce Of the H o n o ra b le C uth- into his pocket. 1 made a movement hard, and rebuked the ribald mirth o( the boat-hook somewhere. shell to dem pigs," declared Cookie. °ert vane, and la s o m ew h a t Impressed. to pass on, then stopped, with a faint Mr. Tubbs. He had to shed tears otbi I found no boat-hook, but Instead a As we rowed away from the melan­ CHAPTER V II. K. H l . —T a lk in g w ith Dugs laid “Tkt spade, which had been driven deep Into choly little derelict I saw that near­ lawning of discomfort. For the heavy a devastating poem called Shaw, the leader o f th e expedition. V ir - JP" a * * P r fr a n k ,X expresses h e r views, by a narrow gully gave access to the figure of the captain still blocked the Drunkard's Home.” before she would tha sand and left, too firmly Imbedded An Excursion and an Alarm. forgive him. Cookie made hla pears for the tide to hear away. At once a m, ‘ f u s i n g S haw and th e other I top of the cliff, and I resolved that path. members o f the p a rty , in cluding a some­ As the only person who hud discov­ A dark flush had come Into the man’s by engaging to vote the prohibition burning hope that I, alone and unas- what uncertain personage, C ap tain M ag- I would avail myself of this path to ered anything on the island, 1 was now His yellow teeth showed he ticket at ihe next election. H Tnsi? a . 8i'a.dy tlnaacler, H a m ilto n slated. might bring to light the treas­ visit the Island Queen again. My mind face. ris.ia i i ” ' o f be,hg In a conspiracy to de- Invested with a certain Importance. Mr. Hhaw was disturbed over Cuth ure of the Bonny Lass seethed In my n a tu l.? ? *" Jane H a r d |hg T h e ir relations, continued to dwell upon the unknown tween hla parted lips. Hla eyes had a Also, I had a playfellow and compan­ naturally, a re s om ew hat strained. bert. who was not at all had. only veins. I Jerked the spade loose and figure of the copra gatherer. Perhaps swimming brightness. ion for future walks, In lieu of Cuth queer and sleepy, and had to be let' fell te. “What’s your hurry?" he remarked the loss of bis sloop had condemned C H A P T E R IV. - T e n d in g on the Island bert Vane, held down tight to the away to slumber In retirement. Also I* a m a tte r o f souie d iffic u lty . V irg in ia I now discovered tbe great truth that him to weary months or years of goll- with a certain Insinuating emphasis. P*‘hg varrled ashore in the a rm s o f C u th - thankless toll of treasure-1: tinting by It was exceptgonaJly low tide and ,H«ertlnent I«et me pasa.” and gat caught I" growled the captain dug. Crusoe began to fuss about nnd “Who—the copra chap? Well, why One morning. Instead of starting dl Well, lend a hand. then. We can bark ’Oh, I ’m impertinent, am I? That He came and tugged at tny rectlv after breakfast for the cave else was the cabin cleared out so care­ mean« fresh, maybe. I'm a plain man he ready with the boat Inside an hour skirt, uttering an uneasy whine. fully—no clothes left about or any The captain hesitated qnecrly. Hla and don't use frills on my langwldge Be quiet, Crusoe I” I commanded, thing?" « 'Veil, when I meets a little skirt that wandering eyes seemed Io he search threatening him with my spade The 'That's true,” I acknowledged. The takes my eyes there ain’t no harm In ing In every quarter for something madness of the treasure-lust possessed Inst occupant of the hut had qyldent- lettln' her know It, Is there? Maybe they did not dn«L At last he mum ly made a very deliberate and order­ the Honorable could say It nicer— " bled that he thought he felt a touch ly business of packing up to go. m a a t) m is With a forward stride he laid a of the sun, and had decided to lay We drifted about the covo for • hand upon my arm. I shook him off off for the afternoon and make hla way across the Island. He said he wanted vhllr, then steered Into the dim mur to shoot water-fowl and that they had muring shadow of the treasure-raven all been frightened away from the Electrical gifts make the Christmas time last all through the year Mr. Vane Indicated the point at whlcl cove, but that with the glass he had " e liave on display in our store the best in things electrical, and we they had arrived in their exploratloi f i t cordially in rite you to see them seen them from Lookout thickly about among the fissures opening from th the other bay. ledge. “Very well,” eald » I was panting now. and my Those were his words; hla tone and until a fringe of recks under the high hands began te feel Ilka baseball mitt», hla grim look meant. **Ro In spite of land of the point, usually covered, bad hut still I dug Crusoe bad cased to all mi care you are being beguiled by importune me; vaguely ] was aware that be had got tired and rqj» qff, < ? » » * we reps* For a Keal Christmas Present S. S. Gilbert & Son L u t-F is k for your X M A S . 15c per pound Albany, Ore., f “™??8* 5™?°" Peas.......... ............... 15c a pound Suredish ited Sago............................. 50c a d Hallgren s Anchovies.......................... 50c a can iC h s/es, C h in a a n c / S ta ssiu a re C u t & /a ss a n e t ST E N B E R G BROS. jJ W n e r T h ir d and Lyon ats., Albany, Oregon Si/ueriuare C/^incts C \ntchen C /tensits 330 W. First st. Make this w AN EL EC TR IC A L CHRISTM AS $ Mx Mx Mx M y x jp W $ I inversai, i fotpoint, American Beauty and.WestingnoiLse Irons....... f 6.75 t