l i a w c » C .N 1 K K I ' K I b K C /E .V . IO , l ' f i í NOW IT 8 TW EEDLEDEE uadieilows Entertain T W - T - • T T ’-T-’-T -T -T -T -T t t ' - T - l Last Friday evening at 7 the I. HALSEY ENTERPRISE tempted euicide. or pretended to, The biggest howl in the United O. 0 F. and Rebekah lodges joint­ An Independent—N O T neutral— uewe- because her notoriety b td ceased States senate against the league of ly gave a big banquet in honor of paper. published every Thursday to draw the patronage of th* the paot was because article 10 pro­ (heir members and families. A by W m . H . 4 A. A. W H E E L E R . ater-goiog public. She had not vided in case of violation of the very large attendance was present Win. H. W l l l L U Editor. M a t. A A. W h k b l b « Business Manager the moral fiber shown by May rights of member nations " th e and th o r u g h y enjoyed the boun­ and Local News Editor. A delightful evening Yohe, who asserted her supremacy council shall advise upon the teous feast. The young people oter circumstances by earning an means by which their obligation was spent. played games and the following Subscriptions, |1.50 a year in advance The apponents program was enjoyed by all: Transient advertising, 25c an inch, per­ honest living as a janitreas when »hall be fulfilled.” manent, 20c. No discount for tune the stage failed her Orchestra. H iw iian, "Say You’ll of President Wilson claimed that or space be Mine" and “ Love S hip.” Clara Hamou did the world this would constitute an insuffer­ In “ Paid-for Paragraph»,” 5c aline. Solo, Cecil Mayberry. No advertising disguised as news. good service by ridding it of able super-government. Duet, Dorothy Corcoran and Phone 205 moral leper, but when she attem pt­ Now these same kickers, when Beverly Isom. ed to capitalize the record of im their party is in power, favor a Piano solo, Georgina Clark. H A L S E Y . Linn Co., Ore. Dec. 15. 1921 Duet, Herman Koontz and Gil­ morality she had gained with him league of four nations to control the awakening public ignored her affairs in the Pacific which cove­ bert Hayes. STAND BACK, PES8IM I8T! Solo, Alice Sturtevant, and her films were a flat failure. nants that in case the same rights Piano solo, De E tta Robnett. F atty Arbuckle may or may not are threatened the said nations The peeeiniiat,,like the poor, " ye Cornet solo, Clarence Cornelius. Reading, Jenet Boggs. have always with you,” and because be a murderer, but the besotted ehall consult "as to the most effi You will really marvel how simple it indecency of the parties which he Quartet, Alice Sturtevant,Beverly cient measures to be taken jointly hie bray wakea the echoes some n n j Isom, Herman Koontz aud Gilbert is to pick a gift for him at a man’s store, & think he conetitutee the majority, once delighted to give became gen or separately to meet the exigen Hayes. but he does not. A “ etill email erally known and he is off the ctes of the particular occasion.’’ Piano solo, Mrs. English. It is Strange such a difference there should be voice” may carry more weight in screen, let us hope forever. Reading, Elm a Cornelius. Duet, Allen Holgate and Keith in the world, find more bearers, not well to teach boys and girls T w ix t tweedledum and tweedledee. Haves. accomplish more results, than the that characters like Jesse James Orchestra, "O regon.” Roy Gardner and Fatty are heroes blare of the loudest trum pet. Emma Goldman was too red for There are those who complain And it is not being done any more. this country, so she was sent to EARLY th at the world is growing worse The world is growing better. Russia. She proved too red for It is not. True, there are great the soviet government aud would PEOPLE AND PARTIES evils to contend with, but they arr like to come back to this couiitry. not as great, compared to the The Albany Herald tbinks this Which is the frying pan aud which powers available agaiost them, as paper fails to make a distinction is the tire? She ought to go to in the ages of the past. Mars. We are told ** the poor are grow­ between "fancied popular senti­ ing porer.” They are not. Tl e ment” and "governm ent by the Roy Gardner is a great hero iu poorest outcast iu the land today people.” some people’s eyes. The tempta­ The Herald may fancy th at pop­ enjoya luxury as compared w ill, tion to young men to follow h s ular sentiment leans one way while example is lessened by the fact th at those who were classed as “ tin we fancy that it inclines in another he is in prison with three 25-year W hy not a suit for that boy ? poor” in past years. direction. Mr. Lodge and Me. Familie is terrible in moderi sentences to serve, one after the Price $10 to $15 I days, but it was more terrible io Taft have very different fancies re other. past ages. Human intelligence garding popular sentiment and has organized against it as uevri Mr. Borah may go off at still an­ It costs $5.98 to spend every $10; 1 The store th a t gives before, aud while it is still an aw other angle. used by the state nighway com­ square deal to every The trouble in following the fui thing, it is being combated a- mission. The editor of the E n te r­ customer uever before and an American— party leaders is th at those leaders prise would be willing to spend ALBANY an Oregonian (by adoption)—has are as liable as any other intelli­ $100 for half th at cammission OREGON gent persons to m isinterpret popu charge ot the forces opposing it. Ju st try him. Poison gas and submarines raaki lar sentim ent, or they may not care war seem more terrible than ever i darn what popular sentiment is before, but the actual butchery iu provided they can get their own American Aid Abroad battle and iu viotory is no more aspirations into the law. (Portland Journal) frightful thau thousands of year.- The Herald claims that our gov­ ii The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon ; No part of President Harding ago, when the end of a battle usu ernment system is fouifded upon message to congress will be received ii “ W H E R E S A V IN G S A R E S A F E ” i ally meant the slaughter of even partisanship, and that a good citi­ with greater satisfaction by think­ man on the losing side, and prob­ zen must lie a faithful member of ing men than th at in which he * T K N R EA SO N S W H Y you should sav< regularly a part of y o iy income: ♦ A beautiful girlish (rock of henna ably every woman and child a party. If this is true, what a pledges belated American aid to $ Y o u r Home Old Age. Sickness Europe. Jersey, w ith a cape dropping from the for whom he had fought. But out failure Abraham Lincoln was! Y o ur Business In v e 'tm e n ts Insurance The president recognizes the close shoulders, makes an Ideal school dress of this last and greatest of wars Ho was one of a lot of bolters who relationship in finance and trade for the young girl. Educatiou Autom obile T ra v e l Character have come influences that give split off from their party or parties between the United States and for­ M ake yotir dreams come true. Start now. hops that there may be no more and founded the republican party eign countries. He realizes that FUR IS WORN ON SUPPERS for America to reach the ultim ate like it. The league of nations has — an organization composed of ren. ■ 4 per cent interest and no worry of prosperity she must have foreign already stopped several wars be­ egades from those parties which markets. He sees that, with Eur­ American Broadtail Ona of Smartest Decorationa Offered in Recant fore they had progressed far. It is had until that time held control. ope in economic and financial New York Display*. a better guarantee ot peace than If today Borah and Johnson and chaos and faced with disastrous American broadtail, which was one the world ever saw before. Even Reed and such men as Roosevelt rates of exchange, Europeans can­ of the smartest furs In the recent dis­ not buy American products The the conference now in progress ai was in his day should bolt and remedy is American aid to Europe plays. Is used or Im itated in pile fab ­ Prom pt and efficient W ashington promises to have a re. form a new progressive parly and That aid President Harding prom­ rics for the one-strap slipper. It comes autaniobile repairing. In such combinations as platinum and ■training influence on wajr it should win an election it would ises. black, and tan and brown. Fisk: Goodyear and Pestilences such as have devas have the same kind of a start the By his expression to congress, Footwear in general continues to be Goodrich Tires and Tubes. tated empires in the past are met Herald's party had. President H 'rd in g indicates his fancy, even w ith the specter of the W e now have on hand two 32x4%, two 34x4, one 35x4% and a number duty and America’s dutv in aiding long skirt hovering In the offing. New by science today and robbed ol ! of 33x4 Casings which we w ill make attractive prices on w hile they last the world back to a normal status. York shops which are devoted espe­ most of their terrors. Grip and The signatory powers, (of the Now let the obligation be hastily cially to French modes, show the short Good line of Ford parts and other accessories on hand at all times flu’ take toll, but it is meager four-power alliance) as members discharged In th at task the pres vamp w ith the fu ll round toe and the compared to what mankind suffered of the alliance, are uot committed ident is entitled to the undivided Cuban or the baby Louis heel, but the from earliest history to within a to use force when carrying out the support of congress and the couiitry. m ajority of slippers continue to be pointed in the toe and high 1» the provisions of the treaty Under few centuries. Phone ll X5 Props. heel. the league of nations they are The ravages of tuberculosis have bound to us« force w|,en ca|| p^ Straps and buckles and fancy bind His Heart Bleeds been m aterially lessened and the upon to enforce the mandates of Ings are the trimmings employed A Lane county farmer writes Some of the new patent leather allp- possibility of even eradicating it the upper circle —Albany Demo­ •Normalcy surety has hit tbe per» are stitched in colors, red, gray from the *arlh dawns upon us. crat. farm er—one way. I have been and green, at the heel, around the top The Conference Starving by Thousands Tne Red Cross seal sale now on is The latter aasertion was shouted i . offered . . $25 for a cow th at comes and across the strap. Again the attem pt is made to intro­ Literally thousands uf Russian T h e date November the eleventh day — got $4.50 a part of the war on the great . h „ ugh ,h . In the year of nineteen twenty one ------- — a cow-fed duce the high tight-fitting collar a l­ children are being deserted by par. G reat white plague. A specific cure has paign of faleification against the men are meeting iu U. S. A. calf. A man at Blachlv got 35 ! though the m ajority of frocks display elite no longer able to supply tlieiu T o hold a conference in Washington. been found for leprosy, once called league of nations in this oountry centg net for a cow hide. the rounding or square neckline. But a with food, according to a report T h e ir mission is tn tins event, Sleeves really strike one o f the new ­ the scourge God and the curse ol But we are still waiting for some­ mowing machine costs $100 W hile gathered here upon our shore, just received from the man who notes of the season, and their To talk regarding disarmament man. “ Mv heart certainly bleeds est body to quote the words of ths is directing distribution of $3.000,- modes are various. T here Is the bish­ And abolish wars forever more. And even the “ wave of crim e,” league pact which bind any nation (water) for the poor railroad men op sleeve of long ago. the broad cuffed 000 worth of American Red Cross These men are wise hut of the dust who wanted to strike ” And. no matter what these men may do, of which we hear ao much, is sub­ to use force at the call of anybody sleeve of Janies II. and the medical supplies in the famine dis­ Is it the high price of hides that wide flowing one of the tim e of trict of soviet Russia. Same other men this pact w ill bust. siding A few good shooters io outside of that nation. coining time w ill show to you. make shoes so high? Henry V II. Some of the sleeves Seven thousand were collected1 For Tile the human heart be changed banks aud mail cars aud other Aud how much did the Portland are so long that they almost ex­ in Kazan City during the last I By can w or oy by ule the w w l.i ill o, of man man ? ----------- a Dispatches from Washington de- consumer pay for veal from that tend to the Ungers, while others are month, w h ile in the province of Or can laws, Scenes of ------ bandit activity, with the world be so arranged. ao short that they provide only the calf? I f touched to shut ap lik e a clam 1 few consequent corpses of would- that ,he president, in figbt- Ufa, 22,000 are being cared for in scantiest o f covering for the shoulders. various children’s homes. In 8k- W ill all the greed and hate and lust, be-robbars have ol late diecour- ing against the so-called "agricul­ T he Just-above-the-elhow type of w ith all its horrid bloody stains. Veterans, Take Notice mara there have been established Become tural bloc” In congress, "la fight­ aged banditry not a little. as gold that w ill not rust, sleeve, as well as the three-quarter eight receiving homes and fifty- No matter how it storms or rains? Ex-acrvice men of Halsey who length one. also Is used, hut the general The motion picture business, ing for the life of the republican have claims against the govern­ tendency seems to be toward the full- eight permanent homes for chil. which cozies iuto tbs class with the party .” Strange, isn't it, that all dren abandoned by their families. ’ T) vr n uj m en laiinur*. ment will soon have opportunity length arm covering. Cushman of Brown» Brownsville, pulpit, the school and the press as these years the bankers* bloc and to get action. Deserted children are brought t o ’ , B. ' M. , 1 us')man °t The so-called Ore- collecting home» where they are , r „ u,tl 1,1 ,or R" lne tu ,,e- went To Polish Cut Qiaos. sn educational influence, is im- 'th e railroad bloc (in time past) __, g°n clean-up squ id. sent over the — hospital — pitai but died a n d so so far f a r as nos to a Portland clipped and When washing cut glass add turpen­ bathed, dinned Unite.l S tate. Veter­ proving iu moral tone. The Lasky snd the grain gamblers* bloc and *u , *‘ there a week ago tonight. His re­ tine to the w ater tn the proportion of ‘ible reclulhed. They are then ei­ ans' bureau, will be in Albany Sat­ combination aome time since an­ the like have been harmless, but urday. Jan. i, Lebanon M »oday, •me tablespoonful to two quarts of w * ther sent to cities outside the fam­ mains were hrougnt home for the nounced th at not only must inde­ when a few lawmakers combine to Jan 9 and Brownsville Tu-sdav tar. Thia w-UI insure a b rillian t pol ine area or placed among the lacal funeral aud interm ent. Funeral services were nmler the cency and "sex stu ff” he kept off vsk for plain justice for the farm ­ Jan. 10 children’s homes, the latter being auspices of the K. o f F. and Odd •f two classes, those for children the screen, but th a t tba actors ers there's the ----- to pay. The squad will handle claim , S lit D own th s Back. toder three years and those for bellows’ lodges of which he was a for compensation, vocational train- shown there must lie person, of member. Mr Harding baa sent another mg, reinatatenient aud conversion Dresses made w ith an open slit down children from three to sixtee years good repute. And the I.asky en- "stern" note to Mexico, this tune the hack, the blouse fastened at neck­ of insurance, back pav, travel pay enterprise is reported as likely to regarding the seizure o f an Amer­ allotments and lasu rm e Head­ line and waist only ara frequently I lie Oregon sterilization law has absorb (and of course, reform) the ican veaael, and fireating demo­ quarters will be at the community noted. ■ceti declared unconstitutional on Cleans S ilve r, To keep plated S|)ver c|pHr) Hollywood enterprise in Califoinia, crats are as badly grieved as the house in Albany, the citv .h all in and ubo'jfi a dozen counts by Judges Hogarth's ••Marriage a la Mode." w |,ho u l constant cieai Lebanon and the city hall in Kelly and Bingham Seventeen cleaning. which hat received a pretty black same class of republicans ware "M arriage a la Mode." a series of 'h ich la so Injurious to plated Brownsville • 'ubjects have been op etated upon six paintings hy W illiam Hogarth ar- eys, m orally,in the exploited Ar­ when Wilson sent notes instead of Men with claim* should bring ( ltk»7- 1TA4). were acquired in 1824 hy n J r J of under it buckle case and the bushed-up bullet*. ’ ll,,le And one president pay* their discharges and other govern­ the National G allery In London The *er / J ” ‘i?',*1" * ? * P’ PU‘ th* ln Stain affair. paintings depict, with rare satire, a and i J ' n as much attention to that kind ol m e n t p ap e rs . M rs . A. H Tucker of Bartle h ^ r . .h l ” f°r “ •"* ”r four variety of occurrences In the high itfe Thia i* the last month govern­ Evelyn Thaw-Yorks recently s t ­ onticiam as the other did. court, Eugene, arrived Monday to h Pour ,be »»f’- rinse of the tim e They are generally o n ment insurance can be reinstated sfiend a day or two with Mrs. Mdeced to ba tht artlat'a maatenieea . ihc Z at D( (he I our < the I be e the s*m Lll cert» Hom the Jon* arivi Brev other fro a •« elmi elon ehot t ln ( ▼er, ohje f£ «t < (hei A ■tee er I *nd ter teui Anj 1 «be »v, $ec * •Id’ •on Th( te ta« «h 4 Cw th» r*c le» •h ’ Hv * I up col th. ha th F p {Christmas I t FOR STORE MEN'S f G IF T S : f f A Sm oking Jacket full o f joy J * and com fort. * 4 One o f the new Sw eater Coats # with two or four pockets. | J Com fortable warm felt H ouse f Slippers. f A nice T raveling B ag m ade of real leather. X B elts, G loves, N eck ties, Sox and * m any other g ifts th at he w ill like, [BLAINCL0THINGÇÔ] HALSEY GARAGE, FQOTE BROS.,