TERPRÍS Jots and Tittles High School Notes , The opportunity is open only ti ! subscribers who have paid in ad vance, but to anybody who has s- Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally paid, even if only for a week ahea. and in Halsey Particularly of th? day when lie »ends in th Halsey Shows Junction City How to Play Basketball new name and $1 50 The offe M rs. W illiam Wheeler, who war- School Clubs Organized expiies on the evening of Dec 24 Kev. C T. Cook motored to June, i dent« started to 3rownsvilie very low after a stroke of paraly- ---- -------- Sun" The present is worth 50 cents t< tion Monday morniug. day to attend the Endeavor serv­ sis when the Enterprise went to anybody, so if you prefer you cai The Junction City basketball , land addressed the high school iu Their car broke down near press last week, has continued to get the cash in exchange for it. Mrs H. C. W bitlatch visited ices learns arrived on the 4:34 train * behalt ot the Pacific Coast Rescue Yesterday she was Halsey, so they spent the evening gMin strength Albany Monday. -sturday afternoon, anil were cou- home. As a lesult tag day w ill be able for the first time to sit up in (Continued on page 5) in this city. Rev. Mr. Moore, who Lawrence Taylor of the U. of 0. 1 ucled to the hall by a uuuiber of held by the pupils some time soon. bed »nd feed herself from a tray of was among them, delivered a ser­ spent the week end here with his Your help is solicited. R e m o v in g M ild ew . the students. mon at the Methodist church here. food, using her remaining hand parents. Chlortile of lime, used Intelligently For the present her malady makes The girls’ teams played first, Irene Quimby spoke to the high will remove mildew. Do not use li. The teachers’ exainiwaii«« . Lebanon has a md the ball was Halsey’s from the I school last week on her trip to Port­ Ib e teachers examination in | patent on what is pronounced an , her almost totally blind. much, a teaspoonful to a small tu Special uote should land with the boys’ and girls’ club, Albany, Deo. 21 to 24, w ill be in Next Saturday night members or pail full of water is plenty. It, beginning. • " im p o rta n t device in the power be taken of the excellent playing to the livestock exposition. the community house. She of tlie Intermediate league w ill stlre lime is thoroughly dissolved, o transmitting machinery of automo of some of the girls. Pearl Pehrs- explained how they judged live­ He says he spent $7000 have a Christmas party at the I better still, tie it up In a stout plan Mrs. Schenk and little daughter dies. son proved herself star player of of Sweet Home came over Monday making it successful and has or­ home of their superintendent, Mr* of cloth und run water onto It, press the team by her ability to make stock, and ilescrilunl the exposition Ing the cloth with a stick; then alloy grounds. Her talk was of great G. W. Mornhinweg. Delicious and took the train for Portland. ganized the Gearless Differential A lth u Junction City interest to the students. crisp popcorn balls, tasty home­ It to rtoat in tub. Immerse artlel- baskets. company to produce and market it The Harrburg ferry was out of made candies and large, red, shiny to lie ihonsed and allow to stain did not have the ball very often, Fred W illiamson, while address, commission several days last week he Halsey guards, Anna Heinrich The farm bnrean is making de. apples w ill be the holiday refresh­ several hours. Remove and rln* ling the assembly Monday concern­ thoroughly In several waters. Itepeii and Louise Robuett, were extreme while the cable was transferred to termined war on moles and gophers ments. The main feature of the a uew pole. in this county and is getting re- a ffair-w ill lie a large Christinas if necessary, hut do not Increas ly s k illfu l in retrieving it. The ing the clubs, announced that Irene quantity of lime, as It will eat the ru» score stands at 25 to 2, in favor of Quimby had wou another prize, rults. ’.erlal. tree with presents for all. We publish some verse on the consisting of fifteen dollars. This Halsey. The last half of the girls’ Mrs. W. A. Ringo gave a duck disarmament conference that is is the nth ’ prize she has wou H m s Koch, Mrs. W. P. Wahl game was not played, as one of good as to sentiment but tatber dinner Sunday in honor or Mr and Mrs. George Maxwell, prob­ this season. Keep it up, Irene, Oeyond the Pale. the Juuction City girls became sick We’re proud of you. Ringo s mother and several old ably unintentionally, were born on jerky in mechanical sonstruction. ft Is plain that there nre books and they did not bring any substi­ friends. the same day of the year, the lucky which are not St subjects for crltl tutes. The Tribune says that S. F. The student who wrote up the cism, which do not rise Into the field day in December. They have a of artistic being, quite Irrespective of W J. Lane and wife and M ' «. The lineup was: Zysset of Scio has sold the patent inter-class games last week failed Junction C ity. Madsen, F. ; Her­ to give an account of the sopho­ on a stump burner of his invention R. B Forbes of the Dunlap Drug custom of celebrating the anniver­ the number of editions through which ron, F ; Petteraon, C .; Strome. 8. more-frosh melee. I t was a lively to a Portland firm for $25.000 and company were over from Browns­ sary of this event together, taking they hnve passed Jutes I.eninitre. turns as the entertainer. This C .; Bodtker, G .; Buchanan, G. game, in which Clarence Cornelius a $5 royalty on every machine sold. ville Sunday. year it was Mr. Koch’s turn and Halsey, Pehr-son. F .; Baas, F ; and Truman Robnett were "stars Heads, I W in ; Tails, You Lose. Frank Walker has sold his farm Mrs. Ardelia Ringo, mother of Tuesday they had a fine celebration "What am I doing? I'm spinning a Cook, C .; Koontz, 8. C .; Heinrich, of the first magnitude” in the frosh our druggist, returned Tuesday to near Brownsville and the Walker and in the eveniug neighbors filed dime. If It's heads, I’ll go to (hi I . ; Robnett, G- team, and Harold M uller, Guy family has moved into a house of in and gave them an encore. her home in Salem after a visit of lodge. If It’s tails. I'll g o down to thi The boys’ teams wore evenly Merriam and Collin Carver were J. F. Vernier's in the north part of billlanl hall. If the dime stands on matched and a fieroe struggle was leading hoopmen of the sophs. two weeks with M r and Mrs. Ringo Read the advertisement on page edge. that city. I'll stay home with you."—Atchl and other relatives here. witnessed by the spectators. The The final score was 42 to 7 in favor 4 which tells how to get a Christ- son Globe. J. F. Venner of Brownsville «tar player on the boys’ team was of the sophomores. Mrs. Clara Starr, Mrs. George Harold Muller, who displayed J. B.. School Reprter. Drinkard and Mrs. McMahan of passed bis 76th birthday the other Altho the upon Its voyage, it is not the end ot some hard playing Brownsville motored to Albanv day and the editor of the Enter- game was unusually rough, no one the voyage, hut Its beginning. Monday. Mrs. Starr made a morn­ prise goes back and sits among the Brownsville Briefs youngsters. II. Paul’s Backward Glance at Llfs was hurt. The score at the end of ing visit with Mrs. Wheeler. (v. 7). the first half was 8 to 5. Final B. W. Loucks Si Sons are put- Of the national appropriation 0 . E. Marstnrs, who is doing This backward look Is presented In sco e, 17 to 13, both in Halsey's lin g down a concrete walk fronting three figures: evaugelbtic work in Salem, stopped for irrigation $11.000 000 comes to avor the R. H. Roliertson and W illiam 1. “I have fought a good fight.” to visit his brother, E. 8. Maisters, Oregon and the farm bureau is en­ The lineup was: Daviilsou residence properties ou The figure here Is that of a soldier. between trains Monday, on bis deavoring to get a due share of it Ji notion C ity, Ayers, F .; Keck, the south side. The Christian life Is a warfare of dlf way to Eugene to take the Coos for Liuu county. >*'. Young, C .; L“«, G ; Ayers, G flcnltles, conflicts, dangers and Icmpta bay train. J. C. Finneii wan over trom A l­ After great preparations the Halsey, Cross, F .; Robertson, F . ; tlons. As a soldier, the Christian must McKern, C. ; Clark, G ; M uller, G bany the latter part of the week fighl and overcome all these. M r', E. I. Harrington, who bas HaUey Ladies’ Study club is hav­ School spirit was in great evi looking after business mailers and been with her father, B I. Carey, ing high jinks (no jin x ) at the 2. “I have finished my course." The lenie and the rooters showed pep greeting friends. figure is that of an athlete who set! through an illness, returned to her horns of Mrs. C P. Stafford as the Halsey Christian Church out to win a race. The Christian Ilf« md enthusiasm A well­ Mrs. Mary K irk , K irk ave., re­ home in Salem Monday, the old Enterprise goes to press. Is a race to he run; we must not only laden Chrisrnas tree and an elab­ Door receipts amounted to $38 90 turned a few days ago from a Port­ gentleman being well on the road begin the race, but persistently rue We are proud of our hoop-shooter* land hospital whore she underwent orate program, consisting princi­ Church Announcements to recovery. to the pud. md wish them success in the next a successful operation for a serious pally of musical numbers, are 3. “1 have kept the faith." The fig <“ i eg, which w ill be played with neck trouble. A number of Albany college stu­ among the attractions. Methodist: ure Is that of a husbandman to wlinti Sunday School, 10. ■*cio at that city Friday night and had been entrusted a treasure. This Dr. and Mrs. J. E Snyder, the Ed Bowers’ team won the Ash Preaching, 11. vith Albany college here Saturda, treasure was the Christian faith. Hi former twice pastor of the Presby­ Swale hunt club contest Satur lav night. Junior League, 8, was conscious of having been faithful night, with Jim Bowers’ team c l^ e Intermediate League, 6:30. The Junction C ity teams were terian church of Brownsville, were to the trust committed. He had mun, W e H ave nere the latter part of the week up. Charles Bowers won the sil­ Epworth League, 6:80. temptations to give it up, hut to thi entertained at the schoolhouse from Corvallis exchanging greet­ EVERY THING ver hunt club medal for the high­ Preaching, 7:30. As end maintained his fidelity of his vow while waiting for their train. ings with their many friends. est score These seem to be the to Christ. O ptical Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. he 10:86 steamed in there was an right and left bowers of the club The Calanlha club w ill present III. Paul’s Forward Look to the Fu exchange of cheera and they da- Rev, C. T. Cook, Pastor, E Y E S T R A IN and one more for good measure. ture (v. 8). parted none the worse for their “ A Perplexing S ituation,” a two- Is the Cause of Many This Is a beautiful picture of calm defeat. We noticed t h i t one young act comedy, Friday evening at the Chsrles Bowers has now won two HUMAN ILLS Christian: confidence at the end of a period of man almost missed the train. K. of P. hall, the proceeds to go silver medals; Cecil Harrison has faithful service. Though knowing that If your eyes give you trouble or Sunday School, 10. io the community building. won two; Ed Bowers two, and your glasses are annoying ileath was awaiting him. there was no Preaching, 11. 4 James DeW oif two. The Methodist singers are pre­ SEE US. We can Relieve Yon dark cloud before him, because tin- Debates — Endeavor, 6:30. The English class has been study, paring a fine cantata for Christ­ glory of a completed task rested upon Tuesday was the anniversary of Bancroft Optical Co. Preaching, 7:30. him. mg debating recently and a nuin mas. the coldest day in Halsey. That 313 1st St. W. Albany. Phone Lester Jones, Minister. 1. He saw before him a life with her of debates have taken place surely was cold for this section— A. W. Leverich of Albany and God. Fellowship with God Is a prise They w ill continue u n til the Christ, Mrs. Mary Welch of Brownsville Pine Grove Church: greatly to he desired. ma« holidays. Results have been were married at the home of the Sunday School, 10. 2. A prize laid up—A crown of as follows: bride’s sister, Mrs. John MCKer- Preaching 11, by Bro. Eggly. righteousness. Tills award will |>e F irst debate: Affirmative, A l­ cher, at Crawfordsville, Thursday, given at tin- coming of the Ixinl to all Prayer-meeting, 7. berta Koontz; negative, Louie. Rev. J. E Snyder of Corvallis per­ who love His appearing. Bible Study, Wednesday, 7. Robnett. Negative won. IV. Paul’s Associates (vv. »-12). forming the cereinouy. Second debate: Affirmative, 1. Demás, the renegade (v. ID). R. H. Robertson was quite i l l Sunday School Lesson Demás has become imniortallsed as Grace K irk ; negative, Alta Hayes with the grip several days. one who was religious, but because of Affirmative won. (B y R EV. P B FIT Z W A T K R . D D., While Moses Ruth and Grace Third debate: Affirm ative, Ger­ T «ath«r o f E n g l m B ible in th« Moody I the attractions of the world he went after It. The love o f the world caused aldine Cook; negative, Janet Boggs Beattie were in Albany on a rad- B ible In stitu te o f C hicago.) C opyright. 1*11, W «atera N ew sp a p er Union. f him to turn his back upon principle, Negative won. ing expedition Saturday the latter friendship. and outy. duty. T . . . f ------- — i r - e n n s i i i p . honor minor mid Fourth debate: Affirmative, A n­ was unfortunate in losing her Jn this store you will find the Christmas spirit ) ice m m b ncrcuntB m haps 1 I . V L"k * was thP the lu-at fitted <•• m of nil Per to na Heinrich; negative. Pearl Pehrs­ pocketbook, probably the work of he «... reflected in a host of pleasing gift articles for ( Lt5>—" PUHUfcUtMBtK Id up. h* the ..... a piotessional puree.lifter. son. Affirm ative won. minister unto Paul. Luke was faith After the series of debates has every member of the family. The toy dpart- PAUL’S LAST WORO8. | ful whether In shipwreck, Imprison Mrs. W. D. Washburn left Sat­ been completed a school debating urday for Florida to s|*eud the ment, Journeying hy lan-l and see. ment, particularly, will appeal to the fathers L E SSO N T E X T —II T im . 4S-1S. team w ill be chosen. 3 Murk, the restored runaway (v. winter with her father. and m others with sturdy youndsters to provide G O L D E N T E X T —I h a v e fo u g h t a good figh l, I h a v e finlehed m y course, 1 have , 11). Mark had gone hark, tint he was . Clubs— with gifts. W T. Templeton has opened the I restored. Though we have failed, we kept lb« faith —II Tim . 4:7. Fred Williamson, Li nn county Economy meat market and is pre­ R E F E R E N C E M A TER I A L —R om . S:fl- : can redeem ourselves and become » : I Cor 1S:K; R ev J 21 J trustworlhy. club leader, visited schools Mon. pored to »eave the community with P R IM A R Y T O P I C -L a e l W ords From V. Personal M atters (vv. 13 18). day afternoon and as a (exult a first-class meat. Paul 1. Bring the clonk, hooka and pnrrh number ot clubs were organized. JU N IO R TOPIC—T he C loee o f a V icto­ A delegation of Christian En­ rious Life. menta (v. 13). In the jail the elonk They w ill begin th»ir work as soon IN T E R M E D IA T E ANT) S E N IO R TOPIC would be needed for hla comfort. The as possible. Clubs and officers deavor young people was over from —P au l s F inal T rium ph Albany Sunday evening and had books and parchments would be arc as follows: YOUNG P E O P L E A N D A D U L T TOPIC Felt Bedroom Slippers Hummingbird Silk Hose charge of the service at the Pres­ — le s s o n s for T od ay F rom th e U f a of needed for hla study nnd writing. Sewing club of fifteen members: Paul. 2. Alexander, the Coppersmith (vv byterian church Mr. Saiz, the Leather Hand Bag Silk Lingerie President, Louiee Robnett; vice- 14, IS). We hnve na nny of deter l.itin county delegate to the world's Ivory Toilet Set Fountain Pen 1. Paul’s View of Death (v. 6 ). mining when this deed was committed president, Grace K irk ; secretary, Christian Endeavor convention, Ret forth in two metsphore: Bilk Glove. Stationerv It was given as n warning to Timothy Frost Bass 1. An Offering (v. fi). “I an» ready Cooking club of thirteen mem­ held in New York City in July, 3. Defended by the Ix.rd though for Silverware Photo Album to be offered." Thia specifically saken by men (vv. 10 18). Paul In fils bers: leader, Ruby Hcbroll; pres­ gave a very complete and interest­ Silk Parasol Silk Blouse meant a drink offering—a libation. last trying hours was much like hl> ident, Janet Boggs; viee-president, ing report of that great meeting. The shedding of hie blood was to be Lord—left alone. He says, "All men Anna Heinrich; secretary, Alls The young people were unfortu­ an offering poured out upon the sacred forsook me." It was said of Christ, Hayes. nate In having an auto breakdown altar as an act of worship. Death can ’’They atl forsook Him nnd fled.” Paul iietween SheJil and Halsey, which Homemaking club: Leader, Mrs Handkerchiefs Neckwear only be an offering to God when the manifests a like spirit. “I pray God detained them a short time. president, Cttcil Hosiery Silk Muffler life has been wholly yielded to the do­ that it might not lie laid to their T. 1. Marks; Mayberry; vice-president, L illia n The revival meetings at the Bap. ing of God’s will. This was preemi­ Silk S hirt charge." Christ said. “Father forgive Sweaters nently true of Paul, for he could say, them for they know not what they Reynolds, secretary. Agnes Ha,ee. tis t church, under the direction of Wool Gloves Cap "For to me to live la Christ" (Phil. do." Though It was wrong for them treasurer, Georgina Clark. State Evangelist M G. Beutley, Merita Jewelry A rm Bands 1 2 1 ). Camp-cookery project, fourteen are increasing in interest. A num­ to leave Him alone. He not only for­ 2. A Departure (v. 6). “The time gave thern, but praved that the Ix>rd membere: Leader, Charles M orn­ ber have prolessed conviction and of my departure la at hand.” The might forgive them. Paul had so c o m ­ hinweg; president, Ercel Sneed; some old-time letters have been asms Idea la expressed in Phillpplana pletely lived for Christ, and hla fel- v < e-president, Wayne Robertson; brought to light. 1 :23. "Departure" Is a nautical term I lowshlp with Him waa so complete, secretary and treasurer, Truman which signifies the loosing of a ship that ha waa alone In this dreadful Robnett. Htrolc Posm. from Its mooring». In order_ to enter hour. There is no Ilfs of a man faithfully s î ü î t i i i xfx skâîZAÎz ìXAtgAW f ¿ dx y W z ilo t c a lû t û W c '/ Whatnots— The Pansy Morris, daughter of fra n k Tiudle aud wife, was brot home from the Portland hospital Saturday. M rs. Xmas Spirit These Suggestions May Help You For Mother For Sister For Father For Brother M. V. KOONTZ CO. I Last week Dr. Beason ot Port- recorded but la a heroic poem of Ite sort, rimed or unrtmed. Gerl/le,