pag e 6 from the rive r M onday doing some shopping. I Jordan, Wessel F la t and Fox valley have juvenile sewing clube. or nt (he I our < the 1 be e the wrtm Cross & W hite have a most a t­ tra c tiv e C hristm as window this week. T. J. M cNeil and fa m ily of Pe­ oria were in town F rid ay to see Dr. Barnum , the dentist. til cert» nom Workmen have been busy th is week p u ttin g a concrete foundation under the saie at the bank. the Jona enti Brtn Mrs. W . C. Elmore o f Browns­ ville , on her way to Albany, called on Mrs. Wheeler Wednesday. othe frone ”1 «Imi aion ahot ting ver, « ohje »esi lit e of « «her H a rry Bressler, Southern Pacific track man, has been off the job for Boms tim e, suffering from grip. Rev R. Dueton of Lebanon vis­ ited Halsey yesterday in the in te r­ est of the foreign missionery move­ ment. I f yon do not know what L u tfisk is. find the word in large type in th is paper and ask the advertiser to show you. À ate» er I and fer Hui Anj The Women’s Missionary society o f the C hristian church w ill meet w ith Mrs. K a rl Bram w ell next Tuesday at 2 o’clock. Friends and members are invited 1 tba WV, «MRC Mr. and Mrs W. F W hite moved th is week from east Halsey to th eir home in the southwest p ir t of town, after sixteen years’ residence at the H arker place. or eld< eon Tin to ta t wh t Cu the ree lea ah' H e e i up col th. ha tb e F cians at Eugene, who found her co nd itio n very serious. She is at N. W. W indom of H a rris b u rg re­ present at the home of her daugh­ ter, Mrs. G uy H erm an, and suffer­ spectively. No The recent flood destroyed 20 in g from high blood pressure acres of wheat for AI Hazelcamp encouragement was given th a t she m ig h t regain her sight. Mrs. ut 8helburn. Brock is an elderly lady and th is F o rty of J. E A rn e tt’ s sheep at | is a great m isfortune. Shedd were drowned in the flo jd . K oontz' store window has been si D ruggist R ingo’s m other, from gathering place for many child re n Salem, has been v is itin g h im this th is week. The display of toys is week. a powerful magnet. The tr ia l ju ry has been dismissed The R ia lto theater had the best- u n til Dec. 16, when tbe tr ia l of I fille d bouse in many months last Carson D. Beebe for m urder is set F rid a y a t the play “ Dangerou- to begin. Curve Ahead,” and the b ill gavt A 6-pound boy came to the bom tbe fu lle s t satisfaction. T his week of V ic to r O lliv e r o f A lb an y Tues­ is offered ‘ ‘The Sheik,” a high day to celebrate V ictor's election class play which has had a long as president of the county bar and profitable run in large citie® association and a sign was p ut ft is an expensive picture and tbe over O iliv e r’s office window read­ adm ittance price w ill be 50 and 25 cents, which w ill no doubt b ing “ V ic to r O lliv e r A Son.” « ¡lliD g ly paid for the privilege of Mrs Hazel Haynes, a niece of enjoying this rare'treat M r. W heeler’s who lives near I r ­ Mrs. W illia m Gammon of ving, came Tuesday, as soon as Roseburg arrived from Albany she beard of Mrs. W heeler’ s i l l ­ Tuesday evening and is a guest at ness, and has been helping in the home of her brother, R. L. caring for her. W in n ifo rd M r. and Mrs- W in- Mrs. Theme B a y ly came from □ iford expect to drive to Roseburg her home in Eugene on Wednes today, accompanied by Mrs. G am ­ day noou’s tra in and spent th» mon. afternoon at Mrs. W heeler’s bed Mrs. J. S. McMahan and Mrs side, retu rn in g home in the even­ W. A. Ringo attended Rebekal ing. lodge at Brownsville Tuesday ivening. Mrs. Ringo remained i< Our thanks are due to Rev M r Cook fo r assistance ill rounding Brownsville for a few days’ visi vith friends, retu rn in g today. up the local news. Hugh Cummings, buyer for tb ’ The Callapooia grange af B row nsville w ill give a bake and Nebergall Meat company, o f Al iany, was transacting business in V ic to r O llive r of Albany is the food sale Dec. 17 at the Farmers' lalgey Wednesday. new president of the L in n county feed store. There w ill be an a ll M rs. J. C. Booth of Lebanoi har association, A A Tussing of day regular grange meeting Dec vas a between-trains guest of bei Brownsville vice-president Hnd W 24. aster, Mrs. D. H . S turtevant, to- L Marks and C. E Box, both of W a lle r, son o f G. W Birtchet lay. A lbany, secretary and treasurer of Dever, serving on the P jrtla m respectively. Mrs D S. M cW illia m s returne police force, was shot in the hi| Vednesday evening rrom Albany P M N ish , one-time principal last Sunday. He was not sufferin here she had been v is itin g M rs of the school at C raw fordsville but much pain at last report. i E. Y oung and other frieuds fo now employed at Beaverton in the Rosella Johnson sued Georgt ■ few days. same capacity, is accused of con­ tempt o f the L in u county court in Wood for wages as housekeepe Mrs. F. M. M-axwell of Tangen a n fo u r county ju ry gave her <440. his failure to pay alim ony to his vas a guest a t the home o f be divorced wife. Mrs. Sam Brock of th is c ity , win rather, J . M. Porter, th is week Licenses were issued yesterday for many years has suffered iron Mrs. H arrison, nurse, from for i he marriage of Mary Welch and eye trouble, had the m isfortun Brownsville, was in Halset Kilo S'audish. b«th of Brownsville, Monday to e n tire ly lose her sight Vednesday in the interest of for- to A. W. Leverich of Albany and Mrs. Brock was taken to pbysi 422 F IR S T ST., E. L. STIFF A LB A N Y PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line THE ffinmawick P H O N O C B A P H S and ' ‘The Sheik” Remarkable Picture re c o r ds This C h r istm a s i W hat could be more appropriate than a Brunswick as a Christmas gift to be enjoyed by the whole family the whole year ? This new-style Brtnswick, equipped to play all makes of records at their best, only $130. Sold on easy payments. (rive records to your friends who have a phono- ur bird» will be mated to O. A ' kerels of a 300-egg strain We onl' :h egga from our own breeding pen» refore order early if yon wish to be t of delivery. Vrite for prices or come end inveati- l lor yourself. P. A Pehraeon and E. W. Sylvester.