PAGE 3 or n< (he I our < the t be «' the w*Bi' Lit cert» Hont the Jon* »rwt Brav oths iron a cime alo» «ho» ting verj obje ï£ «t i «ber A ■te» er i •nd «er (»ul Anj T the 4 S «1 aldi »nn Tb< to tati wh J Cw th» ree le» ah' Ha • i up col ti» h» tb HALSEY E N T E R P R IS E DEC. 8, 1921 GRAZING MAINTAINS SOIL PRODUCTIVITY ment done In black and white. T o ' de Lawd'a sake, Mia» Jinny," he bnrat at last, "am dat de ghoa'-pig T" "It was. Cookie, but 1 changed him Into a live dog by crossing my fingers. , Mind your rabbit’s foot. He might Many Pastures in Virginia Have eat It. and then very likely we'd have Never Been Plowed. a ghost on our hands again." "To* go 'long. Miss Jinny," said Cookie valiantly. "Yo’ think I scared Where Beef Cattle or Sheep Are Of any ghos’ what lower hisself to t>e Grazed All of Resulting Manure Is a live white mong'ol dog? Yere, yo' Left on Soil— Lime and Phos­ ki-yl. yo’ bettsh mek friends with ol’ phate Are Favored. Ceokle, 'cause be got charge o’ de grub. Yere's a ll’le fat ma'ow bone (P r ep a red by th e U n ited S ta te s D ep a rtm en t what mehbe come offn yo’ own grand o f A g ric u ltu r e ) chile, but yo' aln’ goln' to mind dot There is no system of agriculture now yo' is transformulated dis yere that maintains the productivity of the way.” And evidently the reincarnated soil better than gruzlng. according to ghost-pig did not. observations of the United States De­ With the midday reunion my hour partment of Agriculture, especially of distinction arrived. The tale of where the animals are kept contlnual- the ghost pig WSS told from the he- | ,y „„ ,,|e p. gIurM Sonle , he ,,e„ ginning by Cookie, with high tributes pastures In southwestern Virginia to my courage In sallying forth In pur have been grazed for at least 100 suit of the phantom. Even those hold­ years. Many of them have never been ing other views of the genesis of the plowed. white dog were amazed nt his presence The .difficulty In getting a good sod on the Island. In spite of Cookie's as­ on land that has been cropped with persions, the creature was no mongrel, grain (or a few years has proved the but a thoroughbred of points. Not wisdom of keeping the land perma­ by any means a dog which some little nently In grass. It must be borne In South American coaster might have mind that there are striking differ­ abandoned here when It put In for ences In methods of grazing. Where water. The most reasonable hypoth­ esis seemed to he that he had be ’onged to the copra gatherer, and was for some reason left behind nn his master’s departure. But who that had loved a dog enough to make It the companion of his solitude would go away and leave It? The thing seemed to me Incredible. Yet here, otherwise unaccounted for, waa the corporeal presence of the dog. I had named the terrier In the first ten minutes of our acquaintance. Cru- 1 aoe was the designation hy which he was presented to his new associates Violet tolerated him, Aunt Jane called USE OF FORETHOUGHT AND CARE WILL THWART MANY FARM FIRES which grow In clusters at the top of the stalk In summer are so nearly the size and weight of wheat kernels that It la difficult or almost Impossible to separate them except after artificial or over-season drying. Onlon-talnted wheat flour la highly ob- lectlonable In bread, and wheat t fouled Is shunned by millers. ’ presence of onions In wheat also terferes wRh milling operations gumming the rolls. dent H a rd in g recently paid; FARMERS articles no longer needed, or succeeded by better ones, which somebody would like to obtain. An advertisement the size of thia, coating 25c, might find a buyer and covert what is now only trash into ’¿ j CASH T 1 axi v k ; e P hone 19C5 Brownsville i- 1 A call w ill bring me to Halsey in 15 or 20 ininutea DEAN TYCER Amor A. Tussing e (XX). - f Every Fire Suggests Preventive an d Protective Have Been Provided. Measures th a t ¡»nouid lio n and liona. ite L A W Y E R AN D NOTARY B row nsville , O regon affiliatedorganiz-i. Peterson In October 20,000 (hobo riders) were put ern Pacific property. Fine Dress Shoes Left Over a Specialty 501 Lyon st , Albany, Oregon. B deferred to th is printers found more m atter on could p ut in type W ednesday: issue when themselves v hand than t last Tuesday Shoe Repair Shop i T w o doors n o rth of the hotel. Am prepared to do a ll kinds of High School Notes shoe repairing. Satisfaction guar- Classes were resumed as uaua ! anteed. M onday. A ll report having t good tim e d u rin g A Moment's Careleesneee May Heduce a Fine Property to Ruins. (P rep a red by th e U nited S ta tes D ep a rtm en t « , have a piece of sheet metal under It Every time there Is u fire on a farm ' to protect the floor from hot ashes I or Agriculture > the holidays hall, when both the boys’ a -¿iris’ learns w ill play th e ir io n itia games w ith the Juncteon C high school teams. The G irls ’ Glee club w ill give recital sometime -in the spring JEWETT the COBBLER. I. 0 . 0 . F. W IL D E Y L O D G E NO. 05. Regular m eeting next Saturday n ig h t. Never leave Inflammable rubbish be replaced. Either the owner must be deprived of what mny have been ! near buildings. Remove It. I t It must the fruits of 20 of the best years of be burned, pile It In small piles, so the Mrs. H . F. E n g lish and Mrs, 8 Olfice 1st door south of school house Grazing I t Best Means of Maintain­ his life, or the Insurance company blaze never can get out of control. It M. Bond. The program w ill con Halsey, Oregon. will he called upon for a check, which Is best not to have the children near ing Fertility of Soil. ■ist of solos, readings, choruse hns to come out of the premiums paid the lire. This Is perhnpg a hardship and other interesting features. beef cattle or sheep are grazed, all of by himself and other property owners. At least they can be kept from play- Handles Town and Country Property. I f there are many fires, the Insur­ ’ Ing with the Are. the resulting manure Is left on the Give him a call and see if he can fix ance rates «nrrease. In mutual com­ pusturea, and the land la further en­ When new buildings are to be con- you up. riched if the anlmala are given addi­ panies, which carry a large proportion I structed proper spacing and the f rings. tional feed during the winter. Thia of farm Insurance, the Increase is Im­ I liberal use of concrete and mason H . 8. Rep., J. B. is usually not the rase on dairy farms, mediately felt. In a recent year there ' work will reduce fire liability. Smoke where the cattle spend much of the were more than 38,000 farm tires in I houses should never be built so that High School Essays the United States, erttaillng a loss of hot coals can start a blaze. Hot ashes time In yards or stables. Grazing la not sufficiently remunera­ more than $18,000,000, of which ,'!3 per never should he dumped In tnflam ‘ A view from a m ountain in the tive to Justify the liberal use of com­ cent was held to have been prevent­ | rouble receptacles. Cascade range” by Genev First-class work guaruteed mercial fertilizers, and very little Is able. Fire-Fighting Equipment W ells, sophomore. K A R L BR AM W ELL. Strive to Prevent Fires. ever used In the bluegrass region on In the way of providing fire-fighting the pasture lands. In England It Is Prevention of fires was made a equipment much enn be done wlthoui As a person stands on the top of not uncommon to apply basic slag nt special subject of consideration In great outlay. Barrels of water on the this m ountain and looks down into the rate of 1,000 pounds per acre to churches, schools, public gatherings, roof and polls of water kept standing the W illa m e tte valley, he is re­ permanent grassland. Some farmers and farm organizations for an entire In convenient places will possibly save minded o f a m any-colored picture In the bluegrass region of Virginia are week this October. The farmer, with disastrous loss. I f there is an ele E lectric H a irc u ttin g , iMassug'iig A lth o I th o t the W ilia m beginning to use lime and some 1'orin the accumulation of many years tied vated tank or a force pump, a host puzzle. He valley to be wide, now 1 re ­ and Shampooing. of phosphate on their pastures This up In hla buildings, mny well make connection will be found Invaluable It The va lle y improves the stand of grass, but there i every week fire-prevention week. time of need. A ladder that will reach verse my opinion. C leaning and Pressing. According to the United States De the roof should always be available looks to be b ut a few miles across, The Strange Beast of the Jungle Was are no riRts available to show whether the Increase will cover the expense. In partment of Agriculture, pracjlcally for Immediate use. The rivers and creeks together a White Bull Terrier. lie absence of any experimental data, ; every fire Is preventable, except those Sand should be kept handy to throw uake a long, thread-like, silvery him a dear weenty pettums love. Cap very farmer Is advised to experiment caused hy lightning or of incendiary on gasoline and oil fires; water only web. The fields o f green grain A R C H IE C O R N E LIU S tnjn Magnus kicked him when hi n hla own fields In a small way. An origin. Even when the best preven­ liters them. There are a number of look like little verdent splotches. thought I was nut looking. Cuthbert ipplleatlon of 500 pounds of acid phos­ tive measures fall and fires break out, simple chemical extinguishers on thi The towns are but tin y groups of Vane chummed with him In frnnkesl phate or of bone meal to a half acre preparatory measures will put the market, some commercial and somt •olored toy b uildings, placed a comradahlp. and Mr. Shaw softened in an old 'pasture will soon show farmer and Ills neighbors in better homemade. Expert workmanship. Watches and thorfc distance apart. toward him to an extent which made whether It is advisable to use fer­ shape to subdue them. With the present widespread use of clocks a specialty. me Inly murmur, "Love me. love my tilizers. I f this quantity makes a Down one o f the roads, which Every fire must have an Initial automobiles, a rural fire company dog '—only reversed Not that 1 In the marked Improvement In the stand of flame, whether It he from a carelessly equipped either with motor pump oi leads from the m ountain to the H A LS E Y OREGON least u anted to be loved, only you feel xruss, leas might be beneficial. thrown match or cigarette, nn ex­ large chemical extinguisher, or both valley, a man is d riv in g his car It an Imiiertluence lu a person who so plosion of kerosene or gasoline, an can easily be organized and equipped ie looks lik e a mere pigm y a> he palpably does not love you to en i explosion of grain dust In s thrash- Every farm fire suggests preventive moves along. A fte r a ll, in the deavor to engage the affections of your MILK GCAT INDUSTRY GROWS I Ing machine, or sparks from a sooty and protective measures that shouh eyes of the w orld, are we not a ll hull terrier. chimney or passing engine. have been provided. Take a little tlmi pigmys? As to Cookie, he magnanimously Animal W ill Supply Sufficient Amount Matches never should be left loose and provide them In advance consented to overlook Crusoe's dubi­ of M ilk tot Average Fam ily— i or within the reach of children. Put A ll work done p ro m fftly and ous past as a ghost pig, and fed him Eaaily K ept j them In Ooncomhustlhle containers The w hite-loot m ystery,’ ’ by so liberally that the terrier's lean and reasonably. Phone No. 269. I and have a pocket match safe Better Irene Q u im b y, freshman. The production of milk goat» baa yet, nse safety matches, which can be graceful form threatened to assume John C. Snedden’s grocery store for a great many years been an Im­ scratched only on the box. the contours of a beer keg. was situated in a sm all town portant feature of the live-stock In­ Smoking never should be permitted dustry In many European countries, around the ham or In the vicinity of named H a y le v v ille . John was (To tie continued* ATTORNEY AT LAW hut It has never secured a very strong Inflammable matter. Matches, cigar or very anxious to increase his busi­ Pest Causes Loss of Millions foothold In the United States. In cigarette stubs never should he ness. Funds were getting scarce, 201 New F irs t N a t’l Bank B ld ’g, Halsey Loral Holds Merlins' thia country the goat has always been thrown where they can do harm. of Dollars. his b ills iucrea ing, end K - te and A lbany, Oregon. A liv e ly m a jo rity ol the mem­ an Snltnal of more or less ridicule, as Kerosene and gasoline are useful ibn ju u io r netded »hoes. Money ber* o f the lla lse y contingent ol the majority of the people do not re­ servants, but destructive when let as needed, and it was “ up to h im 1’ Important Remedial Method la te the Oregon D airy men's leigue met alize the possibilities of certain breed» loose. o provide it. John Snedden wa- or types that buy« l>een bred for many Sow Small Grain, Preparing Land They should he rigidly confined and in the city hall Wednesday of last not.ed fo r hi» power to invent years .fcF along .RNnlte lluea, say special- , never allowed to mix or change places Before Seeding — Maturity week, J he meeting waa presided Ivtu a States Department __ - . i w. . things. He would have louse this L IC EN SED F U N E R A L DIRECTORS Ists of »Ik** the I*»,H United Kerosene lamp« should he solid of base of Bulbleta Prevented. HA RRISBURG LEBANON over by W. R. M cA llister, local of Agriculture. power now. M any plan» were to prevent tipping over. I f they nro president Phone 35 Phone IS m anufactured and discarded dur. In continental Europe milk goats of metal, there Is no danger of their Wild onions, otherwise known a« Branches at C. R. Evans, being an invited are largely used by famille» unable to breaking and spilling olU The wlek garlic, which cause American farmer- g th a t long, dreary week as he guest, was a ked to speak. He keep a cow, and great benefit la de­ should fit tightly to prevent vapor millions of dollars* annual loss, can Brownsville, Phone .17C15. neasured out tea and sugar for his made a p oint that the members rived from having fresh milk at hand from the bowl reaching the flame and best be comhated by deep, late fall ustomers. F ina l iy one plan stuck Halsey Phone 166, Frank Kirk. Mgr. were ta k in g a lew cents less fo ri and at a low coat In those countries Igniting. They never should he filled plowing, in the opinion of the United Hla lace assumed a brigber smile their buttertat tbau the league than the goat la often spoken of at the In the presence of an open flame States Department of Agriculture. In for the rest of that afternoon. E XEC U TO R ’S N O T IC f OF SALh Gasoline cans should tie easily dis plowing, the top» should be complete elsewhere, they wets themselves "poor man's cow “ T hat n ig ht after supper he took Notice it hereby given that on and During the past several years con­ flngulshahle from kerosene cans. It ly turned under A Jointer attached d ire ctly responsible for the advance irushes, paints and other things after December 23, 1921. under author­ siderable Interest ha* been manifested Is better to store the gasoline In a to the plow, and also disking before paid by other creameries. He a). hat he would use to make his plan ity of the last w ill and testament of In the milk goat Industry In thia coun­ *o »»id th at in bi» opinion they try. The fact that the goat will supply hurled tank At least the tank should plowing, will help to put the tops un deed. He was gone several hour» Lizzie Bilyeu. deceased, the undersigned he away from buildings Vapor never tier. The following spring give the will proceed to sell at private sale for should not he determined so much sufficient milk for the average family »hoHld be allowed to escape In a dose nd retired as soon as he returned. cash land a thorough preparation and plant all of the interest of said deceased at preeent by a m atter o f profit and can he kept where It would ha room or where there Is any tire, The next m oruing when th e c iti. to some tilled crop, such as corn In in the following described property, to but hy a p rinciple, and made so i Impossible to keep a cow 1» beginning tens o f H a y le y v llle awoke, they w it: stove» Cause Many Flrss cheek rows Lot 1, in block 1, in Bridges' .nidilinn appeal to the member» to»t»nd pat to appeal to many people, especially | Overheated stoves and flues cause It Is sometimes Impracticable to were surprised to see a lot of wh’ '« on the one big question ol co­ those living in the .m ail town, and the man, flM>, chimneys should he hunt eradicate this pest completely. An ootprints, about three feet long, lo Shelburn, Linn connty, Oregou; also lot 1 and the vr. W of lot 4 in block 11 suburb» of the large cities. operation. from the ground If pnee’hle, and «h.-nld Important remedial method In such ou the sidewalks. in Wheeler's addition to Scio, Linn The milk gnat Industry 1» only In If» not he attached to any of the frame­ cases la to sow small grain late In the The meeting'voted approxim ately They a ll pointed the same wav. eounty' Oregon: unanim ously to continue the or- Infancy In America, the department work of the building an there can fall, plowing and preparing the land W hat did they mean? Dated and first publication hereof is A ll kinds specialist» aey. Thia type of goat 1» he uneven settling. They should be Jnat before seeding the grain. This November 24, 1921. g a n iia lio n . t guesses were made about them, adapted to our country, and the In­ clear of the woodwork and should al­ method will not destroy the onions, O. W . M O RRO W . Execntor dustry should hei-ome of greater Ira- ways he kept clear of aoot 'mt gives them such a setback that the hut no conclusion was reached. l portanre every year. A week later John placed in his bulbleta do not have time to mature Stovepipe« should never pass Ptraonal Inspection. C all at the E nterprise office and store window th is sign in blazing An Irish captain Inspecting hla mm- through Inaccessible places like a before the grain la harvested see the latest th in g in d a in ty c a ll, “ Those fo otprin ts show An Important precautionary meas­ letters: eloaet or garret I f they mu«t pass pany noticed that o n* of hla soldier» C ra b b y They ure la to sow only grain which la free the way to Snedden’s grocery.” ing cards, at $1 for 50. h«d neglected to w»*h either me hark through the wall, see that the stove court holds that a man of hi» neck or hl» ear«. "Hi. you!“ W h A o Kentucky H is plan seemed to work like magic m ake a tine C hristinas g ift and are k ta sc a h is s w e e t h . ----------------- I P *I* ho|e ’* provlde.1 1th a g. l - from bulhlets. ho called to him ; "’you haven't • Wr~ » ’ “thim ble” Where walls anfl cedine« Damage from ^1,1 onion 1« of two The people a ll hked to Walk the very necessary at C hristm as tim e CBT I * CUllty Of • nil'«let DCA tior Rm waehed yourself at the hack I Right pii P* mem , , the to place in your package» They who la going to be rrahhy enmmh ' * n* * t * he ** P *h,' m * With ,,h I «-»«ral classes Cow, eat the young . . . . t h / . k l i . u . . i J «Bring resulting In tainted . i ed' I * nd lho*« about faca and look at youreetli — {tal or asbesto, Every atove should ! »*»«** are also very nice to tie on boquela to 01« a co m p lain t. If the g in daaau*D - jyilk^an d. gutter; and tha bulbivta ‘ “ ,o rlu n e lo Jo h n Sued- Edinburgh Scotsman. for funerals. Come in aud see ^ » - - 1 — ■■T ■V’rysw » * — — -w- den a grocarj »tore. W. J. Ribelin Dealer F R s p T Q in Real Estate. ANITA RY Barber Shop and Baths BARBER SHOP E. C . M IL L E R ’W'WT W ATCHMAKER & Jeweler F. M. GRAY, Drayman. COMBAT W IID ONIONS BY PLOWING IN FALI C. C. B R Y A N T W R IG H T & POO LE ihyoi. I