¿fèningivici? p h o n o c b a p h s and r e c o r d s .lin lln g of the palms bveAead, I ex i uni not run. iusicad, 1 stepi>ed perlenced a certain discomfort, which on a smooth surface of rock and slid persons given to hard and unqualified downhill like a human toboggan until terms might have called fear. it I fetched up against a dead log after seemed to me aa If a very strong cord a cuutused interval during winch I at the rear of my belt were Jerking me vaguely believed myself to have been ack toward the Inglorious safety of swallowed by an alligator. While the the camp. I fingered my automatic alligator Illusion endured 1 must have and marched on up the h ill trying lain coins lose and Immovable. Indeed, not to gasp when a leaf rustled or a when my senses began to come back 1 was atilt quite Inert. 1 experienced coconut dropped In the woods I gained the summit of tbe ridge, - that curious tranquillity which Is said aud stood upon a bare rock platform, I to visit those who are actually with» scantily sheltered by a few trees, » in (be Jaws of death. There I lay lurge shrubs, rather, with a smooth, prone, absolutely at the mercy of the waxy leaf of vivid greea. On tbe mysterious white prowler of the forest -and I did not care. The whole pet­ left rose the great mass of the peak i rom far above amoug Its crags a ty business of living seemed a long beautiful foamy waterfall came hur way behind me now. Hlng down. U u ru ld ly at last I opened my eyes. I had not dreamed of getting a view Within three yards of me, In the open so glorious from the little eminence of rock-paved glade where I hud fallen, the ridge. Here was an Item of news stood the Thing. Yes, there It wan— to take back to camp. Having with ouly now It had put an ear back and great originality christened the place was sniffing at me with a mingling of Lookout, I turned to go. And as I Interest and apprehension. The strange beast of the Jungle waa turned I saw a shape vanish Into the a wblte bull-terrier. woods. Abruptly 1 sat up. The terrier gave It was an animal, not a human a startled sidewise bound, but paused shape. And It was white. It had, In­ igaln and stood regarding me. deed, every distinguishing trait of "Here, pup I Here, pupl Nice dog. Cookie's phantom pig. Only It was gums!” I said In soothing accents. not a pig. My brief shadowy glimpse The dog gave a low whine nnd stood of it had told me that. I knew what shivering, eager but afraid. I con- It was not, but what It was I could tinued my blandishments. Little by not, as I stood there rooted, eveD little the forlorn creature drew near­ guess. er, until I put out a cautious band Would It attack me, or should I onlj nnd stroked bis ears. He dodged af- die of fright? I wondered If my heart frlghtedly, but presently crept back were weak, and hoped It was. so that again. Soon his head was agulnst my I should not live to feel the teeth of knee, and he was devouring my hand the unknown Thing sink In ray flesh with avid caresses. Some time, lie- I thought of my revolver and after an fore his abandonment on the Island, Infinity of time mannged to draw It he had been a well-brought-up and from the case. My fingers seemed at petted animal. Months or years of once nervelessly limp and woodenl.v wild life had estranged him from hu­ rigid This was not at all the daunt­ manity, yet at the human touch tho less front with which I had drbamed of old devotion woke again. meeting danger. I had fancied myself The thing now was to lure him buck with my automatic making a rather to camp and restore him to the happy pretty picture as a young Amazon— service of his gods. W ith another al­ but I had now a dreadful fear that luring, "Here, doggumsl" I started on my revolver might spasmodically go my way. He shrank, trembled, hesi­ off and wound the Thing, and then, tated, then was after me with a hound. even If It had meditated letting me go. So I brought him triumphantly across It would certainly attadr^ne. Never the Rubicon of the little stream, and iheless I clung to my revolver as to marched him Into camp uuder the as­ my last hope. tounded eyes of Cookie. I began to edge away Crab-wise Into At sight of the negro the dog growled the wood. Like a metronome 1 said softly and crouched agulnat my skirt. to myself over and over monotououa- Cookie stood like an effigy of amaze- iy, "Don’t run, don't run I” Select your "Christinas Brunswick now and have us deliver it at Xmas time. TUE B R U N S W IC K | a b l " f moVrer m ^n.^th0 lliink of ma^ aMe-with i willin’ to lay be does yet. Well, good luck to you,” said the ’T ,' _nes and- -dead ones.” venient? Sampson would maybe not | “Dead ones? o f course—haven’t we while with a frightened negro in the the Island. While nursing this proj­ i dim light of dawn. I consoled Cookie ihc spot of all others where ecl rOrnieu an extensive ac ac- I *en eating them?" ect ane she naa had formed e first coiner who had got word of i qualntance with persons frequenting "Yo' won't nevnh eat dis yere "kind as best I could by promising to cross the story would he certain to look.” | the New York water -front, among •' dead pig. Miss Jinny. It's—It's a my fingers If I heard or saw anything suspicious, and struck out Into the ell, friends," remarked Mr. | «-horn was Captain Magnus. As I ha'nt!" woods. Tuhbg, "there's them that sees noth T h e m order was out Cookie leaned heard her remark, he wag the on»- For all my brave words to Cookie. In' but the hole In the doughnut, and nautical character whom she found gainst a cocoa palm and wiped bla I had no Intention of going very far there's them that see the doughnut sympathetic, by which I Judge thsi -bon brow. • afield. From the shore of the cove that's around the hole. I ain't the others were skeptical and rude Persistently questioned, be told at ashamed to say that old H. H. Is In Being sympathetic. Captain Magnus I last how, today and yesterday, aris­ I had observed that the ground be­ the doughnut class. Why, the Old found It an easy matter to attach him­ ing In the dim dawn to build his fire hind Hs» clearing rose to the summit Man himself used to remark— I guess self to the expedition—or perhaps If before the camp was stirring, he had '»f a low ridge, perhaps four hundred It ain't news to some here about me was Violet who annexed him. I don't seen lurking at the edge of ine clear- feet in height, which Jutted from the base of the peak. From this ridge I bein' on the Inside with most of the know which. 'ng a white four-footed shape. It was thought I might see something more leadin' financial lights of the country It was fortunate that Cookie knew I » pig yet not a ptg; Its ghostly bus. of the Island than the limited envi­ — he used lo remark. Tubbs has it in nothing of the solitary grave some- i Its noiseless movements, divided It ronment of Lantern hay. him to bull the market on a Black where on the Island, with Its atone from all proper mundane porkers by As tbe woods shut out tbe lei Friday.' Ladles. I ain't one that's tn . • - ---- -------- ------- -- marked rnarxeu with won » B H. n . and ano a cross cross bones. ooro-a, the dreadful gulf whict^ divides the cllned ,0 b.- a l t b,„ , y . , want |nhab|tant thereof was living from the dead. The first morn­ glimpae of the white t