PAG E 2 or D< Oie I our < the t be «' the worn UI certe Hon« the Jona ervvS Frov othst fron B elmi eloa ehon tlng very ohje ï£ ef < »het A ««•a er I and (er (eui An; t «h» Uv< 1.50 a year in advance. now being proceeded against foi an aDcient Chinese sage who lived explain that he is working hard This Lutfisk is prepared and w ill arrive in our store Dec. 20th. Transient advertising. 25c an inch, per­ In the Second century was offered a in the interest of the farmer? bootlegging We w ill only hare enough for our orders, so order at once. manent, 20c. No discount for tim e bribe. His silence being accepted as Wasn't be in the senate when In the trial the witnesses a bo hesitation, he was assured that he «as or space that body was passing a bill to In “ Paid-for P aragraph*,” 5c a lin e Su redish Yellow Peas..... ’. ...................... 15c a pound were at lb* 8t. Francis hotel orgy, perfectly safe, as no one knew It. He I regulate Farm er Swift and Farm er No advertising disguised as news. Suredish Red Sago ..... ......................... 50c a pound I a I of them dependent for smj loy- re p lie d : “Heaven knows It. Earth Armour and the other big five Phone 205 knows It. You know It. I know It. ment upon the movie combinaiion How can yon say that no one knows farmers, and didn’t he make a Hallgren’s Anchovies ............................. 50c a can speech defending them? H A L S E Y , Linn Co., Ore.. Dec. 8, 1921 which had been credited with hav­ It r M ail orders filled What do the critics want? Theie’s ing a 12,000 000 fund to be used Farm er Newberry. A foolish fed­ to free the defendant, conveniently MURDER IN NEW FORM eral court out in Micbig.tu ordered forgot rnoet of the damaging evi­ that good agriculturist into the Nathan Straus eaid the other day dence they bad given before the penitentiary for two years on a C o rn er T hird an d L yon sts., A lbany, Oregon r Any effort to take milk away coroner. charge of corrupt use of money in from eick mothers and infant chil­ an election. How can the iuteiest* An autopsy showed th at Miss Corvallis, Dec. 26-31, 1921 of an old farmer friend like New­ dren ie nothing short of m urder.” w w aa.a.w w ^aT T f w W W fJ x It ie the truth, and the crim inal Rappe had been in perfect health berry be looked after by our sena­ WINTER SHORT COURSES tor if the latter spends his valu­ responsibility ie not lessened by The “ experts” of the defense d e ­ •’ T h e F ir s t S a v in g s B a n k o f A l b a n y , O r e g o n ’ the fact that it extends to both clared she had long been afflicted able time sitting iu his seat in the parties to a labor dispute, and ie P u t Science into F arm senate? diffused through large numbers of with some unnamed disease tba> Of course our busy senator has P ractice men—wage earners, business ex had suddenly caused her to die been very much absent from the T E N REASON’ S W H Y you should save regularly a part of your lr.eomei from an internal rupture, with F ru it and Vegetable Course, eculives and stockholders. senate. But what of it when you Y o u r Home O ld Age. Sickness Many a baby has Aii died in New black and blue spots from bruises Tracto r Mechanics Course. Dec. 3-17, 1921 know that he is looking after the Your Business Investm ents Insurance York and C'eveland lately from on her limbe and bwdy. Jan. 2-M arch 18 1922 welfare of the farmers? Didn’t One of Educatiou A utom obile T ra v e l Dairy M anufacture Course, lack of milk, and many a mother's Farmer Stanfield get 1250,000 iu these experts has been arrested for Jan 2 M ar. 18, 1922 Character heart has been broken. And this one bunk of War Finance corcora- Agriculture course, Jan 2-Mar. 18, 1922 M ak e your dreams come true. Start now. is merely a vivid example of what perjury, with the evidence direct Dairy tion money for his sheep business Herdsmen's Course, happens in some form or other iu aud strong. Jan 2-Juue 18, 1922 in southern Idaho? Aud after he t, 4 per cent interest and no worry every big strike affecting the pro­ When F atty’s backers try to re. G rain G rading Course, ...J a n 9-21. 1922 got the money, did n ’t he have to Beekeeping Course, Jan 30-Feb. 25, 1922 duction and distribution of the coup the costs of the defense by come out from Washington and buy . a Homemakers' lu u ic tu a w v i o v Conference, u u iv it u v v , M t i t ar, a i , s 20 , v 25, '21 a. a necessaries of life. Murder is no sheep with it? How can a farmer throwing bis picture« on the screen I ~ less murder because it comes by that »beet may be saluted with G rejjon A gT ll ultliral C o lleg e with $250,000 of government mon- the slow process of privation rather •y in his jeans do Bcintific farming F u ll inform ation on anv course by eggs and cate instead of bouquets than by sudder* violence. n the sheep line if he sits idly in w ritin g T H E R E G IS T R A R , P ro m p t a n d efficient' W hat a way for civilized society He may be not guilty in the a senate seat 3000 miles away? O. A . C., Corvallis, O. A. C. fe i rep airin g . to settle an industrial dispute ! murder case, but he is guilty of a u tam o b ile These critics are so unjust that Reasonal le beings might be ex­ Fisk, G oodyear and hey are enougs to drive a senator pected to keep on giving babies spending bis large salary in par­ crazy. Didn’t Farm ers Swift and G oodrich T ires an d Tubes. their milk, or the grownups their ties wbers booze aud indecency •ompany get $1,130.000 of goveru- We now have on hand two 32x4 two 34x4, one 35x4% and a number He is not a fit per­ meat and coal and iron, while set­ predominate. G L A S S E S F IT T E D neut money frm the War Finance o f 33x4 Casings which we w ill make attractive prices on w hile they last tling their disbutes by some son to be exhibited as a hero to BY corporation for their cattle loan Good line of Ford parts and other accessories on hand at all tim e r rational process. GRADUATE business in Portlaud? How could children of susceptible age who i O P T O M E T R IS T <»ur senator look after big transac­ The above sound talk ia from the admire slapstic stage artistry tions tike th a t if be sat continu­ Albany Democrat. A man who by Moral leprosy is contagious. P R IV A T E O F F IC E ally in the senate chamber? neglecting to rescue another when F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S P h o n e UX 5 Props. possible from per il lets tho victim Assemblyman Templeton has a P R IC E S R E A S O N A B L E • The Study Club go to his death is held responsible good deni of sentiment behind him F. M. F r e n c h & S o n s Eleven members were present at for that. Just as ranch is a party in bis view that the special and all ALBANY OREO. the meeting of the Study club at to a strike responsible for death» dher sessions of the legislature X m a s C o n fe c tio n s the home of Mrs. G. W. Mornhin- which he could have prevented. >ught to reduce expenses instead weg last Thursday aud each re­ A nation-wide railroad strike or fo r th e tree, stockings or sponded to roll call with a state­ ment of a current event. coal mine strike which causes suf p re se n ts. Good to look + 4 4 + .' fr.4 4 x 4 4 4 The lesson, which covered the faring to the common people is migration period and Oregon's sin and should be made a crime. at, good to eat. O u r can­ provisional government, was given dies a re p u re a n d whole­ bv Mrs. Stafford. Whether the pioneer monument Mrs. English aud Mrs. Stafford som e. T ry u s fo r candy aucoeedt or faila, there ia being sang solos th at were much enjoyed. built to the pioneers of I,inn county satisfactio n . Please your The club decided to have a Christmas program at the next a monument which should be more frien d s an d y o u rse lf by regular meeting, Mrs. B M. Bond highly prized than any impersonal b u y in g ours. to have charge. A Christmas tree piece of stone. Earle S tm ard of will be one of the pleasures of the Brownsville, of whom a very brief evening. notice appeared in last week's En — E a c h s u c c e e d in g h o lid a y season has terprise, ia writing and the A lbani t Democrat is publishing a series o' fo u n d m o re a n d m o re w o m e n lo o k in g to Pen Pictures of Linn County Pio ” us fo r a p p ro p ria te g ift suggestions fo r m e n * neers. These articles are wortl a place iu the scrapbook of evert Anyone Now Can Have Color a n d boys- S o th is y e a r w e ’v e m a d e friend or relative of the pioneers. Loved by Rulers of Yore. L u t-F is k STENBERG BROS. “ W H ER E SAVING S A R E SA F E ” HALSEY GARAGE, FOOTE BROS., IHEIIM” GIFT P Can be Ended Here CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. 4 The dentists in convention dc cided th at too many teeth a t pulled that might be saved and i tuggested th at when doctors decid that bad teeth are the cause of il health they should not he drawt until the dentist has tried his hand at saving them. Then, even i the teeth must finally be sacrificed the demist will have had full (ai d profitable) employment on them The Albany Herald complains that too many congressmen ‘‘ceet their votes too regularly on the side of fancied popular sentiment rather than on the side of composite parly judgm ent.” That is. there is tot» much government by tb- people and not enough by party If «bat mournful statement wort true, we could not weep over it. s p e cia l p re p a ra tio n s to b e o f e v e n g re a te r $ I assistance to w o m e n o f p ra c tic a l g ifts . £ 4 f 4 f I * £ 4 1 4 £ 4 4 4 Arm Bands Bath Robe Belt Belt Buckle Bill Book Cap Cane Card Case Collar Case Cuff Links , Garters Gloves H andkerchiefs Hat Hosiery Mackinaw M ittens Th» store th at give» square deal to every customer ALBANY T h e Red Cross ie reported en deaeoring to aid the convicted mui derere, Kathie and Owen, to recap« in th e s e le c tio n Look Them Over Our recent statement th at the ’ wave of crime” is receding is borne out bv the official announce­ ment that there were 500 fewei homicides in the United States it 1920 than in 1919. And probahl there were more convictions and * fewer pardons. t The budget law is enmbersom and expensive. It requires « *“ '•"» dal^ r To“ X f l m infect, UJ* 0T an° th e r— the chief problem 1« indlv” tm! may ± n'dnd?„ '*» hl«h" ' ^ n t W h ile the tnfected • l»o true that h eT L a . a . ,On,[. “ * the disease. It Ie of h I. Physkai . X n ^ h i ° P± 7 lTe *“ • * “ * “ lowering tlon In all b it bAhlta ’Tr Wlth trn <>«SIUL Including good housing, public places, safe m ilk sudd I v .*nArt,On' ' * * * “ W r* ’t* Prop®1, ventilation ot h h e . b e e 7 , X d , K \ v 2 , * ™ R’ OO• b,• me" Ur' 01 pubUc « c re a tio n , present knowledge of n r s v a r r i c 7 « 7 *” ’ w nttan and child would utilise our generations P ^ e n tlo w . tu U rc u lo e i. would be wiped out ln a few due to m a k ln g '^ lT m iflc d l e X l r t ^ ’ ’ ’* of . « „ . t o r i . « nd d id o ” . " d campaigns of p..pular edu. . d o u ^ ^ h ’* P" * t ’ * * ” nt ,ha b<* B 7 h l ^ » o O? M£ 7 ' which people have beeu taught tu .