VOL. X H alsey enterprise HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, DEC. 8, 1921 on the part ot the minister 1. His faith and love toward the j Lord and ail saints (v. 5). It was his hope and desire that this faith j might bear fruit in Christ Jesus. Philemon was generous in his help to the poor saints. III. Paul's Request (vv. 8-16). Hsleey Christian Church Church Announcements He requested Philemon to receive back Onesimus, the runaw-ay sluve, as a brother in Christ. * 1. He beseeches instead of com mands (vv. 8-10). Though conscious of his right to enjoin, he pleads as the prisoner of Jesus Christ for loves sake. A Happy Evening Jots and Tittles The second of a series of parties being given by the ladies of the Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally and in Halsey Particularly e °F church 7.°.° ¿ i d #2 the home of Mrs B. M. M iller last evening. There was a large crowd I of youug folks present. M rs. P. H. F reerksen was in D Kufus, Ore., Dec. 1. Mrs. Diss- Many new and interesting games E u g en e F rid ay more s mother, Mr. G. R. Walker were introduced and all joined in i ! F Svlves‘ er and wife went or this city, is attending her. . playing them with much test and Both mother an child are doing enthusiasm The stabbing with a to Eugene Friday, J hatpin for peanuts from a dish was This county's share of the state ***•• When two reports of an evenl i tbe ,nortt cxcitin«' and w*a Pro tax this year is $2V3,616 15. come in to the E nterprise office it « " " T ® ’ tl“' re bc,"8 *'* ,ab1*'' 1,1 C O. McClaren and wife were ta not the better one th a t appears, lbe t" 1*1 0o,,u” t Ml“ 1 earl Putlra- 2. He makes his plea on tbe He passengers for Albany Monday. grounds of grace (vv. 11-14). tn the paper necessarily. It is not wa8 w ,u“ er by. one over C lare" admitted that Onesimus had been un- Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Laubner the one th a t is beat w ritten and U or‘nl®J. The pnze was a box of profitable—had forfeited all claim most Complete th a t is printed. I t | Oa~ ? y' . upon Philemon, and that on grounds were Shedd business visitors Mon­ is the one that the printer g e ts ' ™ ere «bout fifty present of Justice his plea might well be re­ day. hold of first. and “ 8al“ lbey had ■ most excel jected. and yet Onesimus was begot­ G. W- Mornbinweg was eub- lent time, and were very gratetu ten in his bonds (v. 10)—was In a real penaed as a juror for this term of O W. Frum delivered a truck to the hostesses, Mesdames Bob sense a part of his own suffering na­ court, load of lambs to the Nebergall! Miller,John Standish, Frank Gray, ture (v. 12)—he ventured to suggest A horse fell with M artin Cum­ Meat Co. at the local stockyards Arthur Foote, Marstera, Hadley that he should be accepted. Though : Young, Ribelin* Penlaud and Onesimus hitherto had been unprofit­ mings Monday, severely injuring Monday. Christian: able to his master, now was profitable his knee. Mr ...,i M u nr nu Smith and Misses Ruby Sohroll, Mr. and Mrs. H W Chance Beulah M iiler and Mona Bond, to both Paul and Philemon. Paul Sunday School, 10. C. H. McFarland of Brownsville and son G enn and grandson H ar- Chicken sandwiches. plok|Wi would gladly have retained him as Preaching, 11. personal attendant, but sought first went through Halsey to Albany H «? ,‘t t Cl,n«maa“ * nd 171a" k d°«8l'nut8 and cocoa were served. Endeavor, 6:30. Monday. his friend's permission. Hadley all drove to Albany Mon- The party br„ke at a |ale bour Preaching, 7:30. 3. Paul desired that Onesimus be George Maxwell has sold that day in ttie Chance machine, and it was voted most enloyabk Lester Jones, Minister. received back not as a slave, but as other cow. It pays to advertise in J. W Rector was an Albany affair. a brother in Christ (vv. 15, 16). Here (he Enterprise. Sunday School Lesson visitor Monday. is the real fugitive slave law. Paul Mrs. J. C. Bramwell cut her never attacked slavery, though It was (B y R E V P. B. F IT Z W A T E H , D . D . Courses at O. A. C. K arl Bramwell and wife drove T each er o f E n flia h B ible In th e Moody contrary to Christianity, and therefore lert thumb pretty badly on a bro­ B ible In etitu te o f C hicago.) to Albany Monday. hateful to him. but emphasized prin­ ken fruit jar Sunday. Special oourcea in some special C opyrigh t, I f 21. W estern N ew sp ap er Union. ciples which destroyed it. The estab E. B Penlatid. accompanied by phases of farming and related sub- E-. H. Bowers and wife, living lishment of Christianity changes tlie C, H. Koontz, G W. L aubnerand , jects will be at O A. C. as follow«: LESSON FOR DECEMBER 11 whole face of human society. The east of Brownsville, went out on Two weeks’ course in fru it and wise thing to do is to get men and Monday'e train for Corvallis, to Henry Zimmerman, drove to A l­ vegetable grow tug, from now to bany Tuesday. PAUL W R ITE S TO A FRIEND. women regenerated and thus trnns be gone a few days. ¡Dec. 17. form society Instead of seeking change Herman Mitzner, Ernest Gour- Mr. and Mrs. C P. Stafford were | Four weeks’ course in bee keep­ L E S SO N T E X T -P h ile m o n . by revolution. ley and Frauk Isom went to Port- ' dinner gltests at the home of D r ing, Jan. 30 to Feb. 25. G O L D E N T E X T —W hoaoever w ould be In Paul's request you can hear the land Monday morning to attend c h ie f am o n g you, let him be your eerv- and Mrs. E. W. Barnum in H ar­ Four weeks’ course In grain a n t —M att. 30:27. pleadings of Christ for us sinners. All risburg Sunday. grading, Jan. 9 to 21. R E F E R E N C E M A T E R IA L -D e u t. 16:12- men have broken loose—gone astray— the Dairymen’s league. 16; John 13:14. 36; I Cor. 1:26-29; Col. Eleven weeks’ oourse in tractor and have become unprofitable. We Mrs. E. I. Harrington, wife of a 3:9-11; Jaa. 2:1-9. C. R. Evans was a Brownsville P R IM A R Y T O PIC —T he S tory o f a Run are reconciled to God through the In­ Salem clergyman, came on Tues­ caller Sunday. He was accom-| mechanics, Jan. 2 to March 18. a w a y Slave. terceding of Christ. He has made us day for a visit with her father, B panied home by Mr, knd Mrs J. j Eleveu weeks’ course in d airj J U N IO R T O PIC —P a u l’s K in d n ess to a profitable. We have been begotten in I. Carey, who is an invalid at W R u n a w a y S la v s. W. Miller, who visited their sou i manufacture, Jan. 2 to March 18 IN T E R M E D IA T E A N D S E N IO R TOPIC His bonds—through His passion, ag in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. I Eleven weeks’ course in general A. Carey’s. —Paul p le a d in g fo r a Slave. on.v of heart, we shall be changed. Harold Stevenson. I »Bncultnre, Jan. 2 to March 18. Methodist: Sunday School, 10. Preaching, 11. Junior League, 8, Intermediate League, 6:30. Epworth League, 6:80. Preaching, 7:30. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor, Y O U N G P E O P L E A N D A D U L T TOPIC —T h e S ocial T ea c h in g s o f th e L etter to P h ilem on. III. The Basis Upon Which Onesim­ Under the direction of the W. F. us Is to Bo Received (vv. 17-21). M S. of the M. E. church, a , ,, ' Five months’ dairy herdsman Lloyd Gormley of Albanv was C0UrM Jan 2 , 0 j un8 jq p ive (layg> homeraakera’ oonfer cooked food sale will be held Sat­ the guest of his parents, Mr. and ! enoe, Marcb 20 Ur 25. urday, Dec. 10, beginning at ten Mrs E. E Gormley. Sunday. o’clock, in the McCully building. Miss Beulah Miller was a guest _________ A hot appetizing luuch will be ai the J. P. Templeton home south __. _ . served at noon. east of town the first of the week. Th* ° " ‘y car systems profitable in these day, Five new boys’ and girls’ clubs Mrs. H. Lasley of Brownsville of severe automobile competition are announced for this county: ,started for Olympia Tuesday to lies in providing a ride at a price Sewing and pig clubs at Oakville visit her daughters, Mrs C. A. people will pay. If that cannot and dairy herd club, dairy herd Warren and Mrs 0 T . Taylor. , be done, we shall probably have tn record club and sewing and cooking Born, Dec. 2, to Mr. an.l Mrs. do ."»<»*«* street oare.-Eugene club at Shedd. John M. Pugh, near Shedd, an H.egmter. 8-pound son, “ Among those pres­ Meetinge are being held east of ! Sixty-awo million cigareta, 820,- Brownsville to discuss union high ent” was Dr. Marks school destricts. One was at J C, Standish returned Monday cigars and nrarly 4,000, P™™1* ™ o ll'»r forma of man- Hrush creek Friday The idea is evening from a few days’ visit with to take the high pupils by auto to bis son Everett in Portland. Mr. «»»ctured tobacco were produced Standish was pleased to find that ln counirT year. Sorrw Brownsville daily. The debt of guilty Onesimus is to This Is a private letter. Philemon be to the accouut of I'aui, and the was a member of the church at Colos- | mer‘t of I’aui is to he put to the ac- se. Onesimus, his slave, wronged him, count o t Onesimus. This Is a fine II perhaps stole from him. and fled to i lustration of the atonement of Christ. Rome. There be came under Paul’« " ha fever wrongs we have committed influence and was converted. Paul ~