PAGE 2 w or no, Ou* 1* our 01 the be be «V» the « wOrna: Life eertal Honot the r Jonet er'Vl» Brew other from a, elmol alone shoal ting very objet of c then At at»’»' er t and ter tent Any T the on •idi eon Th< to tati wh 4 Cu' the r»c lee eh Hv a I up eo th, he th F s HALSEY ENTERPRISE DEC. 1 1921 WILSON AND THE WAR RIALTO-FRIDAY HALSEY ENTERPRISE all the advocates of "relief” for Mr. Tumulty’s book sheds light the man who is so unfortunate as on many phases of the war and to be taxed at a high rate because Mr. Wilson’s connection with it his income is 91,000,000 a year or that have been little understood, more. There is a gram of comfort With regard to what was tbeactuul however, in'the fact, if it is a fact, | turning point, he says: that the surtax increases the d e-, On the morning when the news Subecriptiona, $1.50 a year in advance mand for those securities that have j came of the great German offensive Traneient advertising. 25c an inch; per manent, 20c. No diecount for time been made tax-free to induce some- *n |March of 1018, Mr. Lloyd o r apace body to buy them and furnish i George told Mr. Bouar Law that In “ Paid-for Paragraph!»,” 5c aline. only a vast increase in American fnnds sorely needed for public uses reinforcements would save the Noadvertieing disguised as news. Phone 205 allies. A cable was immediately framed, asking Mr. Wilson to send SEND COPY EARLY I the number of reinforcements nec­ HALSEY, Linn Co., Ore.. Dec. 1, 1921 essary. An affirmative answer One of the most troublesome was received from Mr. Wilson the TAXES TAKE IT ALL problems of a country newspaper same day. office arises from the late arrival When the Americans began to It is now costing the American people at the rate of 953.46 per cap of "copy.” When a paper is pub. make themselves felt on the bat­ fta per annum (as against 96.65 lished on Thursday, as the Enter­ tle front Lloyd-George said: "The before the war) for operating their prise is, the type setters are ready race is now between Von Hindeu- federal government, according to Io begin Friday on matter for the burg and Wilson.” Director of tbe budget Dawes The publisher must Later Mr, Wilsou said in private: There is only 952.41 per capita of next issue. money in circulation in the United supply a day’s work, for each day. What I greatly fear, now that If a social event has occurred the end seems inevitable, is that States, according to United States R upert Hu treasury department’s circulation on Thursday evening those wbc we shall go back to the old days statement of September 1. would report it can co-operate in of alliances and competing arma­ There is not enough actual mon­ ments and land.grabbing. ey in existence in the country to the production of a good papei by He fought on that line against handing in the report for the print­ pay the expense ot maintaining a On the national government for twelve er to work on Friday or Saturday great odds at Versailles. months. II somebody in your family has disposition of Germany’s conces­ The figures givep are for the fed­ passed to the beyond on Sunday sions in Shantung he whb everruled eral government alone. But there are tbe vast additional sums for do not send an obituary notice on through the influeuce of a p state, county and municipal gov. Wednesday. By that time the re- ■ existing agreement between Japan ernment expenses, schools, high­ porter will have written one and I and England, but in the main he A G o ld w _ y n P i c t u r ç ways, ports, improvement districts, the printer put it in type at consid­ won out and the enfranchisement et cetera. erable expense. The editor would of many small nations, instead of A Sparkling comedy- The foregoing is from tbe Seattle! prefer your article, because it has the victors taking them as their drama of married life, Business Chronicle. And over 90 j,.„n written with more intimate spoils, is his work. with per cent of the federal income goes knowledge of the facts, but he can to the army and uavy. If the newspapers of the coun­ not afford to uee it and lose the Is it strange that efforts are be­ expense already incurred. Besides, try would follow the style of capi­ AND ing made to reduce armament? by Wednesday the office is stalled talization insisted on by the slate Is it strange that measures like with copy and everything has to institutions of learning they would that championed by Congressman be cut down in size one-half or be greatly changed in appearance. a fitting sequel to McArthur for a cut of one-half in mire in order to start the press on When a student of a school of the number of congressmen are t me. Send news in early and ^otb jourualism goes to work under the a popular? you and the editor will be better head-beaded editor of one of tbe Is it strange that there is com pleased with the result. big dailies his experience is some­ plaint because, instead of a prom We want the latest news. If an what like that of a graduate from ised reduction in state commis­ event worth recording occurs late a business college in a big mercan­ sions, our legislature doubled the Wednesday, or even Thursday tile house. The head bookkeeper fish and game commission and in morning, phone it to ue and it will says: "He is under a handicap. creased other burdens of the sort? be published, if we have to leave He must first unlearn what he Corvallis, Dec. 26-31, 1921 Wo elect lawmakers on a prom out a better story that might have learned at the college and then ise of retrenchment and their co ne in early but didn’t. learn to keep hooks.” hands reach ever deeper and deep Put Science into Farm er into the ptihlic treasury. Japan asks the United States to Practice DITCH THE COMMISSIONS demolish fortifications in the Pa­ Fruit and Vegetable Course, BACK TO NORMALCY cific if she consents to a reduction Dec. 3-17, 1921 The National Association of The “ Wave of crime” that fol of her naval armament. That Tractor Mechanics Course, 18 1922 lowed the war, whether or not there Wool Manufacturers is of course sounds like a burglar willing to lay Dairy Manufacture Jati.;2-March Course, opposing the Capper bill to compel ’ Jan. 2-Mar. 18, 1922 was auy relation between the two, aside the tools of his trade if we Agriculture course, Jan. 2-Mar. 18, 1922 the labeling of textile manufactures will take the locks off our doors. it evidently receding. Dairy Herdsmen’s Course, Jan. 2-June 18, 1922 Juries are becoming saner and with the character of material of Grain Grading Course, -. Jan 9-21, 1922 which they are male. The old convicting murderers. Japan says she wants a predom­ Beekeeping Course, Jan. 30-Feb. 25, 1922 Armed marines on mail cars art statement that some woolen goods inating influence in China. That Homemakers' Conference, Mar, 9-25, ‘21 discouraging robbers by making a are improved by a propoitiou of would be a usurpation of power Oregon Agricultural College few bandits good. A good bandit shoddy of cotton is aired. over China and diametrically op­ Full information on any course by Well, there is no effort to pre­ is a dead bandit- posed to the open door policy» of writing THE REGISTRAR, Detectivee in Chicago killed two vent them from improving their the Uuited States. O. A. C., Corvallis, O. A. C. and wounded a third of a band ol goods in,this way. The bill only proposes that they shall let the robbers tbe other mgbt. The Oregon Historical society Roy Gardner fouud his recent buyer know that they have been has selected "The Discovery of the G L A S S E S F IT T E D raid of theft, attempted robbery so improved. Columbia River” as the subject of BY A cry is raised that the bill the 1922 C. C. Beckman history and felonious assault so uusui- G R A D U A T E These prizes are four in cessful that be has abandoned bis would involve expense for govern­ prizes O P T O M E T R IS T ment inspectors. Cut out tbe in­ number: First, sixty dollars ; sec­ bravado and is working the insan­ spectors. Fix a heavy penalty ond, titty dollars; third forty dol­ P R IV A T E O F F I C E ity dodge. Of course he is ineant-. F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S for misbranding or for neglectiug to lars, and fourth, thirty dollars; A ly man who prefers crime to hon­ and will be awarded for the best brand, and leave the detection of four original essays on the above- P R IC E S R E A S O N A B L E est work is insane—many of them offenses and filing of complaints to named subject written and sub­ M. f r e n c h & S o n s so insane that it would be a kind­ the public, as we do in larceny and mitted by girls or boys, over fif­ ALBANY OREO. ness to them and to the public to teen and under eighteen years of | assault or murder cases, and as we hang them. age, attending any public or pri­ The United States marines wbo ought to do in regard to game and vate school, academy, seminary, If the public did not university, or other educational have been assigned to protect tbe other laws. mails have already begun taking want the law against murder en­ institution in Oregon. toll from tbe robbers. They killed forced there would not be half the As Chri-tiuas draws near the old two bandits and wounded a third, arrests there now are, question faces us, ‘ What can I A person whose property is sto­ probably fatally, ou a mail car be­ give for a present?” Did you tween Washington and Pittsburg len usually is ready to seek arrest know there arc f«w presents more last weea Wednesday. They are of (he thief. Then the courts take acceptable than a year's subscrip, lion ta the home paper? The maintaining the reputation as fight­ up the case. One who is swindled in buying price is $1 60 and tbe entire family ers which that brand) ot Uncle gets all the news for a year. All Sam's service holds all over the cloth or goods will, when he be­ the letters you may writ« will not comes aware of the fact, he Jikcly world. ' contain a fraction of the news of Why Neglect Your Eyes? to start proceedings. the town and vicinity. W’e get If you own an automobile , That it what is happening in th» Cut out the most of the expen­ out a special Christmas number ! you spend considerable time and money case ol surplus income which form sive (end needless) commissions and place fancy cards in each new , to keep it in condition and avoid a erly was invested in productive so- and our tax burden will be reduced. subscription number of thst date, breakdown. Do you give your eyea as tarpriees It is now going uito and usually we hear of the wel­ much consideration ! Have them prop- tax-exempt, government and mu­ come visit of the old home paper , erly examined now. nicipal securities.—Oregon Man­ Think it over. Some people complain instead of ufacturer. The During the past eight vesre of Glory bel The government and rejoicing over a blessing Washington correspondent of the Democratic rule water was never the municipalities, which means so high aa at the present lime — all the people, are thus baing Portland Journal complains that Junction City Times. Senator Stanford was in hie seat financed. They have needed it. onr 14 of the 55 days the Senate a l u n y Q * c &. • ♦ FOR SALE was in seeeion since April 11. Harold Albro. The Athena Press ssye “ It is Manufacturing optician. becoming evident that the super­ tax it driving capital away from The Wilson league ot nation«’ giving 3 gallons a day. B u tter W ra p p e rs productive enterprises and Into ta functioning and the "Harding testing 6 Calling Cani!» tax-exempt aecunliee." So say league of nations’’ It incubating See GEORGE MAXWELL ENTERPRISE Office r' ” ’’ ' ■ i - An independent—NOT neutral—uewe paper, published every Thursday, by W m . H. A A. A. WHEELER. Wm. H. W h k k l ib Editor. .Mae A A. W h h i . f . i Business Manager and Local News Editor. jerous t'rve Helen Chadwick Richard Dix The Old N est” Hard on Tablawar*. On a big liner about 8,000 pieces of glass and crockery are said to be broken on each voyage. Ventilation Affecta Soil. Ventilation of the soil has been found to affect the growth and quality of plants. A. A. T he next number of the £ u ceu m Ot oarse will be given 6. h will be a musical entertainment of the highest or­ der. If you have not attended either of the preceding shows, ask about them from some of your friends who have. Then come out and see for yourself. A. A. A. A. A.-*. How about- your 10-pound lard pails ? have them. • Also a stock of Butcher Knives and Food Choppers. Any number of Perfection Corn Poppers at 60 cents. C^oss &■ li'/uVe Automobile Insurance Fire, theft, collision, property damage and personal liability. Protect yourself against loss. C. P. STAFFORD, Agent. FARMERS’ WEEK WINTER SHORT COURSES O ptem etrist. 1 Big Jersey Cow 1 : CHRISTMAS GIFTS The Enterprise publishers give no premiums for subscriptions make no discounts from published prices make no club rates with other publications seek patronage solely on its merits as a local newspaper endeavor to give $1.50 Worth every year to every subscriber But we need a good solicitor to secure the snbacriptions of the many people who would subscribe if the paper were shown to them and its merits pointed out A good solicitor is hard to find We believe we have many subscribers who could persuade their neighbors to take the paper We feel kindly towards those subscribers, for it is their pat­ ronage that makes the paper attraciive to advertisers, and the advertisers supply the income that keeps the paper aliye Now, " e propose to give these subscribers an opportunity to ob­ tain a few Christmas presents and at the same time help to extend our service. From the morning of Dec. 10 until the evening of Dec. 24 we will give to each paid-in-advance subscriber, for each new subscription which lie sends in, accompanied by $1.50, a present worth 50 cents Further, if you think your present is not worth 50 cents to you we guarantee that the Halsey State bank will give you 50 cents in cash for it on request Show the paper to your neighbor and you can probably get his subscription aa soon as he has examined it, for we are sending out as good a local newspaper as we can produce with the liberal patronage the people of Linn county are giving ua. J f you have friends who have moved away you cannot make them any Clinst-1 mas gift that will be more highly appreciated than a y e v a subabnption. It will be like 52 good, long I • t. ters from home which will coat vou lest than 3 cents apiece, including postage, and if you order it between Dec. 10 an.l Dec 24 you will also get a present gu, anteed to be worth 5o cents As many Ml-eent presents ss you send subscriptons. with the cash, within the time limit fnlim ited supply of these presents W e control the factory" where they are made Presents mailed, postpaid, if subscriptions come by mail. The Publishers