Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, December 01, 1921, Image 1

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Jots and Tittles
Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally
and in Halsey Particularly
• Mr«. C. S. Bass was in Albany
Mrs. W A. Ringo, wife of our
druggist, spent Monday in Albany
Miss Donna Robertson and Law­
rence Wells returned to U. of O.
Monday, after the holiday vaca­
Mrs. F W. Falk returned from
Silverton Tuesday morning.
bad had attenden her mother's
Mrs. H. M Miller and daugh­
ter Beulah were passengers to Al­
bany Tuesday. They returned the
same day.
nephew of our George Maxwell,
spent thanksgiving with his uncle
and family. He is 18 years of age
a'nd this was a surprise, as it was
the first time they had ever met.
They passed a fine holiday togeth­
er, after which he returned Friday
to the O. A. C., where he is a
W H. Beene and wife and son
Allen, accompanied by Mrs. E. C
Allen and W A Allen, were Al­
bany shoppers Wednesday.
The Enterprise people were very
glad to receive a visit thanksgiving
day from Mayor White of Browns­
ville and a very pleasant hour was
spent talking over old times. Mr.
Poole of Lebanon accompanied
Under the direction of the W. F.
him. The mayor was awaiting a
train with Mr. and Mrs. Moore | M. S. of the M. E church a cooked
and family of Salem and bis daugh- food sale willbe held Saturday, Dec.
ter, Miss Blanche White of Port- 10, beginning at 10 o’clock, in the
land, accompanied by Miss Cecil MeCully building. A hot, appe­
Sawyer, daughter of Mack Sawyer tizing lunch will be served at noon.
of Brownsville, who were all to
According to the almanac J win­
spend thanksgiving at their homes. ter begius three weeks hence, but
A Sweet Home dispatch of the we heve been having a regular
26th said:
Hardly had the western Oregon winter for two
Charles Poole hearse of Lebanon weeks already. Rain, roses, holly­
passed over the Oakdale school- hocks in their full glory, luscious
Mr. Kessell of the Rialto, whose house bridge, between Lebanon grazing, etc., are characteristic
advertisement failed to get into the and Sweet Home, when the struc­ of if.
Enterprise last week, knows thc ture was carried away by the flood
Buy Red Cross Christmas ssals
value of printer's ink. He writes: Sunday morning. The-hearse was and you will help the war against
“ I want to run an ad every week." on its way to Sweet Home to the
the great white plague.
His copy came O K this week.
funeral of J. Olliver.
H-irmony grange will have a
Linn is the head county in boys, program and Christmas tree Sat­
Advertising pays. George Max­
well handed an advertisement of a and girls’ agricultural and indus urday, Dec. 27.
cow for sale into the Enterprise trial clubs. The county club leafle­
So much good news came in late
office Tuesday morning and before ts in receipt of applications for the
she was sold!
He orders the ad organization of boys’ and girls’ this week that the Enterprise force
printed, however, for he has an­ clubs from the Tennessee school, was unable to get it in type, before
Some of it will
near Lebanon, the Greenback the press hour.
other cow for sale.
school, near Shedd, and the Hal­ ippear next week and some will be
The copy for an advertisement sey, Shedd, Oakville, Crowfoot out of date and will be discarded.
of last week’s bill at the Rialto and Dever clubs.
Don’t send in copy on Tuesday
went astray in the mails and
afternoon or Wednesday that
H. R. Murray of Crawfordsville might have been in the printer’s
reached here two days after the
Enterprise was out. At theeleventh got considerable publicity last week. hands Monday, Giving us copy
hour handbills were put out, but He bad been arrested for having early is co-operation that helps to
many did not see them who would deer meat and pleaded guilty and make a good paper.
have seen the paper and the at­ paid his tine and then he drove
tendance, which warn fair, was less into Brownsville and with his team
than it woule have been had every­ went through the windows into the Earle Stanard, Author and Poet
Everett Earle Stanard of Browns­
body known what an excellent bill Farmers’ store. It might be added
that this latter stuut was not by ville who contributed a beautiful
was presented.
Mrs. Carrie Tweed, aged 66 years, his will but by that of bis horses. thailk-giv1 ng poem to last week’s
died in Portland thanksgiving day
Chirles Rifli, wife, daughter Enterprise, is a rather peculiar
At school
of cancer.
She is survived by a May and son Arthur, of Crawfords­ young man it is said.
son and three daughters, one of ville, were passengers soulb Tues­ he was indifferent to much that
whom is Mrs. F. W Falk of this day morning on their way to Eu­ interested the other boys and al­
The remains were shipped gene to consult a specialist on eyes. ways appeared as if his thoughts
to Silverton, Oregon.
Mrs. Falk They said there was much water were somewhere else. It was the
left here for Portland about a week in their neighborhood during the same at the U. of O-. but he came
out of both creditably in the tea-
ago to see her mother, as she bad storm .
ture that to many was secondary
received a message that a surgical
Anthony Maxwell of La Grande, to football and the like, namely,
operation to which she had sub­
mitted might prove fatal.
haps he was dreamy. Poets
♦ *. iA A X A A A »*«* W are, Pei and
• The Linn County Memorial asso­
he is a poet. H it poems
ciation will meet at the commu­
are accepted and paid for by a
nity house in Albany, December
good many periodicals of the high­
^ E V E R Y T H IN G
15, at 1 o’clock, to outline some
est standard in the country and
permanent work for the erection of
O ptical
prose articles from his pen appear
the Linn county pioneer monu­
frequently in the Portland and Al­
ment. This will be the last call
bany dailies, notably on subjects
Is the Cause of Many
unless there is some earnest re­
connected with early losal history
sponse on the part of those who
and biographical sketches of pio­
I f your eyes give yon trouble or
are interested in the movement,
your glasses art annoying
and some definite plans of action
A year or two ago Mr. S ^oard
SEE US. We can Relieve You
are adopted.
look to wife Miss Naomi Chne,
A M. Templeton, pres.
j l j 1st St. W. Albany. Phone
a veritably a kindred spirit, aud the
W C. Cooley, Sec.
young author and his bride reside
in a commodious residence on Kirk
avenue which they recently pur­
, 'i* ri» xi» x-f» *♦» xìx xi» xì» xì» xi» xù xi» J ri» xi» ri» ri»^*» ri» ri»ri^ri»ri»ri» ri».
Mr. Stanard has one of the most
complete private libraries in the
state, and bis writings indicate
that he is more familiar with the
inside of his hooks than with the
F ree C offee
F O L G E W ’S
g o ld e n G âte
I . . I.
Halsey Christian Church
• teel eu *
Church Announcements
Sunday School, 10.
Preaching, 11.
Junior League, 8,
Intermediate League, 6:30.
Epworth League, 6:80.
Preaching, 7:80.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8.
Rev, C. T. Cook, Pastor,
Buy 2J lbs.
Buy 5 lbs.
Get I lb. Free
Get 1 lb. Free
Y o u will enjoy its fine flavor.
G et
it at our store
F o lg er’s.
spotelatiiattataleaUAtQtcatate afciitikik'f
Brownsville has voted a 912,-
967.80 school tax.
Geese have been flying near Hal­
sey and getting hurt.
Poultry demonstration tomorrow
on Elmer Henderson’s place near
The grand feed of the Oddfellows
tnd Rebekahs and their families
which was postponed on account
of funerals will be at their hall
Friday of next week.
The Women’s Foreign Mission
society will meet with Mrs. Orin
Frum next Friday afternoon at 2
o’clock. Mrs. M. E Gardner will
lead in the lesson. All members
and friends are invited.
Mrs. William Wheeler has been
abed the last few days, the result
of overwork, which is one bad habit
she has and from which it seems
impossible to wean her.
seems to be improving uuder her
enforced rest.
Linu countv school districts will
receive $40,255,95 appropriated
from the state elementary school
fund withiu the next few days, ap­
portioned according to the num­
ber of elementary teachers em­
ployed io each.
Tbs Herald apologizes for an er­
ror of one letter which made it
call the Knights of Columbus beai
garden at Albany a “ beer garden."
In was only one letter misplaced
that aroused the wrath of a vet
eran when a newspaper calledibim
•’bottle-scarred" instead of “ bat­
But the printer
didn’t soothe the victim when he
typed "battle-scared,’’ by acci­
dentally omitting an "r. ”
(Continued on page S)
A favored Parisian combination la
nurple and cerlae.
The Spanish aallor will he extreme
ly good this fall.
Large fur cuffs on the new wrappy
•oat serve as a muff.
g Filet it a very pretty aud appro
prlate trimming for undergarments.
A feature much talked of for fall
la »he ahoulder to-hem panel at the
Satin hats are appearing Those In
the new fall designs are In all-black
and sometimes In clre finish.
Fur and ostrich are used quite ex
tenalvely In trimming many of the
handsomer evening and dinner gowns
Georgette continues to be the most
used fabric for blouses, playing a
strong role both In the elaborate and
dressy models and trimmings are fust
about as varied as they well can be
Black has not Invaded the wool fab­
ric field to the extent that It has the
silk field, and especially when sports
or semi-sports frocks are under con­
sideration bright colors seem to be In
high favor.
Community House
Enterprising Halsey Ladies Are Thinking of Starting
the Ball Rolling
A project which at first looks
audacious hut which may be quite
humanly practical was broached
by Mrs. Laubner at the meeting
of the Ladies’ Study club laet
The ladies are maintaining a fine
fre. library with some help from
the city and from other sources
outside the club, and its advsu.
tages are appreciated aud freely
taken advantage of by old and
It is housed where it is roached
only by climbing a long flight of
itairs. Aside from this, it would
probably be more generally recog­
nized and availed of if it were on
the ground floor, where all passers
could see it.
Halsey also needs a place for
public gatherings. We probably
could not raise a fund of 92000 or
98000 for a community building,
as they are trying to do at Browns­
ville, hut Mrs. Laubner suggests
that perhaps the MeCully building,
standing mostly idle and only a
source of worry toltsowner. might
be bought for a low price and its
commodious lower floor could
house the library and also be
ivailefl of for public gatherings.
who now rent quarters upstairs, might
be willing to join in the purchase and
stop paying rent.
The suggestion was so well received
that ways of raising funds were dis­
cussed and a committee of oue was ap­
pointed to communicate with the Amer­
ican Legion at brownaville, which is
preparing a minstrel show as a part ot
its campaign for community building
funds, suggesting that the play be pre­
sented in Halsey also.
There may tie practical results. Let
us hope.
Twelve members responded to rollcall
at the meeting ot the Women’s Study
club at the home of Mrs. Sidney Smith
Saturday afternoon with thoughts of
After a busy business session the les­
son, on Oregon history, dealing with
the first schools and missionaries of the
Pacific northwest, was given by Mrs.
Raleigh Templeton.
Mrs. Brown gave a short biography of
the Italian composer Verdi, followed by
the story of his opera “ Rigoletto, "from
which three selections were played on
Luncheon was served by the hostess,
thanksgiving decorations werensed.
The club meets today at the home of
She suggested that the Oddfellows, he president, Mrs. G. Mornhinweg
Big Game (?)
The Halsey high hoop shooters
will intermix with those of Junc­
tion high Saturday evening (10th).
Federal Bureau Will Investigate This game is a double-heuder, also
being the first game of the seas, n
Highways of Nation.
for HaLsey.
The coacheB have
lieen whipping the players into
Saaks Information on Coot, Character shape for a fast and consistent
of Conotructlon and General Con­
Altho a number of last
dition of Country’s Roads—
year's hoop-men have left the ranks
Asks Co-operation.
ot both the girls’ and hoys’ teams,
other active players have taken
Washington.—The bureau of public
their places.
roads of the United States Department
This game ha« prospects of being
of Agriculture will shortly undertake
If you enjoy a
a survey of the mileage, cost, character a lively skirmish.
of construction sod general condition good game you shouldn’t miss it.
of the nation's highways. The survey, Come ' !
'1 be prospective players for first
which Is the most extensive ever un
deruken aud the first In seven years, team have be«n chosen as folloes:
Is to be made with the aid of state and
Girls’ team—F., Pehrsson; F ,
local officials and Individuals the coun­ Bass; C., Cook; 8. C., Koontz; G .,
try over, and la comparable only to Heinrich; G ., Robnett and Walker.
the great task of taking the national Hubs, Straley, McKern and Forster.
Boys' team— F - , R ohertaon; F .,
Nobody, In all probability, rnnld
guess today within millions of dollars Cross, C., McKern ; G., Clark; G.,
what the roadways total, In dollars Muller.
Reporter, J. B.
and cents, on the ledger of tha national
assets. Nobody knows how many miles
there are where wheels may roll. The
strength and the weakness of the na­
tion's transportation arteries likewise
ire unknown In detail.
When the survey Is completed, all
these and other facts will be known
Freight rates on tin plates to the and
will be available for guidance to
coast are to be reduced to $1.2(1 road builders. In addition there, will
from all points east. The old ral> be abundant data to show up compart
is 91.884 from New York, 91 66) sons of costs. The well-built roads of.
from Pittsburg and 91.584 from say, Pennsylvania can be laid, dollar
for dollar and mile for mile, alongside
the well-built roads of California and
The Ash Swale hunt club elects other states. First cost and mainte­
officers next Saturday.
nance of macadam, asphalt, concrete—
every kind of road built—from one sec­
tion can be matched against anch coats
from every other section, If desired.
The way to make the dollar most effec­
tive In road work thus will be pointed
Rural highway« aa well as urban are
i to be Included, the latter emhrnclng all
1 roads, streets hnd alleys In Inoorporat
ed communltlda of 2,600 Inhabitants or
, more. How the funds are provided for
constructing and maintaining roads
also wt!l be made known. The amount
i Invested In road machinery—an Item
concerning which even approximate In­
formation la lacking today—will be
sought. After the Information Is ob­
tained It will be kept np to date.
In undertaking the survey the bu­
Health Crusade in Schools
reau requests the assistance of every
(Albany Herald)
nnlt of government doing road work
Modern health crusade work will In the nation ; of road offlclals the coun­
he taken up in the Linn county try over, and of associations, organlu
Hons and Individuals, down to the man
a flivver, having Information or
Mrs. Edna Geer, county school with
data aa to local highway activities. As
superintendent, has expressed her­ future legislation may be baaed on
self in favor of the movement, percentage of road mileage, It la ixilnt-
which ie to get the youngsters in­ ed out that It la essential for sarh unit
terested in performing certain to have Its total, aa well aa Its Im­
health choree which will in the proved rood mileage, carefully and cor
end bring about the elimination of ractly recorded In the survey.
tuberculosis. A health chore chart
ia to be kept by each member. The
Incorporated gualneaa
work in the Linn county school«
Incorporated bnslnea» 1« one that
will he elective and the teachers _ An
owned by ■ corporation, a« dis
will take it up if they eo deeire. I«
tlngulshed from one owned by an In­
Many teachere have atated that dividual or a partnership of Individu­
they will take np the work
ate. In an Incorporated bualneaa li­
Everything is free end financed ability for debts extends only to the
Cleaning a Photograph.
by the Oregon Tuberculocis asso­ property owned by the corporation,
Tn dean a phoiograph wipe with a ciation, which has its headquarters whereas sn Individual doing business
•oft doth wrung out In warm wator
in Portland
The Christmas seal In hl* own name Is responsible to the
and a little ammonia and dry with an
full amount ot bte possession».
for this work.
Sunday School, 10.
Preaching, Il-
Endeavor, 6:30.
Preaching, 7:30.
lis te r Jones, Minister.
C oflee sale, ending D ec. 1 0.
• AtoioUiic
NO. 13
Tunnel T h a t Helped to Dig Itself. ,
In the Sliuplou tunnel utnler the
Alps, which ia by fur the greatest
tunnel In the world, the quantity of
wuter flowing out nf the southern end,
from (he many veins encountered In
(he heart of (he moiinlaln, amounted
to 16,000 gallons a minute, am) fur­
nished sufficient power to compress
the air by which the drills were
worked, and to refrigerate the tunnel.
The neresalty for refrigeration may
be Judged from the fact that the heat
In the deeper parts of the tunnel rose
aa high aa 160 degrees Fahrenheit
whan not artificially reduced.
Cat Mothers Fox Pups.
An Ontario reader writes that her
cat fostered three fox pupa since they
were two weeks old. The pupa were
taken from the mother because It was
feared they might chill. The cut had
five klttena which were disposed of,
and the foxes were promptly adopted
In their place.
The foxes are now
over three months old and although
larger than their foster mother, are
still fond of her. They are kept now
) in a wire pen and kitty Is quite con-
I tent to remain with them all day long,
enjoylug an occasional frolic.
Success Follows Perseverance.
Huccesa may not coma tn a day. It
may not come In a week, a month or a
year. It never does come In a day, a
week or a month, or a year. Hut soon
or late It ta hound to come, and with
gratifying fullness, If confidence la
sustained despite all reverie«, If effort
Is manfully maintained. Whoever fol­
lows thia rule of faithful perseverance
must In the end find a place among
life’s winner«. For with repeated ef­
fort power grow».
And power thua
augmented prove« Irresistible at test.
-H . Addington Bruce in Chicago Dally,
Women Ocoupied Whole T rain .
The first train wholly occupied by
women In the history of railroad
travel was that chartered by a Mas-
aachnaetts delegation to attend the
women's congress held In Chicago at
the time of the World's fair tn that
d tjr.