PAGE 8 HALSEY ENTERPRISE NOV. 24 1921 T/ nr no, the I* our o’ the h< be ev the I «rinn U t eertal lion s the i Jonat er'«W Frew other from a elmtl elon* ebon’ ting very objei of e •ben At « e* er t end ter (eut à "' T «ke or •idi »on Th. tn tat wh J Cu the re< •b Hi a. up co th he th F F Wo accept the more modest ver­ sion u n til fu rth e r inform ed. H. B. Suiker of Tangent was au Albany visitor Tuesday K a rl Stewart of Halsey was an Albany visitor last Tuesday. Mrs. Clara W illia m s was a vis­ ito r from Lake creek Tuesday. Mrs. English Wins The Postmastership With the Skin of Jacob, the Voice of Esau Will Make the Appointment mother I FARMERS accumulation of articles no longer needed, or succeeded Many Win the Final Victory by better ones, which somebody would IM S d U C T U l « iJ C like to obtain. An advertisement the This Season of Thanks ight find a siae of this, costing 23c, m might buyer and covert what is Mrs. Laura J ., wife of John M. now only trash into good CASH Porter of th is c ity , died at the age of 59 years a t the fa m ily home SERVICE Senator M cNary writes to the I fled under a republican admmiB- here Sunday m orning at 7 :30, fo l­ Eutorprise of the Halsey postmas- , tra lio n or three republicans under low ing an a tta ck of apoplexy. She Phone I9C5 tersbin "T h e m atter has been democratic auspices, but even then had retired the n ig h t before feel­ taken out of the realm of politics, it would take another m iracle to ing as well as usual. As she arose Brownsville ,» nrêVêot the appointm ent from fa ll- io the m orning she com plained of A call will bring me to Halsey in IS or The banquet of the Rebekahs as you know P- outaide of the certified three a pain io her head and sank to 20 minutes This P ^ . ^ ^ ^ X e t Ï r 'h rou gh some hook or crook, and Odd Fellows has been post­ the floor, d y in g in a few m inutes. DEAN TYCER poned from thanksgiving to a senator. A third-class P” *1“ * . The poetmaster-general is per- She had been a resident of Halsey ship is one of the most livel \ po œiUed ¿ /c e rtify tor renom ination later date. and v ic in ity for a great many ical footballs we know of. oJ * „hose years and was w ell known. Be­ The high school reporter is be­ Amor A. Tussi ng The practice is, when such « p8 p o litic a l a ffilia tio n s M axw ell of Tangent. She is also to return from Eugene Monday, Special session of the legislature given in the fo llo w in g ratio: Busi­ differ from those of the appointing survived by two sisters and a was unable to get in to th a t c ity Dec. 19. ness experience and fitness, 60; ac­ power. brother, John Crews of Dexter. from tw enty miles west of there counts and arith m e tic, »0; pen­ Probably a gentlem en’s under­ Funeral services were held in the a P p fn r c n ii Practical Shoe where he was. He got home m anship, 10; letter w ritin g , 10; standing would prevent a senator C hristian church, of which Bhe had H . IC IC I 5UII Repairing, Wednesday. from interfering in a third-class been a member from the tim e the to ta l possible, 100. The commission c e rtifi-s to the post mastership. He has other and church was organized. ____________ Rev. Les- lDe W M. Morgan was careless in postmaster-general the three names i bigger g8h to fry . A n d a repre- ter Jones officiated. In te rm e n t throw ing an ernty bottle from his M r H ardin g has signed the act receiving the Dress Shoes a Specialty ., highest credits and j,entatlve in t he house would be was in Pine Grove cemetery. automobile in A lb a n y. It smashed p ro hib itin g the prescribing of beer the post-master-general certifies to u n lik e ly to meddle in another one's A large circle ot friends w ill the windshield of another auto and as medicine. the president one o f the three for d is tric t 501 Lyon s t , Albany, Oregon. So the Halsey appoint­ miss her s a in tly sm ile and the lo v ­ broke on the street. He settled in appointment, C an did ate su nfit )y ment is " u p to ’ ’ M r. H aw ley and ing deeds of mercy and kindness court by paying 150. Mrs. Ida M axw ell Cummings reason of character or physical dis the a dm in istratio n. which her hands were ever open to Mrs E lla Crewse of Peoria and and Mrs. E lla Crewse and Mrs a b ility w ill not be certified. They perform in the m any sick rooms of The c iv il service exam ination her brother-in-law , John Crewse of Fred Bloom of Albany attended m ust be 21 years old aud less than v ill occur in Albany Dec. 10. the co m m un ity, the Porter funeral Tuesday. Dexter, both relatives of Mrs. John M rs. A n d y K ir k of Brow nsville The name of E. E Gorm ley T w o doors north of the hotel. Of course, i f the age of miracles Porter, were here to her funeral light have been added to the list died last M onday after a prolonged They left for Albany Wednesday. has not passed, it m ig h t be possi­ Am prepared to do a ll kind s of The funeral was held f candidates published last week. illness. Strained Music. The organist at Gloucester cathedrs ble for three democrats to be c e rtr Wednesday afternoon and in te r­ shoe rep airin g. Satisfaction guar­ Dean Tycer was very much in m ent was in the Masonic cemetery anteed. evidence at the Southern Pacific declares that the present vogue of A Dumber o f rela­ depot Wednesday when he met M wearing hair over the ears Is responsi­ Monday and give an address in the w ith sand and gravel last fa ll, were at th a t place. badly c u t up, and newly filled tives and friends from Halsey a t­ JEWETT* the COBBLER. W . W indom of H arrisburg and ble for a lot of poor singing. His Presbyterian church under the took him to Brownsville to spend opinion Is open to criticism, but It ts auspices of the W om en’ s Mission­ gravel roads washed out in some tended. generally admitted that It would be places. Waders were in great de­ thanksgiving w ith tbeTycer fa m ily better If some singers wore the hair M rs. Phoebe Owen died io H a r- ary society. mand and dealers in rubber boots ■ isburg last Saturday evening at M r. and Mrs. George Laubner, I over «their mouths Instead.—Eve A few nights since some u n p rin ­ verified the old saying th a t i t is an 72 years of age, at the home o f her M r and Mrs. Raleigh Templeton (London). cipled th ing in the form o f a man i l l wind th a t blows nobody good. son, Joseph Owen. F uneral serv­ W IL D E Y LO D G E NO. 65. end Mrs. Dr. Marks and son Ro­ Korean Race a Mixture. stole a load of wood from Miss At this w ritin g , (M o n d a y ) the ices were held Wednesday in the Regular meeting next Saturday land are a few who journeyed to The Koreans are taller than either Anna W a rm o th ’s premises in wipers are abating slow ly and C hristian church at H arrisburg Eugene to take in the football game the Chinese or Japanese. They are South Brownsville. some who have been marooned are F ir s t D e g r e o It had juet w ith in te rm e n t in the S m ith cem n ig h t. robust and vivacious. Indefatigable been delivered a day or two before. beginning to see th eir way out. w itti a ll it« trim m ings. etery near Halsey- M rs. Owen workers and are In great demand In I he deed seems a ll the more con­ After page 5 was printed it de­ Jupan as mechanics. There are dlf I he Baptist church of Browns was well known here and lived ptible in view of the la fact that ci m a r organized 68 years here for m any years. She recently veloped that the first prize in the ferent races In the country, and there tem ptihle disposed of her home here to P. J. Brownsville Times’ com petition of is a great diversity of features. Some Miss W arm oth is v e r y jll- b e y o n d v t l le has been o^g Office 1st door south of school house W hen alone ers survives and he lives else- Forster, who resides in it . school children in armistice day faces are entirely void of hair; others recovery, perhaps Halsey, Oregon. his thoughts what do yon sup- x ivit)g the ch urch ’ s have rich, silky beards and whiskers, « «»says M b iy « W HB W U II U j i « R a w . a » ... I i n v r r u n , n u i k j isxreaaxao • • ....................... . was won by J j plagiarism Mrs. Hazel W arm oth, daughtei poses uch a creature th in ks of h im - where. Pagea, Dealer in Real Estate. The first place is therefore given to -while those of others present nothing of G ran t T a ylo r, born aud raised . . I I but .« ,» » u n coarse n n r u e t tangled i i n i z l p d IIIH Kd Handles Town and Country Property. mass. Johnny Gross. in Halsey, 27 years of age today, ' * foregoing came to h a n d .] died in Salem Tuesday night, Give him a call and see if he can fix Mrs. W A. Ringo has been u n ­ Helen and R uth M cC lain, who Miss Velma D rin k a rd from near fo llo w in g an operation performed you up. Brownsville Briefs der the weather this wt-ek, suffet- have been down for a couple o f H a rrisb urg spent the week end the F rid a y before. She was the ing from the latest fashionable up- Beginning the first Sunday i> weeks w ith to n e illtis , and an ab­ w ith her grandm other, M rs. H / r - w ife of E, N W a rm o th o f Hal«ey. to-date cold. T ne ir home was re. p ecember the Baptist people wil scess in the ear in H elen’ s ca e They had also lived in Eugene and cently repapered and fixed up in eotumence a series of meetings un snd inflam m atory rheum atism m r et Cooley. Besides her husband she fine shape and undoubtedly having (j Pr t |,e direction of Evangelist M R uth’s, are better and it ia thought M r. and Mrs C raw ford of A l­ Salem. is survived by her father aud two the house open and no files ah>tQ «»— *>— bany are spending a couple of Bentley w ill soon be around again. First-class work guarnteed weeks at the home of the D unlapr sisters, M rs. Charles W h itla tc h of took the cold. Mrs. Charles S tu ll of Seattle, Eugene and Mrs. G uy Bram w ell K A R L BR AM W ELL. Mrs. Crawford and Mra. D unlap The Calapooia was on a ram ­ A most agreeable v is it was made who spent some days at the horn* ■ d Brownsville. to the Wheelers last Thursday of her parents, M r, and Mrs. A . 8 page Sunday, the water being are sisters. Funeral a t the residence to m o r­ when Mesdames Clara S ta rr. Oren H a m ill, w hile her m other was se­ higher than for many years i f it Elder F ite, the new pastor^ of row (F rid a y ) at 1. In te rm e n t at was ever before so high. It came 8 'ia tto n and H arry Park made au riously i l l, returned to her horn so suddenly th a t in some in- the C hristian church, was here Pine Grove cemetery. hour’ s '-all while on th e ir way the latter p a rt of the week, M r* up ances chickens and other sm all | Sunday to fill hrs Pu lP‘ ln E lectric H a irc u ttin g , Massaging home to Brow nsville fio m the m is­ H a m ill being much improved. took could not be saved Fences B row nsville churches are now a ll T he B la in c lo th iu g com pany’ * sionary meeting at Eugene. and Shampooing. were demoralized, i manned for the firs t tim e C hristm as present scheme, adver­ B. W. Loucks A- Sons h ve ju t and walks Cleaning and Pressing. Dr. A lm a Cannon of Eugene completed concrete work for M«y>" Parkings along the pavement, filled | eral months tised elsewhere, is no lo tte ry or was on the evening tra in Monday W h ite and Fred Gustafson front gamble. Nobody pays a cent and in an attem pt Io reach Seattle to ing th eir residence properties, in each holder of a card has a chance attend a funeral the next morning e lid in g a sustaining w nll an for" a prize w orth good money. ■<"WT A R C H IE C O R N E LU S E luding it would be impossible to walks. They have also put dow get through, she stopped o ff here concrete w alks in fron t of th» H A L S E Y R A IL R O A D T IM E called on the W heelers and caught W hite hardware store and th» South the south-bound tra in for her home Calapooia C o-opeiative store. Expert workmanship Watches and North clocks a specialty. No, 23. 1131 a. tn 18. 12:04 p. in. Mrs. E. B. M cKinney aud ch ild H arold, son of H enry Blakel* 15. 12:24 p. m 24, 4 34 p m. OREgON HALSEY left Monday for M rs. M c K in n e y ’ s 17, 5.49 p. tn. 14. 5:27 p. m. and wife, who had been heie for * father's home 6J miles north of few weeks, returned to Portland poet of the violin ” ; two soul stirring band marches; the cream o* up A lbany, in response to a niessag< to-the-minute dance lots—are among December » offerings. Enough Saturday. S U N D A Y M A IL HOURS stating th a t he was ill. Tueeda.. Ind to i^ r v for the m od devoted and exacting lover, of fine mus.e Those starred are paiticularly good Check your choice and hear them her sister, MrfTJacob Kotsch, ac­ The Brow nsville high school The delivery window of the companied hv her husband, fo ’- hall team suffered its first defeat when in Albany. Halsey postoffice is open Sundays •30018, $150. Air de la fleur. Flower S on g.-F rom C a rm en A c» ’ I lowed after. Mrs Kotsch had re Friday in a game w ith Lebanon. groin 9:15 to 9:45a. m. and 12:20 Bizet in French, tenor .................................. . . . . . Mario vnannee ceived a later message stating tha' It lost hv a score of 6 to 8. A ll work done p ro m p tly and to 12:35 and 5:15 to 5.30 p. ro. 10044, »1.00. Viesi d'arle Love and M ustc.-F rom ” the father was suffering from a bad Phone No. 269. reasonably. Puccini, in Italian, soprano........ . - - - ............. — - ¿ l o j W o C. V B u rr has been at Coburg case of grip. .30020 $1 50. Prologue-— From ragl.acct, Leoncavallo. several days paintin g and decor­ Ills H arrisburg B u lle tin say» PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS ating the interior of a large house 30019°$ L » .'‘ Lie'hestranm.' A Dream of Love, ^ g ^ X w ^ k y that Glenn M orris’ electrical en belonging to Rev. H enry Myers, i ATTORNEY A T LA W te rta in u ie n t, the second in the ly - •30oji. il"50, Meditation—From Thais. Msssenet-Marsick Admittance Here 5 Cent3 former Brownsville resident. eeutu course, was good, h ut that 201 New F irs t N a t’l Bank Bld g, a Line 13029. »1.23, Then You'll Remember Me—From Bohemian lI1, the attendance at th a t c ity wee Mayor W h ite and wife returned Balfe, and Love's Garden of Roses. Rutherford-wood^^te pool ami the guarantors w ill lose a few rltovs ago from a b rie f visit A lbany, Oregon. Chicken d in n e r every Sunday at money. W hy sh ou ld n't the at w ith tln-ir three daughters, Mrs. 5047 »100. Mighty L ak'a Rose, Stanton-Ntvin, soprano, Irene W il­ liams, and&Lullaby—From Erminie." Jakobowskt soprano and H otel Brownsville. 50 cents. tendance be poor aftei the knock In a Weber, and Misses Ethel and choru« ... .Irene William» and Brunswick LlghtOpera Co. W R IG H T & PO O LE the B u lle tin gave the first number? Blanche, at Portland. Blanch 2145 8 5 ^ 0 n the (S m p u . March. Halsey people liked both e n te rta in ­ leaches in the Portland public For Sale— Year-old fir slab LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS HARRISBURG LEBANON ments and the Enterprise approves schools and Ethel has a fine musir block wood, $2.50 per tie r; fir block •2146 85c, Ilenl Giri’s Dream. LaMUsky. «»»*• h»TP- 2 ? ^ ? ’*” Phone 35 Phone 15 class at Oregon C ity . She spend wood. $3.00; maple and oak, $3.50, th e ir judgment, Trio, and Love’s Dream After the Ball, Czibulka, Branches at Mondays w ith delivered Halsey. Brow nsville •2H0.‘ 8 < A i n t Yon Coming but". Mal.nda? Steri ing .M o r a n .V o n Mrs. E. E. Van Epps of Craw- Sundays and Brownsville. Wm T Templeton, Mgr. Warehouses. Chas. Sterling. Titter, tenor. Billy Jones and Male Tno, and I en Little Pinge fo rd -v ille , acconipanitd by her | Blanche and Mrs. Cecil Sawver Halsey Phone 166, Frank Kirk, Mgr who have room» in one of the finest end Ten l ittle Toes. Pease. White. Sch»ater, Nelson ‘" or ,n^ m other, Mrs. 8. i . W h ite of the Apples— Boxes of delicious Jon­ baritone ........................ ............ Billy Jones and Ernest Hare same place, motored over th ru apartm ents in the c ity . Mrs Saw­ 2147 85c. Don't You Remember the Time) Williams soprano an, tenor EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF SALK athans and Spitaenberga, 11. G- B row nsville to llaleey t o t e ntrain yer is also teaching in the public Irene Andrey and Charles Ilsrt. and Love Sends a Little Gift of W . M ornhinweg. Notice it hereby given that an and schools of P ortland. for Portland, to consult medical Roses. Cooke Openahsw. baritone........................... 1" after December 23. 1921, under author­ 2141 85c. Swanee River Moon. Clarke, tenor and baritone, ch aa Hart a u th o rity for treatm ent for a can­ Rev A . M. M cC lain goee to I f you know an item of Dews ity of the last will and testament of and Elliott Shaw , and Gone, but Not Forgotten. Grant baritone cer that M r*. W h ite ha’ been af- W aldport next Monday to assist in Lizzie Btlyeu. de-eased, the undersigned phone i t to No. 205. will proceed to tell at private ssle for tl cted w ith for about two year«, j a two-weeks' aerree o f evangelist •5067 $1.00 1 Wonder if You Still Care for Me— Pox T rot Ted Snyder. caah all ol the interest of said deceased M r. Van Eppa is the hroomc >rn : meetings. ______ I,bam tones Orchestra, and June M oon -F ox T rot tn the folic wing described property, to «»esiaht Lvons .............. ........................ I , ham lone, Orchestra man o f th e ir lo ca lity and is bust I For rent or fo r sale— Houses and •2144 f w One K .ss-F o x Trot Bnrtnett Arnheim and Love Wtll Find wit 1 Mrs. W illia m s , a representative m aking brooms, whisk bru*he, >o< 5* C‘ sions, w ill be in B row neville next lot I and the w X of lot 4 in block II his line. ond Hand Rose— Foa Tret. Hanley........ ..C art Fenton's Orchestra Mrs. Elizabeth English, of the Halsey school p rincip al, was sued for »824 for war savins stamps which her husband bought and received before his death and which the Eugnne postmaster claimed be did not pay for II took a federal ju ry in Portland 10 minutes yesterday to decide the case in her favor. The inference is that the ju ry theught a clerk in the postoffice embezzled the money T AXI Beer is Bounced Special Session Shoe Repair Shop I. O. 0 . F. • W. J. Ribelin s ANITARY Baiter Shop and Batts BARBER SHOP E. C . M IL L E R BRUNSWICK DECEMBER RECORDS W ATCHMIKER&leweler . M. GRAY, Drayman. c .c . BRYANT T Automobile Insurance Fire, theft, coll ¡wen, property dnmnge and personal liability. Protect yourself against loss. c . P. STAFFORD, Agent, j : I I I WOODWORTH DRUG Co | • ’ it s 85c Ilo Fox Trot Black, Win Isor Orchestra, and Sweet Man o M in « _ F o , Trot. Rohm son................... Bennie Krueger'. Orchestra 1 *9139 85c Sav it With Music, Fox Trot, Irving Berlin, and South hea I lelee—F m Trot <',crsh« m Rrnlv Wiedoeff's Californian, *2143 85c Sweet Lady— Pox Trot Crurnlt Zoob. and Bimini B a y - Fox Trot. \\ b it in g ...........................................Cert Fenton a Orcheetrx Brunswick Records will play on all makes of £ Phonographs. For sale by • a i r a NY OREGON in Wheeler's addition to Scio, Linn Old papers, 5c a bundle at the eounty' Oregon: Dated and first publication hereof is Enterprise office. November 24, 1921. G. W. MORROW. Executor Dr. E W B arnum , dentiat, at H otel Halsey every Tuesday aud C all at the E nterprise office and 1 F rid a y . _______ see the lateet th in g in d a in ty c a ll­ Trespass notices ready printed ing cards, at $1 for 50. They at the Enterprise office In email make a Sue Christm as g ift and are lota, ten cents each. very necessary at C hristm as time to place in your packages Tbev For sale—Cedar shakes and are also very nice to tie on boquets for funerals. €om e in and see Posts. Load lots delivered. H i« » . ___ _ Btowuavüle Warehouses.