ai'b b t& IIU N S TO AID -| UA1K>MEN’S LEAGUE FARM TIMBER OWNERS JUnk and File Oppose Its IIA L S K Y E N T E R P R IS E Disruption ¡Selling of Product Calls for Good Business Methods. ’s gtuuig The state dairymen s league, formed under the plans of the farm bureau, struck hard sledding Benefit by Experience of Neighbor* * recently and the board of directors and Inveatrgate Local Requirement* voted to liquidate. This was what and P rice*— Advertiee and I he m onopolistic buyers had Secure Competition. p anned and prophesied I f they I (P rep a red by t h . U n l.ed S t a t e . D , p . rtIB. Bt could break up the league they Of A iricu Jtu r« ) ‘« w I ' Based upon methods used by wood­ could soon dictate the price of dairy land owners that have been success­ products and and recover th eir ful in marketing th eir products the profitable business. f h r e e hundred Washington coun­ forest service o f the United States Departm ent of offers the of the league on th the U! Agriculture Agriculture offers the ty ,» .7 members --------- ,e a gue on e follow ing 10 suggestions for aiding , h “ BauiinousJy passed resolu- others who have tinii.o» __ the « lin n m, a tim ber on farm I tioilH tions Pa) calling on „11 a ll __ members to for sale: stay w ith the league and vole Get prices fo r various wood prari- sgsinst liq u id a tio n ; th a t a ll mem­ ucts from as many sawmills and other bers attend the meeting at the wood-using plants as possible. Portland office, December 6, at Before selling, consult neighbor* 9:30, for the purpose of demanding who have sold tim ber and benefit from resignation of the entire board of th e ir experiences. Investigate local tim ber require­ directors and to elect th e ir success­ ments and prices. Your products ors, and that K. C. E ldridge be retained in his present capacity They declare that the league has been grossly mismanaged and money wasted and th a t it is possi- ble to make it profitable by proper business methods. The Lin n county local, w ilh headquarters at H arrisburg, dis­ continued m aking cheese some lim e ago, on acoouut of a decline in price, and is shipping cream to Portland, i t m aintains a truck route that takes in Halsey and Brownsville. A meeting has been called for 2 o’clock next Saturday at H arris burg to express the views of the members on the question of con­ tin u in g the organization. W li»n the state directors resolved to throw up the >p mge there wasc, n- siderable de-i ondency among L nn county men bers, but this is p- parently - iv in g way to optim i m and the H arrisburg meeting in y Black Locust Plantation— Flvo-Ysar- follow the lead ot H illsboro. Old (Everett Earle Stanard) For a ll the ancient gifts of God O u r thanks are due today; For rain and sun that smite the sod A n d make the springtim e flowers nod And grasses shoot from every clod Where lam bkins skip and play. G & S F o r march o f clouds in azure sky, For ca ll of happy birds. For melody of streams th a t run L ike carefree children in the sun. For peaceful n ig ht when to il is done, And evening’s prayerful words. For w inter evening’s company, F or friends th a t clnster round, For fa ith fu l wives and children wee. For tim e and opportunity To love and labor happily In our own p lo t o f ground. M r*. L . C. M erriam was a F ri day passenger to Albany. Dean Tycer and Merle Kern were aeeu here F rid a y , both frou Brownsville. Of 670 death* from tubereulosii in Oregon last year 16 were it L in u county. Mead a men J . W. D rin k a rd and Clive Stafford went to Albany last F rid ay tor the day. Mr. and M r*. R. L . W in n ifo rd and A. E. Goodbrod were in P o rt­ land for a few days' visit. Today is observed the three-hun­ dredth anniversary o f the first American thanksgiving day. Mr«. O. B. Stalnaker of C orval­ lis left for home F rid a y m orning, after visiting her parents here. | Corvallis, Dec. 26-31, 1921 WINTER SHORT COURSES Fru it and Vegetable Course, Dec. 3-17, 1921 Tractor Mechanic« Course, Jan .¡2-M arch 18 1922 Dairy Manufacture Course, l«n. 2-M ar. 18, 1922 Agriculture course, Jan. 2 Mar. 18, 1922 Dairy Herdsmen'« Course, Jan. 2 June 18, 1922 Grain Grading Course, . . . | a n 9-21, 1922 Beekeeping Course, Jan. 30 Feb. 25, 1922 Homemaker*' Conierence, M ar, 90-25, ‘21 C h ristm a s & f t s % SHOULD BE SELECTED Oregon Agricultural College WE F u ll inform ation on any course by g T H E R E G IS TR A R , O. A . C., Corvallis, O. A. C. NOW w i l l g la d ly re se rve a n y th in g w a n t fr o m o u r la rg e s to c k when sell E V E R Y T H IN G used to fu rn is h th e hom e at p ric e s The Kryptok Smile th a t sweater until you have soaked th. worsted to get the kink out of it w ill m e a n a s a v in g to y o u . Crinkled-up worsted w ill not make a smooth, beautiful knitted surface and it pays to prepare your worsted care fully before you start. As you ra v e l' out the wool, wind It over a chalrhack to make a good-sized s k e in ; and make each skein as fu ll as you c a n ; It is GOOD PREVENTIVE OF VERMIN always a pity to break or knot worsted. Be sure and tie the skein 41 5 - 4 2 1 W e s t F ir s t stre e t, A lb a n y , O r e . A ll Ssnall Inclosure« 8hould Be firmly at both ends with a M t of worsted nr white string. I f you dn Cleaned and Disinfected Before not do this you may get Into a sad Being Used. snarl with, your wet wool. I.a y the skein In a basin of tepid Except in accidental cases, bog lie* are found only on hogs, and they do w ater; press II down well until It Is 'homnghly w et; then squeeze out the not voluntarily leave their natural host, says the United States Depart­ w ater and bang the skein to dry In RY AMTQ «elected, surrounded by an irrigation l i m n U I . M I L 11 D I ditch, but before long the ants again ment of Agriculture. When sepa­ the open «(*- hut never In strong sunshine. Cut away the tied string rated from the anim al they live only appeared. The oflicers thought that at the lower end of the hanging skein two or three day*. The lice pass they had tunneled under the water, and and loosen the strunds of worsted, to Perform Engineering Stunts Sur­ readily from one hog to another when one o f them, skeptical of their ability h.asten the drying process«. Your the animals come in close contact. to accomplish such an engineering feat. passing Human Feats. worsted w ill dry overnight, or In a Practically all cases of infestation Investigated. H e drained the Irrig a t­ ew hours cal doors on a bright day. ________ ___ occur from Contact w ith lousy ani­ ing stream (some four or five feet When It Is quite dry, stretch the skeins . mats and not from infected premises. w ide), dug up the bed and traced the >v*r a chalrhack and wind the wool New York 8 u b w ,>' lesiflnlfieant In Under reasonably good sanitary con­ Insects' tra il from their point of enter­ nto neat balls. Companion W ith Insect*’ Tunnel ditions pens, corrals and premises ing the garden to their old nest on the W onderful W o rk* of Cutting which have contained lousy hogs are opposite side. There are also other ac­ A n t* In Texas. Franeh Evening W rap*. not a source of danger to hogs free counts o f their making galleries under The Spanish Influence, o f wh'ch the the water. from lice. New York.— The subways nnd tun As a precautionary measure, how- ’ h" w1 " b“ ’ " " e I” A farm er near Austin, to get rid at Dels under the Hudson and East rivers er. and and because because It tt la la good g,.od sanitary sanitary ‘ f ,r r ,n * to e''PninK " r" p’ ln ™ depredations of an immense colony of ever, have attracted attention throughout these ants near his home, had set his practice, all small lnclosures which Paris. French ladle* are taking the the world, and by some have been ' ui>u i o renrn e centl men U, to Uig dig II It up. np. To reach in the central have contained lousy hogs should be Spanish designs and the Oriental de­ named us one of the greatest eng near ... signs and combining them to make cleaned and disinfected before being ___ ne,,t h* ha<1 ‘ « « d ‘ be » "'« from Ing feats In this era of wonderful feats. some of the best-looking wraps that tree Inside his home premises, which used for a new lot of hogs. The litte r Man has all the machinery that sci­ they had stripped of leaves, to a point and manure should he removed and have been devised for many a long ence could Invent to assist him, cement Women are accustomed to re­ 668 feet distant. the floors cleaned a fte r which th * day. *nd stone to make the tunnel* w ater­ gard their evening w;r«ps as the most The neat occupied a space aa large woodwork and floors should be sprayed proof, instrum ent* of precision to help as a small cellar, the lowest and main w ith a good disinfectant. The coal- colorful o f their adornments, and. by him In driving the tunnels or subways this new development of fashion, they cave being as large as a flour barrel. ta r rreoaote dips, diluted In accordance in the right direction and a t the proper From this point radiated the avenues w ith instructions on the container, a r* «dll lose not a Jot I d regard to smart level below the w ater line or street and becoming embellishment. over which the ants marched on their suitable for this purpose. leveL raids. It is Interesting to compare thia Spanish Comb* Worn. Doctor McCook, with the assistance work of man w ith sim ilar works of The Lord Changeth N o t Reports that hats and gowns w ill o f a clvtl engineer, proceeded to sur­ the cutting ants In Texas. Compare And I w ill come near to you to Judg­ be reminders of old Spain have come vey the main course of the Insects. In the work of man w ith all h l* m a­ some places the tunnel was as deep as ment ; I w ill be a sw ift witness against a* good new* to the m anufacturer* chinery and Instruments and fhut of false swearers, and against those that of Spanish eomhs. A fte r a tremen­ six feet beneath the surface, the aver­ the ants w ith only their Jaw* and per­ oppress the hireling In his wages, the dous sale of these studded combs last age depth being about eighteen inches. haps oue p air o f legs which they nae widow and the fatherless, and that fall there w«s • sudden falling off In At the “exit hole.” feet from the at a time, the sise and length o f the turn aside the stranger from h l* right, trade which left many msnufactur- neat, the tunnel was two feet deep. tunnel with that created by man, man. and and. Besides thia main line there were two two and fea r not me. aaith the Lord of era with large stocks on hand. They Beside* this main line there were Hosts. For I am the L o rd ; I change are dusting them off now and adding '•" •ly . 'he relative alse of the a n t* and Y branch tunnel* which deflected from more elaborately designed one* to ® al1- “ ust adm it that taking th. frnnk |lne , entrance to a n o t— M alachi 8:5, 6. -w . . a il fh ln e a n fo oom »« m a m -- - * I . . . — ' all things I Into comparison the work their samples. peach orchard 125 feet distant. , of the ants la o f fa r greater magnitude Worship. Than that of man. A main purpose of worship on earth W hy It Cxista. Dr. Henry McCook states that Gen on the part o f Christiana, who believe An Arisons entomologist claim * to era! Fou ntain .'w h ile stationed at Fort 'h at they have to prepare for the sight Power In Hand* of Few. b»ve discovered usefulness In the chlg­ C lark, noticed that the troop garden of God In Judgment, la that It la a ger. rl Nothing appear* more surprising to We don't know what It la, but was constantly being raided by these those who consider human affairs with preparation. Worship la an education fhe chlgger exist* ant*, which stripped the vegetables of a phllogophieal ey* than the easiness ,n* ’rlt,b le - future.— IL P. ■o-eiy f ror or the purpose of giving people me purpose oi g>vmg people thelr leave*, |(.a res. compelling them to ahan- I w ith which the i their the many are governed by w to do when they might o,h- J don la rd e n . Another lor, tlon WM , w ith which _ UX N O T O N L Y T H E M IL L IO N S JOF S A T iS P J E D W E A R E R S O F K R Y P T O K S S M IL E , hut the optical specialist who recommend* them *m ile i, secure in the knowledge that he h a t recommend ed the best bifocal known to optical ence. aei- BARTCHER & RORBAUGH The Albany Furniture Exchange MAN RFATFN — ------- * . The county farm bureau expecis to amend the c o n s titu tio n and elect officere at an all-day meeting a t A lb a n y Dec. 17. The Farm ers’ Co-operative W are­ house company o f Sweet Hom e is -meing L. W. Storey, its manager, for an alleged shortage, Teache.-B’ In s titu te M onday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Thanksgiving Thursday muke this a holiday week for the schools. O ptom etrist. a l u n v Characteristic U. of O. football weather Saturday. The player who can slide on his ear iu a mud puddle for the longest tim e w ith o u t drow ning is the best player. The ro llin g of the crushed rock on the Shedd-Halsey roud w ill take some tim e yet. The mixers for the surface of asphalt-conorete have arrived on the ground. D ellis and C liffo rd C ornett and Irene Q uim by, shorthorn club winners at the P ortland livestock show, are pictured on the fro n t page of Thursday’s Oregon Farm er. owg-« H arold A lb ro . M anufacturing o p tic ia n . Thirteen-year-old Lawrence T u ll wou the first of the Brow nsville Tim es’ two prize* for essays by grade school pupils 8h armistice day. N ine.year-old John Gross won second. Mil IO « --« ------- ---— . . . J o u m Mrs. D. T a y lo r left for Eugene F riday, her husbaud follow ing next day, to absorb the delights of the fo otball game. Jack Frost never stops long in Hulsey, Our clim ate does not agree w ith h im . Here i t is th a n k -, giving und he has o nly visited us twice th is fa ll. y o u w a n t th e m . We G. W. M ornbinw eg o f Halaey ind W- C. Cooley of B row nsville have been draw n fo r grand ju r y ­ men. A Buick car driven by M r. D un- ap of Sbtdd was consederablv damaged when another car bump d in to i t ou a Eugeue s tr et footba 1 day. you o f use­ fu l C h ris tm a s g ifts a n d d e liv e r th e m The Brow nsville Ladies’ Study club has added about eighty juve­ nile books to the p u b lic lib ra ry . J. S. M c W illia m s took tim e by the forelock, leaving for Eugene Friday so as to lie iu tim e fo r the football game. Put ¡Science into Farm Practice Rav«l Out Paaae Garment«, Cleanse Wool and Make New Articles for Cold Weather. Ifwjsa be cottfuruhlji dutog not^Lg, (Continued from page 1} The Baptist church at Browns v ille is 63 years old, FAHMEBS’ MB For storms th a t pass and have an end, For woes Thou m ak’st to cease, AIL victories on God depend. Tho Mars a little tim e may rend E a rth ’s quiet, soon the noise shall blend W ith bugle notes of peace. THE OLD SWEATER MADE NEW A well-made worsted sweater wlW last years and years; hut styles In sweaters change rapidly nowaday- and long before the garment you knit ted with infinite pains has worn out Its lines and style have become passe It Is always a pity to waste good wool and In h a lf a morning you can rave out the passe garment, rewind th< wool, and make ready to start a new sweater. Or you can turn your old sweater Into a scarf or a pretty bed Jacket. ' Do not attem pt to knit the new Jots and Tillies Purola Peroxo Cream, a greaaeless, frarant vanishing c r e a m. ('leans and softens the skin. A delight­ ful vanishing cream that can be depend­ ed on to preserve a healthy artd youth­ ful complexion. Melba g r e a s e l e s s cream 9 of IU subscrib- m rnt nt Agriculture to combat th * so- e , * ‘ called take all dl*ea*e of wheat In till Archie Cornelius w e n t to Eu­ nola and Indiana have resulted In find- g«n e Saturday on business. M rs inc 3» varieties that are either » Cornelius a n d her sta le r, M iae mune or highly r o . l . t . n t to the d l. , D u n d o „ w en t w ilh h j , ease. They a r* Relogllna, Crimean, f u r r e ll, Dte.z, la.ngher'ry, E arly May,'! ° VBr “ »• •nboc,! holiday The FuIcBflttr, Fults. CHpsy, Gladden. Gold J o u n K * ,H attending the Hal« tc h o o l. Coin, Urandprlse. Harvest King. Him garian, Jones Fife. Konred, K h trk o f. A "ta b le re d ish '’ grown by O. Ieen t a e x h ib itio n in M r. Bond Kellahle. Nigger Festerboden. Pool*. the poetofflee window. Portage. Pride of Indlaua. Red Cross probably planted it in thia county, (red chaff), Red Rock Red Wave. R<- but in growing some portions of it liable, Rudy, Stoner (Marvelous may have extended ecroee the Trum bull, T urkey, and Wheedling . county line. Facta. A fact la an excellent thing and yon must have fact* to w rite about; hut yon should realise that sven a f a « before It la ready for presentation must he cut and polished like a dla- i mood.—James Bryc*. The W om en’s club had the big­ gest chrysanthem um show in tho history of Lebanon last week. One uf the ’ mums shown meaaured 20 inches. The Express does not say whether those figures represented the ciroutnference or the diameter-