Z PAG E 2 H A LSEY E N T E R P R IS E NOV. 24 1921 HALSEY ENTERPRISE ¡met from the republican« there, GET YOUR Gin emo High School Notes O. A- C. and (J. of O. Score 0 to 0 Thanksgiving greetings! The football teams of the agri­ No school this week. Students cultural college and the state uni­ boarding in town returned to their versity wallowed in the most beau­ homes to partake of a heart!’ tiful mud that ever was at Eugene thanksgiving dinner. We hope Saturday and made a double Nothing from they ail enjoyed the much antici­ goose-egg score. pated turkey and will be ’able to nothing left nothing. return to school M >nday. No Seventy thousand people, in­ do ibt class.8 will be resumed with cluding a good share of the popu' a naw enthusiasm after the vaca­ lation of Halsey, witnessed the tion. game, some under cover and ten perforce in a pouriuv The teachers attended institute thousand rain. the former part of the week. This is the fourth tie between The student body met Friday the two schools’ football teams. and both the boys’ and girls’ bas­ ketball teams voted in favor of joining the state association, which IN THE ACCESSORIES LIST will give them many advantages. Thev also decided to purchase new Pur»««, Baga and Coatuma Jewelry Provide the Keynote In Displays baskets, which they are very much of Fall Novaltiaa. in t\ee.l of, the o d ones being, as Frof English expressed it, “ merely Originality la the keynote of dis­ i few strings.” Double-headers plays of pursee, bags and costume are being scheduled for the near Jewelry this season. One Is supposed future. Come out and root for to have as many pocketbooks as one Halsey and show us you are with has costumes to wear with them, aud us. Both teams are having splen­ they should, of course, be In harmony did practices aud have good pros with one's hat and other details. For dress purposes, the times when one pects of being winners. goes calling, If Indeed anyone ever in­ The upper class men are anx­ dulges In this form of civility any iously looking forward to the an- more, there are smart-looking envelope 'tual “ return’’ party, given by the purses which should never be parked freshmen. Altho it is later than out of their slender lines; envelopes usual, we are sure they are plan ot moire with flexible me.al edge hav­ ting some entertaining features, ing an Initial, and somet'mes with an as our frosh this year show signs edge of marrasslte, a steel so brilliant­ ly cut that It has the effect of rhine­ of life. 8 and for the same reason, namely: Because if adopted the other party will get gome credit for it. And M bs A A. WHBBLBB Business Manager there may be enough disgruntled | and Local News Editor. W e are sending out gift cards and yours republican senators to join hands | with them and defeat the measure. Subscriptions, |1.SO a year in advance. should reach you by Saturday, Transient advertising. 25c an inch; per The outlook is not encouraging manent, 20c. No discount for time The curse of partisan politics is or space upon us. In "Paid-for Paragraphs." 5c aline Noadvertising disguised as news. If there is another big war it I Phone 205 will be doubly as fiendish as any­ thing in the past, and the probaj HALSEY. Linn Co., Ore.. Nov. 24, 1921 bility is t h a t ' our aloofness fiom war-preventing alliances will lead | THE AMERICAN CURSE to ooe. 'Opeli covenants, openly arrived Republican parrot editors are still repeating the falsehoods about does not mean that particj- w ill be ready M onday, Mr. Wilson which their mentors Pants in making those covenants gave them during their last cam- may not have previously discussed paign. 1 he author of that line of I them any more than open legisla- A number on every present, and if the talk. who passed it around in the pion precludes private committee excitement of the political battle, Tork nor than it precluded the number on your card is the same as on a States - administration from has long since abandoned it ' United 1 a .« :-« ........ • ------------ President Harding, or even Lodge, iscussing and formulating its de. present the present is yours, would no more put forth today the sires in the matter of naval arma-, charge that Mr. Wilson was an ment before the convention met I he numbers w ill be changed egotistical self-seeker, or even that Yet Wilson’s enemies howl about | he was not a wise statesman as his private discussions with repre- every M onday, Wednesday and Friday. proven by hit general course, than lentatives of other nations at Ver­ they would beat their heads sailles and Harding’s enemies say H e re ’s a list of some of the presents: be is trying to cram a cut-and-dried against a stone wall. stones. The envelopes take as many program down the throats of other Last Friday afternoon the grades forms as do the paper oblongs and But it is sometimes a great deal nations. entertained their parents and the squares from which they are named. more difficult to call off a pack of Ihe assertions of little political ligh school students with a thanks­ An oblong pocketbook with a strap curs from a particular course than giving program at the Rialto hall. near one end has a very dignified air parrot papers that the so-called it was to start them on it, as is It was well rendered aud greatly whether It be In moire, which seems proved by the yelps we still bear ‘big three" or “ big four’’ at Ver­ appreciated bv a large audience. to lead In envelope effects, or In satin, sailles called themselves that is as from the little fellows on this tack Little Alice Sturtevant displayed which Is also carried. For a bag mounted on a Japanese unusual talent as a soloist for one frame, which their leaders have aban illy as the assertion that Wilson, navy moire Is embroidered In campaigning, claimed to have so young. a cherry blosaom design snd one may doaed. “ kept us out of the war. ’’ Neither The seniors are deciding on their know that the fittings are In keeping Mr. Harding and his adminis is true. class rings. They are also going with the attractive exterior. tration are still “ keeping us out of Having made frames out of every, to purchase caps and pennants for thing under the sun, tiny jet beads, of Jack Latta climbed out of a boat war ’’ with Mexico, just as Mr. th" class. course, are not omitted. They cover while on a goose hunt near Malin Wilson did. Bible examinations io both the not only the frame but the strap on Wilson did, indeed, cause the Friday, dragging a double-barreled old and new testaments are to be vhlch the bag hangs from the wrist, given soon. Many of the students a long narrow affair made of dou- seizure of the port of Vera Cruz shotgun behind him. »The trig are planning to take them. We 'da and overlapping rows of monkey gers caught ou the oar pins and when that seemed to be the only wish them all success, as each fur. Fur hags have been tried ut way to prevent the landing of a both barrels were discharged, tear­ various times and not always with testament counts a half credit success; but the early season brings cargo of German guns and ammu­ ing his thigh so that he bled to towards graduating. n few new models In Its wake, and nition to be used in the war the death. Not all geese killed in the Ih e English class has been tak­ monkey seems rather likely to suc- kaiser was trying to stir up in Mex­ “ noble sport’’ of hunting have ing spelling tests. It is rem ark­ eed where less adaptable furs have wings. ico against the United States. able how few words are missed 'ailed. And he ordered evacuation when The Girls' Glee club is making BROWN AND ECRU ARE SMART Cehster Girt, 18. was shot thru The store that gives ripid progress. » he deemed the time for it to have the right lung by Riley Girt, his square deal to every arrived. He uever gratified the H. 8. Reporter, J. B W arm er Shades are Given Preference customer yelpers by anawering their queries uncle, who mistook him for a bear b l a in ingcò Over G ray Toned Blouses for F all W ear. as to why American soldiers went The men were hunting near Rain­ FREE OF BUTTONS OR BELT OREGÒN alban V ier. This is part of what the “ no­ to Vera Cruz and why they left. Though there are many gray-toned B-it he had his reasons aud repub­ ble sport’’ costs, in addition to all douses among the autumn models, one notes a tendency to get away from lican men of brains today honor that is paid in tines and license As Cliri-toias draws near the old CASKET SEIZED FOR DEBT the rather overdone dove shade and fees and otherwise to maintain a him for his course. i strong tendency toward the brown question faces us, “ What can I game commission. 'ones. In tailored suits brown Is an While he was still hopeful that give for a present?’’ Did you D etro it Conatablea Remove Corpse "xtremely fashionable color for au- know there are few presents more there might be a possibility of When U n dertaker Can’t Qet uran: some of the most distinguished General Wood lost a nomination acceptable than a year’s subscrip­ »500 Fee. keeping this country out of war French tallleurs are In coffee brown, tion to the home paper? The ir fawn, or beaver brown, and, of Mr. Wilson said: “ This is th by the use of too much money. price Detroit, Mich.— Funeral services for is $1 50 and the entire family ■ourse blouses In the brown, tan and la-t war of its kind, orof any kind, Mr, Newberry won one bv the use gets all the news for a year, All Mrs. Vincent Dzleglnskl were Inter­ ,cru tones will go with these brown that the United States can keej of too much, “ too---- much.” his the tetters you may write will not rupted by two constables who removed i allored suits. There Is onk color that the body from the pasket to satisfy counsel told the senate investigat- contain a fraction of the news of w rit of replevin. simply w ill not go with brown— and out of. The business of neutrality .itig committee. that color Is gray. Almost all other the town and vicinity. We get js over.” Stanley A. Lappo, undertaker, said shades may be combined smartly or out a special Christmas number he went to the home and asked the Men like Johnson and Bryan harmoniously—but never brown and and place fancy cards in each new husband to glvg him a note for $500 Jamaica. "Country of Spring»." grnv 1 end Borah did not see this truth subscription number of th it date, tn payment for funeral expenses. The name Jamaica Is a corruption Black Is another modish color for Dzieglnskt chased him from the ■ nd are not even now able to see it. or xaymaco. a West Indian expression and usually we bear of the wel­ tailored suits and with these black house with a gun, I.appo says. come visit of the old home paper. Pettyfogging party politicians meaning “the country abounding tn suits gray, rather than tan blouses, Constables acting on a writ of re­ spring»." Think it over will roske the proper harmony. So li'te Lodge and his followers did plevin Issued to Lappo by Justice John there are plenty of gray-tflhed blouses, M. McKinley went to the house to i otcare whether they saw it or not though brown, tan and ecru ones are serve It. They thot there would be a party far more numerous. One ecru georgette The body was placed on a couch. hlouse Is trimmed with deep cream advantage in obscuring it, aud The casket and rugs were taken from Venice .lace and Is mounted over a the house. they are so agile that they knew sleeveless slip of flesh-tinted chiffon. they could leap back to the other The vestee and square neck are In Buanoa Alraa W a rt on Disease. line with the new mode and the deep side of the fence whenever thev Buenos Alrea.— Sunrise every morn­ collar coming far down at either side deemed it expedient, as they have ing finds Buenos Aires, In the down­ of the lace vestee Is graceful. The Ranges Heaters town section in particular, fresh- already done ou most of the issues slpeves are Just over the elb ow and « ashed, clean as a Dutch housewife's are trimmed, like the collar, with which they raised then. F$ugs Beds doorstep and smelling like a hospital. dangling crochet ornaments. This Mr. Harding seee the great fact This is a result of the thorough wash­ blouse comes Just over the waistline Kitchen Cabinets Linoleum ing given all the streets every night that we can no longer progress in and has a narrow folded sgsh which and the liberal doses of disinfectant loops over once at the back, with isolation. Hie party leaders had Dining-room Sets Congoleum lhat are spread about In order to short ends weighted with the crochet forced him into a pronouncement N either button nor belt confines this .beck communicable diseases. ornaments. ja c k e t A broad band of eealakln against the league of nations, and trims the high collar and tha broad while making hie famous profes­ USE VELVET FOR FALL HATS flaring sleeves. The Jacket la latched sion of faith in “ government by at tha th ro a t Farmer Crams Melons VC hite Sewing Machines party” ha could do no less than Into Boys for Robbery Sustain those leaders. By unanimous vote ol the Wash­ ington state grange William Bouck But he plainly saw the need o* Council Bluffs. Ia.—To be com­ A l l things necessary for a cozy home |oi Sedr Wooley, former master of pelled to gorge themselves on a euch an organization as the league, ih e Washington state grange; C truckload of melons which they Call and investigate goods and prices aud he called the nations to the K Cottrell if Kent, secretary of hsd stolen from s field was the present conference, hoping out of novel form of punishment for the so-called secession state grange, nine young men caught by Wat it to evolve something that would and M. A Hamilton, Bellingham^ m w ill n e e tl ter J. Miller, melon grower. compensate for our rejection of C Wrage, Arlington, g u p o f th o s e M iller «surprised the youths 1 5.75. He then locked them In a hers of the order again. A lum inum P e rc o la to r Coffeepots, six and l»e the most powerful member, ia room, and holding them in ter­ ror forced them to eat melons eight cups, at from >5 25 to >i 25. accomplishing much of the teak H E. Grimes, Southern Pacific that bis wife passed through a for which it was formed. Mr lucLf^m U t T Ä T “* °' B°’,O n •" l M‘ her ba “' 13 H operator at Suisun, Cal , who was window. Harding'» proposed arms aud east­ shot twice by a bandit and after At the end of the melon-eatlna he fell fired several shots at the contest the robbers were all roll­ ern pact, if it accomplishes any. One sf »ha loveliest of fan atylee ing on the floor In agony while robber, has recovered from bis la thia sapphire valvat. Tha turnup thing, must contain teeth, like three melons only remained In wounds and returned to duty. brim la amamantad by two antique the truck. bead ornamenta. The company presented him with *J lv ,r « nd a«* 422 FIR S T STREET a gold watch. Ao independent—NOT neutral—uews paper pnbhahed every Thursday by W e. H. A A. A. WHEKJ.EK tVm. H. W hxei . kb Editor. NO V. 26. PRESENTS NOV. 28. A b so lu tely FREE. Men’s Suit Boys’ Suit Dress Shirt Shoes Boys’ Shoes U nderwear Wool Shirt Sox Cap Collar B ag Tie Men’s Pants Sweater Rubber Boots Boys’ Mackinaw and Many Others [ CLOTH ] F U R N IT U R E NEW AND SECOND-HAND For Thanksgiving?,', E. L. S T IF F B u tter W rap p ers Calling Cards ENTERPRISE Office