TAGE 6 whittle but tome »coot through. Balaev in the night without doing either. There will be initiation at the Oddlellowf meeting Saturday evening. J. J. Corcoran hied himself to PortlandThureday fora “ look in at the livestock show. Mrs G. R. Walker of tbit city left Thurtday for Rnfua, Oregon to remain with her daughter until December. * NEW NOV. 17, 192 HALSEY ENTERPRISE BRUNSWICK The meeting of the Study club scheduled for next Saturday at the home of Mrs. 8idney J. Smith has been postponed until the following Saturday at the same place, on ac­ count of the football game at Eu­ gene Saturday. Ten 10-inch Double-faced Brunswick Records, 300 DRESS HATS $ 2 .9 5 The store that gives square deal to every customer ALBANY OREGON w e r e wee »M w r e w r a w Automobile Insurance Fire, theft, collisicn. property damage and personal liability. Protect yourself against loss. C. P. STAFFORD, Agent. Teachers’ Institute The Linn County Institute will be held at the Senior High School builriiug, Albany, Oregon, November 21 to 23, 1921. All Linn county teachers are re­ quired by law to attend. EDNA G R tK , County School Supt FOR SALE or trade— Cne of the best 255 - acre D a ir y » for $133.50, V o r V Y IC we" improved, in tbe r r t l l H B , w uiam ette valley, for smaller place or some business. Twelve- room fancy house, If interested write H. B. SUIKER, Phone 19F13 R 2, Tangent. delivered to your house on one week free trial and sold on the easy-pay- ment plan. Ask to see the B R U N S W IC K ___ when in our store in Albany. WOODWORTH DRUG CO ALBAN Y OREGON LOST—REWARD Black Stallion Colt Two-year-old. W hite spot in forehead. Went astray about four months ago. H. R. SUIKER, Route 2, Tangent. T AXI SERVICE Phone 19C5 Brownsville A call will bring me to Halsey in 15 or 20 minutes DEAN TYCER FRIDAY RIALTO THOMAS MEIGHAN u IN Thomas Mei&hanmd A&nes A yres A, a Mm. th« Paramount. Picture •* Ç æ p p y .Kick-S. HALSEY RAILROAD TIME North No. IS, 12:04 p. in. 24, 4.34 p. m. 14. 5;27 p. m. South No, 23, 11:31 a. tn 15, 12:24 p. in 17, 5.49 p. in cappy B f f i ” SUNDAY MAIL HOURS The delivery window of tbe I Halsey postoffice is open Sundays grom 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20 t h e to 12:35 and 5:15 to 5.30 p. m. Peter B. Kyne Watch Koont»’ windows. Last week tilled with men’s clothing, this week with dainty lunch and dinner table linen. The week be­ fore with ready made ladies’ dresses and all kinds of tempting things to wear. A tale of the sea and world of ships, from the famous Saturday Evening Post story by High School Essay We have been able to buy some splendid styles in Men's Dress Hats, brown, green, black and gray, all sizes—Hats that at the new low price level would sell at )Jl anti $•’. But we have decided to put them on sale T h u r s d a y , N o v . 1 7 , at the remarkably low price ot $2.*)5. Don't miss this cha ice. Sale closes 'W ed n esd a y y N o v . 2 3 . H A IN C L O T H i N G co] Steel Needles, 1 Edison Point and 2 Pathe Points, fu lly equipped to play all makes of records, ' FARMERS accuuiulaliuu ot articles no longer needed, or succeeded by better ones, which somebody would like to obtain. An advertisement tbe ,ize ot thia, coating 25c. might find a buyer and covert what is f 1 now only trash into good V ' 2 1 0 1 1 WITH Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Beene and son Allen, accompanied by Mrs. Beene’s mother, Mrs. K. C. Allen, and brother W A. Allen, drove to • he M'hawk valley Sunday and visited Mrs Alleu’s girlhood home the Gulliford place. The old bouse etill stands, and many re- memberancee came back to her as she was helped from one room to another, especially the old fire­ place where she studied her lessons in that unsettled valley nearly 65 \ears ago. She also visited the cemetery where her father and mother lay at rest, D. S. McWilliams and family, accompanied by Mr. *nd M*®- P. Stafford, drove to Eugene Sun­ day afternoon. Mrs. D. B. Moore and two chil­ dren motored over from Browns­ ville last Thursday and entrained for Riparia. Wash , her home She bad been visiting for several AaCliri’tmas draws near the old weeks at the home of her mother- in-law, Mrs. J. Boyden, about two question faces us, “ What can 1 give for a present?” Did you miles out of Brownsville. know there are few presents more After a few months’ residence acceptable than a year’s aubscrip- on their farm southeast of town, lion to the home paper? The C. S. Fuller and wife left Monday price is $1.50 and the entire famil} for Portland to make their home gets all the news for a year. All A G Hawkins, who has ac- ihe letter» you may writ« will not quired the farm, will take immedi- contain a fraction of the news ot ate possession and make bis home the town and vicinity. We go here. out a special Christmas numbei "The U. of O. has 1000 corre­ and place fancy cards in each nee spondent students who taae ■lubecription number of that date, courses of study «t their own nd usually we hear of the wel- homes Of these 16 are in Al­ tome visit of the old home paper bany and six in Lebanon. Volney Think it over. M Byrd and Laban H. Kimball C P. Kizer of Harrisburg and are registered as residents of Hal­ sey. A K. Weber and James W. Raleigh Templeton of this place Hale of Brownsville and E. L eturned from the Portland live Terrill and Mrs. E. Gould of tock show. There were 10 acre» Crawfordsville, and many otheie if territory undei one roof when he exhibits were housed. It was reside in this county. t larger show than ever before ano Mr and Mrs D F. Dean lef’ lrew a wonderful attendance Tuesday evening for Oregon City, ‘Linn county carried off mon where at 10 a. m. Wednesday the- blue ribbons than any other county at ten led the wedding of their in the state,” Mr. Templeton says gran (daughter, Miss Mildred Dry Mr Kizer, for his Oxford sheep den, and Otto Smith of that city ook 11 first» out of 12, 8 seconds The ceremony was performed nt 1 thirds, 2 filths and 1 sixth prize. St. John’s parish bouse in th. Templeton, who exhibited Cheviot pretence of friends and relatives beep, received, 12 firsts and R „fter a short irip the young coupb econds, and Charles Weber’s two « 1 make their home in their new Ug Pen-heron colts won second and residence at Oregon City. hird prize«. STYLE Amor A. Tussing LAWYER AND NOTARY B row nsville , O regon A. Peterson Practical Shoe Repairing. Fine Dress Shoes a Specialty 501 Lyon st., Albany, Oregon, Shoe Repair Shop Two doors north of the hotel. A m an’s Man story you Am prepared to do all kinds of PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS will all enjoy. shoe repairing. Satisfaction guar­ Also SNUB POLLARD in Admittance Here 5 Cents anteed. a Line JEWETT the COBBLER. “ IHE MORNING AFTER" Brownsville Briefs Joe Weber is in Illinois, where "Capturing Hippo." (written by Irene Quimby, freshman, from a skele­ he expects to spend several weeks ton of the story, the writer using lier among relatives and old-time nwh wording.) I n a large zoo in Chicago there was a friends. very big, ugly hippopota uus, who dis­ Joseph and George Hume and liked his keeper very much Jack, the keeper liked to tease the animal and get their wives returned tbe latter part him enraged. Hippo showed liis hatred of the week from a three-days visit by acting very disagaresable whenever to Poitlind, combining business Jack came in sigh t One hot day in July the door of Hip­ and pleasure. po’s cage was left unbolted and this The ball game Friday between clumsy animal in time knocked the door open aud stepped out. He was Brownsville and rfpringfie-d on the now free No one was in sight. My local gridiron resulted in a walk­ how he did enjoy the half-hour that lip away for the Brownsville boys— was undiscovered! Alas 1 his play seemed to be doomed score 70 to 0. when a policeman and bis attendants George Evans has traded for the appeared However, the animal gave Finnell place, formorly the Powell them so much trouble that at last they gave up in despair. They couldn't f -ol residence, giving a cash difference him, or drive him, or coax him into his between that and his own resi­ cage. dence. Mr- Finnell is quite lame How were they to get Hippo into his from a fall that left him with an cage ’ At last a great inspiration seized noe ot the men Ij'ppo hated his keep­ injured knee. er Why not make good use ot his hat­ C. M- Tyaon ha» built an addi red and capture him in the act ? His tion to the second-hand store build­ pl«n was discussed and acted upon. lack was doing his regular duties ing he bought last week, together when a summons came to him. He was with the stock, and will use it as a to run in frout of Hippo, sttractiug his blacksmith shop Ha will operate attention, and then run into a certain the two lines together, with the cage lack, accustomed to obeying or­ ders and taking risks, came quickly to assistance o, his son. tbe scene and approached the stubborn P B Beatty is suffering from n animal. For one second the animal glared at the keeper. Then, as if a vis­ serious injury received in a fall ion of lack standing at the doer of his from a ladder Friday, in which cage teasing him came into Ins unnd, he some of tbe ligaments of the back made a dash for the man Away went Jack, for wasn t h ts life a l and hips were toru loose. take ? Around a corner and straight Mra. M*ry Kirk is in a Portland into the cage he ran, the vicious animal hospital recovering from an opera­ right at his heels Was it going to “Cappy Ricks” Dock Scenes The dock scenes for “ Cappy Ricks,” Thomas Meighan's new Paramount picture which comes to WILDE Y LODGE NO. 65. the Rialto tomorrow, were filmed Regular meeting next Saturday on the state pier in South Boston where ex-presideut Wilson lauded night. IN IT IA T IO N on his return from France after his trip to Europe, For more than a week the echooner “ Re triever,” which is used in this pic­ Office 1st door south of school house ure, was anchored at the exact Halsey, Oregon. spot where Mr. Wilson made his landing. Many scenes showing Dealer in Real Estate. Thomas Meighan as “ Matt Peas- Handles Town and Country Property ley,” Charles Abbe as “ Cappy Give him a call and see if he can fix Ricks,’’ and Agnes Ay res as “ Flor- rie Ricks,’’ were taken at the pier. you up. I. O. O. F. W. J. Ribelin Chicken dinner every Sunday at Hotel Brownsville. 50 cents. For Sale—Year-old fir slab block wood, $2.50 per tier; fir block wood. $3 00; maple and oak, $3.50, delivered Halsey. Brownsville Warehouses. Chas. Sterling. s ANITARY Barber Shop and Baths Pirst-class work guarnteed KARL BRAMWELL. BARBER SHOP Apples— Boxes of delicious Jon­ Electric Haircutting, Massaging athans and Spitzenlierge, 11. G and Shampooing. W. Mornhinweg. Cleaning and Pressing. If you know an item of news E. C . M IL L E R phone it to No. 205. ARCHIECORNELUS For rent or for sale—Houses and farms in vicinity of Halsey. W- J. Ribelin. Expert workmanship. Watches »nd W at CHMAKER& Jeweler clocks a specialty. OREGON tion for the removal of an internal The door of the cage slammed, but goiter. Enterprise office. where was Jack ? When lie went in he The armietice day services at the Dr. E. W. Barnum, dentist, at and pissed on out through a door ini the hack, and closed it quickly behind him Methodist church Friday evening Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and The other door was closed by the nnn were largely attended. The local Friday. _______ ager So that was the way they captured pastors participaied Professor All work done promptly and Trespass uotices ready printed Hi 4ipP° _ _ ------- Barber made the address, and at the Enterprise office In small reasonably. Phone No. 269. Mr.» and Mrs A. A M o rrill of good one it was. while the schools H illsboro, parents ot Mrs. Eldon helped out with instrumental and lots, ten cents each. C .C . B R Y A N T Cross, were gue»'a h re for a short vocal music. Mr»- Charles Childs For sale—Cedar shakes and tim e this week, on th- ir way home gave an appropriate reading that ATTORNEY AT LAW aa so greatly enjoyed that she Posts. Load lots delivered. from Kugetii* when- they had beei ' if vas ■201 New First Nat’l Bank Bld'g. Brownsville Warehouses. Th j at iTi i funeral ol M '* Susan lain - had 1 to respond to an encore. . ell . . . an sunt of Mrs M o rrill I hey >' ! legion leg! boy» had their program Albany, Oregon. left for home WekU- sdaj m »rning eailier in the day, concluding with Call at the Enterprise office and . see tbe latest thing in dainty call, Born, Tuesday, Nov. 15, to Mr. a dance in the evening. A B. Miller is back in the cream ing cards, at $1 for 50. They W R I G H T & PO O LE and Mrs Ralph Danuen Jr., an station, Mr Armentrout having make a fine Christmas gift and are LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS eight-pound | r Clarks. •t|D Missionary society meeting. Old papers, 5c » bundle at the HALSEY F. M. GRAY Drayman.