PAGE 5 HALSF.V E N T E R P R IS E N O V . 13. 1921 r. stored. 101,164. president of the national assembly, "ia ,' went for taking counseT with Mr. Shaw U-M ! —Destroyed, 32,960 utiles; as honorable and u-eful as ’.hat of | about cannibals. I tried another tack temporarily repaired, 18,825 miles; Judges, lawyers, ministers or kings. , with the beautiful youth at my aide. definitely rejiaired, 8,426. Why should the old superstition hold “How did you like PanamaT 1 Factories (each having at least in iuodcm times that the hangman's , (Continued from page 1) fancy the old towu ia very pictur­ twenty employees, 1914), 3,297; de­ profession Is disgraceful, abominable I Lawrence W ells left M onday for esque.” stroyed, 4,700; resumed operation, 3,- and loathsome? My friends are all | Eugeue. “Oh, rather!” assented Mr. Vane. 645. perfect gentlemen and any member of "At least, that is what those painter “France took up anus only In self- parliament can consider It only flat­ Enoch Thompeon and fam ily chaps call it—met a couple of 'em at Submarine Invention Passes Sal­ defense, endeavoring at the same time tery when he Is called my friend," were seen whizziug through town the hotel. Beastly little narrow to maintain Justice and liberty for vage Test of the British I Sunday. streets and houses in a shocking state the world," said M. Loucheur. “For N tw Gold Strike Made. Admiralty. and all that. I like to see property Mrs. P. J. F orster and Mrs. L. nearly five years her richest provinces Anchorage, Yukon Territory.— kept up, myself.” A. Pray were Monday passengers have endured continual martyrdom. Strikes of gold quartz apparently "I am afraid,” I said severely, “that And yet by her own means the ruins bearing more than $100 to the ton in I lo A lbany, you are a philistine!” are reviving, houses arise from the a district thirty-nine miles south of Mr. and Mrs. George Hayes a t­ He blinked a little. "Ah—quite ground, fields are covered with promis­ here are reported. Prospectors are tended the football game at Cor­ so !” he murmured, recovering himself ing crops. The populations of the stampeding to the area of the dis­ gallantly. "One of those chaps that Believed That Much of Steel and devastated areas believe that they can vallis F riday. covery. Men returning from there backed Goliath against David, what?” rely on the spirit of solidarity of all P. J. F orster and wife were p a s­ Metals Lost Through Operations said a dozen big fissures of quartz, From this conversational Impasse those who have measured the magni­ heavy in gold, have been uncovered sengers to Albany S aturday m orn, of German Submarines May we were rescued by the Interposition tude of their sacrifice and under­ within a region twelve by seven miles. ¡ng for the day Be Recovered. of the gentleman opposite, whose small stood their unquesttonuble right to the The first strike was reported at Gird- • ----- twinkling eyes had been taking me In Mrs. J. C. Bramwell left for London.—Fishing with submarine fullest reparations.” wood. with Intentness. Cottage G rove last S aturday to magnets for allied ships which strew “I did some fllttin’ about that little spend a day or two. OUR TALLEST MAM old burg on my own hook,” he In­ the bottom of the North sea and the Shedd Shots formed us. “and what I got to say la. English chanael may be attempted on Miss Cleona Sm ith came home It is reported th a t Miss A nna It needs wakln’ up. I might have took a large scale in the near future If an from school at Eugene to spend a hand In It myself. If I hadn't have Invention recently placed at the dis­ the week end w ith her father. Pennell is im proving in health. posal of the British admiralty proves met up with Miss Browne and your ~ J . C. S tandish left for P o rtland a’nt. Yes, sir, I had a slick little to be practicable In deep-sea salvage E A. S tarnes and fam ily and proposition or two up my sleeve. operations. It Is believed that the de­ G randm a S ta rn e t, Mr. S la rn a s’ S aturday m orning to spend Sun- vice may recover much of the loss In Backed by some of the biggest capi­ jday w ith his son, E v e re tt S tandish. mother, visited at the R alph D an. tal In the U. S. A.—In fact, there« sted and metals caused by the subma­ nen home S aturday. rines. It Is also probable that It may, Mrs. E. E. G orm ley left for a bunch of fellers up there In God s H arrisburg Monday for a couple of J. W. Sprenger and wife were country that’s pretty sore on old H. to some extent, replace the deep-sea Any young m an who wants to Albany callers F riday. H. for passln' things up this way. diver. enter the ooast guard academ y ai d ay s’ visit w ith her d aughter and W ill L ift 18 Tons. Kep* the wires hunimin’ for two-three T he infant son of Ray D annen New London, C onn., should make family. 'the “submarine electro-magnet" Is days, till they seen I wasn’t to be octagonal In shape, three feet in width and wife is reported past all d a n ­ application through his senator to The November app o rtio n m en t of switched, and then the Old Man him­ the coast guard office, treasury funds to the 128 school districts in L between the opposite sides, two and a ger if no corn plications set in. self—no use mentionin' names, but I d epartm ent, W ashington, for in- half inches in depth, weighs seven guess you know who I mean—Wall Mrs. Amy Dannen is visiting form ation and literature. Pay and the couuty is »27.G98.G2 in the ag­ hundredweight, and Is strong enough Street would, quick enough, anyway— ith her m other, Mrs S B. Sav­ allow ances in the coast guard are gregate. to lift 16 tons of metal. In salvage the Old Man himself threatened to age. She expects to visit in Hal- the sam e as in the navy. work three magnets will be employed Mrs. Douglas T aylor aud ton put his yacht in commission and come simultaneously, in order to get a good sey-for a week. Lawrence left for Albany Saturday down to find out what sort of little hold on the larger sections of armor morning in th eir car, re tu rn in g game H. H. was playin' on him. But plate. th a t same evening. I done like Br'er Rnbblt—Jest lay low. Gigantic searchlights will first be Hamilton H. Tubbs knows a good thing turned on the wreck, and after the Mrs. Iva G alb raith of Sweet when he sees It about ns quick as the vessel has been blown to pieces by ex­ Home was an arrival Monday and next one—and he knows enough to plosives the magnets will go down to was m otored to the W. R. K irk keep mum about It, too!” search for anchors, chain cables and home for a visit. Three or four rough-looking men, pieces of metal. The power will be of whom one, a certain Captain Mag­ sufficient to raise all fragments of Mrs. C. T. Cook was taken seri­ nus, belonged to our party and the metal, even though they be encased In ously ill last week and has been rest to the ship, continued vigorously wood. under the care of a physician. She to hack their way through the meal The mechanical diver’s possibilities is reported im proving. with clattering knives and forks. Of were demonstrated recently at an ex­ oqk F ru m ’s warehouse has been duly Jan Van Albert, 9 feet 5 Inches tan, other sounds there was none. Such hibition at the Albert docks. Silver- 4S always carried in stock. christened by Young America on gloom weighed heavily on the genial town, attended by representatives of recently arrived in Chicago. Compare roller sk ates’ A jolly crowd has C f’o s s d - I W id e spirit of Mr. Tubbs, and he lightened the British admiralty, the Port of Lon­ Ids size with little Lew Itose, who Is ^ ¡. put in m uch of the week there. It by rising to propose a toast. don authority and the salvage and only 6 feet himself. Van Albert can­ “I-adtes and gentlemen, to her now shipbuilding companies. Into 36 feet not travel In a Pullman as the beds F aith fu l republicans are after unfortunately laid low by the pangs of of water were thrown several steel are too short. When he goes to a ho­ our postm aster’s job and expect mal de mer—our friend and bony dear. girders weighing two tons, some gas tel, two beds are put together for him to get it in Jan u ary . If the suc­ Miss Harding!” cylinders, castings, a section of rail­ to sleep on. cessful one is as satisfactory to This was bewildering, for neither way switch and other metallic objects. . Bull a Drinker. by friend nor foe could Aunt Jane be Halsey as Mr. M cW illiam s we Brought Up Girders. Hood River, Ore.—A bull’s over- called bony. Later In the light of Mr. Swung by a crane, the magnet dived shall all get along very well. indulgence In the contents of a mash Tubbs's passion for classical allusion, and, to the amazement of the wit­ T he attendance at the R ialto I decided to translate It bona dea, and nesses. came up with the steel girders barrel, according to stories of or- F rid ay showed th a t a good, hon­ consider the fnmlly complimented. At glued to its under side. The operation chnrdlsts of the Underwood (Wash.) est, h e a rt-stirrin g show can the moment I sat stunned, but Miss was repeated until the last piece of district, led to the discovery by officers jy jV .-.V .- — . " ........... " ...........— 11 of two stills near Stevenson. draw in Halsey better th a u a sens­ Browne, with greater self-possession, metal had b # n raised. The bull, attracting attention by his majestically Inclined her head and At one stage of the demonstration ational one. there was lively competition between a drunken stagger and bellowed maun- sa id : Mr. and Mrs. W- H . M cLain of "In the name of our absent friend, human diver an.l the diving magnet, derings, evidently was pleased with Eugene spent the week end at the The steel railway switch, owing to Its the effects of the moonshine makings, I thank you.” hom eofM rs M cL ain’s p aren ts, Mr. peculiar shape, could not be located Officers followed him as he pursued In spite of wistful looks from the until a diver had gone down and placed an erratic course through th« under- ind Mrs. H. I, Sheldon of Browns­ beautiful youth as we rose from the the magntt In contact with the rails, brush. The goal o t the bovine toper ville. table, and the allurement of a tropic HALSEY, OREGON "The magnet Is not intended to sup was a barrel half full of mash. In a moon, I remained constunt to duty plant divers," said Mr. Neale, head of hidden cabin, about 100 yards away, M. W. W indom of H arrisb u rg and Aunt Jane, and immured myself relum ed from Brownsville M»n- was discovered a still. the Neale Magnet Construction com In her stateroom, where I passed an He is a relative of the ly- pany, In charge of the development of enlivening evening listening to her cers and spent the week end with the Invention. “It will be of value moans. She showed a faint returning chiefly in cases of wrecks in deep wa­ them . spark of life when 1 mentioned Cuth ter, or silted up, where divers cannot , Veteran Served Sentence J. F ite is the new pastor of the bert Vane, and raised her head to of Man Who Saved His Life C hristian church at Brownsville murmur that he was Honorable and go.“It will also be used for loading and she understood though not the heir, unloading vessels, discharging metallic nd is expected to m ake a brave Because his "buddy" saved Bis still likely to inherit and perhaps after ores, lifting machinery and loading fite against the devil and all his life In France, Harry W. Haley, all Providence— <. w t M . e * * * » * * « * ' * » * ’ ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ works. steel sections from rolling mills. A known na general prisoner No. The unspoken end of Aunt Jane's current of 16 amperes, at a pressure Mr. Anenseti, baker for the 22102, assumed his name, and la sentence pursued me into dreams In of 220 volts, supplies the power.” Dawson bakerv of Brow nsville, serving a six months’ sentence which an unknown gentleman oblig­ in the United States disciplinary left for P ortland S atu rd a y , via H al­ ingly broke his neck riding to hounds barracks, Fort Leavenworth. and left Apollo heir to the title and sey, to spend Sunday with his wife Knn„ for desertion, alleged to estates. nd daughters. have beeu committed by his (To be continued) Adolph G arnjohst of Salem , friend. .......... - — r — MAY USE MAGNET TO RAISE SHIPS I UVv Jots and 1 ittlcs DtPiuinm for removing supet- tluous hair. HRS 16 JO N S OF METAL Quick, easy, thorough. Eliminates the use of harmful and tedious applications. Ready for instant uso. Ringo’s Drug Store 4P1 For the Thanksgiving Season bisk Cxranite Turkey Roaster, with cover, J nS the proper utensil lor the kitchen, $2.50 to 5.5t W <6 Wo also have the Universal Food J f Chopperin four different sizes at No. 10 ...1.75 $ Complete line of National Mazda Lamps No. 2 No. 3. J. W. MOORE ¿ R e a l E s t a te a n d i n s u r a n c e THE HALSEY STATE BANK Capital and Surplus $34,000 Interest paid on time certificates of deposit Wo invite your banking business H KOONTZ, Pres. D. TAYLOR. V ice-Pres. B. M. BOND, Cashier T he First Savings Bank of Albany. Oregon * “WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE” FRANCE COMING BACK Avoid W orld’s Blind Alleys. Country Making Rapid Recovery From Ruins of War. The young man of today does not have to follow the job his father hud unless It’s the Job beat suited for him. Houses Arise From the Ground and The wise youth finds out what most Fields Covered W ith Promising Crops— Population of Devatted ap[>eals to him, and then sees to It that he's the best fellow in that busi­ Area Optimistic. ness. Such fellows rise to success In spite of handicaps. Then the world Parts.—An Impressive picture of the wonders and applauds. It’s folly to re­ extent of France’s achievement In re- main cooped up with limitations w’hen j storing her war ravaged regions is af- you might Just as well lie enjoying the | forded by M. Loucheur, the minister of fullest liberty. If by chance you get liberated regions, in a public state­ Into a blind alley see to It that you get ment entitled “The Revival of France." Official statistics of the destruction out at once.—GrlL caused by the war and the reconstruc- 1 tion accomplished up to May 1, 1921. the minister states, show that "the iou»j is - the >■- same ------------- I France France o. of today as France of yesterday and that In peace as In war she continues to work with stead- fastness, courage and confidence." After showing that 5,154.000 of the 68,400 000 Frenchmen from 19 to 50 years of age mobilized during the war killed or wounded, the state- ment presents the following statistics of civic reconstruction. Inhabitants—Deported because of the war. 2,3602278; returned to Franca, 1,975,798. Municipalities—Abandoned, 3.256; 2 New Shur-on Products re-established, 32216. Schools—Before the war, 7.271; re­ The all shell Frame with the tavis- ible joint and the zylon.te frame with established, 6.830. Houses—Destroyed, 789.000; rebuilt, the inner nm both are attracting fa , or- able attention by their neatness and 10.213; repaired, 326,700. Laud—Devastated. 8,240.000 acres; strength. cleared from projectiles, wire entangle­ ments and trenches. 6,881,000 acres. Agriculture—Farm land devastated. 4^71.000 acres; farms do w cultiva­ ted. 3,420,000 seres. Live Stock—Horses and mules car­ ried away. 367,000; restored. 96,303; oxen carried away. 530.000; restored, 120.263. sheet and £qat£ carried away, H am id A lbro. Ma&ulactunug optician. EXTEND PACIFIC OIL FIELDS Prospectors Plan Development Under Australian Mandate— Several Parties in Field. Sydney, N. S. W —The search for oil which has been going on with meager results for years in the large island of Papua has been extended to the por­ tion known aa German NeW Guinea, where it is said there are much better indications. This territory la now un­ der Australian mandate. Experts of the Anglo-Persian Oil company, which has an agreement with thp commonwealth by which each will share In the benefits of any discovery, are prospecting thoroughly. Beveral private parties also are In the field Oil prospecting Is being retarded. however, because the Australian gov. eminent has not decided on a land policy for mandated territories. been in the bank the longest tune. Two dollar, a week will am ou.t to »575.8« ,« five year.I to H .L Y20 in ten year, and to fc. 169.68 in twenty year, if depot.ted with strong bank * c e n t a n ( J n o W O IT y Ad #>•»■» 1M» * ' » * • * " ' • * • * * * * * *•* * ■ * * Specializes __ in prompte and efficient automobile re­ i i i u u L i u i » « ■ « pairing. Trouble call« iiiiu w at any time or place. g ^ Our stock ef Tires snd Tubas ». .«w ay. fresh sud complete, Will mske special Windshield ' C .re S l i g h t s . Top Fetching materia.. Top Dressing. and Automo- b , e " u HAI j SEY garage , FOOTE BROS., Props. HANGMAN OBJECTS TO SLURS Declares Ha Is a Perfect Gentleman and T h a t H it Calling la Honor- able and Useful. Budapest —The hangman of Hun­ gary has risen to Indignant defense of his calling and denounced those who cast slurs upon It. He was prompted by sneering references made In the Hungarian national assembly. Friends of former Emperor Charles and the anti Ilapsburgs are always quarreling there, and In some cases have shouted at one another, “The hangman la your friend.” Michael Ball, the offlclal hangman, has re»’-nted such slurs. "M i v o ^ jlo fi.” ke w r i t « to toe W ho W ouldn't Smile Happily upon opening a boa of these delicion’ candies) The wonderful assortment, various flavors and tempting appearance of these "lump* of delight'* win to ns all lovera of good tweets and Judges of confectionery eacellence; Try them once and tee if we exaggerate the per- fection of these goods. CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. fa th e r of Dr. G arnjohst of this city, left for home S aturday m orn- jng after spending a week a t the G arn jo h st home. Professor E nglish of the high school and Postm aster Dean Mc­ W illiam s were in full swing at the ). A . C football game at Corvallis „rm lstice d ay . They were ac­ com panied by th eir wives. Mrs. Susan Lowell of Eugene, „bout 80 years of age di« «1 last S aturday m orning and was buried Monday She was the aunl of Mrs. Eldon Cross and both Mr. ,nd M rs. Cross attended the fu­ neral. W. J . Lane, the Brownsville jeweler, cam e over Sunday and took the Halsey jeweler, Archie C ornelius, home with him TheM they “ talked shop" and other things and made the re tu rn trip later. Roxie McOune of Brownsville was in H alsey last F riday to m eet the tra in from Salem which had on board M'»s Leila C ushm an, a teacher in Salem, whose home is in Brow nsville. Miss C ushm an rem ained over the week end. Dr. B arnum in his car obeyed the injunction to “ stop! lo o k ! listen!” at a railroad crossing on bis way home from Halsey to H a r­ risburg last week Tuesday and even then a freight train" sh o t across the road close behind his car when he crossed the tra c k . Not only do some train s pass cross- — mgs without aoundiug bell or