I A n c i u c ut r ib i i at a curve in a race at the Arizona State Treasurer Hoff criticized PAGE 2 state fair Saturday. H the ranks Governor Olcott and Secretary of Germany went to war to acquire of the speed maniacs were not HALSEY ENTERPRISE inch—In many cases less than the France aud, afterwards, perhaps maintained by constant new acces­ Farmers in South Dakota Use the State Kozer for employing an in­ Au independent—NOT neutral—uews- cost of retting the type and hand­ structor from Iowa to head the ••Barbed-Wire System.” sions enough of them might in time paper. published every Thursday, ling it, reading the proof and keep­ the rest of the world. state training school for bovs The England went to wur to prevent lie killed off through their own by W m H. A A. A. WHEELER. ing the books. The publishers bad Wm. H. W hkelbm Editor. Germany from becoming so pow- ‘ reek|essness*to leave the business County Agricultural Agent Assists two former have countered by re­ fusing to allow state funds to be U i l A A. WHBBLKK Business Manager struggled to produce as good a pa­ Farmers to Install System at But no; and Local News Editor. used in payment for 15,006 state per as the income warranted, work erful as to threaten the existence in safe and sane hands. Cost of Less Than “ there’s a new fool bom every if the John Bull empire. treasurer’s reports which have been iog loug hours for a bare living. $20 Each. circulated and as many more which Italy went to war because she minute. ’’ Subscriptions, $1.50 a year in advance Believing that Halsey bad enougl been printed, and 20,000 (P rep a red by th e U n ited S ta te s D ep a rtm en t have T m” 1e ': ? ^ er,Non,tdi^ounnt ‘K e bus.nes energy to desire and de vas promised a slice of territory o f A g ric u ltu r e.) The section of British sentiment Washington.—There are still many more which they say are contem­ .long the Adriatic, and she got it serve a larger and better paper, » or space , , plated. They claim that these In "Paid-lor Paragraphs, 5c aline. Japan went to war because she which says: “ The protection of rural homes that do not have telephones publications are political propa­ change was made. To make such and, as at present economy in all lines No advertising disguised as news. China from Japanese rapacity is Is imperative, interest Is reviving In the ganda for the treasurer. Aud t paper it was necessary to raise vas secretly promised the Gfirm m Phone 205 none of our affair’’ may be strong “barbed-wire system," which was more brotherly love is not conspicuous uoldings in China and the isles of he price of advertising, and this enough in the arms conference to or less common In parts of the West in the state board of control. HALSEY. Linn Co., Ore.. Nov. 17, 197 as done. The new price, 20 cent.« the sea, and she got them, in spite ago. Aud now conies the Salem ■f Mr. Wilson’s protest against the checkmate the attempt of this 20 In years Carson county, South Dakota, the grange of Patrons of Husbandry ii inch, IB as low as is charged by country to prevent Nippon from county agricultural agent hus assisted with a resolution declaring that TOO FEW ARE HANGED ,y other paper in this part of the lismemberment of China. Japan goes to the Washington gobbling up the celestial empire. farmers to Install such a system at an L. M. Gilbert has been a satisfac­ •untry, and is actually low for the average cost of material per farrnet Opponents of capital punishmen conference determined, if possible, tory supeintendent, that his suc­ of less than $20. Carson County is rvice. J. O. Froueberger, kleagleof the 87 miles long and very sparsely settled, cessor is employed at a salary two claim that the “ increase of crime to retain her grip on China and Years ago, when type-setters K. K. at Asheville, N. C., is un­ although the agricultural lauds are and a half times.»« large as Gil­ of violence ’ proves that the restore m irked for 25 cents a thousand Siberia and her rule of might der bond? for trial for one of those fenced. Standard telephone Jlnes ap­ bert received, that taxes in Ore­ tion of capital punishment is s peared to be too expensive, yet there gon are so high that investors are •is and paper cost three or four .gainst right In Korea. failure. It proves nothing of th France goes seeking no territo­ kidnaping* which the kleagles say was a great need of facilitating com­ avoiding all visible forms of prop, ■ nts a pound, 124 cent8 an l,,ch sort. In fact that restoration do« rial aggrandizement but jealous for are the work of impostors and not munication. The county agent fur­ erty, and mauy essential produc­ •i iy have been endbgh. The En- nished information regarding the cost tive industries, including agricul­ not exist except on the pages <> of the K K. of Installing the line, using porcelain ture, are being crushed beneath rprise pays 55 cents a thousand the preservation of her own integ the statute books. Not one in i rity in the face of an ever-present nail knobs for Insulation, which cost ir type-setting, 64 cents a pound dozen cold-blooded murderers pay Federal officials and the state about $5 per mile. These knobs work the burden, and that the two of­ fear of German encroachment. fending officials, who constitute ir paper and twice as much for the penalty provided by law fo England goes hoping for some highway commission are trying to satisfactorily when the barbed wire a majority of the state board of con­ is tied to them with a short piece of pe and printers’ material as they trol, ought to reconsider their ac­ his crime. measure of relief from her over­ agree on how to spend $4,000,000 wire. ost a dozen years ago. whelming financial burden for on the Pacific highway and the In order further to reduce the cost tion in the matter. The other day a jury in Port The advertising price was raised, war. She needs her military Oregon trail. They will probably some farmers tried pieces of rubber land, in the case of a man wb< '¿very advertiser, with two excep- strength to keep the lid down on cut from automobile inner tubes as succeed in doing it. declared of his wife that be “ would Insulators. Pieces of the tubing 134 i ins remains with the paper, and ‘‘irrepressible conflicts’’ in Erin get her,” and then carved her t< Inches square were wound around the i ‘W oues have come in. Of the audjlndia. wire and fastened to the post | diath with a butcherkmfe, brough NEW TURK STAMPS VALUABLE barbed > i who discontinued advertising with staples. The county agent re­ America went to war “ to make in a verdict of manslaughter. o te had paid 124 cents a week and the world safe for democracy’’ and Nationalists Issue Many New Forme ports that tills insulation Is giving Such a verdict was a travesty. satisfaction, although, of course, the me 50 cents, and neither took the her own skiu, and for the same _Plan Complete New Issue rubber will deteriorate In time. The man was guilty of first-degree of Its Own. apor, so they evidently were not objects she has called the arms and The farmers were able to obtain sec­ murder or o , nothing. He will go ond-hand phones at from $5 to $20 each People of Birmingham Cannot oterested in hgving it improved. Pacific oeean conference. Angora.—The nationalist govern­ But to the penitentiary and in a few 50 cents bought a lightning ar Escape Bills and Rent by The other patrons, feeling an in- party political chicanery, which ment has given a new Interest to and rester, so that the total cost per farm years a governor with a tendei Turkish stamp collections. It has not irest in the town and in having it prevented her entry into the league Old Expedient. er was comparatively nominal. heart for human butchers wil Issued, at various times, small Each farmer hus his own special ^presentedby a newspaper in which of nations, is likely to wreck this only quantities of stamps of a temporary turn him loose to procure anothei ring, so there is no expense for a iey can take pride, are cheerfully effort also. kind, but It has also surcharged with central. It Is possible with a system butcher knife anil gratify another MUST REPORTJLL TRflNSFERS its name various sets of revenue and laying for the service it renders The conference organized last postage stamps printed originally by like this to connect various parts of grudge Thank heaven, this wil the furm or distant barns with the hem. Saturday with Mr. Hughes as ihe Imperial Ottoman government at house, or the tenant house with the not occur until tlieie is a change Ordinance Requires Owners of Vans But, while Halsey gete the bene- chairman. Constantinople. furm home, ut a very low cost. While of governors, probably, tor Gov­ or Other Vehicles to Report All It has lately arranged to have print­ it of a good newspaper represent- President Harding’s opening ed In Italy a complete set of new such a system leaves much to be de­ ernor Olcott is rather slow about Moving to Police— Helpful ng its interests, it does not have s [leech captured the delegates by stamps of Its own, thereby making sired In the way of service, It meets to Authorities. extending clemency to such brutes. an emergency and can be made to Our laws provide protection for to bear all the burden. There are his frank declaration of America's more valuable the temporary and sur­ answer, pending the coming of times Birmingham, Ala.—Those who find not enough business houses in a altruistic position in international charged stamps used during the past when conditions will warrant a more criminals that law-abiding citizens two years. The surcharged stamps It cheaper to move than to pay rent own like Halsey to furnish the affairs, and Mr, Hughes stunned have tn several cases been surcharged expensive und more satisfactory sys­ or meet other bills, are pretty well re­ do not receive. tem. adveitising patronage required to them with a proposal that America, with the lettering upside down. formed in this city, or are In process When a man goes gunning for Lieutenant Commander Robert Dunn. of being weeded out In either case by support a paper like the Enter­ England and Japan, the three na­ hi* enemy, or kills a man in the prise. It is obliged to draw in­ Intelligence officer at the American means of an ordinance so riveted that val world powers, should scrap all embassy, Constantinople, and owner offenders cannot escape. The ordi­ course of a robbery, or in a jail come from the outside. Lines to Be Remembered. Wide- of the largest collection of purely He who calls In Ihe aid of an equal nance requires the owner of every break like that at Pendleton, the vwuke business firms like the Pen- their uncompleted naval vessels Turkish stamps, has during his various doubles his o w n ; and transfer or other vehicle to report victim is not given the privilege of iey company, Blain Clothing com­ and build no more for ten years, trips to the Interior formed a large understanding he who profits by a superior under­ promptly all moving to the chief of po­ ex plaioitig nt telling upa plea of pany, Bartcher A Rorbaugh, E. L. and scrap all battleships up to but collection of nationalist stamps, some standing raises his powers to a level lice, and entries of the same are at not including the Delaware and of which he estimates tn value from with the height of the superior under­ once made In a book duly alphabet«! accident or insanity or proving an Stiff, Woodworth Drug company, Ncrth Dakota class, the other $50 to $100 each. standing that Ife unites with.—Edmund and dated, and the book Is always alibi. He is killed without warn­ open for the Inspection of any aud etc., who through long experience two powers to make a similar cut- Burke. everyone who may ask to see It. ing. have learned the value of adver­ Of course one who plans to turn When the criminal is brought tising in a live medium, make fre. down. delinquent will try to conceal his Iden­ When the foreign delegates have Into court be is given the advan­ p e n t use of these columns. They tity while In the act of moving, hut the ordinance makers foresaw that tage of skilled legal counsel, of Io not necessarily draw much trade recovered their breath and taken impulse and attached penalties for every kind of quibble, and of all from Hulsey stores to Albany. their bearings after this shock half false names or misleading reports, the “ alienists’’ he has money The motor car is responsible for the expected work of the confer­ which fairly shut out that form of ence will have been accomplished. enough to buy (in a recent case Plus 8 per cent federal war tax trickery. Altogether the ordinance has that. The trade these people get If to the slashing which Hell- worked so well that Birmingham has they refused to appear unless they through advertising in these col­ and-Maria Dawes is making in the been solicited by other cities for copies were paid 1100 a day) to Bwear of the act and for the experiences un­ umns would vo to Albany any way, national budget can be added the that he is insane and irresponsible der It which have made It a magic hut the advertising draws it from colossal naval retrenchment out­ cure for bill-evasion. It Is a fixture And if a jury finds him guilty a Account other Albany Imuses to those which lined by Mr. Hughes theie may be In Birmingham, for it has been in hundred sympathizers are ready advertise. When the farmer’s a real and actual reduction of the force since March of 1913. to plead for a parole or pardon for Generally Helpful. family drives into Albany to trade onerous burden of taxation under him. Not one in ten pays the Its enactment came about In that the members have in mind certain which the productive industries year through the Retail Furniture penalty provided Tty law. Dealers' association. At the ensuing sta te m e n ts that have appeared in and the consumers stagger today. There are indications of return­ election It had an able enforcer In the local paper, and they go to the May our dilly-dallying congress ing sanity in the punishment of Commissioner of Public Safety Arbe and Barber, who thoroughly believed In it crime. The jury in the Biutufield store making those statements. If be stricken dumb before the sub- and kept everybody concerned up tn case gave no weight t j the array this were not so we would not see jw,t of contìrmillg tbe agreement the scratch. He found that sonn of the advertisements of certain Al- «;» C()lnp8 to , b . t stage) is talked (if it comes that of expert alienists who, on each the colored laundresses hud a fashion of suddenly changing their addresses side, swore thst their medi­ banv firms appear constantly, year to death. when well stocked with the linen of And other nations will say cal friends and brethren on the after year, in a H'lsey paper. their clients; that In some district« Those firins|are not throwing! their ‘‘Amen!’’ as they would have done other side were either fools or per overdue gas bills gave sufficient cause for fam ines to vacate quarters, and jurnfs Biuuifield may yet esc»|m money away recklessly. They are had wo ratified the league of na­ Tickets on sale Friday and Saturday investing it with the wisdom that tions. delinquents for rent aud for trade* but that verdict speaks for itself. Return lim it Monday men's account« were common In a The ptevalouce of murder has comes from years of experience. districts. The telephone company bad The Halsey firms whose adver­ William Hohenxollern is a pris­ occasion to compliment the commis­ not increased because the law sioner on the accuracy and complete- says murderers should hang The tising support helps to make such oner for life at Doom, Holland, ness of the records In the book of tn GOING: Leave Halsey 11.31 a. m. and 5:49 p. m increase has come because too few a paper as the Enterprise possible and Carl H«p*burg ’* a prisoner chief of police, for in one case ’be RETURNING : Leave Eugene 11:00 a. ni. and 3:35 p. in. here have summered and wintered for life on Maderia island. The of them do hang. company escaped damages for non­ delivery of a message. In a suit in If a man is so constituted that among us They know us and our Hungarian government has form­ For further particulars ask agents. which the person addressed h«d the m ally iieposeo e napsuurgs deposed the aim Hapsburgs and he is likely to kill a fellow being it needs and they strive to supply moved, but claimed to be living in bis They have the steady pat- |h# flr, t proo|aime,r* his example, aud none will become does not miss the Enterprise. It times in committee room, (.and • nd the kind of women who »cutnred fills our waste basket and is useful sometimes confidentially and in­ themselves over the city after the his victims. abolishment of the old red-light dis­ P u b lic T y p e w r ite r . Homicides are not stimulated by in lighting fires. dividually with lobbyists, proba­ trict hanging murderers, but by le ting bly), house and senate Conferee« Once there was a concerted attempt Another fool hunter fired into agreed to 160 ont of 833 propound by the transfer warehousemen to undo them escape. M rs . A . A . W h e e le r the ordinance They obtained a re- moving brush on Slab creek, near amendments. If they stay in con­ | straining Injunction against Its en­ Tillamook, Sunday. Roy Ward. gress so long they tnay bring a ENCOURAGING forcement. and went Into court on the E n te rp ris e office. 10, was the victim and Walter measure to a final vote in ton or \ Issue of constitutionality. The Su- All the twelve years. 1 preme court ruled that It was both The outlook for the Enterprise Winter, 16, the shooter. constitutional and reasonable. M t"* under its changed business policy game in the state is not worth one changes were made In It, not Inter­ Characteristic of auto »[«eeding is most encouraging. The present of the many live« which this fering at all with Its efficiency, und was the death of Omar Taft when proprietois found the paper receiv­ sport” coets every year in Ore­ It Is here to stay, with the approval his car weut over au embankm Cn ing for advertising 12| cents an gon. of every reputable Intere s t - NOV. 17. 192 HALSEY ENTERPRISE KEEPS TABS GN THOSE WHO MOVE S i . - Round Trip To EU G EN E U. of 0.-0. A. C. Annual Football Game U. of 0. Alumni Meeting Saturday, November 19th TRAIN SERVICE — 1 . — j - ..................... ............... SOUTHERN PACIFIC L IN E S '