Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, November 17, 1921, Image 1

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    VOL. X
H alsey enterprise
On November 12 a bill was ten­
Southern Pacific, with headquar­ C H A IN E D L IG H T N IN G
dered by the state printer and for­
ters in Albany, was in Halsey Fri­
day, returning by motor.
H e ta c k le s th e W ro n g M ail warded to the board of control,
M odern D ay M ira cles a t th e
which consists of the same person­
C. H. Davidson and wife re­
C lerk
nel as the printing board. At
L yceum
that time the majority of the board, S h o rt S to r ie s o f H a p p e n in g s in L inn C ou n ty G en erally turned the last of the week from
Portland, where they attended the
Yesterday morning Roy Gard­ the governor and secretary of state,
an d in H a lse y P a r tic u la rly
The second number of the ly.
big stock show.
ner tried to rob a mail car at reversed their previous action, as
¡ceum course, Tuesday .night, was
Phoenix, Ariz., and was manhan­ members of the state printing
Mrs. O. B. Stalnaker of Cor­ a scientific entertainment by
Mr*1. Charles Whitlatoh and son spects resembling influenza at vallis arrived Tuesday evening for Glenu Morris and was one of tbe
dled and arrested by Henry Inter- board, and refused payment of the
lied, a mail clerk, and started bill on the grounds~(hat the report Ronald returned to their hone in
a few days’ visit with her parents, j beet shows that ever visited Hal­
for the penitentiary, handicapped was not of the proper character. Eugene Tuesday evening, after a
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Patton.
sey and well received by a large
(or footicapped) with an Oregon
I cannot see th a t the report reads short visit with the former's father, j merchant, was a traveler to Albany
audience, though parts of it were
The estate of the Painters, who positively shocking.
boot, to lessen his speed if he at- any differently than the copy sub­ Grant Taylor.
perished by murder or by murder
tempts Hight.
mitted in July and accepted for
Electricity was tbe subject and
Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. H
The Gibson youngsters who left aud suicide near Lacomb, is valued Mr. Morris proved himself an ex­
His friend, ex-bandit Dalton, printing. However, I bow to the Zimmerman
on armistice day for Portlaud re­ at 111,000. J. M Nye of Sweet pert in the use' of a good equip­
who has tried to get President majority rule.
visiting Mrs. Zimmerman's sister,
Home is administrator.
Harding to pardon.Gardner, about
ment of apparatus. Lacking a re­
It is true that thjs report showed Mrs. Mary Meeker. They returned turned Tuesday.
the sametime announced that “ they that through my method, as com­ Saturday evening, bringing Mrs.
The eight-page armistice day porter sufficiently versed in elec­
Carlyle Fuller left for Corvallis
can't extradite him from where pared with that of my predecessor, Bertha Allen of Albany (Mrs. last Thursday to enjoy the holiday edition of the Brownsville Times trical lore to correctly report the
he is,’’ eiving the impression that 1 have saved the state, while
at the O. A. C.
was a hummer. Editor Hinman affair in technical terms (or in
Gardner was in some foreign land in office, fully $75,000 a year, aud Zimmerman’s sister) with them to
one of the American boys at any others) or to distinguish the
stay a week.
Professor Henry English of the
from which a man cannot be ex will be a political benefit to me,
when the armistice came. thingumbob from the whatisit
Armistice day prssed very qui. Halsey high school made a flying
among the nv< lotions used by Mr.
should I decide to become a can-
tradited to the United States.
Jack Frost looked in on us so Morris, ihe Enterprise nan only
Either Mr. Dalton had been de­ didate for re-election. This, I ad. etly in Halsey, most of the young trip to Portland Tuesday.
mit, places a certain amount of people going out of town, as there
ceived or bis veracity is shaky.
Mrs. R. Lawrence of Eugene long ago that tomato plants which give a weak outline. Those who
Don W- Edwards, “ a Nevada moral personal obligation on my­ was no school here Friday and the was the guest of her brothers, Jos he then shrivelled have sent up did not attend missed a valuable
millionaire,” had offered to put up self, and again to undertake by youngsters had a three-day vaca­ and John Pitman, the first of the shoots that bore blossoms. After lesson in modern scientific prog­
this long interval he was with us ress and a most enjoyable enter­
a 150,000 bond for Gardner’s good legal process to force a payment tion, The church bella rang and week.
again this morning.
Not very tainment.
behavior. Had he done so before upon the board of which I am a the cornet played taps at 11 o’clock.
B, M. Bond responded to a re­
yesterday morning his faith in the member is too delicate a matter to A number of flags were in evidence brothers of Tangent were arrivals constant 1
and the stores were closed and the
quest from Mr. Morris for an as­
thief would have cost him that consider.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A, M'ller, with sistant demonstrator, and he re­
Besides, it may cause embarrass­ day closely resembled Sunday.
their grandchildren Helen and ceived several shocks that made
Mr. Harding is not William Jen­ ment for my colleagues on the
The King’s Heralds mat at the
Miss Cecil Mayberry was a pas. JsanBtte Settle, took Friday’s train him howl and dance, to the great
nings Bryan, and the pardon of board. For these reasons, I am M E Church Saturday at 2.
to Albany. Friday for the for their home in Eugene after a amusement of spectators. Sani­
Roy is so far awav that we oannot inclosing to you my personal check They elected Velva Hadley preai-
even see its shadow. Our govern­ in favor of the state printing board lent, Gladys Hadley vice-presi- week end to visit her aunt and few days’ visit at the home of their tary kisses are commonly thought
son, Karl Bramwell.
of as rather cold and distant, hut
ment does not pattern after that of for 144.53, to cover the amount of lent, Claude Cook secretary, Ruth uncles.
Mexico, which bribed the upspeak- the disputed bill, which is here­ Sturtevant corresponding secretary, "T. F. Gibson and sister Violet
Among candidates for the post- Mr. Bond experimented with one
able Villa with lands anti coin with returned.
Wilma Wahl treasurer, Daniel were passengers to Portlaud Fri­ mastership are Charles Mornhin- that appeared to be bolter than
I wish to suggest that this policy Wesley reporter, Mrs. Wahl super­ day, to visit an aunt during the weg, Karl Bramwell, Jay W. love, for when two mouths holding
and immunity to quit his murder­
be made general and nil state of­ intendent and Mrs, Standish assist­ week end,
ous way.
Moore and Arthur Robnett. Morn- two parts of this kiss approached
Probably Roy will not be turned ficials incurring expense, even ici. Then they played games,
Guy Bramwell of Brownsville hinweg has one advantage io being cached each other those parts
sprang into contact and produced
loose in the jail yard to enjoy any though, as in this case, on a public ind for refreshment had popcorn was a visitor here Tuesday, visit­ a world-war veteran.
a white heat that melted solid
more ball games. And the cranks matter, whether it be printing or balls.
ing his father, J. C. Bramwell of
Charles Poole of Lebanon and a steel and welded them into one.
who sympathize with the outlaw- traveling, where the officer appar­
this place.
man by name of Harry Hamner
The Lebanon Express reports an
Five boys, Allen Holgate. Keith
will have time to shed many more ently receives political or personal
S. F. Scott, roadmaster for the were Halsey visitors Tuesday, Mr. Hayes, Martin Koontz, Kenneth
benefits by bis public utterance, or epidemic of dysentery in some re-
tears tor him.
Hammer leaving for Portland on Smith and Ellsworth Gardner, re­
The crooked road does not pay. appearances, that the expense so
the morning train. They motored sponded to an invitation to appear
incurred be considered personal
Church Announcements
here from Lebanon.
on the stage and were instruments
knew That he was Innocefit, he makes
THAT KETTLE OF FISH and the officer be required to p a y
in showing the wonders of elec­
it himself. This would save con­
use of the radical step of appealing
Miss Gladys Enger of Browns­
In one
siderable money to the state.
to Rome as the last resort. Festus ville arrived from Roseburg Friday tricity in many ways.
Sunday School, 10.
stunt they were electric lampposts,
T r e a su r e r H off to O lcott
seems to have been taken by surprise,
Preaching, 11.
„ i s failure to relesse an Innocent
standing in a row and holding
Junior League, 8,
a n d K ozer
man had placed him In an awkward day and the week end with her lamps which were lighted by a
High School Basket Ball
Intermediate League, 6:30.
position, for he could give no explan­
current which passed through their
Epworth League, 6:30.
The high school basket ball
ation as to why an Innocent man Enger of Brownsville.
In column 6, page 2, is an arti­ teims have begun to practice.
Preaching, 7:30.
should go to Home for tria l. For a
E . W . Clayville of Long Beach,
Mr. Morris’ talk was a revela
cle entitled “ A Kettle of Fish,” The girls are endeavoring to make
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8.
man to appear before Caesar would
Cal., brother-in-law of G. F. tion, dealing with the wonderful
dealing with a controversy be a winning team lliia year, the be t
cast reflection upon Festus. H e now-
Rev, C. T. Cook, Pastor,
Schroll of this place, left for Port­ accomplishments of electrical sci­
tweeu State Treasurer Hoff and girls’ team ever bad by the high
consulted his council hs to what to
He had lieen ence in the past and the probabil­
the other members of the state school.
do, but since the Roman law guve land armistice day.
At ons time ities of tbe future.
board of control. Mr Hoff has
every man the right of appeal to the here for some time.
Although some of ttie old play­
The sponsors of the lyceutn
written a letter to the other mem­ ers are gone, they have many new
emperor, there was nothing le ft for this was his home.
Sunday School, 10.
him to do but to grant his request.
bers of the board, stating his view ones to choose from. They all
Preaching, Il-
Mrs. Bond senior, who has been course are .to be congratulated on
of the controversy, in which he seem very enthusiastic, and the
II. Paul Before Agrippa (26:13- ill for some time, is reported much the character of tbe two numbers
Endeavor, 6:30.
says :
Preaching, 7:30.
better and Miss Mona, who is s already given and the patronage
way they have betm homing out to
“ In July last, in obedience to practice looks as if they might bt
Lester Jones, Minister.
1. The occasion (28:18-27).
This teacher in tbe schools at Jerome, enjoyed.
Following thi- exhibition and
the law governing state printing, I able to have two teams.
was the visit of Agrippa and Bernice Ariz., says she will perhaps be shit
Ercel Sneed and Guy
submitted copy of tny semi-aunual
to Festus. Upon their arriv al they to return to her work about tbe lecture,
Rev. C. T. Cook is ci aching the
Merriam are planning one and
expressed a desire to hear Paul, first of the year.
report designated especially as ‘Of girls and giving them splendid
John Standish and Glenn Walton
whereupon Festus told them of his
Interest to Taxpayers,' to the state drill work.
Anna Heinrich is
A report from Brownsville states another wireless station. The En­
perplexity: so It was arranged that
board of printing, consisting of the captain, and Pearl Pehrsson is
that Pansv, the daughter of Mr. terprise wishes you all the luck in
Paul he brought before them fo r ex
governor, secretary of state and manager.
and Mrs. Frank Tindle, who has tbe world, boys. Let us know bow
state treasurer.
This was ap­
Ercel Sneed is manager of the
iteen ill in Portland for some time, you get along.
proved accortiing to law. Fifteen boys’ basket ball team.
is much better. We are surely
Introduction (vv. 1-3). In this he ex
Ercel Sneed is president of the
thousand copies of the report were
pressed his delight that he now could glad to bear and report this to all new Halsey Radio club, John
printed and the expense incurred
speak and tell his case to one who inquiring friends.
Standish vice-president, Guy Mer­
Guy Layton and family drov-
on account of the permission to
was able to follow his line of argti
riam secretary and Glenn Walton
to Albany Saturday on business
print the same by the state.
ment, for Agrlfipa was an expert In
The object will be to
questions concerning the Je w s ; but are busy putting in a concrete secretary.
most of all he was now happy In that walk in front of their residences. learn to operate and to communi­
Hal®ey Christian Church
he could witness to him of the Savior They bad this work planned more cate with stations at Monroe and
. Tjx »4» xi» xixxiVxjs- xjx x j x v j x 9 7JS >4*
*4X xix X4X
Members will lie
and perhaps lead him Into the light than a year ago, but postponed it other towns
of God. (2 )
In hls manner of life from time to time for various ex­ received and dues charg«d to pay
(vv. 4-12).
This he showed had cellent reasons, and now the rain expense*.
Wireless telegraphy
S u n d a y S ch o o l L esson
been In strictest accord w ith the most
is already one of tbe sciences of
rigid sect of the Jews. He possessed
with tbe completion of the walk. the world.
Teachsr of E ngll.h Bible In the Moody
Jots and Tittles
New Arrivals in Fall
— 2 Shoes built for serv­
^Diamcnd Ûh
Bible Inatltute of Chlc«<o.)
C o p y r ig h t. l t l l ,
W—f r a
N ew p ep sr
U n io n
ice and good feet
LESSON T E X T -A ct« 26 1-M B
GOLDEN TE X T—Now 1« Christ risen
from the dead, and become the flrst fruit«
w f them that slept.—I Cor IS i SO
Came to Obey Jesus.
JUNIOR T O P I C -P a u l Before King
Solid leather Shoes
with good wear in
—An Appeal to Caesar
Paul » Courageous Testimony Before a
every pair.
For all the lamily
I. Paul Before Festus (23:1-12).
Dress Skirts in wool ? Blouses. N ew and
plaids and stripes, idifferent values.^
Values up to $9.75 >
$3.50 up
B O Y S’ S U H S
Some with tWo pairs The Oregon City,
Knickers V alues \ made of Oregon woolen«
$15 S » Values up to
up to
I f i t ’s n ew w e h a v e it
yfxsfx J, st» Oxntmt» i'ZSÎtSÎoUÎ
A» soon as Featus. the new gov­
ernor, goes to Jerusalem, he Is be­
sieged w ith aceusera «galnet Paul,
and they desire that he be brought to
Jerusalem for tria l, Intending to Me
In wait and k ill him on, the way.
Fe.ru« refused th e ir request, but
agreed do give tnem an opportunity to
accuse Paul If they would go down
to Caeearea. They go, but are unable
to prove anything against him. Fes­
tus, w illing to please the Jews, pro
poses to send him to Jerusalem tor
tria l
F or this Paul Issues a rebuke
to Festus by asserting that he very
well knew that be was innocent. See.
Ing that It was Impossible to get )ua-
ttee hefoie Festus^ Paul makes use
of his right as a Roman citizen, and
appeals to Caeear. Paul well knew
that to go to Jerusalem meant death,
and since Featus was too much of a
S.’ c W l '*'
¡¿me-stryer to release him _wbeo be
the same hope— that of a coming De­
liverer— ajyl reminded them o f the
fact that form erly he was most b it­
terly opposed to Christ, as hls zeal
would prove. These facts make the
change from a persecutor to an ar
dent advocate all the more remark
HI» supernatural conver­
sion (vv. 13-18).
Jesus Christ ap­
peared to him on the way to Damas­
cus and revealed himself to him . (4)
Jesus Christ commissioned him for hls
work (vv. 16-18). He was sent unto
the Gentiles (a ) to open th e ir eyes,
so aw fu lly blinded; (b ) to perform
the blessed work of turning them from
darkness to lig h t; (c) to turn them
fm m the power of Satan unto God:
(d ) that they might receive forgive­
ness of sins; (e) and that they might
obtain an Inheritance among the
saints. (6) Ills consecration (vv. 19
23). As soon ss he received hls com
mission he obeyed. The very vlgorons
prosecution of hls work brought him
Into conflict w ith the Jews, for which
they «ought to kill him
(6 ) T he In-
te rrtp tlo n by Festus (v. 24). Seeing
bow thoroughly In earnest Paul was.
he attempted to account for It by
calling Him a crank, attrib u tin g It to
the ravings of an unbalanced mind
(7) Panl’s appeal to Agrippa (vv. 23-
Still maintaining bla courtesy,
he appealed to hls knowledge of tbe
work of Jesus and of the prophets,
for they have an intim ate connection.
H I. Agrippa
AI me««
W hether this answer 1» a contemptu­
ous sneer or not. It Is evident that h!s
soul w as unwilling to yield.
took Agrippa seriously
Paul’« heart
longed that Agrippa and all concerned
would accept Christ and be saved.
Mrs. A- H. Weber and child
The department of agriculture
were arrivals from Harrisburg last estimates that the $250,000 worth
Tuesday and were met by W. C. of free garden seeds distributed by
Templeton of Brownsville with hi- the government produces $140,-
car, in which they finished the trip 000,000 worth of crops per year.
to Brownsville. Mrs. Andy Kirk, If this is true, the same value of
mother of Mrs. Weber, had been seeds selected by the users accord­
seriously ill for some time and ing to the several soils and cli­
Tuesday the children were mini- mates and purchased in the regular
moned to her bedside ae tbe end wsy would probably produce
seemed near.
or »300,(XX),000
Wilbur, young son of Mr. and worth. Senator Stanfield will dis-
Mrs, Dave Bonarof Plainview, hen tribute his quota o, the govern­
invented a machine that outclasses ment seeds to those applying hs-
any instrument of its character for fore December.
receiving messages from a great
distance. Recen'ly a musical pro­
1'h" third annual conference fur
duction from I xjs Angeles was older boya of Willamette valley
easily heard and understood, , A will be held in Corvalli», Friday,
message from New York city, Saturday, and Bunday, November
which was quite audible it is said,
25, 26 and 27.
whs another of th e wonders wrought
by the inventor.— Lebanon Cri­
Mrs. M. M Ward of Brown»-1
ville made a pleasant call at the i
W e H ave
Enterprise office iMt week Wednes-
day and renewed her subscription,
O ptical
saying Halsey was her boms town
and she was one of the first su' •
scrihera when tbe paper was es- j
Is the Cense of Many
tablished, Mrs. Ward and her
son, K. G Ward, and Mrs. David
H yonr eyes give you trouble or
Froman came from Albany and
your glasses are annoying
she left for borne next day. While
S E E US. We can Relieve You
here sbe visited with ber grandson,
B a n c r o ft O p tica l C o.
Karl Bramweil, and family.
l i t St. W Albany, Phone
(C o n tin u e d on page 6)